Saturday, June 15, 2019

Assemblymember Michael A. Blake - Statement on passage of historic tenant protections

  “The passage and signing of the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019 marks a milestone for tenants of The Bronx and across New York State. I thank the advocates, Speaker Heastie, Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins and Housing Committee Chairman Steve Cymbrowitz for proving that affordable housing and rent regulations are human rights. Our 79th Assembly District is home to thousands of Bronxites who live within rent stabilized units, and now they have strong protections to stay in their homes without fear that a landlord can unfairly raise rents and expenses - causing families to lose their homes. By preventing bad landlords from raising preferential rates to exorbitant levels, limiting the impact of renovations on tenant rent costs, enacting new anti-harassment protections, and making it easier to challenge rent increases and file overcharge claims, the legislation protects tenants across the 79th Assembly District, the South Bronx and New York. As a member of the Assembly housing committee and a Co-Sponsor on this historic legislation, I’m incredibly proud that this moment has finally arrived.

Given how my Mama Hilary overcame homelessness, and reflecting on the days when we sold dinners to pay our rent in The Bronx, I understand firsthand that quality and affordable housing is a right that we all deserve.  I #BelieveInTheBronx because of the determination and passion of the people of the Bronx. The tenant protections enacted today prove once again that we are here for the people."

REMINDER! Bronx Metro-North Hunts Point Interactive Public Workshop


Please join us and help plan around coming Metro-North service in your neighborhood!


Hunts Point Interactive Public Workshop is just two days away!

Join us for a public workshop/open house and help plan around future Metro-North service in your neighborhood!

This interactive, self-paced event is an important opportunity for the community to join city agencies in planning around future Metro-North service. Come share your local expertise, hear from your neighbors, contribute your ideas for improving pedestrian and transit connections to and from the station, and help ensure that new service is thoughtfully integrated into the surrounding neighborhoods.

How could new service enhance ongoing planning in the neighborhood?  Our teams from the Southern Boulevard Neighborhood Study and Hunts Point Vision will be on hand to hear your thoughts!

Activities will be self-paced and participants can come when they wish and stay for as long as they are able to.


Monday, June 17, 2019

(Self-paced activities. Come when you wish and stay for long as you are able to.)


940 Garrison Ave
The Point (Atrium space)
Hunts Point, Bx

For any questions or special needs, please email or call 718 220 8500

Find Out More

¡Ăšnase a nosotros para un taller pĂșblico interactivo y ayude a planificar alrededor del futuro servicio de Metro-North en su barrio!

¡SĂłlo faltan dos dĂ­as!
¡SĂłlo faltan dos dĂ­as hasta nuestro Taller PĂșblico Interactivo para Hunts Point!

¡Ăšnase a nosotros para un taller pĂșblico interactivo y ayude a planificar alrededor del futuro servicio de Metro-North en su barrio!

Este evento interactivo y que irĂĄ a ritmo propio serĂĄ una oportunidad importante para que la comunidad pueda unirse con agencias municipales para planificar alrededor del futuro servicio de Metro-North. Venga a compartir su pericia local, entender las perspectivas de sus vecinos, contribuir sus ideas para mejorar las conexiones a la estaciĂłn para los que caminan y los que usan trĂĄnsito, y ayude a asegurar que este nuevo servicio se integre en el contexto local de una manera bien pensada.

¿CĂłmo puede este nuevo servicio contribuir a otros estudios de vecinardio en el ĂĄrea? Miembros de los equipos del Estudio de Vecindario de Southern Blvd y Plan de VisiĂłn para Hunts Point tambiĂ©n estarĂĄn presentes para escuchar de Ud.!


Lunes, 17 de Junio, 2019

(Actividades irån a ritmo propio. Venga cuando quiera y quédese el tiempo que pueda.)


940 Garrison Ave
The Point (Atrium space)
Hunts Point, Bx

Para cualquier pregunta o necesidades especiales, por favor, envĂ­e un correo electrĂłnico a o llame al 718 220 8500

Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez - Fiscal Year 2020 Budget Announcement

Dear Friend and Neighbor,
Yesterday, Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City Council announced the $92.8 billion budget deal agreement for fiscal year 2020. This deal will ensure all New Yorkers receive the support and opportunities they need to strive in the great city of New York!
These are some of the takeaways for NYC's 2020 budget: 
  • $194 million for 800 new affordable apartments for our seniors!
  • $30 million 285 additional social workers in our schools, with many of them going to the most needing and undeserved communities, 115 of which will be assisting students living in temporary housing
  • $6 million to restore health programs focused on the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, maternal health, immigrant health and more
  • $33 million for additional operating hours and staffing for libraries
  • $57 million for accessible pedestrian signals at intersections
  • $250 million more into our city reserve account
  • $8.6 million for additional litter basket pick up city-wide, in busy intersections
  • $250K for the New York Abortion Access Fund making New York City the first in the U.S to directly fund abortions
  • $43 million increase in funding for our city parks
I will continue to work alongside my colleagues, Speaker Corey Johnson, and the Mayor to ensure that all New Yorkers continue to receive the support they need!  

Engel Marks 7 Year Anniversary of DACA Program

  Congressman Eliot Engel, a top member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, joins the estimated 800,000 DREAMers today recognizing the seven-year anniversary of President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. DACA has provided protected status and work authorization to hundreds of thousands hardworking young DREAMers brought to this country as children by their parents. The program was rescinded by President Trump 2 years ago, but House Democrats have passed legislation, H.R. 6 the “American Dream and Promise Act,” which would provide a pathway to citizenship to DREAMers in addition to Temporary Protective Status (TPS) recipients, and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) holders. 

“President Obama understood that many immigrant children were brought to our country by no fault of their own and needed to be protected,” said Engel. “I was happy to help pass the American Dream and Promise Act last month, which would provide a pathway to citizenship for DREAMers as well as TPS and DED recipients. Despite President Trump’s attempts to rescind DACA two years ago, court injunctions have kept the worst of that decision from coming to pass.

“While in the Majority, the GOP tried tying DACA renewal to funding for the President’s ridiculous border wall, something I voted against no less than 5 times. But now, under the new Democratic House Majority, we have passed a permanent fix for our DREAMers, and currently, DACA recipients can still renew their status without delay. I encourage all previous DACA recipients to do so as soon as possible in order to uphold their protected status until further legislation has been passed. For more information on how to renew your DACA status, please contact any one of my offices.”

Bronx Office
3655 Johnson Avenue
Bronx, NY 10463
Phone: (718) 796-9700
Fax: (718) 796-5134
Monday-Friday 9 am - 5 pm

Westchester Office
6 Gramatan Avenue; Suite 205
Mt. Vernon, NY 10550
Phone: (914) 699-4100
Fax: (914) 699-3646
Monday-Friday 9 am - 5 pm

Co-op City Office
177 Dreiser Loop, Rm 3
Phone: (718) 320-2314
Fax: (718) 320-2047
Monday-Friday 9 am - 5 pm

Friday, June 14, 2019



  Today a jury has found five defendants, Jonaiki Martinez Estrella, Antonio Rodriguez Hernandez Santiago, Manuel Rivera, Jose Muniz and Elvin Garcia, guilty of first-degree Murder, second-degree Murder, second-degree Conspiracy and second-degree Gang Assault in the death of Lesandro “Junior” Guzman-Feliz, 15, on June 20, 2018. 

The defendants will be sentenced on July 16, 2019.

Statement from Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on the Signing of Rent Law Legislation

  "At the beginning of this legislative session, I called for the most sweeping, aggressive tenant protections in state history. I'm confident the measure passed today is the strongest possible set of reforms that the Legislature was able to pass and are a major step forward for tenants across New York.

"As the former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Clinton, I know full well the importance of affordable housing and with the existing rent laws set to expire tomorrow, I have immediately signed this bill into law - avoiding the chaos and uncertainty that a lapse in these protections would have caused for millions of New Yorkers.

"This year we have passed more impactful progressive legislation than any time in modern political history, but as we enter the last week of session, we must not rest on our laurels. We must pass the unfinished items on our agenda and continue the work that the people of this great state sent us here to do."

Attorney General James Announces More Than $2.5 Million In Debt Relief For New York Itt Tech Students

Multistate settlement delivers justice for students in 43 states and DC
Credit Reports for all students affected will be repaired

  New York Attorney General Letitia James today announced that her office obtained an agreement to provide $2.58 million in debt relief to 288 former ITT Tech (“ITT”) students in New York as part of a settlement with 44 State Attorneys General. The agreement was made with Student CU Connect CUSO, LLC (“CUSO”), which was created for the sole purpose of providing private student loans to students at ITT — the now defunct for-profit college.

“Instead of helping students further their education, CUSO and ITT targeted, exploited, and bullied young people into taking predatory loans that would have lasting impacts on their lives,” said Attorney General Letitia James. “This settlement will ensure these students are not saddled with a lifetime of debt and bad credit, providing relief to hundreds of low-income New Yorkers.”
The investigation revealed that ITT — with CUSO’s knowledge — targeted low-income students and specifically offered them a “temporary credit” upon enrollment to cover the gap between the maximum amount of federal student aid available and the full cost of attending ITT. However, unlike typical financial aid or student loans offered by most colleges and universities, this “temporary credit” was due to be repaid before the student’s next academic year. Both ITT and CUSO knew or could easily deduce that most students would not be able to repay these “temporary credits” when due, and, instead of giving students time to pay off the credits, ITT pressured students into accepting loans from CUSO. Some of the high-pressure tactics ITT used included pulling students out of class and threatening to expel them if they did not accept the CUSO loans. Many students were forced to choose between taking unwanted loans from CUSO and dropping out of school. 
CUSO then specifically preyed upon these students, many of whom could not pay off their loans and who would likely default on them. More than 90-percent of students defaulted on their loans, and those defaults — which have generally not been dischargeable in bankruptcy — continue to affect students’ credit ratings today.
Under the settlement, CUSO has agreed to forego collection of the students’ outstanding loans and will cease to do business. CUSO’s loan servicer will send notices to borrowers about the cancelled debt within 30 days and will ensure that automatic payments are cancelled. The settlement also requires CUSO to provide updated information to Credit Reporting Agencies for affected borrowers — effectively deleting the loans from the students’ credit reports — so that any students’ credit affected by defaulted loans to CUSO are repaired and restored to their previous states.
The investigation was conducted in conjunction with 44 State Attorneys General across the nation, and its subsequent settlement will result in debt relief of more than $168 million for over 18,000 former ITT students, who took out loans between March 2009 and December 2011. The agreement is contingent upon federal court approval of a related settlement between CUSO and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. 
Students with questions about the settlement can contact the New York State Attorney General’s Office at 1-800-771-7755.
ITT filed for bankruptcy in 2016, and had 149 campuses across the country. The three ITT campuses in New York were in Albany, Liverpool, and Getzville.



  Today, State Senator Gustavo Rivera, along with members of the Senate Majority Conference, proudly voted for bill S.6458. After the historic vote, Senator Rivera released the following statement regarding the landmark piece of legislation that will implement a series of long-awaited reforms to strengthen New York's rent laws and provide adequate protections to tenants across our State. 

"For a long time, tenants in rent-regulated apartments have faced extraordinary challenges due to the greed of unscrupulous landlords who have held an unfair amount of power over them. They have had to fight against poorly maintained and dilapidated units, unfair overcharges, unwarranted eviction notices, and sudden and inexplicable rent hikes. New Yorkers, especially those in working-class neighborhoods such as the ones I represent, have felt the brunt of these injustices.
My district has the second highest number of rent-regulated units in the state. Unaffordable and perilous housing is, without a doubt, the number one issue affecting my constituents. In fact, since my election in 2010, thousands of them have visited my district office desperate to find solutions to their housing-related problems, only to find that the law was working against them. I am incredibly proud that we have finally passed pro-tenant, affordable housing legislation that truly protects New Yorkers and helps them stay in their homes.

These reforms are the result of the diligence of thousands of brave, unrelenting tenant advocacy groups, including Bronx organizations such as CASA New Settlement and Northwest Bronx Community Clergy Coalition. I sincerely thank them for their efforts and support. This is truly a win for the residents of the 33rd Senate District and tenants across New York State." 

Highlights included in the historic affordable housing, pro-tenant bill:
  • Extends rent regulations laws and makes them permanent
  • Repeals high rent vacancy deregulation and high income deregulation
  • Repeals of the vacancy bonus and longevity bonus
  • Makes preferential rents the base rent for lease renewal increases
  • Extends rent overcharge four-year look-back period to six years
  • Reforms rent increases for Major Capital Improvements (MCIs)
  • Reforms rent increases for Individual Apartment Improvements (IAIs)
  • Prohibits rent guidelines board from setting class-specific renewal increases
  • Establishes stronger housing security and tenant protections