Sunday, November 15, 2020




Pumpkinseed Caught in January Recently Confirmed through DNA Analysis

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos today announced that the state record for a pumpkinseed has officially been tied by a catch on the Black River earlier this year. 

“It took some time, but I want to personally congratulate Jordan Tontarski, the angler who caught the pumpkinseed last winter in Jefferson County, tying a state record set 25 years ago,” Commissioner Seggos said. “New York has some of the most outstanding year-round angling opportunities in the nation and we encourage residents and visitors alike to enjoy this relaxing and family-friendly sport.” 

Tontarski caught the pumpkinseed last January while ice fishing on the Black River near Watertown. He had a feeling his catch would be a contender in the New York State Winter Classic Fishing Tournament and brought the fish to Chaumont Hardware for an official weigh-in. It came in at 1 lbs. 9 oz., with physical features of both pumpkinseed and the bluegill sunfish species. Tontarski brought the fish to DEC’s Region 6 Office for biologists to examine, but the verdict remained inconclusive. Seeking a final answer, he drove his mystery sunfish across the state to Albany for identification by ichthyologists at the New York State Museum. The recently completed DNA test concluded the fish was a pure pumpkinseed, officially tying the state record set in 1994 by R. Kennard Mosher in Indian Lake, Hamilton County. 

Tontarski submitted details of his winning catch to DEC's Angler Achievement Awards Program, which tracks state record fish. Through this program, anglers can enter freshwater fish that meet specific qualifying criteria and receive official recognition of their catch and a distinctive lapel pin commemorating the achievement. Three categories make up the program: Catch & Release; Annual Award; and State Record. 

A photo of the record fish is posted on the New York State Freshwater Fishing Records page of DEC's website and attached. 

Tontarski’s sunfish joins two other state records set this year: Morgan Fonzi’s 3 lb., 8 oz. white bass caught on May 6 from the Lower Niagara River, Niagara County; and Jason Leusch’s 2 lb. rock bass caught on May 24 from Port Bay, Wayne County. 

For more information about the Angler Achievement Awards Program, including a downloadable application form, go to DEC's website. Program details and an official entry form can also be found in DEC's current Freshwater Fishing Regulations Guide. 

For additional information on the Angler Achievement Awards Program, call (518) 402-8891 or email 

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic - NOVEMBER 14, 2020


Positive Testing Rate in All Focus Zone Areas is 4.83 Percent; New York State Positivity Outside All Focus Zone Areas is 2.57 Percent      

Statewide Positivity Rate is 2.92 Percent 

24 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday 

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"We are seeing a rising tide of COVID nationally and internationally. The rate of increase is less in New York, but it is an increase," Governor Cuomo said. "We don't have the same problem that other states have, but we're seeing an increase and the increase is continuing. We know the factors that contribute to spread, like COVID fatigue, winter, restaurants, gyms, and living room family spread. What's going to happen? Will we shut down and will we have more restrictions? What has worked for New York from day one is it's a pure consequence of science. There's no political decision making, no ideological decision making. Look at the numbers, and if the numbers are increasing and if they're not slowing, then you have to restrict activity. Our actions today determine our positivity rate tomorrow, so follow the public health law - wear a mask and adhere to gathering limits, and localities need to do the enforcement."

The Governor noted that the positive testing rate in all focus areas under the state's Micro-Cluster strategy is 4.83 percent, and outside the focus zone areas is 2.57 percent. Within the focus areas, 28,831 test results were reported yesterday, yielding 1,393 positives. In the remainder of the state, not counting these focus areas, 155,331 test results were reported, yielding 3,995 positives.

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Patient Hospitalization - 1,788 (+51)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 259
  • Hospital Counties - 50
  • Number ICU - 367 (+36)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 146 (+9)
  • Total Discharges - 81,585 (+195)
  • Deaths - 24
  • Total Deaths - 26,103




Be Seen, Stay Safe, and Show Respect During Fall and Winter Hunting Seasons

With the big game season beginning Nov. 21 throughout much of the southern part of New York State, Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos is encouraging outdoor enthusiasts to respectfully share the woods and follow some common sense safety precautions this fall and winter.

“One result of the COVID-19 pandemic is an increase in the number of people participating in outdoor recreation as New Yorkers are looking for new adventures,” Commissioner Seggos said. “Since most public lands in New York are open to multiple forms of recreation, outdoor enthusiasts of all kinds, including hunters and trappers, will be sharing these lands. Whether you are a hiker, hunter, nature photographer, mountain biker, or trapper, following a few simple measures can make your choice of recreation safe and enjoyable while sharing the outdoors with others.”

DEC encourages all outdoor enthusiasts—hunters and non-hunters alike—to wear blaze orange, blaze pink, or another bright color, especially during fall and winter. Doing so will allow these individuals to be seen more easily and from greater distances. In addition, wearing bright colors makes it easier for Forest Rangers, Environmental Conservation Police Officers, and other rescue personnel to find lost, sick, or injured people afield. Pet owners are encouraged to dress their dogs in blaze orange or pink or another bright color vest or scarf. Dogs should also stay leashed at all times.

Trapping seasons for many species are open throughout the fall and early winter. Although a rare occurrence, traps set for furbearers like raccoons and coyotes can also capture dogs that are not under control. Trapping is a highly regulated activity and regulations are strongly enforced. Trappers are required to take an educational course before getting a license and DEC works closely with the trapping community to encourage trapping techniques that minimize risks to non-target wildlife and other domestic animals. Keeping dogs on a leash is safer for the dog, for other people, and gives pet owners peace of mind.

Hunting is among the most popular forms of wildlife recreation in the state, drawing an estimated 600,000 New Yorkers. Hunting is safe and economically important, helping to manage wildlife populations and promote family traditions, while fostering an understanding and respect for the environment. Hikers should be aware that they may encounter hunters bearing firearms or archery equipment on trails. Hunters should likewise recognize that they may encounter hikers and others enjoying the outdoors. Hunting-related shooting incidents involving non-hunters are extremely rare.

Hunters looking for solitude can minimize the disturbance associated with other forms of recreation by following a few tips. Before a season opens, when hunters are scouting for the perfect spot or stand location, take the time to check if the planned location is a popular one. Avoid crowding other hunters and recognize that if a hunting location is near a popular hiking spot, noise can be a factor. If a preferred hunting spot is too crowded, identify an alternative location ahead of time.

DEC maintains hiking trails in many areas of forest preserve lands in the Adirondack and Catskill parks, as well as in state forests, Wildlife Management Areas, and Unique Areas open to hunting. Find recreation options by visiting DEC’s website, or checking out DECinfo Locator. Many trails are accessible to people with disabilities. Check out DEC’s YouTube playlistwith tips for how to plan and prepare for hike, and DEC’s Hunter Education playlist for more information.

Hunting within State Parks

The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation offers many places to hunt, including 81 parks, three historic sites, three golf courses and 50 boat launches that provide chances to hunt a variety of different wildlife including big game, small game, turkey, furbearers, waterfowl and migratory bird species. In addition to a valid hunting license, all hunters wishing to take advantage of select hunting seasons within State parks will need to obtain a regional hunting permit for each individual park. Trapping is not allowed in State Parks. For information, visit:


This past summer, DEC and State Parks launched the PLAY SMART * PLAY SAFE * PLAY LOCAL Campaign to encourage all New Yorkers to recreate safely, responsibly, and locally and to always treat fellow outdoor adventurers with respect. During the State's ongoing response to COVID-19, New Yorkers across the state want and need to get outside for a nature break, which is good for physical and mental health. The campaign includes common sense guidelines for smart and safe recreation, incorporating social distancing and wearing a face mask, planning trips ahead, choosing a destination close to home because public restrooms and restaurants may not be open, and visiting at off hours. The agencies are also encouraging New Yorkers to take the pledge and use the hashtag #PlaySmartPlaySafePlayLocal when sharing their outdoor adventures on social media.

Governor Cuomo Directs State Agencies to Prepare for High Winds and Potential Power Outages in the Western New York, Finger Lakes and North Country Regions


Winds Gusts May Reach Up to 65 MPH Along Lake Erie and Lake Ontario Potentially Causing Power Outages, Property Damage and Dangerous Travel Conditions 

Lakeshore Flooding Possible in Locations Along Lake Erie and Lake Ontario Starting Sunday Night 

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today directed State agencies to prepare for strong winds in the Western New York, Finger Lakes and North Country regions that could result in power outages, property damage, and dangerous travel conditions.  Winds are expected to gust up to 65 mph beginning Sunday afternoon and continuing into Monday morning, which may result in downed trees and power lines, making travel difficult at times, especially for high-profile vehicles. In addition, lakeshore flooding may occur in places along Lake Erie and Lake Ontario due to high winds and wave action Sunday night and into Monday morning. 

New Yorkers should watch their local weather reports throughout the weekend and take steps now to ensure their families and property are protected.  Residents on or near the shorelines should act now to protect property from wind damage and lakeshore erosion.

"With forecasts calling for strong winds to impact much of New York on Sunday, state agencies stand ready to support our local partners with any resources they may need and will remain in contact with utility companies throughout the weekend to ensure any power outages are addressed as quickly as possible, " Governor Cuomo said. "New Yorkers should also be sure to take the precautions necessary for protecting themselves, their families and their property."


Starting Sunday and continuing through Monday morning, winds will generally be out of the south at 15 to 30 mph with gusts as high as 65 mph in the Western New York Region, 50 mph in the Finger Lakes and North Country Regions, 45 mph in the Central New York Region, 40 mph in the Long Island Region, and 35 mph in the Mohawk Valley, Mid-Hudson, Southern Tier and Capital Regions.  New rainfall amounts between a tenth and a half inch are possible statewide, while snow accumulation of up to an inch in the North Country and up to a half inch in the Mohawk Valley Region is possible.  Sunday night, rain showers are likely statewide and snow showers are possible in the North Country, Western New York, Mohawk Valley, Southern Tier, and Central New York Regions.


The National Weather Service has posted High Wind Warnings for several counties in Western New York and Lakeshore Flood Warnings for various locations.  For a complete listing of weather watches, warnings, advisories and latest forecasts, visit the National Weather Service website.


Motorists are reminded that State Law mandates that if an intersection is "blacked out" and the traffic signal is not operational, the intersection is automatically a "four way" stop.  In the event of closed or blocked roadways due to flooding, downed power lines or debris, motorists are advised to exercise caution and obey all traffic signs or barricades in place, regardless of whether a roadway looks clear.


Agency Preparations


Department of Transportation

The Department of Transportation will be activating its Incident Command System and is prepared to respond with 3,473 supervisors and operators.  Statewide assets are as follows:

  • 1,567 large dump trucks
  • 188 medium duty trucks
  • 312 large loaders
  • 21 graders
  • 3 dozers
  • 17 vacuum trucks with sewer jet
  • 32 tracked excavators
  • 48 wheeled excavators
  • 15 tree crew bucket trucks
  • 33 traffic signal trucks
  • 75 chippers, 10" (min) capacity


Thruway Authority

The Thruway Authority has 663 operators and supervisors prepared to respond to any wind related issues across the state with small to medium sized excavators, plow/dump trucks, large loaders, portable VMS boards, portable light towers, smaller generators, smaller pumps and equipment hauling trailers, as well as signage and other traffic control devices available for any detours or closures. Variable Message Signs, Highway Advisory Radio and social media are utilized to alert motorists of weather conditions on the Thruway.


The Thruway Authority encourages motorists to download its mobile app which is available to download for free on iPhone and Android devices. The app provides motorists direct access to real-time traffic and navigation assistance while on the go. Motorists can also sign up for TRANSalert e-mails which provide the latest traffic conditions along the Thruway by following this link:  For real-time updates, motorists can follow @ThruwayTraffic on Twitter or by visiting to see an interactive map showing traffic conditions for the Thruway and other New York State roadways.


Department of Environmental Conservation

DEC Environmental Conservation Police Officers, Forest Rangers, Emergency Management staff, and regional staff are on alert and monitoring the developing situation and actively patrolling areas and infrastructure likely to be impacted by severe weather. All available assets are positioned to assist with any emergency response.


Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

New York State Park Police and park personnel are on alert and closely monitoring weather conditions and impacts.  Response equipment is being fueled, tested and prepared for storm response use.  Park visitors should check or call their local park office for the latest updates regarding park hours, openings and closings.


Division of State Police

The New York State Police has instructed all Troopers to remain vigilant and closely monitor conditions for any problems.  Additional personnel will be deployed to affected areas as needed.  All four-wheel drive vehicles and all specialty vehicles are in-service.


Department of Public Service

New York's utilities have approximately 5,500 workers available to engage in damage assessment, response and restoration efforts across New York State. Department of Public Service staff will track the utilities' work throughout the storm event and will ensure the utilities shift the appropriate staffing to the regions anticipated to experience the greatest impact.


Safety Tips


To prepare for potential power outages, New Yorkers should:

  • Have a list of emergency numbers readily available.
  • At home or at work, keep a battery-operated radio and flashlight on hand, as well as a supply of batteries. Keep an emergency supply of water, medications, and non-perishable foods handy. If you use medication that requires refrigeration, most can be kept in a closed refrigerator for several hours without a problem - check with your physician or pharmacist.
  • Make sure you have alternative charging methods for your phone or any device that requires power. Charge cell phones and any battery-powered devices.
  • If you have space in your refrigerator or freezer, consider filling plastic containers with water, leaving an inch of space inside each one - this will help keep food cold if the power goes out.
  • If you have an electric garage door opener, locate the manual release level and learn how to operate it.
  • Keep your car's gas tank at least half-full; gas stations rely on electricity to power their pumps. If you use your car to re-charge devices, do not keep the car running in a garage, partially enclosed space, or close to a home - this can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Plan to have an alternative cooking source, such as a camp stove or outdoor grill. Follow appropriate safety rules for its use outside the residence.
  • If you are considering a generator for your home, consult an electrician or engineer before purchasing and installing.
  • Have extra blankets, coats, hats, and gloves on hand to keep warm.
  • If you have a computer, back up files and operating systems regularly. Turn off all computers, monitors, and other devices when they are not being used.
  • If you rely on anything that is battery-operated or power dependent such as a medical device, determine a back-up plan. For example, if you have a telephone that requires electricity to work, plan for alternate communication such as a standard telephone handset, cell phone, or radio.
  • Learn about emergency plans in your area, including the location of the closest cooling and warming shelters, by visiting your state's or local website.


If experiencing a power outage, New Yorkers should:

  • Turn off or disconnect major appliances and other equipment, e.g., computers, in case of a momentary power surge that can damage these devices. Keep one light turned on so you know when power returns. Consider using surge protectors wherever you use electronic equipment.
  • Call your utility provider to notify them of the outage and listen to local broadcasts for official information. For a list of utilities in NYS visit the New York State Department of Public Service Check to see if your neighbors have power. Check on people with access or functional needs.
  • Use only flashlights for emergency lighting - candles pose the risk of fire.
  • Keep refrigerators and freezer doors closed - most food requiring refrigeration can be kept safely in a closed refrigerator for several hours. An unopened refrigerator will keep food cold for approximately four (4) hours. A full freezer will keep the temperature for about 48 hours.
  • Do not use a charcoal grill indoors and do not use a gas stove for heat - they could give off harmful levels of carbon monoxide.
  • In cold weather, stay warm by dressing in layers and minimizing time spent outdoors. Be aware of cold stress symptoms (i.e., hypothermia) and seek proper medical attention if symptoms appear.
  • In intense heat, consider going to a movie theater, shopping mall or cooling shelter. If you remain at home, move to the lowest level - cool air falls. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing and drink plenty of water, even if you do not feel thirsty.
  • If you are in a tall building, take the stairs and move to the lowest level of the building. If trapped in an elevator, wait for assistance. Do not attempt to force the doors open. Remain patient - there is plenty of air and the interior of the elevator is designed for passenger safety.
  • Remember to provide fresh, cool water for your pets.
  • Eliminate unnecessary travel, especially by car. Traffic signals will stop working during an outage, creating traffic congestion and dangerous driving conditions. If you must drive during a blackout, remember to obey the 4-way stop rule at intersections with non-functioning traffic signals.
  • Remember that equipment such as automated teller machines (ATMs) and elevators may not be working.
  • If the power may be out for a prolonged period, plan to go to another location, such as the home of a relative or friend, or a public facility that has heat.


For a complete list of weather terms and what to do before, during and after a power outage, visit the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services website at

Manhattan Investment Fund Manager Convicted Of Securities Fraud, Wire Fraud, And Investment Adviser Fraud Charges


 Audrey Strauss, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that DONALD LAGUARDIA was convicted yesterday following a five-day jury trial before the Honorable Lewis A. Kaplan.  As the jury found, between 2013 and 2016, LAGUARDIA, the chief executive officer and co-founder of a New York-based investment firm, L-R Managers, LLC, lied to investors and misappropriated money from investment funds managed by LAGUARDIA through L-R Managers.  The jury convicted LAGUARDIA of three counts: securities fraud, investment adviser fraud, and wire fraud.

Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “As a jury unanimously determined, Donald LaGuardia lied to investors about how their invested money would be utilized, failing to disclose that much of it would be spent on business and personal expenses.  Further, LaGuardia continued to lie in soliciting additional investors even after he was well aware his company was in financial distress.  Now he awaits sentencing for his crimes.”

According to the Indictment, evidence presented during the trial, court documents, and statements in open court:

From in or about 2013 through in or about 2017, LAGUARDIA solicited millions of dollars from investors for the LR Global Frontier Master Fund and two related feeder funds (collectively, the “Frontier Funds”), which had a stated focus on investments in “frontier” markets in Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.  Contrary to LAGUARDIA’s representations, and in breach of his duties to investors in the Frontier Funds, LAGUARDIA misappropriated more than $1.2 million in investors’ money to finance L-R Managers’ payroll, rent for its office space on Park Avenue in Manhattan, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in charges on the firm’s credit card, among other unauthorized expenses.  At least $191,000 of the misappropriated money went directly to, or for the benefit of, LAGUARDIA personally.

In one example, in 2013, LAGUARDIA solicited an $800,000 investment in the Frontier Funds from an investor (“Investor-1”).  Upon receipt of Investor-1’s money, an L-R Managers employee sent an email to LAGUARDIA and another person asking for approval to forward the $800,000 to the Frontier Funds.  LAGUARDIA responded, “Dont [sic] wire anything yet!”  LAGUARDIA then caused approximately $390,000 of Investor-1’s investment never to be transmitted to the Frontier Funds, but instead to be used to pay himself approximately $52,000 and for various other personal and business expenses.

By September 2015, L-R Managers faced substantial financial difficulties.  On September 1, 2015, an L-R Managers principal sent an email to LAGUARDIA and others at the firm stating that it would be “ethically troubling to accept money into the [Frontier Funds] when [L-R Managers] can no longer support . . . payroll and mission critical services.”  Nevertheless, just a few days later, a new investor solicited by LAGUARDIA (“Investor-2”) made a $2 million investment into the Frontier Funds.  Prior to this investment, LAGUARDIA concealed his firm’s near insolvency from Investor-2 and did not disclose that the Frontier Funds had been paying substantial expenses for L-R Managers, contrary to the representations in the funds’ offering documents.  LAGUARDIA then proceeded, over the course of several months, to use a substantial portion of Investor-2’s investment in the Frontier Funds to continue paying himself and subsidizing his firm’s business expenses.

LAGUARDIA, 53, of Lavallette, New Jersey, was convicted at trial of one count of securities fraud, one count of wire fraud, and one count of investment adviser fraud.  LAGUARDIA faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison on each of the securities and wire fraud counts and a maximum sentence of five years in prison on the investment adviser fraud count.  The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentence imposed upon LAGUARDIA will be determined by the judge.

Ms. Strauss praised the investigative work of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.  Ms. Strauss also thanked the Securities and Exchange Commission, which previously brought a related civil action against LAGUARDIA.

Attorney General James Calls on Attorney General Barr to Reverse New Policy Eroding Public Confidence in Election


AG James and Coalition Oppose Policy Change That Allows U.S. Attorneys to Pursue
Wild Allegations of Voter Fraud Without Adhering to Long-Established Guiderails

 New York Attorney General Letitia James today called on U.S. Attorney General William Barr to reverse an abrupt change he recently made to a 40-year-old U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) policy that, until this week, had kept the DOJ from interfering with presidential election results. In a letter to Attorney General Barr, Attorney General James and 22 additional attorneys general from around the nation voiced their “strong objection” to this policy reversal, which they said “will erode the public’s confidence in the election.” The coalition calls on Attorney General Barr to reverse his decision promptly.

“This policy reversal is nothing more than a last-ditch effort by a lame-duck administration to desperately latch on to power and sow chaos in our electoral process,” said Attorney General James. “The people have spoken, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been elected president-elect and vice president-elect of the United States. This election was fair and safe, and even another branch of the Trump Administration has now publicly stated that this election was ‘the most secure in American history.’ The president and Attorney General Barr’s attempts to divide Americans and instill doubt in our elections is un-American and will not go unchallenged.”

The American people have voted in record numbers in a safe and secure election and have clearly chosen a new president. Despite this outcome, Attorney General Barr issued a new directive on November 9 — after results already showed that President Donald Trump had lost reelection — that stated that U.S. attorneys may now pursue allegations of voter fraud without adhering to long-established, important guardrails. Attorney General James and the coalition write in the letter today that until this directive was issued, the DOJ recognized that the principal responsibility for overseeing elections lied with states and had “taken care to avoid affecting the outcome of elections or even the perception of political intrusion in the electoral process.”

Additionally, last night, the Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council and the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees — as part of the Trump Administration — issued a joint statement, in which they stated, “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history…There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.” The joint statement continues, “While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections, and you should too. When you have questions, turn to elections officials as trusted voices as they administer elections.”

Nowhere in the joint statement did the Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council or the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees make mention for the need for the DOJ to insert itself in the election review process and investigate any false claims of voter fraud.

Joining Attorney General James in signing today’s letter are the attorneys general of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Morris Park Veteran's Day Ceremony


The Peace Plaza triangle roadway had just been completed so there was plenty of parking for all who attended. While the crowd was a little smaller due to COBID-19 there were still over sixty people in attendance. Veteran and Officer of the Morris Park Community Organization Silvio Mazzalla emceed the shorter event this year. 

Councilman Mark Gjonaj and Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez spoke as did Veterans Gene De Francis and Joe Ronda. Each said how Veteran's Day affects or affected their lives. 

A wreath was laid as were flowers on the many symbolic headstones representing the many wars where soldiers from the Morris Park area or Borough of the Bronx have served with some never returning home.

Above - The crowd that was in attendance at Peace Plaza for the Veteran's day event.

Below - Councilman Mark Gjonaj is flanked by a few veterans as he speaks.

Above - Veteran Gene De Francis speaks about what Veteran Day means to him.
Below - Flowers are placed on one headstone by Veteran Joe Ronda.

Above - Sea of the Star Cadets hold and are ready to protect the American Flag.
Below - Councilman Mark Gjonaj stands with Police Officers from the 49th Precinct and other Veterans.

No. 202.74: Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency


No. 202.74

E X E C U T I V E  O R D E R

Continuing Temporary Suspension and Modification of Laws Relating to the Disaster Emergency

WHEREAS, on March 7, 2020, I issued Executive Order Number 202, declaring a State disaster emergency for the entire State of New York; and

WHEREAS, both travel-related cases and community contact transmission of COVID-19 have been documented in New York State and are expected to continue;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, ANDREW M. CUOMO, Governor of the State of New York, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 29-a of Article 2-B of the Executive Law to temporarily suspend or modify any statute, local law, ordinance, order, rule, or regulation, or parts thereof, of any agency during a State disaster emergency, if compliance with such statute, local law, ordinance, order, rule, or regulation would prevent, hinder, or delay action necessary to cope with the disaster emergency or if necessary to assist or aid in coping with such disaster, or to provide any directive necessary to respond to the disaster, do hereby suspend or modify, and direct, the following from the date of this Executive Order through December 12, 2020:

  • Executive Order 202.3, as extended, and Sections 105 and 106 of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law, to the extent necessary to require that:
    • All businesses that are licensed by the State Liquor Authority under sections 63 and 79 of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law (“liquor stores” and “wine stores”) shall cease all off premises sales and close at or before 10:00PM, and shall not reopen before existing county opening hours permit.
    • All businesses that are licensed by the State Liquor Authority for on premises service of alcoholic beverages, shall cease all on premises service and consumption of food and beverages (including alcoholic beverages), inside or outside, at or before 10:00PM and shall not reopen before the later of any stipulated opening hours or existing county opening hours permit; further, to-go and delivery service of food, and non-alcoholic beverages only, may continue at such business licensed for on premises service until the earlier of any stipulated closing hours or existing county closing hours permit. 
    • This provision shall be subject to reasonable limitations and procedures set by the Chairman of the State Liquor Authority and/or any relevant Department of Health guidance.  
  • All restaurants, irrespective of whether such restaurant is licensed by the State Liquor Authority, shall cease in-person dining at 10:00PM, but may continue curbside takeout and delivery service after 10:00PM so long as otherwise permitted, and may reopen no earlier than 5:00AM.
  • Any gym or fitness center shall cease operation and close to the public at 10:00PM, and cannot reopen until 5:00AM.
  • The directive contained in Executive Order 202.45, as extended, which amended the directives in Executive Order 202.42, 202.38, and 202.10, that limited all non-essential gatherings to allow gatherings of 50 of fewer individuals for any lawful purpose or reason, is hereby modified only insofar as to further limit non-essential private residential gatherings to 10 or fewer individuals for any lawful purpose or reason, provided that social distancing, face covering, and cleaning and disinfection protocols required by the Department of Health are adhered to.
  • All suspensions, modifications, and directives issues pursuant to this Executive Order are effective at 10:00PM on Friday, November 13, 2020.

G I V E N   under my hand and the Privy Seal of the State in the City of Albany this twelfth day of November in the year two thousand twenty. 


Secretary to the Governor