Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Congressman-Elect Ritchie Torres - BIG NEWS: I’ve been appointed to the House Finance Committee!


Ritchie Torres For Congress

I have some big news, and I couldn’t wait to share it with you:

When I’m sworn into Congress, I’ll be joining the House Committee on Financial Services -- a powerful committee which, among other things, oversees public housing.

I ran for office to help South Bronx families and marginalized communities get ahead, get on strong financial footing, and foster an equal, just economy that doesn’t leave anyone behind.

I'm proud to be joining a committee that has the power to help Bronx families.

Being appointed to the House Committee on Financial Services is huge for our movement. It’s a chance to make real, lasting change for the community I grew up in.

Ritchie Torres.

Andy King and The Bronx Youth Empowerment Program - SHARING IS CARING





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The holiday initiative led by NYC Service, in collaboration with other City agencies, leverages City government volunteers and private sector partnerships to distribute gifts citywide

 Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYC Chief Service Officer Anusha Venkataraman announced today that holiday wishes from more than 3,700 New York City children and youth were fulfilled by more than 2,000 volunteers from City government, including the Mayor and First Lady McCray, and the private sector through the seventh annual Secret Snowflake gift-giving initiative.


“The holidays can be really apprehensive for many children and youth in our city, but New Yorkers have shown once again how powerful we are when we work together to help those that need us," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Especially this year, I want to thank every volunteer who took time to make someone’s holiday wish come true and all of our private sector partners that donated gifts to youth and children that need them the most.”


“Secret Snowflake is a wonderful example of the giving spirit and generosity of New Yorkers. So many people have stepped up to support their communities and neighbors,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray. “I appreciate the tremendous effort of all the volunteers, City agencies and businesses to bring comfort and cheer to thousands of New York City children and youth during this holiday season.”


Secret Snowflake mobilizes City and private sector employees as volunteers to answer letters from children and youth referred by City agencies. Since 2014, Secret Snowflake has answered the holiday wishes of more than 19,000 New York City children and youth, ranging in age from one month to 18 years old. The holiday season can be an especially difficult time for New York’s vulnerable youth and their families, and this year, NYC Service adapted the drive to ensure it could happen safely despite the COVID-19 pandemic.


“This year has been marked by unique challenges brought on by the pandemic – from the loss and sickness of loved ones to remote learning and economic hardships – and our city’s youth have had to overcome a lot of obstacles. Secret Snowflake is an opportunity for City and private sector employees to help New York City families and youth feel connected to a community that cares during the holiday season,” said NYC Chief Service Officer Anusha Venkataraman. “We are so grateful for the continued partnership of our fellow City employees and the corporate sector.”


NYC Service partnered with the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS), the Department for the Aging (DFTA), the Department of Education (DOE), the Department of Homeless Services (DHS), the Human Resources Administration (HRA), and the Mayor’s Office to End Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) to collect letters from children and youth served by their agencies before the holiday season. Secret Snowflake letters typically request necessities, such as clothing, shoes, or a warm coat to get through the winter, as well as toys, books, and other game-based activities. NYC Service also partnered with the Department of Veterans’ Services (DVS) to provide a donation of over 300 books to veterans and their families.  


“The holidays are a time for giving and helping grant wishes for children and families in need across the City,” said Administration for Children’s Services Commissioner David Hansell. “We are grateful to NYC Service, the volunteers, and New Yorkers from across the City, for ensuring the holidays are filled with joy and happiness to make the season special for the many children served by ACS.”


“The Secret Snowflake initiative embodies the compassion of our City during the holidays, bringing communities together to support children and families in need,” said HRA Administrator Gary Jenkins. “We are proud to once again join NYC Service, our sister City agencies, and private partners in supporting a program that provides a much-needed moment of joy to nearly 500 children in HRA facilities during this unusual holiday season.”    


“Now more than ever, we look to every New Yorker to help uplift their neighbours in need every which way they can,” said Department of Homeless Services Administrator Joslyn Carter. “We are grateful for the Secret Snowflake initiative which will brighten up the holidays for over 1,000 children experiencing homelessness through a variety of gifts, helping us make this the best possible Christmas it can be for the families we serve during these exceptionally challenging times. This NYC Service initiative continues to remind us of the important role communities and private partners play in helping New Yorkers in need get back on their feet, during the holidays and beyond." 


The Mayor’s Office for International Affairs also engages the diplomatic community in Secret Snowflake. This year’s participants included the Permanent Missions of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and Norway.


“This year, Secret Snowflake has been an especially meaningful chance for the City to work with the world’s largest diplomatic community to help bring some much-needed joy to vulnerable New Yorkers as we all continue to deal with COVID-19,” said Mayor’s Office for International Affairs Commissioner Penny Abeywardena. “We are so grateful to Missions to the United Nations, our Consulates, and the United Nations for providing gifts and showing love for hundreds of children and families this holiday season."


New York City’s private sector is a major contributor to Secret Snowflake. This year, employees from 17 NYC businesses responded to Secret Snowflake letters. NYC Service supplemented their gifts with donations from small and large businesses across the city, valued at nearly $17,000.


2020 Secret Snowflake Business Volunteers

A&E Television Networks        Neuberger Berman                                         

AXIS Capital                             NYC Football Club                     Brookfield Properties                 Prevail Therapeutics                       Chanel                                        Revlon                 

Deutsche Bank                           SL Green Realty Corp                  

Filthy Rich Barbershop              Synpulse USA     

Future PLC                                 The New York Times

J.Crew                                         Turner Construction



2020 Secret Snowflake In-Kind Partners

Greenlight Bookstore                      

Miller Druck                   

HarperCollins Publishers               

Mollon Law Firm



Sony Corporation of America

“After participating for the first time this year, Deutsche Bank is grateful for the ability to benefit youth experiencing homelessness through this initiative. Our employees were able to fulfill 1,000 letters and were especially eager to bring deserving children happiness during this challenging holiday season,” said Alessandra DiGiusto, Executive Director of Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation and Head of CSR Americas at Deutsche Bank.


“We at Miller Druck believe deeply in Secret Snowflake’s mission to spread holiday cheer to the most vulnerable families in our city. It was our privilege to turn our facility, usually filled only with marble and stone, into a distribution center for gifts that will bring joy, and also necessities, to children in need. Especially during this direst of years, we were grateful for an opportunity to provide much needed help,” said Barbara Cohen, President at Miller Druck.


“In a year of extraordinary challenges and great need, Neuberger Berman is honored to play a small role in partnership with NYC Service to brighten children’s holidays,” said Maria Angelov, President, The Neuberger Berman Foundation, and Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility at Neuberger Berman.


“New York City Football Club is proud to participate in NYC Service’s Secret Snowflake for the fifth year in a row. We have more staff volunteer each year which is a testament to how much our Club cares about our community. But, importantly, none of this could be done without the leadership of NYC Service. We appreciate all of the hard work and organizing required to make this initiative happen and we are proud to team up with NYC Service and partners to provide a bit of joy to the children in New York City’s foster care and shelters during the holiday season” said Paul Jeffries, Executive Director of New York City Football Club’s City in the Community Foundation.


“SL Green is a home-grown company and is committed to meeting the needs of our fellow New Yorkers. The events over the past few months have been a reminder of just how fortunate we are, as we see thousands of our neighbors without jobs and too often without access to essential resources. We are proud to do our part by partnering with NYC Service for the third consecutive year to give back to our community during the holiday season,” said Lynne-Courtney Hodges, Vice President of Human Resources at SL Green.


“Sony is honored to support the Secret Snowflake initiative,” said Karen Kelso, Senior Director, Corporate Social Responsibility at Sony Corporation of America. “The holidays are about giving back to those less fortunate and we are grateful to have the opportunity to do so. Thank you, NYC Service and the Mayor’s Office, for continuing such a worthwhile endeavor, especially in 2020.”


“This is our third year in a row participating in Secret Snowflake, and it’s something that we always look forward to at the end of the year. The opportunity to bring others joy and happiness during the holidays is a special and welcomed tradition at Synpulse USA. We particularly appreciate the opportunity to do so this year as COVID-19 continues to impact us and our communities. We’re grateful for NYC Service and the Mayor’s Office for organizing this opportunity and giving us the chance to embrace the true spirit of the season of giving and to help those most in need in our city,” said Kara Funk, Human Resources Business Partner at Synpulse USA.


About NYC Service

NYC Service is a division of the Mayor’s Office that builds partnerships to deepen and expand civic engagement through volunteer and service programs, creating sustainable change for our city's greatest needs. We unite New Yorkers in service to advance lifelong civic engagement for a more equitable and inclusive city. To learn more about NYC Service and connect to volunteer opportunities, visit


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

8 Bronx Defendants Indicted In Connection With Drug Trafficking And Firearms Offenses


 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Dermot Shea, the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), announced the unsealing of an indictment charging CARL WILBRIGHT, a/k/a “Brody,” TRAVIS BRECONIDGE, a/k/a “Jamaica,” ISAIAH FREEMAN, a/k/a “Oz,” LUIS GARCIA, a/k/a “Lu,” RICARDO GARCIA, a/k/a “Kika,” STANLEY HAMPTON, and JAMEL MURRAY with participating in a conspiracy to distribute crack cocaine and marijuana.  WILBRIGHT and FREEMAN have also been charged with possessing firearms in furtherance of the narcotics conspiracy.  The Indictment further charges FREEMAN and QUASHAWN ESCALERA, a/k/a “Tank,” with being felons in possession of ammunition in connection with a shooting that occurred on September 26, 2019.  The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Valerie E. Caproni.

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “As alleged in the Indictment, the defendants are charged with narcotics trafficking and firearms offenses.  We thank our partners at the NYPD for their outstanding work on this case.”

NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said:  “These federal charges enhance the NYPD’s precision policing efforts to combat a crew of alleged narcotics distributors.  I commend our partners in the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York for their sustained work in bringing this important case.”

As alleged in the Indictment unsealed last week in Manhattan federal court[1]:

From at least in or about 2018, up to and including in or about 2020, CARL WILBRIGHT, a/k/a “Brody,” TRAVIS BRECONIDGE, a/k/a “Jamaica,” ISAIAH FREEMAN, a/k/a “Oz,” LUIS GARCIA, a/k/a “Lu,” RICARDO GARCIA, a/k/a “Kika,” STANLEY HAMPTON, and JAMEL MURRAY, participated in a conspiracy to distribute 280 grams and more of crack cocaine and marijuana.

CARL WILBRIGHT, a/k/a “Brody,” LUIS GARCIA, a/k/a “Lu,” RICARDO GARCIA, a/k/a “Kika,” and JAMEL MURRAY were taken into custody last week and were presented before Judge Lehrburger. STANLEY HAMPTON surrendered yesterday and was presented before Judge Moses. TRAVIS BRECONIDGE, a/k/a “Jamaica,” QUASHAWN ESCALERA, a/k/a “Tank,” and ISAIAH FREEMAN, a/k/a “Oz,” remain at large.

A chart containing the names, charges, and maximum penalties for each of the defendants is set forth below.  The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only as any sentencing of a defendant would be determined by the judge.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative work of the NYPD.

The case is being handled by the Office’s Violent and Organized Crime Unit.  Assistant United States Attorney Christopher J. Clore is in charge of the prosecution.

The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.









21 U.S.C. § 846








Life in prison


Mandatory minimum of ten years in prison




Firearms Offense


18 U.S.C. §§ 924(c)(1)(A)(i) and 2






Life in prison


Mandatory minimum of five years in prison


Firearms Offense


18 U.S.C. § 924(c)(1)(A)(iii) and 2


Life in prison


Mandatory minimum of ten years in prison


Felon in Possession of Ammunition


18 U.S.C. § 922(g)


10 years in prison



Felon in Possession of Ammunition


18 U.S.C. § 922(g)


10 years in prison

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment constitutes only allegations, and every fact described herein should be treated as an allegation.



With over 22,000 vaccinations to date, outreach campaign will spread the word of the safe, effective, and free vaccines for all in New York City

 With the City’s vaccine effort now underway, Mayor de Blasio today announced the launch of the NYC Vaccine for All Campaign. The Campaign—translated into 16 languages for radio, television, newspapers, and digital media—will spread the word of a safe, effective, and free vaccine in New York City.
“Finally, hope has finally arrived in New York City," said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We are launching a massive vaccination campaign at breakneck speed, guaranteeing that a vaccine will be safe, free, and easy to get for all New Yorkers.”
With a full rollout in January, the campaign will use a host of paid and earned media in over 16 languages—including TV spots, radio, subway and digital ads, social media and more—to spread public awareness around the City’s vaccination effort. A social media campaign will begin today, and digital campaign and subway live boards will begin next week.
This public awareness campaign will build on the work of the City’s Equity Plan, announced earlier this month. Spearheaded by the Taskforce on Racial Equity and Inclusion, the plan seeks to build trust and access to the vaccine in the 27 neighborhoods hardest hit by the virus. Through a broader outreach effort, the City will work with NYCHA residents, community partners, and faith leaders to spread accurate and trustworthy information about the vaccine and improve the distribution process.
The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will also host virtual conversations with residents in the 27 neighborhoods and community leaders to share information on vaccine planning and provide opportunities for community members to raise questions and concerns. Community partners will have access to a training model, allowing them to serve as trusted messengers and hold webinars and community conversations on the City’s vaccine plan information and updates.
Following the successful partnership model the City established with NYCHA for COVID-19 testing, the City will use NYCHA space—including NYC Health + Hospitals clinics—to vaccinate priority populations. Finally, the Taskforce on Racial Inclusion & Equity will establish a subcommittee to focus on vaccine distribution in the city’s hardest-hit neighborhoods and engage their robust network of over 200 community organizations to ensure effective outreach. Their work will inform the City’s Vaccine Equity Principles, a set of commitments to ensure the vaccine is accessible to priority populations, with the obligation to continually solicit feedback from hardest-hit neighborhoods throughout the distribution process.
“Vaccination will put our city on the road to restoration,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Dave A. Chokshi. “This campaign is about bringing the vaccine to all New Yorkers in a way that ensures it is accepted and accessible to everyone. This is the beginning of an important dialogue and we look forward to the forthcoming conversations with city communities in the months ahead.”
“Our City’s recovery depends on ensuring all New Yorkers are able to access and receive the vaccine,” said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Melanie Hartzog. “This mission is one of the most important in our City’s recent history and one of the largest and most complex––and we know it will take all of us doing our part to achieve it. Through this awareness campaign, we plan to spread the word about how free, safe, and easy it is to get vaccinated, while giving New Yorkers the information they need to understand where we are in this process and how they can help.”

Governor Cuomo Announces Wadsworth Laboratory Has Begun Research of the New COVID-19 Strain - and COVID-19 Indicators for Dec. 22,2020


Wadsworth Laboratory Has Partnered With Six Hospitals Across the State to Obtain Additional Samples

To date, 50,000 Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine Administered in New York

Governor Calls on Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Medical Personnel to Continue Vaccinations Throughout the Holidays

6,661 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

1,126 Patients in the ICU; 614 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 5.89%

139 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that Wadsworth Laboratory has begun aggressive research of the new, highly contagious COVID-19 strain that has been discovered in the United Kingdom. Already, Wadsworth has looked at more than 3,700 virus sequences identified in New York, but has yet to find the U.K. variant present in any of the samples. Additionally, Wadsworth and the Department of Health have forged agreements with six hospitals from across the State to obtain additional samples and is continuing to make arrangements with other hospitals to do the same. Those hospitals with agreements already in place include:

  • Montefiore
  • Memorial Sloan Kettering
  • Northwell Long Island
  • University of Rochester
  • Albany Medical Center
  • Saratoga Hospital

The Governor also announced that to date, 50,000 doses of the vaccine have been administered throughout New York. The state has received 630,000 doses thus far and expects to receive another 300,000 doses next week. With Christmas and Kwanzaa rapidly approaching, the Governor also called on hospitals, nursing homes, and medical personnel to continue providing vaccinations throughout the holidays to ensure nursing home patients and front line health care workers are protected as quickly as possible.

"The U.K. variant is a real issue - not only is it believed to be 70 percent more contagious than previous strains, but there is a very real chance it is already here. Upon learning of this new variant, we immediately worked with airlines to ensure that anyone getting on a plane from the U.K. bound for New York tests negative, but we need federal action and we need it now," Governor Cuomo said. "We know that the virus originally got on a plane and came to New York from Europe in the spring. It's inexcusable that the federal government has failed to learn that lesson and we need them to do the smart thing and institute testing requirements for travelers entering the United States from any country. In the meantime, it's on the rest of us to be smart and continue fighting to stop the spread. Just remember -- celebrating smart stops shutdowns. So as everyone prepares to celebrate the holidays, do your part and socially distance, wear a mask and wash your hands."

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 164,868
  • Tested Positive - 9,716
  • Percent Positive - 5.89%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 6,661 (+330)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 801
  • Hospital Counties - 55
  • Number ICU - 1,126 (+31)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 614 (+1)
  • Total Discharges - 96,185 (+406)
  • Deaths - 139
  • Total Deaths - 28,850

Comptroller Pleads Guilty To Embezzling From Manhattan Financial Publishing Company


 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that ERIC IAN WHITEHEAD pled guilty to wire fraud for his role in a years-long scheme to embezzle approximately $1.3 million from a financial publishing company (the “Company”), where he was then employed as comptroller.  The plea was entered in front of U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams. 

Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “As he admitted in court today, Eric Ian Whitehead exploited his position of trust as comptroller of a publishing company to embezzle more than $1 million from the company.  Now he awaits sentencing for his admitted theft.”

According to the Informationand other filings and statements at public court proceedings in the case:

From at least in or around 2015 through in or around 2020, WHITEHEAD used wire transfers and cash deposits from the victim Company to benefit himself without authorization from the Company.  Specifically, WHITHEAD used Company assets to pay for personal credit card expenses, overpay personal credit cards to receive cash balance refunds, write checks to cash for deposit into personal bank accounts, and purchase precious metals to sell for his own profit.  WHITEHEAD consistently embezzled Company funds from in or around 2015 through in or around 2020, for a total loss amount of approximately $1.3 million.

WHITEHEAD, 53, of Smithtown, New York, pled guilty to one count of wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.  WHITEHEAD will be sentenced by Judge Abrams on April 9, 2021.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative work of the Special Agents of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. 

Attorney General James and State Police Acting Superintendent Bruen Announce Felony Conviction in Million-Dollar Construction Fraud Scheme


Owner of Upstate Construction Companies Convicted of Multi-Year Money Laundering Scheme That Defrauded Homebuyers Out of More Than $1 Million

 New York Attorney General Letitia James and New York State Police Acting Superintendent Kevin P. Bruen today announced the felony conviction of Shawn M. VanVeghten (39, of Saratoga Springs) for defrauding homebuyers, business owners, a financial lender, and the beneficiary of a special needs trust, between 2016 and 2020, out of more than $1 million to finance his own personal and business expenses. VanVeghten’s fraud not only left his victims in financial distress, but left many homebuyers across upstate New York without the ability to get into their homes when promised, if ever at all. Today, before the Honorable James A. Murphy, III in Saratoga County Court, VanVeghten entered a plea of guilty to Money Laundering in the Second Degree, a class C felony, and Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree, a class E felony. VanVeghten faces up to 3 to 9 years in state prison.  

“Shawn VanVeghten stole and defrauded more than a million dollars from New Yorkers and left homebuyers, workers, and other victims in the lurch,” said Attorney General James. “For years, his victims scraped and saved to afford their dream homes, but VanVeghten’s crimes left them locked out. This conviction should send a clear message that my office will not hesitate to fight for New Yorkers as we protect their wallets at every turn. Those who attempt to steal and profit off the backs of New Yorkers will be held accountable. I thank the New York State Police for its continued partnership in bringing accountability and justice to such duplicitous schemes.”

“Shawn VanVeghten defrauded homebuyers and other businesses in an illegal scheme that netted him hundreds of thousands of dollars in stolen funds, which he then used for his own benefit,” said Acting Superintendent Bruen. “We will not tolerate this type of reprehensible behavior, and I commend the outstanding work of our members and our partners in the Attorney General’s Office for obtaining a measure of justice for the victims.”

Today’s conviction was the result of a joint investigation between the Office of the Attorney General’s (OAG) and the New York State Police’s (NYSP) Financial Crimes Unit, with assistance from the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Department and both the Saratoga County and Warren County District Attorneys’ Offices. The joint investigation revealed that VanVeghten engaged in a money laundering scheme aimed at promoting his businesses at the expense of homebuyers, business owners, a financial lender, and the beneficiary of a special needs trust. According to the OAG’s felony complaint, VanVeghten laundered over $1 million through two construction companies he owned or operated — VanVeghten Construction, LLC and Union Modular Homes, LLC — both based in Wilton, New York. 

VanVeghten was arraigned in Wilton Town Court in September 2020 on a series of felony and misdemeanor complaints before the Honorable Matthew Coseo. Subsequently, on December 8, 2020, VanVeghten was arraigned on the charges of Money Laundering and Scheme to Defraud, covering the time period from July 2016 through May 2020, also before the Honorable Coseo in Wilton Town Court.

As part of his guilty plea today, VanVeghten admitted that, from at least July 2016 to May 2020, he engaged in a scheme to defraud homebuyers and others and laundered monies embezzled from these victims. During this time period, VanVeghten received monies from homebuyers that were intended to build their dream homes, as well as from a lender in connection with other property development projects.

However, instead of using these funds for designated projects, VanVeghten diverted the monies for personal use, as well as to pay off business expenses. VanVeghten also engaged subcontractors and suppliers for labor and materials for various construction projects, while failing to pay them. Additionally, over a three-year period, VanVeghten misappropriated almost $200,000 from a special needs trust established for the benefit of a disabled family member. VanVeghten used these stolen monies to replenish more than $1 million in funds that he had previously misappropriated from homebuyers in order to satisfy his outstanding business debts, to repay loans, and to pay his own personal expenses. In total, VanVeghen diverted over $400,000 for his own personal use, including to purchase and renovate an investment property in Schenectady County, pay for office space in the Town of Wilton, pay down his personal mortgage, and cover various other personal expenses including dining, entertainment, and clothing.

In one instance, a homebuyer paid over $500,000 for the construction of a modular home in the Town of Adirondack, New York. Following numerous delays, in late 2018, the manufacturer finally delivered the components to the homebuyer’s property and found there was not even a sufficient foundation upon which to build. As a result, the homebuyer had to hire a subsequent contractor and still has yet to have his home built. In reality, this homebuyer’s funds were misappropriated by VanVeghten to further other projects where funds had been previously stolen. A NYSP audit of VanVeghten’s bank accounts revealed he conducted hundreds of similar transactions on a near-continuous basis, utilizing new funds received from homebuyers, a lender, and the special needs trust in a Ponzi-like scheme to replace previously embezzled funds. As a result, homebuyers were unable to get into their homes when promised, if ever at all.

On April 14, 2021, VanVeghten is scheduled to be sentenced to up to 3 to 9 years in state prison, with restitution ordered for all his victims. The final sentence the court will impose will depend on a number of factors, including, but not limited to, how much up-front restitution will be paid to victims. The OAG asks any individual who may have been defrauded by VanVeghten and who has yet to be repaid in full to contact the NYSP’s Financial Crimes Unit by emailing

The OAG recommends practicing the following tips to protect against becoming a victim of a home improvement scam: 

  • Shop around: Get at least three estimates from reputable contractors that include specific information about the materials and services to be provided for the job.
  • Get it in writing: Insist on a written contract that includes the price and description of the work needed.
  • Don't pay unreasonable advance sums: Negotiate a payment schedule tied to the completion of specific stages of the job. Never pay the full price up front.
  • Get references: Check with the Better Business Bureau, banks, suppliers, and neighbors. Always contact references. Residents of New York City, or Westchester, Nassau, or Suffolk Counties can check their local consumer affairs office.
  • Know your rights: Consumers have three days to cancel after signing a contract for home improvements. All cancellations must be made in writing.

Any New York resident who believes they have been scammed as part of a home improvement contract, should submit a complaint to the OAG immediately with as many details as possible.

The OAG wishes to thank the Financial Crimes Unit of the NYSP for their invaluable assistance and audit work throughout this case, as well as their help in the investigation. The OAG also wishes to thank the Wilton County and Saratoga County Sheriff’s Departments for their help in this investigation.