Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Fintech CEO Sentenced To 6 Years In Prison For Multiple Fraud Schemes, Including $7 Million Covid-19 Pandemic Loan Fraud And Securities Fraud


 Audrey Strauss, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that SHENG-WEN CHENG, a/k/a “Justin Cheng,” a/k/a “Justin Jung,” was sentenced to 72 months in prison for multiple fraud schemes he perpetrated.  In particular, CHENG engaged in a scheme to fraudulently obtain over $7 million in Government-guaranteed loans designed to provide relief to small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.  CHENG also solicited and obtained investments in Alchemy Coin Technology Limited and related companies controlled by CHENG through materially false and misleading statements and omissions.  Finally, CHENG fraudulently obtained due diligence fees from dozens of start-up companies as part of an advance fee scheme.  CHENG was sentenced earlier today before U.S. District Judge Alison J. Nathan.

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: “Sheng-Wen Cheng fraudulently applied for over $7 million in government-guaranteed loans under programs designed to provide relief for financially struggling small businesses hurt by the COVID pandemic.  Further, Cheng committed securities fraud by lying to investors in his blockchain-based peer-to-peer lending platform, and wire fraud by engaging in an advance fee scheme.  Now Cheng has been sentenced to prison for his multitude of crimes.”

According to the Complaint, Information, and other documents filed in Manhattan federal court:

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (“CARES”) Act is a federal law enacted on March 29, 2020, designed to provide emergency financial assistance to the millions of Americans who are suffering the economic effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.  One source of relief provided by the CARES Act was the authorization of hundreds of billions of dollars in forgivable loans to small businesses for job retention and certain other expenses through the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”).  Pursuant to the CARES Act, the amount of PPP funds a business is eligible to receive is determined by the number of employees employed by the business and their average payroll costs.  The CARES Act also expanded the separate Economic Injury Disaster Loan (“EIDL”) Program, which provided small businesses with low-interest loans that can provide vital economic support to help overcome the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing due to COVID-19.

CHENG, a Taiwanese national who entered the United States on a student visa, was a self-proclaimed “serial entrepreneur” who attended Pennsylvania State University (“Penn State”).  From at least in or about April 2020 through at least on or about August 13, 2020, CHENG used the identity of other individuals to submit online applications to the SBA and at least five financial institutions for a total of over $7 million in government-guaranteed loans through the SBA’s PPP and EIDL Program for several companies controlled by CHENG, namely Alchemy Finance, Inc., Alchemy Guarantor LLC d/b/a “Celer Offer,” Celeri Network, Inc., Celeri Treasury LLC, Wynston York LLC, and Neo Bellum Industries Inc. (collectively, the “Cheng Companies”).  In connection with these loan applications, CHENG represented, among other things, that other individuals were the sole owners of the Cheng Companies and that the Cheng Companies together had over 200 employees and paid a total of approximately $1.5 million in wages to those employees on a monthly basis.  In fact, however, the Cheng Companies appear to have had a total of no more than 14 employees. 

In order to support the false representations in the loan applications about the number of employees at and the wages paid by the Cheng Companies, CHENG submitted fraudulent and doctored tax records that were never actually filed with the IRS and payroll records containing the forged electronic signature of a payroll company employee.  CHENG also submitted a payroll summary for one of his companies that listed the names of more than 90 purported employees, several of which consisted of current and former athletes, artists, actors, and public figures.  For example, the list of purported employee names included a co-anchor on Good Morning America, a former National Football League player, and a prominent former Penn State football coach who is now deceased.

Based on the fraudulent PPP loan applications submitted by CHENG, a total of more than $3.7 million in PPP loans were approved for the Cheng Companies and approximately $2.8 million in PPP loan proceeds were deposited into bank accounts solely controlled by CHENG.  Instead of using the PPP loan proceeds for payroll costs, mortgage interest, rent, and/or utilities for the purported Cheng Companies as required by the PPP, CHENG transferred over $1 million abroad, withdrew approximately $360,000 in cash and/or cashier’s checks, and spent at least approximately $279,000 in PPP loan proceeds on personal expenses.  These personal expenses included the purchase of an 18-carat gold Rolex watch for approximately $40,000, rent and move-in fees for a $17,000 per month luxury condominium used by CHENG, approximately $50,000 of furnishings for the condominium, a portion of the purchase of a 2020 S560X4 Mercedes, and purchases totaling approximately $37,000 at Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Burberry, Gucci, Christian Louboutin, and Yves Saint Laurent.

In addition to the COVID-19 pandemic loan fraud described above, from at least in or about 2017 through at least in or about 2019, CHENG committed securities fraud by soliciting and obtaining approximately $400,000 in investments in Alchemy Coin Technology Limited and related companies (“Alchemy Coin”) controlled by CHENG.  These investments were obtained through materially false and misleading statements and omissions regarding Alchemy Coin’s access to capital, use of investor proceeds, the product readiness of its purported blockchain-based peer-to-peer lending platform, and the registration of its tokens as part of an initial coin offering. 

Finally, from at least in or about 2018 through at least in or about 2019, CHENG committed wire fraud by fraudulently obtaining a total of approximately $380,000 in so-called “due diligence fees” from dozens of start-up companies as part of an advance fee scheme.  CHENG falsely told these companies seeking investors that, in exchange for a due diligence fee that was fully refundable, CHENG would perform due diligence on the companies and assess them for investments or otherwise assist them in securing funding.  However, CHENG had no interest in or financial ability to invest in any of the victim companies, did not return the purportedly refundable fees despite repeated requests from victims, and used the fees for personal expenses as opposed to performing any due diligence.  When CHENG was confronted by victims to return the fees after they realized that no investments were forthcoming, CHENG falsely told the victims that he did not have the fees and that a third-party due diligence company he had employed had stolen the fees.

CHENG, 25 of New York, New York, pled guilty on April 20, 2021, to one count of major fraud against the United States, one count of bank fraud, one count of securities fraud, and  one count of wire fraud. 

In addition to the prison term, CHENG was sentenced to three years of supervised release and ordered to forfeit luxury items seized in connection with his arrest, including a Mercedes, a Rolex watch, and a diamond engagement ring.  The amount of restitution to victims of the offense will be set at a later date.  CHENG also consented to removal from the United States upon his release from prison.

Ms. Strauss praised the investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Small Business Administration, and the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation.  Ms. Strauss also thanked the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the New York State Department of Labor for their assistance.



 Mayor Bill de Blasio today applauded more than 30 New York City businesses – from major employers like Related, to restaurants and bars like The Queensboro – for requiring proof of vaccination for entry. The vaccine requirements, first unveiled by the City of New York as the “Key to NYC” program in early August, officially take effect during the week of August 16th for indoor dining, entertainment, and fitness facilities across the five boroughs. 

“Early adopters of the Key to NYC program are public health heroes. Their leadership and fast action sends a powerful message: New Yorkers will do everything in our power to keep each other safe and defeat COVID-19,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Mass vaccination is the only way to stop the spread – and these businesses are giving New Yorkers more reasons than ever to protect themselves and their communities. I’m proud to stand with them.”


The businesses already adopting vaccine requirements include:


·         Amor Y Amargo

·         Avant Garden

·         Bossa Nova Civic Club

·         Cadence

·         City Winery

·         Dame

·         Death & Co

·         Dirt Candy

·         Etérea

·         Felix Storch

·         Forsythia

·         Gertie

·         Ilili

·         Jeju Noodle

·         Ladybird

·         Leland

·         Leyenda

·         Llama San

·         Nowadays

·         Proletariat

·         Public Hotel

·         Related

·         RXR Realty

·         Soda Club

·         Tannat

·         The Bell House

·         The Durst Organization

·         The Pedal House

·         The Queensboro

·         Union Hall

·         Unter

·         Yellow Rose­


The City has embarked on a listening tour to gather feedback across industries and incorporate businesses’ needs into the final guidance. The City will also launch a multi-language ad campaign for consumers and business owners to spread awareness about the program.


Acceptable proof of vaccination includes at least three options: a CDC-issued vaccination card, the New York State Excelsior Pass, and the NYC COVID Safe App, which allows those vaccinated out of New York State to show proof of their status. More details on requirements will be announced next week.


Businesses interested in being featured in future releases can contact




 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos and State Department of Health (DOH) Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker issued an Air Quality Health Advisory for the Long Island and New York City Metro regions for Thursday, Aug. 12, 2021. 


The pollutant of concern is: Ozone 


The advisory will be in effect 11 a.m. through 11 p.m. 

DEC and DOH issue Air Quality Health Advisories when DEC meteorologists predict levels of pollution, either ozone or fine particulate matter are expected to exceed an Air Quality Index (AQI) value of 100. The AQI was created as an easy way to correlate levels of different pollutants to one scale, with a higher AQI value indicating a greater health concern. 




Summer heat can lead to the formation of ground-level ozone, a major component of photochemical smog. Automobile exhaust and out-of-state emission sources are the primary sources of ground-level ozone and are the most serious air pollution problems in the northeast. This surface pollutant should not be confused with the protective layer of ozone in the upper atmosphere. 


People, especially young children, those who exercise outdoors, those involved in vigorous outdoor work and those who have respiratory disease (such as asthma) should consider limiting strenuous outdoor physical activity when ozone levels are the highest (generally afternoon to early evening). When outdoor levels of ozone are elevated, going indoors will usually reduce your exposure. Individuals experiencing symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain or coughing should consider consulting their doctor. 


Ozone levels generally decrease at night and can be minimized during daylight hours by curtailment of automobile travel and the use of public transportation where available. 


New Yorkers also are urged to take the following energy-saving and pollution-reducing steps: 

  • use mass transit or carpool instead of driving, as automobile emissions account for about 60 percent of pollution in our cities;
  • conserve fuel and reduce exhaust emissions by combining necessary motor vehicle trips;
  • turn off all lights and electrical appliances in unoccupied areas;
  • use fans to circulate air. If air conditioning is necessary, set thermostats at 78 degrees;
  • close the blinds and shades to limit heat build-up and to preserve cooled air;
  • limit use of household appliances. If necessary, run the appliances at off-peak (after 7 p.m.) hours. These would include dishwashers, dryers, pool pumps and water heaters;
  • set refrigerators and freezers at more efficient temperatures;
  • purchase and install energy efficient lighting and appliances with the Energy Star label; and
  • reduce or eliminate outdoor burning and attempt to minimize indoor sources of PM 2.5 such as smoking. A toll-free Air Quality Hotline (1-800-535-1345) has been established by DEC to keep New Yorkers informed of the latest Air Quality situation.  

Additional information on ozone and PM 2.5 is available on DEC's website and on DOH's website.  

The Thursday, Aug. 12, Air Quality Health Advisory regions consist of the following: Region 1 Long Island, which includes Nassau and Suffolk counties and Region 2 New York City Metro, which includes New York City, Rockland, and Westchester counties.  

AOC Organizing Team - “Asthma Alley”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

Team AOC has been out on the streets educating community members about NRG’s attempt to build a fracked gas power plant in the heart of Astoria, Queens.

Western Queens is already subject to high levels of air pollution. Queens is home to highways, power plants, and the blocks that lead toward the NRG plant have long been known as “Asthma Alley.”

Placing more sources of pollution in neighborhoods that already bear the brunt of poor air quality is an environmental injustice. Your zip code shouldn’t determine your health outcomes.

After months of community pressure, the Department of Environmental Conservation is opening up a public comment period on the plant on August 26. Now is the time to organize our neighbors and stop this dirty power plant. Will you join us at an organizing event this month?

Upcoming events:

Attend a Green New Deal Deep Canvass Training
Thursday, August 12
Learn how to have effective, deep canvass conversations and sign up for door knocking on the GND and NRG plant.Get more info or RSVP

Tabling in Westchester Square
Thursday, August 19
Join us at Owen F. Dolen Park in Westchester Square to distribute information to our neighbors about the NRG plant and resources related to COVID-19.Get more info or RSVP

Rally to oppose the Astoria NRG Fracked Gas Power Plant at the public hearing
Thursday, August 26
Join the Stop NRG Coalition and local elected officials to rally before the in-person hearing on the NRG Astoria Power Plant.Get more info or RSVP

NRG’s old power plant is so dirty that the state is forcing it to shut down by 2023. That’s because it burns kerosene, which produces large amounts of nitrogen oxides — air pollutants that can cause asthma, trigger asthma attacks, and increase the severity of respiratory illnesses.

They want to replace it with a fracked gas power plant that will pollute our community and climate just the same. Fracked gas power plants are major nitrogen oxide emitters which contribute to ground-level ozone and smog, threatening the environment and human health. Ground level ozone creates smog, and prolonged exposure to smog has been connected to various cancers, premature deaths in adults, and to low birth weight in babies.

Polluting facilities like power plants have long been disproportionately located near disadvantaged communities, including lower-income areas and communities of color that face higher pollution burdens than their more affluent and whiter neighbors. And that’s exactly the case with this proposed NRG power plant.

Queens neighborhoods experienced some of the highest COVID death rates. The poor air quality cannot be dismissed as a contributing factor to the devastating impacts of COVID in Queens and the Bronx.

We cannot allow this environmental injustice to remain unchecked nor allow NRG to continue to pollute and harm our neighborhoods. Please join us at the public hearing on August 26 to stop this harmful project.

In solidarity,

Team AOC 



 Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams put forward testimony today to call for the Independent Redistricting Commission to draw district boundaries that ensure fair, accurate representation in testimony submitted as part the ongoing redistricting process, particularly for communities that have been marginalized and underrepresented through the process in the past. New Yorkers can submit public comments to the Commission online, and the final public hearing of the Commission prior to maps being drafted will be held virtually on August 15. The Public Advocate noted in his testimony that delays in state funding had stunted the process.

"Given the time-sensitive nature of the redistricting process, it is unacceptable that State funding was not disbursed to the Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) until very recently. To be clear, in Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021, the Governor should have taken steps to ensure that the IRC was able to have the necessary time and funds to hire staff, conduct public outreach, and perform its core functions. Because the Governor failed to do so, the IRC is now working on a compressed timeline that has presented understandable complications." said Public Advocate Williams in his testimony."The Commission must now take swift action to ensure all necessary work can occur before its first map proposals are due... it must make significant improvements to its operations."

He also urged the Commission to engage the public transparently and release its draft maps as soon as possible in order that future hearings can be informed and effective, saying "Public participation in events such as this hearing is the only way that the IRC will be able to identify "communities of interest"-groups with shared policy concerns that would benefit from being maintained together in a single district." He added that "New Yorkers should play their part in informing their neighbors about this redistricting, especially elected officials and community based organizations that have strong and lasting relationships with residents."

Read the full testimony from delivered by the Public Advocate below. Public comments can be submitted here.

My name is Jumaane D. Williams and I am the Public Advocate for the City of New York. I appreciate the opportunity to deliver testimony.
Since the Reconstruction era, gerrymandering has minimized the impact of the votes of people of more color. Through "cracking", which intentionally spreads voters of more color out amongst multiple districts in order to dilute their political voice, and "packing", which intentionally concentrates voters of more color into one district in order to restrict their influence, the drawing of districts has been a harmful political tool. In addition, district lines that ignore local neighborhood boundaries can result in elected representation that is not reflective of community priorities or demographics. In order to avoid these damaging outcomes, it is important that New York State uses this once-in-a-decade opportunity to draw lines that ensure fair and accurate representation for all of its residents, especially those who have been most marginalized by this process in the past. 
Given the time-sensitive nature of the redistricting process, it is unacceptable that State funding was not disbursed to the Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) until very recently. To be clear, in Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021, the Governor should have taken steps to ensure that the IRC was able to have the necessary time and funds to hire staff, conduct public outreach, and perform its core functions. Because the Governor failed to do so, the IRC is now working on a compressed timeline that has presented understandable complications. Nonetheless, the Commission must now take swift action to ensure all necessary work can occur before its first map proposals are due on September 15th. In order to do so, it must make significant improvements to its operations.
Public participation in events such as this hearing is the only way that the IRC will be able to identify "communities of interest"-groups with shared policy concerns that would benefit from being maintained together in a single district. As such, the IRC must make its public events more accessible. The fact that the hearing schedule was only announced on July 12th severely limited the amount of outreach that could be conducted around it and depressed turnout. The late launch of the IRC website on July 12th has also limited public engagement. Further, requiring members of the public to request translation or American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation for the hearing via this low-traffic website, rather than providing these services proactively, has presented serious accessibility challenges for New Yorkers. Moving forward, the IRC should follow provisions in the State's Public Hearings and Meetings law to ensure that future events meet basic democratic standards, while maintaining the ability for the public to testify remotely. In addition, the IRC should release its draft maps as soon as possible so that future hearings can be as informed and effective as possible.
The IRC should also significantly increase the direct outreach into communities regarding its work. All communities must be made aware of all hearings, map-drawing workshops, and listening sessions. A targeted and robust marketing campaign must be a centerpiece of this outreach strategy. Specifically, at least 50% of marketing funds should be dedicated to ethnic and local community media outlets, in order to reach all corners of New York's diverse population. Further, in the aim of transparency and accountability, the IRC should provide detailed reporting on how funds are spent. 
Lastly, all New Yorkers should play their part in informing their neighbors about this redistricting, especially elected officials and community based organizations that have strong and lasting relationships with residents. I encourage them to join our Office in amplifying the redistricting process and connecting residents to all associated events. The stakes are too high here for New Yorkers-especially those who have been traditionally excluded from the political process- to be left unengaged. Please reach out to us to see how we can partner together in this campaign.
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Mount Vernon Baseball Coach Charged With Coercion And Enticement Of A Minor

 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Jacqueline Maguire, the Acting Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and Miriam E. Rocah, Westchester County District Attorney, announced today the arrest of ROBERT POPE for persuading, inducing, enticing and coercing a 16-year-old minor to engage in sexual activity.   POPE was arrested yesterday morning and presented before U.S. Magistrate Judge Paul E. Davison in White Plains federal court.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “The alleged conduct in this case underlines the urgent need for law enforcement to continue its efforts to protect children from those who prey on them. We have zero tolerance for the exploitation of children and we will prosecute and punish those who engage in this conduct. Any individuals who may have relevant information concerning Robert Pope should please contact the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI.”

FBI Acting Assistant Director Jacqueline Maguire said:  "Adults who are entrusted with educating and instructing children usually have the child's best interest at heart. As we allege, Mr. Pope instead chose to abuse his position of authority as a baseball coach to coerce and entice a child into having sex with him. We believe there may be other victims who haven't yet come forward, and we're asking any potential victims and their parents or guardians to contact us at 1-800-CALL-FBI or online at Your information could help our investigation, and help us hold Mr. Pope accountable."

Westchester County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah said: "As alleged in this case, Robert Pope abused his position of trust to take advantage of the most vulnerable for his own sexual gratification. We are proud to work together with the Southern District of New York, the New York FBI and the Mount Vernon Police Department to aggressively prosecute sexual abuse of minors and will use all of our collective resources to ensure sexual predators are stopped and held accountable.”

According to the Complaint[1] filed on August 9, 2021 in White Plains federal court and unsealed yesterday:

Between at least on or about September 1, 2020, up to and including at least on or about April 11, 2021, POPE communicated with a 16-year-old minor (“Victim-1”) by cellphone and persuaded Victim-1 to meet POPE in person in Westchester County, New York on more than one occasion to engage in sexual activities with POPE. 

On or about June 15, 2021, ROBERT POPE was charged in Westchester County, New York, with three counts of Criminal Sexual Act in violation of New York Penal Law 130.40(2).  

Ms. Strauss stated that the investigation is ongoing.  Ms. Strauss requests that any individuals who may have relevant information concerning ROBERT POPE contact the Federal Bureau of Investigation at 1-800-CALL-FBI (225-5324). 

POPE, 30, of  Mount Vernon, New York, is charged with one count of coercion and enticement, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.  The statutory maximum sentence is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.

Ms. Strauss praised the efforts of the FBI, the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office, the Westchester County Safe Streets Task Force, and the Mount Vernon Police Department in connection with this investigation.  She added that the investigation is ongoing.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint and the description of the Complaint set forth herein constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation. 

Rep. Bowman, Sen. Schumer, Rep. Waters Announce Resolution to Recognize and Celebrate Hip Hop’s Cultural Impact



We were part of Congressman Bowman's Monday Town Hall meeting where he mentioned conditions he found during his recent visit to the Southern Border. We have asked for an interview with Congressman Bowman since we write for the Bronx Chronicle and Coop-City News to elaborate further on his visit to the Southern Border. 

We were sent to different locations in his office and finally received an answer from Congressman Bowman's Communications Director Georgia Parke, 'I’d be happy to set up time for you to discuss this issue with him later this month'. That means to a reporter no. I will have to do to Congressman Bowman what I do to Mayor de Blasio to get an answer then. I can't wait to see him at hi next press conference. Your constituents want to know what you found out, one way or another.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer announced that the Senate unanimously passed a resolution designating today, August 11, 2021 as “Hip Hop Celebration Day,” August 2021 as “Hip Hop Recognition Month,” and designating November 2021 as “Hip Hop History Month.” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) joined Rep. Bowman as an original co-sponsor of the resolution in the House.


Hip Hop, now a world-wide phenomenon, had humble beginnings in New York City. On August 11, 1973, at a “Back To School Jam” held in the recreation room of 1520 Sedgwick Avenue in the Bronx, New York, a new innovative style of disk jockeying and engaging the crowd with rap was introduced by Clive “DJ Kool Herc” Campbell. Since then, Hip Hop culture has spread across the nation and the world, uniquely infusing itself into the roots of communities everywhere.


The art and culture of Hip Hop, an original American creation, has transcended boundaries and has been reinvented many times over since its creation in 1973. Hip Hop artists and supporters were originally of African heritage but Hip Hop art and culture has become a melting pot, with its artists and supporters transcending ages, ethnicities, religions, locations, and socioeconomic statuses. Hip Hop has spawned a multi-billion dollar economy in various industries from high fashion to social media platforms. This influence has arguably placed Hip Hop at the center of American culture, both directly and indirectly influencing other genres of music and parts of American social life.


Despite these invaluable contributions to American culture and social life, Hip Hop has struggled to receive the recognition and admiration it deserves on a national level, and government officials have even banned the sale of certain rap albums and disparaged the music altogether. Bowman’s resolution aims to reverse the lack of public recognition of Hip Hop by unequivocally recognizing Hip Hop as a critical part of American culture as it has long deserved.


“Hip Hop is the rebirth of civilization,” Rep. Jamaal Bowman said. “For people who were disconnected from their continent, from their language, from their culture, and from their ancestry, Hip Hop represented a step toward rediscovering what it means to be a Black American, or to be a Latino American. In using the English language to create an entirely new art form, the pioneers of Hip Hop created a vessel that grew to impact nearly every facet of American culture. As we continue our fight to advance civil rights and racial justice, we need to not only recognize but celebrate how Hip Hop and Black Americans have given so much to our culture and our country. I’m proud to lead Congress in formallys recognizing the contributions that Hip Hop has made and will continue to make to our country and the world.”


“For decades I have fought to preserve and protect the legacy of Hip Hop as a truly original American art form. When greedy landlords wanted to close the apartment building on Sedgwick Avenue, where DJ Kool Herc first disk jockeyed beside an emcee and lots of hardworking people lived, we stopped them,” said Sen. Charles Schumer. “I’m proud to honor Hip Hop’s history and its lasting influence with this Senate resolution, which acknowledges the evolution of Hip Hop culture and the tremendous impact it has had on our society.”


“I’m proud to join Rep. Jamaal Bowman as an original co-sponsor of his resolution to highlight the impact of Hip Hop on our culture and the role it plays in telling our story to the world,” Rep. Maxine Waters said. “Some of the early Hip Hop legends came out of the greater Los Angeles area, and through their lyrics managed to tell honest stories about our struggles and our triumphs. I’ve always said that there is no better way to tell our stories than for us to tell them ourselves and on our terms. Hip Hop, from its birth, has always given voice to the unheard and has served as a catalyst for change that moves our community, our culture, and our country forward. This resolution will help us to honor Hip Hop’s long history of contributions to our society and commemorate the lived experiences of our people who, through music, have changed the world.”


“From a small Bronx neighborhood back to school jam in 1973, to the U.S. Capitol government resolution, Hip Hop's impact has gone a long way over the decades, and the future looks bright, from the ladies to men, old school to new school, the best is yet to come. Thanks to Sen. Schumer, Rep. Bowman, and all involved for honoring Hip Hop with this resolution,” said Kool Herc and Cindy Campbell.


The Hip Hop Resolution designates the following national observances:

  • August 11th 2021 as “Hip Hop Celebration Day” in honor of the anniversary of the birth of hip hop
  • August 2021 as “Hip Hop Recognition Month” to highlight the contributions of hip hop to the broader American cultural landscape
  • November 2021 as “Hip Hop History Month” to reflect on the historical treatment and development of the culture

Attorney General James Calls on the U.S. Senate to Strengthen Protections for Working Americans By Passing PRO Act


 New York Attorney General Letitia James, as part of a coalition of 17 attorneys general, has called on on the U.S. Senate to protect hardworking Americans by passing the Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021 (PRO Act). The PRO Act provides protections for workers trying to organize by strengthening and modernizing key parts of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), which enshrines the fundamental rights to organize, unionize, and bargain collectively. In the letter, the multistate coalition highlights the urgent need to pass the PRO Act and urges the U.S. Senate to act to improve the lives of America’s working families.

“Unionizing is a core American right, and no business should be able to infringe on a worker’s ability to organize,” said Attorney General James. “Over the past year, we have been reminded of the critical need to protect our workers and ensure they have better pay, benefits, and working conditions. In honor of the late Richard Trumka and all the workers who sacrificed so much over the past year, I stand with my fellow attorneys general in urging the Senate to pass the PRO Act and support working people.”

The PRO Act is comprised of commonsense reforms to the NLRA designed to curb worker intimidation, retaliation, and other abusive practices and, more generally, restore the law’s original purpose of encouraging unionization. Compared to their non-union counterparts, union members earn 10 to 15 percent higher wages; are more likely to have employer-sponsored benefits, like health insurance, paid sick days, and pensions; experience less wage theft; and are less reliant on public benefits. Today, just 12 percent of American workers are represented by a union — down from 27 percent in 1979.

If enacted, the PRO Act would give the National Labor Relations Board the power to fine companies that retaliate against organizing workers and require arbitration when unionized workers and employers cannot reach agreements on contracts. It would also strengthen the right of workers to strike, ban employer interference and influence in union elections, and prevent employers from using employees' immigration status against them when determining the terms of their employment. Notably, the legislation would override state “right to work” laws, which allow employees to forgo paying dues in unionized workplaces, and would address the “gig” economy by lowering the bar for independent contractors to prove they are “employees” under the Act.   

“We thank Attorney General Letitia James for her support on what is the most significant worker empowerment legislation since the Great Depression,” said Mario Cilento, president, New York State AFL-CIO. “The reforms included in the PRO Act are necessary to restore some balance to our country's labor laws in the face of the increasingly drastic lengths employers have gone to silence the voices of their workers. New York’s Senators Schumer and Gillibrand co-sponsor the bill and we join Attorney General James in calling on their colleagues to follow their lead to increase worker power, rebuild our economy fairly, make workplaces safer, and grow America’s labor movement.”