Sunday, December 27, 2020

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic - DECEMBER 26, 2020


6,884 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

1,129 Patients in the ICU; 638 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 5.36%

122 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"We will ultimately be victorious in the battle with COVID-19, but New Yorkers have a long journey ahead. The holiday season is a time to celebrate and reflect, but it brings the potential for increased spread if we let our guard down. It's vital that New Yorkers celebrate smart, wash their hands, wear masks and socially distance this holiday season," Governor Cuomo said. "New York State is testing more people and making sure hospitals have enough capacity. We're vaccinating New Yorkers as fast as possible, but getting to the levels of immunity we need is a long-term effort. New Yorkers brought the state's infection rate from the nation's highest to one of the lowest, and they should be commended for that. Now we need to keep up the good work."

Today's data is summarized briefly below: 

  • Test Results Reported - 201,442
  • Tested Positive - 10,806
  • Percent Positive - 5.36%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 6,884 (-66)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 855 
  • Hospital Counties - 55
  • Number ICU - 1,129 (-19)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 638 (+17)
  • Total Discharges - 99,156 (+806)
  • Deaths - 122
  • Total Deaths - 29,396 

No Public Schedule For Four Days in a Row By Mayor de Blasio - Not even a Media Availability on Rising COVID-19 Indicators




On Monday, Mayor de Blasio will be in New York City. There are no public events scheduled.


This is four days in a row with no media availability so you can not hear how COVID-19 indicators have gone up, especially since the eleven days of the special election for the 12th City Council District.

Friday, December 25, 2020

'SHARING IS CARING DAY' from Councilman Andy King and the Bronx YEP


Christmas Eve was the 15th 'Sharing is Caring Day' for the Wakefield community and fifteen soldiers from the area. Councilman Andy King, his wife Neva, and the Bronx Youth Empowerment Program members gave back to the community and thanked those who chose to join the army. 

As is the annual custom of sharing at the holiday time,  tables were set up in the JP Hall with all different gifts and clothing that was being given to the soldiers and community. Meals were prepared by Karibbean Flavar by Chef K for everyone to take home and have a delicious homemade meal. 

Councilman King said it is important to share what you have with the community. The importance of having the soldiers at the event was because Councilman King's father served in the Korean War. 

Above - Councilman King greets the soldiers outside the hall.

Below - Councilman King, his wife Neva with some of the soldiers who were in attendance.

Above - YEP Public Relations Chair Ayana Sheppard is speaking about Sharing is Caring Day. Also in the photo is Councilman King, YEP President Victor Rodriguez, and YEP Vice-President Aaliyah Sheppard,

Below - The two bicycles given away went to Jahnia and Ethan. 

Above - A group photo.

Below- The delicious meals that were prepared by Karibbean Flavor by Chef K, and given to all to take home.



Life Does not Have Guarantees, But Your Warranty Should Pay Special Attention to Warranties and Service Contracts when Making Large Purchases

 As part of its seven-part consumer alert holiday series, the New York State Division of Consumer Protection (DCP) is today informing New Yorkers about the differences between warranties and service contracts to help consumers navigate the marketplace this holiday season. Warranties are included in the price of a purchase and service contracts are a separate cost. Consumers are encouraged to understand what is already covered in the warranty before purchasing a separate service contract.

“Warranties and service contracts are often confused in the marketplace,” said New York State Secretary of State Rossana Rosado, who oversees the Division of Consumer Protection. “This holiday season don’t overpay for something that may be covered under an existing warranty, and always read the terms and conditions to understand what is covered before you buy.”


Warranties are legally enforceable assurances about certain parts of a transaction.  Ordinarily, the warranty involves representations about the item being purchased. For example, a watchmaker may warrant that his or her watches can withstand submersion underneath one hundred feet of water, or an appliance company warrants their appliances will be covered for defects up to one year after purchase.

Under New York Law, warranties may be made orally or in writing and can even arise by implication without any verbal statement. Proving a warranty was made is always easier with proper documentation.

Service Contracts 

Some products, such as automobiles and appliances, may offer a service contract.  Although similar to a warranty and often called an “extended warranty,” a service contract is not a warranty. Service contracts are contracts to perform repairs or maintenance on a product. To determine whether you need a service contract, consider the following:

  • whether the warranty already covers the repairs and the time period of coverage that you would get under the service contract; 
  • whether the product is likely to need repairs and the potential costs of such repairs; 
  • the duration of the service contract; and
  • the reputation of the company offering the service contract.

Unlike a warranty, service contracts are not included in the price of the purchase. If a warranty is already provided and covers repairs, you may be paying extra for a largely unnecessary service contract, particularly if the service contract is limited to repair of defects. An express warranty is one that is written in the product warranty, whereas an implied warranty is a legally enforceable promise that something will work as intended.

DCP recommends optimizing product and service warranties with the following tips:

  • Get it in writing. Request oral warranties in writing before purchasing the product.
  • Check company reviews. Go online and search for the company name and “warranty complaints” or similar search to see whether consumers face issues with that company’s warranties.
  • Read and understand the warranty before you purchase the product. Typically, companies will post their warranty terms and follow-up information on their company website so you can review them. 
  • Save all necessary paperwork such as the original receipt, a copy of the warranty and any maintenance or repair records. When there are issues, the company will ask for basic information like model number, serial number and date of purchase.
  • Use the product according to the specifications – including getting regular maintenance. Comply with all warranty requirements by maintaining and using the product in the manner specified in the warranty paperwork.

If something happens and you need to initiate a warranty:

  1. If there is a written warranty, read it first. The terms of your agreement are essential because they are almost always controlling. Even if the warranty has been breached, the remedy for breach may be dramatically altered by contract.
  2. Next, contact the warrantor. Write to or call the entity that issued the warranty. Your warranty should list the appropriate contact and that company's mailing address. If mailing, send all letters by certified mail and save copies of the correspondence for future reference.
  3. Contact the Division of Consumer Protection and file a complaint. The Division mediates consumer complaints with businesses. If you are unsuccessful getting your warranty claim covered, file a complaint online at

For additional information on warranties, consult the Federal Trade Commission website:

The Consumer Assistance Helpline 1-800-697-1220 is available Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm, excluding State Holidays, and consumer complaints can be filed at any time at To view consumer alerts, consumers can visit The Division can also be reached via Twitter at @NYSConsumer or Facebook at

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress on Day 300 of COVID-19 Pandemic - DECEMBER 25, 2020


6,950 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

1,148 Patients in the ICU; 621 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 5.49%

122 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress on day 300 of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

"New York made it through Thanksgiving better than most places, so as we celebrate Christmas today it's critical we retain that momentum and remember that celebrating smart stops shutdowns," Governor Cuomo said. "While the vaccine is now here, we are still months away from widespread vaccination and finally reaching that light at the end of the tunnel. We are in a footrace between distributing the vaccine and slowing the spread. While the state is doing everything it can to get people vaccinated, it's on the rest of us to stay tough and keep practicing safe behaviors in the meantime. This has undoubtedly been a trying year, but if we work together and stay United as one New York Family, we will win this war once and for all."

Today's data is summarized briefly below: 

  • Test Results Reported - 226,560 
  • Tested Positive - 12,446
  • Percent Positive - 5.49%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 6,950 (+22)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 859 
  • Hospital Counties - 55
  • Number ICU - 1,148 (-12)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 621 (+0)
  • Total Discharges - 98,350 (+750)
  • Deaths - 122
  • Total Deaths - 29,270

Statement from Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on Federal Government Reversing Its Policy on Testing Airline Travelers from the UK


 "When British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the UK had discovered a new variant of the COVID virus that could be 70 percent more transmissible, it became clear just how dangerous it was that the U.S. government did not require travelers to obtain a negative test result before flying across the Atlantic.

"New York did everything it could within the limited authority it has over international flights, and within days we were able to convince British Airways, Delta and Virgin Atlantic to voluntarily test passengers before they left the UK. I thank the airlines for their quick efforts.

"But testing travelers flying to just one out of 50 states was clearly not enough. I called for the federal government to reverse its policy and am glad to see that it has now done so. Testing people for COVID-19 before they get on planes is common sense. We cannot repeat the mistakes of the past, and we must continue to do everything we can to keep New Yorkers and Americans safe.

Is Samelys Lopez Entering the Bronx Borough President Race?


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

We have been told from reliable sources that Samelys Lopez should be entering the race for Bronx Borough President soon. Ms. Lopez came in fourth in this years 15th Congressional District Democratic Primary with 8,272 votes of the 59,473 votes that were cast. Then Councilman Ritchie Torres won the 15th congressional primary with 19,090 votes. Then Assemblyman Michael Blake came in second with 10,725 votes, and Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr, came in third with 8,559 votes.

It is expected that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who supported Samelys Lopez in the neighboring congressional race will again be supporting her for Bronx Borough President. Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. is expected to support Rafael Salamanca for BP, while Michael Blake has come out in favor of Nathalia Fernandez for BP. It is not known yet who new Congressman Ritchie Torres may support if anyone for Bronx BP.

Candidate for Bronx Borough President Samelys Lopez would have the backing of the Democratic Socialist of America as she did in the congressional primary, and would be running with DSA candidates for various city council races in the Bronx. 

Currently term-limited City Council members Vanessa Gibson and Fernando Cabrera, non term-limited Councilman Rafael Salamanca, Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez, State Senator Luis Sepulveda, former police officer Samuel Revelo, and businessman Victor Gutierrez have filed with the New York City campaign Finance Board as candidates for Bronx Borough President.

Governor Cuomo Directs State Agencies to Deploy Additional Flood Response Assets as Storm System Begins Impacting New York


New Yorkers Urged to Prepare for Heavy Rain Combined with Snowmelt Which May Produce Flooding in Multiple Locations

Swift Water Rescue Teams Strategically Placed Throughout the State; State Stockpiles Ready to Deploy Additional Resources

Strong Winds May Also Result in Widespread Power Outages, Property Damage

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today directed state agencies to deploy additional flood and storm response assets as warm temperatures and a large storm system have begun impacting the state and may lead to localized urban and river flooding. Specifically, the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services has pre-deployed swift water rescue teams to strategic locations throughout the Southern Tier, Mid-Hudson and Capital Regions. Additionally, the Division has readied all 10 of the state's regional stockpiles and are prepared to deploy resources ranging from pumps, sandbags and generators to cots, blankets and pillows. Other state agencies are also preparing boats and other watercraft for deployment in the event they are needed. New Yorkers are being reminded to closely follow local weather reports for the latest updates

"Rain and warm temperatures have already moved into much of the state, and with so much snow still on the ground, there is a very real chance some areas may see flooding on Christmas morning," Governor Cuomo said. "Everything is being done to prepare for any potential impacts and the state stands ready to support any of our local partners who may need assistance. In the meantime, I urge everyone to celebrate smart and use caution if traveling over the next 48 hours."

Currently, forecasters are calling for 2 to 3 inches of widespread rainfall across most of the state, with 3 to 6 inches of rain possible across the eastern Catskills where there is significant snowpack already on the ground. The heaviest periods of rain are expected during the overnight hours. Not only does this storm raise the level of concern in terms of flooding, but forecasters are also predicting that portions of the Southern Tier, Mid-Hudson and Capital Regions could see wind gusts of up to 50 mph during the overnight hours into Friday, with the potential for gusts of up to 65 mph in the New York City and Long Island Regions during the same time frame. This creates the potential for power outages due to downed tree limbs and other debris.

As most of the state faces the potential for heavy rainfall, lake effect snow has begun moving into the Western New York Region. Approximately 3 to 5 inches of snow are to be expected through Friday evening. Temperatures behind the system are expected to drop rapidly late Friday. New Yorkers traveling for the holidays should use extreme caution as standing water could freeze of Friday night, increasing the chances of black ice and hazardous travel conditions. 

The National Weather Service has continued to issue numerous Advisories, Watches, and Warnings for flooding, high winds and winter weather. For a complete listing of weather watches, warnings, advisories and latest forecasts, visit the National Weather Service website

Agency Preparations

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services

The New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services' Emergency Operations Center remains activated due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will closely monitor weather conditions, coordinate state response operations and remain in contact with localities throughout the duration of the event.  State stockpiles are prepared to deploy assets to localities to support any storm-related needs, including pumps, chainsaws, sandbags, generators, cots, blankets and bottled water.

The State Office of Fire Prevention and Control also remains in constant coordination with partner agencies and local governments. The Office has pre-deployed its Swift Water Rescue teams to strategic locations throughout the Southern Tier, Mid-Hudson and Capital Regions to provide additional rescue support if required.

Department of Transportation

The State Department of Transportation is prepared to respond with 3,587 supervisors and operators available statewide.  The need for resource deployments (operators, equipment, mechanics, EOI's, traffic signal technicians) will be continually reevaluated as conditions warrant throughout the event.  Drainage inlets, culverts and other drainage structures are being inspected and cleared of accumulated ice and snow. Flood and wind response tools (generators, pumps, chainsaws, light plants, hand tools, chippers, etc.) are being readied and loaded into response trucks for immediate dispatch, while plow trucks are being dressed for plowing and salting operations.

All available flood/wind/snow and ice response equipment is ready to deploy.  Statewide equipment numbers are as follows:

  • 1599 large plow trucks
  • 175 medium duty trucks with plow
  • 40 snow blowers
  • 49 loaders with grapple
  • 16 vacuum trucks with sewer jet
  • 31 tracked excavators
  • 45 wheeled excavators
  • 53 tractor trailers with lowboy trailer
  • 15 tree crew bucket trucks
  • 33 traffic signal trucks
  • 6 water pumps (4-6 inch)
  • 79 chippers 10" (min) capacity

All affected residency locations will be staffed for 24/7 operation throughout the duration of priority response operations.  Mechanic support will be available 24/7 to keep response equipment operational.

For real time travel information, call 511, visit, or logon to the new mobile site at

Thruway Authority

The Thruway Authority has 684 operators and supervisors ready to respond with 254 large snow plows, 105 medium snow plows, 11 tow plows and 62 loaders across the state with more than 118,000 tons of road salt on hand.  Variable Message Signs, Highway Advisory Radio and social media are utilized to alert motorists of winter weather conditions on the Thruway.  The Thruway Authority encourages motorists to download its mobile app which is available for free on iPhone and Android devices. The app provides motorists direct access to real-time traffic and navigation assistance while on the go. Motorists can also sign up for TRANSalert e-mails which provide the latest traffic conditions along the Thruway here

Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

New York State Park Police and Park personnel are on alert and closely monitoring weather conditions and impacts. Response equipment is being fueled, tested and prepared for storm response use. Park Police are prepared to provide support to swift water operations in Binghamton area.  State Parks operations is supporting DOT with eight saw crews placed on standby and on-call drivers for state stockpiles in impacted areas.  Park visitors should check or call their local park office for the latest updates regarding park hours, openings and closings.

Department of Environmental Conservation

DEC Environmental Conservation Police Officers, Forest Rangers, Emergency Management staff, and regional staff are on alert and monitoring the developing situation and actively patrolling areas and infrastructure likely to be impacted by severe weather.  All available assets, including swift water rescue teams, are positioned to assist with any emergency response.

Department of Public Service

New York's utilities have approximately 5,500 works available to engage in damage assessment, response and restoration effort across New York State. Staff will track the utilities' work throughout the storm and will ensure the utilities shift the appropriate staffing to the regions anticipated to experience the greatest impact.

State Police

State Police are prepared to deploy additional Troopers as needed to affected areas.  All State Police specialized vehicles, including boats, four-wheel drive vehicles and Utility Task Vehicles, are in service and ready for response.  In addition, swift water rescue teams are staged for immediate deployment.  All Troop emergency power and communications equipment has been tested.

New York Power Authority and Canal Corporation

The New York Power Authority and the Canal Corporation staff is performing preparations for the forecasted weather to ensure all facilities, assets and equipment are secured and ready. The Power Authority also is prepared to support power restoration activities if needed.

Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) personnel are hard at work to ensure safe, reliable service continues throughout the storm and aftermath and ate monitoring the weather closely, preparing for heavy rain and winds across its service region. Drains are being inspected and cleared as necessary, and personnel and equipment are being staged at strategic locations for faster response. Equipment being prepared includes water pumps, tools for clearing vegetation and other debris, emergency trucks and other maintenance vehicles. Flood-prone areas are being closely monitored, and construction activities are being monitored and will be suspended as necessary. Buses will operate on reduced frequency as needed and MTA bridges will have a ban on tandem vehicles and empty tractor-trailers from 6 p.m. on December 24 to 10 a.m. on December 25 or as necessary. Customers should sign up for real-time service alerts via text or email. These alerts are also available via the MTA's apps: MYmta, Metro-North Train Time and Long Island Rail Road Train Time.

Port Authority

The Port Authority urges motorists to use caution; speed restrictions may be in effect at the bridges, as well as along roadways to and from the crossings. Travelers through the Port Authority's airports, bus terminals and bus stations are encouraged to reach out to carriers and airlines directly for the latest information on delays, cancelations or rebookings. For the latest information about Port Authority facilities, please check social media, sign up for PA alerts or download one of the PA mobile apps. Residents and businesses clearing sidewalks and driveways are encouraged to remove snow from street drains to enable runoff in storm sewers.

Safe Travel

Please drive with care and keep these safety tips in mind: 

  • DO NOT attempt to drive over a flooded road. Turn around and go another way.
  • DO NOT underestimate the destructive power of fast-moving water. Two feet of fast-moving flood water will float your car. Water moving at two m.p.h. can sweep cars off a road or bridge.
  • Leave early to avoid being marooned on flooded roads.
  • Follow recommended routes. DO NOT ignore emergency detours to view flooded areas.
  • As you travel, monitor NOAA Weather Radio and local radio broadcasts.
  • Watch for washed-out roads, earth-slides, broken water or sewer mains, loose or downed electrical wires, and falling or fallen objects.
  • Watch for areas where rivers or streams may suddenly rise and flood, such as highway dips, bridges, and low areas.
  • If you are in your car and water begins to rise rapidly around you, abandon the vehicle immediately. 

Some of the most important tips for safe driving include: 

  • When winter storms strike, do not drive unless necessary.
  • Use caution on bridges as ice can form quicker than on roads.
  • Wet leaves on roadways can cause slippery conditions, making it important to drive at slower speeds when approaching patches of them.
  • If you must travel, make sure your car is stocked with survival gear like blankets, a shovel, flashlight and extra batteries, extra warm clothing, a set of tire chains, battery booster cables, quick energy foods and brightly colored cloth to use as a distress flag. 

The leading cause of death and injuries during winter storms is transportation accidents.  Before driving, ensure your vehicle is clear of ice and snow; good vision is key to good driving.  Plan your stops and keep more distance between cars, be extra alert, and remember, snowdrifts can hide smaller children.  Always match your speed to the road and weather conditions.

It's important for motorists on all roads to note that snowplows travel at speeds up to 35 m.p.h., which in many cases is lower than the posted speed limit, to ensure that salt being dispersed stays in the driving lanes and does not scatter off the roadways. Oftentimes on interstate highways, snowplows will operate side by side, as this is the most efficient and safe way to clear several lanes at one time.  

Motorists and pedestrians should also keep in mind that snowplow drivers have limited lines of sight, and the size and weight of snowplows can make it very difficult to maneuver and stop quickly. Snow blowing from behind the plow can severely reduce visibility or cause whiteout conditions. Motorists should not attempt to pass snowplows or follow too closely. The safest place for motorists to drive is well behind the snowplows where the roadway is clear and salted.