Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Governor Hochul Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress Combating COVID-19 - SEPTEMBER 21, 2021

 Clinical research for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wadsworth Laboratory

39,453 Vaccine Doses Administered Over Last 24 Hours

41 COVID-19 Deaths Statewide Yesterday 

 Governor Kathy Hochul today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress combating COVID-19.

"The way out of this pandemic is to get as many New Yorkers vaccinated as possible, and New York continues to take steps to put more shots in arms," Governor Hochul said. "We're launching new mask requirements and pop-up sites to help children and their families stay healthy, especially in under vaccinated communities. Getting your shot is safe, free and effective, and it's the best tool we have to defeat this pandemic for good, so don't delay and get your shot immediately." 
Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 143,765
  • Total Positive - 5,242
  • Percent Positive - 3.65%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 2.98%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 2,402 (+69)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 266
  • Patients in ICU - 547 (-10)
  • Patients in ICU with Intubation - 325 (-2)
  • Total Discharges - 198,353 (+188)
  • New deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 41
  • Total deaths reported by healthcare facilities through HERDS - 44,238

The Health Electronic Response Data System is a NYS DOH data source that collects confirmed daily death data as reported by hospitals, nursing homes and adult care facilities only.

  • Total deaths reported to and compiled by the CDC - 56,309

This daily COVID-19 provisional death certificate data reported by NYS DOH and NYC to the CDC includes those who died in any location, including hospitals, nursing homes, adult care facilities, at home, in hospice and other settings.

  • Total vaccine doses administered - 24,745,580
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 24 hours - 39,453
  • Total vaccine doses administered over past 7 days - 358,037
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 80.3%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 72.4%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 82.8%
  • Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 74.3%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 67.9%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 61.0%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose (CDC) - 70.1%
  • Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series (CDC) - 62.7%

Attorney General James Releases Statement on Visit to Rikers Island


New York Attorney General Letitia James released the following statement after touring Rikers Island jail complex with Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark, Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz, and Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez, along with a delegation of state legislators who were present, including: Assembly members Brian Barnwell, Latoya Joyner, Al Taylor, and Clyde Vanel:

“Today, I visited Rikers Island with District Attorneys Clark, Katz, and Gonzalez, and I was deeply disturbed by what we saw. For years, Rikers has been plagued by dysfunction, neglect, and violence, and it’s clear we’ve reached a breaking point. These conditions have led to an unprecedented and devastating number of deaths, and action is desperately needed. I am examining all of my office’s legal options to immediately address this dire situation.”

Attorney General James has long advocated for substantive reforms to our jail and for-profit prison systems. As Public Advocate, she fought for reforms at Rikers Island, including comprehensive changes to address the rampant sexual assault and violence against detainees, and called for the closure of the jail complex.

Doctor Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison For Conspiring To Distribute Millions Of Oxycodone Pills Illegally


 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that RUVIM KRUPKIN, a former New York state-licensed doctor, was sentenced yesterday to 120 months in prison for conspiring to distribute medically unnecessary oxycodone unlawfully.  KRUPKIN pled guilty on September 24, 2020, before U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres, who also imposed yesterday’s sentence.

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “Dr. Ruvim Krupkin wrote medically unnecessary prescriptions for millions of oxycodone pills.  He ignored his patients’ serious medical needs and his medical training, instead turning his medical clinic in Brooklyn into a pill mill, where he doled out oxycodone prescriptions in exchange for cash.  Krupkin put his own greed before his duties as a medical professional, and for that he will now spend a lengthy term in federal prison.”

According to the Indictment and other court documents, as well as statements made in public court proceedings:

KRUPKIN, a former licensed internal medicine doctor with specialties in oncology and hematology, practiced at a medical office in Brooklyn.  From 2006 to July 2017, KRUPKIN prescribed over four million oxycodone pills to individuals he knew had no legitimate medical need for the pills.  KRUPKIN charged each patient $200 in cash for each visit, payable directly to him.  

As a hematologist, KRUPKIN treated patients who had, or claimed to have, sickle cell anemia – a medical condition that can cause pain for which oxycodone, in conjunction with other treatments, may be legitimately prescribed.  However, KRUPKIN wrote thousands of prescriptions for large quantities of oxycodone to patients, knowing that they in fact had no legitimate medical need for the prescriptions.  KRUPKIN generally performed little to no physical examination on these patients; indeed, the medical notes for each patient were largely the same from one visit to the next.

KRUPKIN typically issued patients prescriptions for large doses of oxycodone.  KRUPKIN’s patients filled their prescriptions at pharmacies throughout New York, and in certain cases, sold the oxycodone pills they received to drug dealers, who in turn re-sold the pills at high value on the street.  KRUPKIN knew that certain of his patients were diverting the oxycodone pills he was prescribing, but he nonetheless continued writing prescriptions of oxycodone for such individuals.

KRUPKIN, 70, of Summit, New Jersey, pled guilty to one count of conspiring to unlawfully distribute and possess with intent to distribute oxycodone.

In addition to the prison term, KRUPKIN was sentenced to one year of supervised release, and ordered to pay a $500,000 fine and forfeit $124,000.

In imposing yesterday’s sentence, Judge Torres said: “Krupkin had a moral and ethical obligation to do no harm.  Instead, he prescribed staggering amounts of medically unnecessary pills of oxycodone.  He capitalized on the pain and desperation of poor New Yorkers.”

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI-NYPD Health Care Fraud Task Force.  Ms. Strauss also thanked the New York City Human Resources Administration for its work on the investigation.

Governor Hochul Announces 120 Pop-Up Vaccination Sites Over 12 Weeks as Part of State's #VaxtoSchool Campaign to Increase Vaccination Rates Among Younger New Yorkers

 Governor Hochul makes a VaxtoSchool campaign announcement

Sites Support State's Goal to Increase Statewide Vaccination Rates Among 12 to 17-Year-Olds 
New Website at ny.gov/vaxtoschool for Parents and Guardians with Ready-Made Resources for Schools and Localities Hosting #VaxtoSchool Events 
#VaxtoSchool Pop-Up Sites to Open in Areas with Low COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Among 12 to 17-Year-Olds and #VaxtoSchool Vans to Provide Mobile Vaccinations

 Governor Kathy Hochul today announced 120 new #VaxtoSchool pop-up vaccination sites will take place across New York over a 12-week-period as part of the #VaxtoSchool campaign to increase vaccination rates among younger New Yorkers. Over the next 12 weeks, the State Department of Health will be working with localities, community-based organizations and healthcare centers on-the-ground to establish these new sites in all regions of the state, supporting the State's goal of significantly increasing vaccination rates among this demographic. In partnership with the State, each region will be hosting two new events per week, and partners, host sites, and outreach efforts will be tailored to best meet the needs of the communities they are built to serve.
"Since becoming Governor four weeks ago, I've made it clear that we need to bring children, teachers and staff back to school safely," Governor Hochul said. "With these pop-up vaccinations sites, we are ramping up our #VaxtoSchool campaign on the road and going into communities where vaccination rates are still lagging among young New Yorkers, so we can reach as many families as possible and make our schools safer for students and staff."

The State launched the multi-faceted statewide #VaxtoSchool campaign to support increasing COVID-19 vaccination rates among school-aged New Yorkers, furthering the Governor's commitment to making the health and well-being of students, teachers and families a top priority. 
A community-based medical professional will be available at each site to answer any questions parents and guardians of school-aged New Yorkers may have. Alongside the new sites, as yet another tool to promote and access vaccinations across New York communities, #VaxtoSchool buses—mobile vaccination efforts—are being launched in convenient, youth and school-centric areas statewide, such as public recreational spaces like basketball courts and parks. This will help to make the vaccine available and accessible to school-aged New Yorkers and their families - meeting them where they are, in a way they can trust.

As part of this effort, Governor Hochul recently announced the launch of a new, dedicated website at ny.gov/vaxtoschool with critical resources and materials for parents and guardians of school-aged New Yorkers and school communities. The new site includes information, and an FAQ for parents and guardians, as well as a multitude of ready-made signage for school leaders to support #VaxtoSchool education and operations in their local communities on the ground. The site will continue to be updated with new information about the #VaxtoSchool campaign, including pop-up sites and incentive efforts—such as the recent partnership with Governor's Ball, where 125 free tickets were donated as incentives to support the State's #VaxtoSchool program. 
The State has launched a new Instagram channel, @VaccinateNY, to educate school-aged New Yorkers and their families about the COVID-19 vaccine directly. The new social media page provides approachable, interactive content through easy-to-understand vaccine information, prospective content partnerships, #VaxtoSchool news and social media design contests, and quick video explainers, ensuring that no stone is left unturned in our effort to provide all New Yorkers with the facts about the COVID-19 vaccine. DOH will also amplify these digital education efforts across all of their channels including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Children ages 12 to 17 are able to get the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which is available under Emergency Use Authorization for children ages 12 to 15 and is fully approved for those age 16 and older. The other COVID-19 vaccines are not yet authorized or approved for this age group. If you are a parent or guardian of a school-aged New Yorker, you can also visit vaccines.gov, text your ZIP code to 438829, or call 1-800-232-0233 to find a vaccine location closest to you. Make sure that the provider offers the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. 

Parents are encouraged to make sure their child is up to date on all recommended and required vaccinations. Please visit the Department of Health website for more information on recommended childhood and adolescent immunizations.

Why is NYC VOTES Giving Voters the Wrong Information About the November Election. It is Not a Ranked Choice Election, and All Candidates on the November Ballot Need to be Listed, Not Only Democratic Candidates




We received this from NYC VOTES of the NYC Campaign Finance Board. 

What is Going on here, why is the NYC Campaign Finance Board sending false and incomplete  information out to the public.

from:NYC Votes nycvotes@nyccfb.info
to:Robert Press <100percentbronxnews@gmail.com>
date:Sep 21, 2021, 2:32 PM
subject:What’s a Ballot Proposal?

There needs to be a full investigation of this matter.

NYC Votes is telling voters that the November election will be a Ranked Choice Vote election, when it is not. 

The claim will be that it is for the five ballot proposals when in fact NYC VOTES will cause confusion in the November election by using the Democratic Primary information that was a Ranked Choice Election when the November election is not a Ranked Choice Election. No candidates are listed for that reason.

Rank your candidates

With Ranked Choice Voting, you can rank up to five candidates. Build your rankings for city offices!

This is an archive of the June 2021 

Voter Guide. It does not reflect the 

candidates on the ballot this 




Public Advocate Jumaane D. Williams called for the passage of legislation restoring voting rights in municipal elections to non-citizen residents during a City Council hearing on Monday. The legislation from Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez and of which the Public Advocate is a co-sponsor – the 'Our City, Our Vote' bill – would provide a process for lawful permanent residents in New York city to vote in municipal elections.

"Expanding the franchise through this bill will strengthen civic engagement, government accountability, and immigrant rights..." said Public Advocate Williams before the Committee on Government Operations. "... It is also critical to note that non-citizens had voting rights in this country for much longer than they have not had voting rights. From the founding of the Country until the wave of anti-immigrant sentiment in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, non-citizens had the right to vote in many states and federal territories. Let’s be clear—the exclusion of immigrants from voting is a political choice rooted in racism and xenophobia. We can get this done—and we have a duty to."

The bill would also establish a five-person advisory group, with the Public Advocate as Chairperson, to provide recommendations regarding any problems or potential improvements with respect to the voting process implemented by the legislation. It would include appointees by the Speaker and Mayor.

Public Advocate Williams stressed that "This City has a multitude of priority initiatives that are affecting the immigrant community. It is critical that we amplify their voice in governance by extending them the right to vote... We should allow people who experience the worst impact of our policies the ability to vote on who is making those policies."

The Public Advocate's full testimony is below.



SEPTEMBER 20, 2021

My name is Jumaane D. Williams and I am the Public Advocate for the City of New York. Thank you Chair Cabrera and a special shout out to Councilmembers RodrĂ­guez and Salamanca for both of their bills. I’ll be speaking primarily on Councilmember RodrĂ­guez’s bill.


I’d first like to lift up the plight of the 13,000 Haitian nationals at our border that the President is trying to send back. Very often, the plight of black immigrants is not lifted up as much as it should be—so I want to start off with that.


Immigrant New Yorkers shape our City in countless ways, but many are locked out of our electoral processes. This means City residents who fund, use, and provide essential government services have no political voice in how these services are funded and operated. It also means that elected leaders have no political incentive to advance policies that are of interest to these residents. Even when those policies most adversely affect them. As a sanctuary City that prides itself on its immigrant past, present, and future, this must change. 


As a first generation American, as the son of immigrants from Grenada, I am proud to co-sponsor the Our City, Our Vote bill, Int. 1867 by Council Member Rodriguez, which would restore—and I think it’s important that we continue to say that, we simply restore— the right of non-citizen New Yorkers who have Green Cards and work authorizations to vote in municipal elections. Expanding the franchise through this bill will strengthen civic engagement, government accountability, and immigrant rights. I strongly urge my colleagues to pass this legislation.


I’d like to note that while this bill is transformative, it is not unprecedented. I hear a lot of pushback of legality—maybe it’s one of logistics we can move through. Because there are nine municipalities in Maryland where non-citizens are not excluded from the franchise: Barnesville, Chevy Chase Sections Five and Three, Glen Echo, Hyattsville, Martin’s Additions, Mount Rainier, Riverdale Park, Somerset, and Takoma Park. Additionally, in Chicago and San Francisco non-citizens are able to vote in school board elections. Further, New Yorkers who were non-citizens were previously able to vote in School Board elections from 1969 to the dissolution of the School Board system in 2002. It is also critical to note that non-citizens had voting rights in this country for much longer than they have not had voting rights. From the founding of the Country until the wave of anti-immigrant sentiment in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, non-citizens had the right to vote in many states and federal territories. Let’s be clear—the exclusion of immigrants from voting is a political choice rooted in racism and xenophobia. We can get this done—and we have a duty to.


Whether it’s furthering language access, keeping Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) off of our streets, securing labor rights for delivery workers and street vendors, supporting small businesses, or improving and legalizing substandard basements, this City has a multitude of priority initiatives that are affecting the immigrant community. It is critical that we amplify their voice in governance by extending them the right to vote.


Very often in these situations it is people of privilege trying to prevent people from getting that privilege. The question we have to ask is: Why? Whether it’s marriage or voting rights—it’s what are we trying to prevent and why are we trying to prevent it? We should allow people who experience the worst impact of our policies the ability to vote on who is making those policies. And as I mentioned, we are simply restoring something that was I believe wrongly taken away from people in the first place.


I don’t have any questions, I just wanted to make that statement. I want to thank all of the panelists for all of the work they are doing to get this forward. Special shout out to Assembly Member Catalina Cruz who has been doing this work for quite some time and is a shining example of the people we are speaking about. This should be a proud moment for New York City. This should be a proud moment for our nation as we are pushing back on the xenophobia we are seeing. I hope that our colleagues support it and that our Mayor shows some leadership in a time where leadership is lacking from that side of City Hall.

Consumer Alert: The Department of State and Division of Consumer Protection Warn of Fraudulent Letter Scheme Impersonating the Secretary of State


Scammers Create Fictitious Certificates Claiming to be from the Secretary of State

Matter is Under Investigation by NY Attorney General

 The New York State Department of State and the Division of Consumer Protection today warned New Yorkers of a fraudulent letter scheme. These illegitimate letters have the heading “Executive Letter of Guarantee” and claim that recipients are due to receive a large payment, supposedly being held by the Department of State, to settle debts relating to the sale of timeshares.

The letters, which include a fraudulent signature from New York Secretary of State Rossana Rosado and illicit use of the New York State seal, are not genuine and were not issued by the Secretary of State.

The following image is a sample of the letter sent:

The Department of State has referred the matter to the New York State Attorney General to investigate these fictious certificates for possible criminal prosecution. Anyone who has received a similar letter should immediately report it to the New York Attorney General’s Office at the following address: Real Estate Enforcement Unit, NY State Office of the Attorney General, 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005.

To help protect against these types of scams, the Division of Consumer Protection recommends the following tips:

  • Exercise caution with all communications you receive, including those that appear to be from a trusted entity.
  • Inspect the sender’s information to confirm the message was generated from a legitimate source – be suspicious if the reply to address is different from the sending address.
  • Independently verify the entity’s contact information through an online search engine.
  • Consider calling the sender at a known good number, not listed within the communication, to confirm they sent the communication.

The Division reminds New Yorkers that government entities will never partner with for profit businesses to solicit consumers hard earned dollars. The Department of State actively responds to the needs of the New Yorkers who engage its services, and will never send consumers solicitations for engagement in the mail.

The New York State Division of Consumer Protection serves to educate, assist and empower the State’s consumers. For more consumer protection information, call the DCP Helpline at 800-697-1220, Monday through Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm or visit the DCP website at https://dos.ny.gov/consumer-protection. The Division can also be reached via Twitter at @NYSConsumer or Facebook at www.facebook.com/nysconsumer

Two Members Of The Mount Vernon Goonies Street Gang Sentenced To Federal Prison For The Murder Of 13-Year-Old Innocent Bystander


Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that DAVID HARDY, a/k/a “Mooka,” was sentenced to 372 months in prison for the 2016 murder of Shamoya McKenzie and his participation in a 2012 shooting.  In July 2021, codefendant MARQUIS COLLIER was sentenced to 324 months in prison for his participation in the McKenzie murder and the affairs of the Goonies gang.  COLLIER and HARDY previously pled guilty before U.S. District Judge Nelson S. Román, who imposed COLLIER’s and HARDY’s sentences.

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: “Nothing can undo the senseless killing of Shamoya McKenzie, an innocent young woman, or the trauma experienced by her mother, who witnessed it.  Justice requires that those responsible be held accountable, as Marquis Collier and now David Hardy have been.  Rightly, both will spend decades in federal prison for their crimes.”

According to allegations in the Indictment and other documents filed in federal court, as well as statements made in public court proceedings: 

Between 2007 and 2017, in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere, HARDY, COLLIER, JERMAINE HUGHLEY, and SINCERE SAVOY were members of a racketeering enterprise known as the “Goonies.”  In order to fund the enterprise, protect and expand its interests, and promote its standing, members and associates of the Goonies committed, conspired, attempted, and threatened to commit acts of violence, including murder, attempted murder and robbery; they conspired to distribute and possess with the intent to distribute narcotics; and they obtained, possessed, and used firearms, including by brandishing and firing them. 

The Goonies have been engaged in a long-standing and violent feud with several rival Mount Vernon street gangs, including, among others, the “Boss Playa Family,” the “Get Money Gangstas,” the “Gunnas,” and the “Much Better Gang,” among others.  On December 31, 2016, HARDY, COLLIER, HUGHLEY, and SAVOY attempted to murder a rival gang member in broad daylight by firing multiple shots at him in the vicinity of Tecumseh Avenue and Third Street in Mount Vernon, New York.  HARDY fired the shots, with COLLIER at his side.  The rival gang member suffered gunshot wounds but survived.  One of the bullets, however, missed the intended target and struck the head of 13-year-old Shamoya McKenzie, who was in the front passenger seat of a passing car, which was being driven by her mother.  Shamoya McKenzie died as a result.

HARDY, 26, pled guilty to one count of using a firearm in connection with the murder of Shamoya McKenzie in aid of racketeering and one count of using a firearm in connection with an assault with a dangerous weapon in aid of racketeering for committing a separate shooting in 2012 in furtherance of the Goonies.  In addition to the prison term, Hardy was also sentenced to five years of supervised release.

COLLIER, 29, pled guilty to one count of racketeering conspiracy and one count of discharging a firearm in connection with the murder of Shamoya McKenzie in aid of racketeering.  In addition to the prison term, Collier was also sentenced to five years of supervised release.

HUGHLEY and SAVOY are awaiting sentencing. 

HUGHLEY, 28, pled guilty to one count of racketeering conspiracy and one count of discharging a firearm in connection with the murder of Shamoya McKenzie in aid of racketeering.  Together, the crimes carry a maximum penalty of life in prison, and a mandatory minimum sentence of ten years in prison.

SAVOY, 24, pled guilty to one count of using a firearm in connection with the murder of Shamoya McKenzie in aid of racketeering, which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison, and a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison.

Ms. Strauss thanked the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office for their extraordinary cooperation and assistance with this case, and praised the outstanding investigative work of the Mount Vernon Police Department and the FBI’s Westchester County Safe Streets Task Force, which comprises agents and detectives from the FBI, Yonkers Police Department, Westchester County District Attorney’s Office, Westchester County Police Department, Peekskill Police Department, Mount Vernon Police Department, New York City Police Department, and U.S. Probation.