Monday, January 4, 2021


New Supreme Court Judge Andrew Cohen announced his resignation from the 11th City Council seat on December 32, 2020, as did New Congressman Ritchie Torres from the 15th City Council seat. According to the City Charter, Mayor Bill de Blasio had three days to call for special elections to fill the vacancies, but because the vacancies occurred over the New Years holiday he had until today. 

Mayor de Blasio has declared Tuesday March 23,2021 as the date for the 11th and the 15th City Council Districts special elections to elect a council member to serve until December 31, 2021. This date is within the eighty day window allowed by the City Charter, and will give residents the chance to make thoughtful and informed decisions about their representation.

Mayor de Blasio also said that eligible Bronx voters can participate with early voting, in-person voting, or by requesting an absentee ballot, and the mayor encourages everyone to make their voices heard in these special elections.

Mayor de Blasio failed to mention in his press release that the two Bronx special elections will be done with Rank Choice Voting, where voters can rank up to five candidates in order of the voters preference one through five. The voter still can just vote for only one candidate by putting a one in the box next to that candidate's name only.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic - JANUARY 3, 2021


7,963 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide 

1,344 Patients in the ICU; 815 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 7.98%

138 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"As we move into this New Year, one of our most pressing challenges, along with maintaining our diligence in stopping the spread of the virus, will be to ensure that the vaccine is made available fairly," Governor Cuomo said. "COVID has exposed many of the existing injustices in our society, most notably that racism is, without a doubt, a public health crisis. Case and point - data has continued to show that despite higher infection and death rates in the Black and Latino communities, testing has remained more widely available in white communities. I refuse to let race or income determine who lives and who dies in New York and I mean it. That's why as we work to break down barriers and ensure vaccine access for all, I will not take the vaccine until it is available for my age group in Black, Hispanic, and poor communities around the state."

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 142,345
  • Total Positive - 11,368
  • Percent Positive - 7.98% 
  • Patient Hospitalization - 7,963 (+149)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 813
  • Hospital Counties - 56
  • Number ICU - 1,344 (+23)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 815 (+29)
  • Total Discharges - 104,402 (+574)
  • Deaths - 138
  • Total Deaths - 30,476 

Bronx Progressives Invitation to a Ranked Choice Voting Training by Concerned Citizens for Change



We do not know how Michael Beltzer or Bronx Progressives can tutor the public on Rank Choice Voting when Michael Beltzer is a candidate in the 2021 city council elections. There is also a rumor that co-founder of the Bronx Progressives Samelys Lopez will be running for Bronx Borough President.

What is Ranked Choice Voting? Join Fellow Progressives to a Ranked Choice Voting Training by Concerned Citizens for Change!

When: Saturday, January 9th at 1pm 

Please register in advance to the training at:

Happy New Year Comrades!
Wishing everyone health and a prosperous New Year! We hope that you are as excited as we are in welcoming 2021. There's excitement, hope, and optimism, at what 2021 will bring us. But we don't want to wait for change to come to us; we need to be on the frontlines of effecting that change!

As many of you may already know, New York City is preparing to hold local city primary elections for Borough President, Comptroller, Council, Mayor, and Public Advocate. Beginning this year, NYC will implement for the very first time in it's history a new system of voting: Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). These local primaries that will use RCV are scheduled for June 22, 2021. RCV will also be used in several upcoming Council Districts special elections occurring in February and March.  

What is Ranked Choice Voting? Ranked Choice Voting is a new electoral process that allows voters to choose up to five (5) candidates on the ballot in order of preference, as oppose to choosing one under the current electoral system. 

Concerned Citizens for Change is sponsoring a Ranked Choice Voting training on Saturday, January 9th at 1pm. They have invited us to join them for this important training. We encourage you to join us to learn about what is Ranked Choice Voting and what are the benefits of RCV. Hope to see you there!

When: Saturday, January 9th at 1pm 

Please register in advance for the training at:


Latest Unofficial Results of the December 22, 2020 12th City Council Special Election


This has been taken from the NYC Board of Elections Website

The results has not been been made official. 

We are interested to see who the 501+ write in votes went to.

Member of the City Council 12th Council District
(Vote for one)
1 Kevin C. Riley Justice & Unity  4086 65.45 %
2 Pamela A. Hamilton-Johnson Social Change  1466 23.48 %
3 Neville Mitchell Bronx 12 Matters  190 3.04 %
4 WRITE-IN   501 8.02 %
Percentage of Scanners Reported: 
Information As Of: 2020-12-22 22:42:19 EST

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic - JANUARY 2, 2021


7,814 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

1,321 Patients in the ICU; 786 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 7.45%

128 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"With 2020 now behind us, we can see brighter days ahead, but to get there quickly, it's going to take all New Yorkers staying smart and staying united," Governor Cuomo said. "We have the vaccine, and that is good news, but it will be months before we've reached critical mass, making it as important as ever that we do not let COVID fatigue get the best of us. The state is working around the clock with the medical community to not only ensure vaccines are distributed as quickly and efficiently as possible, but to also continue growing bed capacity so hospitals do not become overwhelmed. As daunting as it may seem after all this time, it's critical that the rest of us remain tough and keep up our efforts to slow the spread. We've already come so far and we will finally reach that light at the end of the tunnel if we all just do our part."

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

·       Test Results Reported - 202,446

·       Total Positive - 15,074

·       Percent Positive - 7.45%

·       Patient Hospitalization - 7,814 (-72)

·       Patients Newly Admitted - 887

·       Hospital Counties - 56

·       Number ICU - 1,321 (+29)

·       Number ICU with Intubation - 786 (+10)

·       Total Discharges - 103,828 (+860)

·       Deaths - 128

·       Total Deaths - 30,337

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic - JANUARY 1, 2021


7,886 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

1,292 Patients in the ICU; 776 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 7.52%

166 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Cuomo updates New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"As we enter this new year, New Yorkers should be energized with a bright hope for the future," Governor Cuomo said. "We know what we have to do to defeat this invisible enemy and we are reminded of what can be achieved when we come together and work toward a united solution. As we start 2021, I encourage all New Yorkers to look to their better angels and continue the practices we know stop the spread of this virus - wash your hands, socially distance, and wear a mask. I am confident that we will win this war together because we are New York Tough."

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 219,253
  • Total Positive - 16,497
  • Percent Positive - 7.52%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 7,886 (-49)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 1,006
  • Hospital Counties - 54
  • Number ICU - 1,292 (+16)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 776 (+53)
  • Total Discharges - 102,968 (+839)
  • Deaths - 166
  • Total Deaths - 30,208

Follow Up Story or 'Political Hit Job' by the Norwood News


Image may contain: 3 people, text that says 'Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 FREE NORWOOD NEWS Vol PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION NOVEMBER 5-18, 2020 ELECTION DAY CHILLS & THRILLS IN NORWOOD 2020 Election Local Lens: Immigration pg2 Father Son's Kitchen Rides Pandemic Wave| pg NORWOOD VOTERS CAST DAWN voting Election Photo 2020. DAWN driver health mental Over through- Bronx, borough (on1 dering parking convenience afforded pouring nearby RASKIN & Years Combined Persona Injury Law Experience 160 Broadway (4thFl.) New York, Bronx Office appointment only FULTON STREET Family Crash Victim Seek Funds Burial Guatemala LLP Million Dollars Recovered Our Clients 718-878-4858 212-587-3434 NAW CORTLANDT STREET'

 Having done a story about election day two days after the November election one has to wonder why the Norwood News is doing a follow up story two months later in January when nothing about the election has changed. We have received calls that the Norwood News is planning to do a follow up story on the November election, the challenger, just two political clubs who endorsed him in the 80th Assembly District race against the Democratic incumbent, and who are endorsing candidates in the upcoming 11th and or 15th City Council Special Elections. One person we talked to has said this is a 'Political Hit Job', by a newspaper which is a non-profit 501C3 run by Montefiore Hospital.

What is being considered is a statement said by this Republican candidate on December 13th at a Rally for Small Businesses in the Bronx, and the endorsement by the two political clubs whose only involvement is the writer of this blog. I took the photograph of one of the political club leaders and the candidate which was published on this blog October 14th, 2020. As for the other political club, I resigned as the Vice-Chair of that political club at the beginning of 2020. I also covered the December 13th Rally for Small Businesses which no one from the two political clubs attended. 

One has to wonder just who is behind this possible 'Political Hit Job' two months after the general election, when the political club of the 81st Assembly District held a 11th City Council Special Election Candidate's Forum for that political clubs endorsement. The forum was moderated by the club president and its previous district leader who both contributed to the clubs assemblyman's son who is a candidate in the 11th City Council. Aside from that the club under advice from its president said due to COVID-19 it was to dangerous to hold the annual club elections, but not to dangerous to hold an endorsement vote for the special election which he said would be held on March 9, 2021 with early voting to start on Saturday February 27th, two weeks before Judge-Elect Cohen was to resign from the city council. 

There are a few suspects who may be behind this possible 'Political Hit Job' by the Norwood News. Suspect Number One, is Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz who is well aware that his son is not getting the endorsement of the two political clubs the Norwood News is investigating. Assemblyman Dinowitz has provided funding to Montefiore Hospital, and had a satellite office in the Mosholu Montefiore Community Center. Suspect Number Two, is 11th City Council candidate Marcos Sierra who fails to mention that he was a staff member of the Norwood News which the new editor Sele Mahoney may not be aware of. Candidate Sierra falsely claimed that this reporter was in on a non existent pay to play scheme for a political club endorsement of a club this reporter was never a member of, and candidate Sierra made what Assemblyman Dinowitz said was a racially charged statement to this reporter. Suspect Number Three is Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez who may be seeking revenge on the two political clubs that endorsed her opponent, and they should be endorsing one of her opponents in the upcoming Democratic Primary for Bronx Borough President. It has also come to light that Assemblywoman Fernandez may have been helping challenging District Leader candidate Marcos Sierra over her incumbent District Leader who is the Chief of Staff for Councilman Rafael Salamanca one of her main opponents in the Bronx BP race. 

We will try to understand exactly why the editor of the Norwood News is passing over a relative story to the upcoming special election in the 11th City Council District, about a political club of Assemblyman Dinowitz whose son is a candidate in said special election, and who provided funding to the hospital that owns the 501C3 run Norwood News to do a story on a general election that happened two months ago, where none of the results has changed. 

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic - DECEMBER 31, 2020


7,935 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

1,276 Patients in the ICU; 723 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 7.76%

136 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"Over the past year, New Yorkers faced the unimaginable and united together to show the nation that by staying smart and staying tough, we can overcome any challenge life throws our way," Governor Cuomo said. "As we move forward in a new year, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but how fast we get there all depends on what each of us does. Yes, the vaccine is here and yes, we are laser focused on ensuring hospitals do not become overwhelmed, but we cannot lose sight of our collective responsibility to slow the spread. As we begin 2021 and look forward to brighter days ahead, let us all use this time to celebrate smart and recommit ourselves to doing what we know works — wearing masks, avoiding gatherings and socially distancing — so we can win this war and finally put this invisible enemy to rest once and for all."

Today's data is summarized briefly below: 

  • Test Results Reported - 216,587
  • Total Positive - 16,802
  • Percent Positive - 7.76%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 7,935 (+43)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 995 
  • Hospital Counties - 53
  • Number ICU - 1,276 (+26)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 723 (+21)
  • Total Discharges - 102,129 (+834)
  • Deaths - 136
  • Total Deaths - 30,040


The death toll reported from COVID-19 in New York State has now surpassed 30,000.