Wednesday, December 22, 2021

49th Precinct Holds Toy Giveaway at Precinct House.


It was a cold Tuesday afternoon outside the 49th Precinct on Eastchester Road, but inside there was plenty of warmth and smiles from the police officers, and children who got to see Santa Claus and received a toy for Christmas. The children also received a cookie and cup of hot cocoa, while there was coffee for the adults. 

On hand was Deputy Inspector Andrew Natiw who is still the commanding officer at the 49th Precinct, as it was rumored he would be moved to a different position in the department. He said there is a freeze on moving anyone until after the new mayor and police commissioner are installed so they can make the changes. Deputy Inspector Natiw has been at the 49th Precinct for almost three years and has done an excellent job of making the 49 one of the safest precincts in the city. Captain Despat was introduced as the new Executive Officer, who has been at the 49th Precinct for three months now, and is making a towering presence as he is the tallest officer at the 49th Precinct. 

New 49th Precinct Executive Officer Captain Despat (left), Deputy Inspector Natiw, Officer Fernandez and some of the Explorers who helped on the toy giveaway.

The Explorers helped give out the toys with Officer Fernandez.

Captain Despat got right into it by posing with this family and Santa.

Another family poses with Santa holding the toys they received.

Violet here, stole the show sitting on Santa's lap holding her toy she received.

After Violet, Officer Fernandez had to sit on Santa's lap.

Not to be outdone, Community Affairs officer Graham had to sit on Santa's lap. 

A NEW DIGITAL TOOL FOR THE PUBLIC: DCP Launches Capital Planning Explorer


Website gives residents and planners a single spot to see details of all City-funded infrastructure projects, recent housing permits and city facility locations 

 Department of City Planning (DCP) Director Anita Laremont today announced the launch of Capital Planning Explorer, a new, map-based website aimed at increasing transparency around capital planning. This platform builds on an existing map of city facilities by adding details about all City-funded capital projects in the five boroughs, alongside geographic views of housing permits.

“As we work to make government increasingly accessible and accountable to the public, Capital Planning Explorer offers information about committed costs and geographies for all City-funded capital improvement projects, as well as stats on housing permits and details for city facilities in all five boroughs. Large or small, being able to see capital projects both completed and committed is essential as we plan for a more equitable New York City,” said DCP Director Anita Laremont. 

“During this administration, we have worked hard to build trust and increase transparency into the capital process, and this new DCP Capital Planning Explorer is another great step in connecting residents to important information,” said NYC Parks Commissioner Gabrielle Fialkoff. “In addition to our NYC Parks Capital Tracker, this new map will make it even easier for New Yorkers to see how their city is working for them and view detailed information about the capital projects in their neighborhoods.”

“When city government works cohesively, the benefits are endless,” said Department of Transportation Commissioner Hank Gutman. “Capital Projects bring with them essential improvements to neighborhoods citywide. We are proud to be part of the launch of the Capital Planning Explorer, where information on these projects will be more easily accessible to New Yorkers.”

Capital Planning Explorer is comprised of three map layers: Capital Projects, Facilities, and New Housing Developments.

For Capital Projects, each mappable entry includes details on funding, the agency managing the work, the agency funding the work, fiscal years the project has been and will be active, and future financial commitments. These funded projects are found in the Capital Commitment Plan published by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The Capital Commitment Plan is released three times a year and follows the long-term vision set out in the Ten-Year Capital Strategy.

Capital Projects provides a bevy of research options for the public, with projects viewable in both map and table formats. Users can narrow results by agency, project type (i.e. highways, sanitation, universal pre-K), funds committed, and active fiscal years. An address search allows for the creation of a radius to learn about nearby projects as well. The table allows analysis by agency, project type, and funding.

The Facilities map layer, launched in 2017, shows the location of nearly all City and State facilities in New York City, broken down by categories such as Parks, Gardens and Historical Sites; Libraries and Cultural Programs; Health and Human Services; Core Infrastructure and Transportation; and more.

Housing Development maps all housing permits found throughout the five boroughs, color-coded by new construction, a building alteration, or a demolition. This supplemental information on the number and types of housing units found on any city block is key to the city’s planning processes for capital projects.

All datasets are available to download in a machine-readable format, making them easy to analyze for planning and mapping purposes. This public release of a beta platform also includes features allowing any user to provide feedback on desired enhancements, and report bugs.

With these transparency tools, among others DCP has produced, residents, advocates, community boards, elected officials, and city planners can easily identify the wide range of funded infrastructure improvements and how they align with the city’s facilities and housing permits. This is critical to our work for a more equitable and sustainable city.

Department of City Planning
The Department of City Planning (DCP) plans for the strategic growth and development of the City through ground-up planning with communities, the development of land use policies and zoning regulations applicable citywide, and its contribution to the preparation of the City’s 10-year Capital Strategy. DCP promotes housing production and affordability, fosters economic development and coordinated investments in infrastructure and services, and supports resilient, sustainable communities across the five boroughs for a more equitable New York City.

In addition, DCP supports the City Planning Commission in its annual review of approximately 450 land use applications for a variety of discretionary approvals. The Department also assists both government agencies and the public by advising on strategic and capital planning and providing policy analysis, technical assistance and data relating to housing, transportation, community facilities, demography, zoning, urban design, waterfront areas and public open space.

Governor Hochul Signs Legislative Package to Combat Housing Discrimination

suburban neighborhood

In Response to Newsday’s “Long Island Divided” Expose, Governor Hochul Signs a Nine Bill Action Plan to Combat Housing Discrimination 

Establishes the Anti-Discrimination in Housing Fund to be Used by the Attorney General’s Office for Fair Housing Testing

Establishes that All State and Local Agencies Have an Obligation to Further Fair Housing

Increases the Required Training for Real Estate Professionals Relating to Fair Housing Laws and Housing Discrimination; Requires Standardized Intake Procedures be Used by Real Estate Professionals

Creates a Dedicated Telephone Line for Housing Discrimination Complaints

 Governor Kathy Hochul today signed a sweeping legislative package that included nine different bills to combat housing discrimination. This legislative package addresses many of the issues identified in an expose by Newsday, “Long Island Divided”, which explored discrimination and both explicit and implicit bias that exists in the real estate industry.

"For too long, the dream of owning a home has been out of reach for too many New Yorkers because of discrimination and bigotry," said Governor Hochul. "When intrepid investigative journalists uncovered housing discrimination in New York, we took action to end this unacceptable practice. I'm proud to sign strong new laws expanding access to fair housing and allowing more New Yorkers to achieve the American dream of owning their homes."

The centerpiece of the legislation is the Anti-Discrimination in Housing Fund that will permit the state to conduct fair housing testing. New efforts also range from increasing training and raising the maximum fines for misconduct by real estate brokers and salespersons, to emphasizing that all state and local agencies that administer state housing programs have an obligation to “affirmatively further fair housing.” These new bills, passed thanks to the efforts of Senate Housing Committee Chair Brian Kavanagh and Assembly Housing Committee Chair Steven Cymbrowitz, will ensure the real estate workforce is well versed in fair housing practices, and that the new fund is sufficiently resourced to carry out its intended purpose. 

Creation of the Anti-Discrimination in Housing Fund, Increasing Fines and Adding a Surcharge to Licensing Fees

Legislation (S.945-B/A.6866) establishes an Anti-Discrimination in Housing Fund, a portion of which will be supported by fines collected for violations of anti-discrimination sections of the real property law. This bill increases the fine ceiling from $1,000 to $2,000 and then diverts 50 percent of the revenue from these fines to the Anti-Discrimination in Housing Fund. This fund will be available to the Office of the Attorney General for fair housing testing who will allocate grants to various government and non-governmental entities specializing in anti-housing discrimination. 

11 Days and Counting


I am starting my daily Media availability and Mr. moderator I do not want you to call on that Ace reporter Robert Press from the Bronx Chronicle and Parrot TV Talking Politics Friday's at noon live on You Tube . He will rip me apart on that show as he has done to soon to be former Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and the Bronx democratic Party. 

I don't want Ace reporter Robert Press to ask me to tell everyone the numbers of Omicron cases because we are trying to keep those numbers secret so we can panic everyone to get vaccinated and get their booster shots. Also we want people to get tested so we can have numbers of people testing positive so we can scare people even more. I don't want that Ace reporter Robert Press to ask me what is the reliability of the testing, because just like the vaccination and booster shots we don't really know. I will change the subject to Climate Change this morning.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Statement from Governor Hochul on Winter Surge in COVID-19 Cases

 Governor Kathy Hochul New York State Seal

"I want to thank President Biden for his leadership in fighting the nationwide COVID-19 winter surge and taking comprehensive action against the rapid spread of the Omicron variant. 

As part of our state's comprehensive Winter Surge Plan, we’ve taken bold steps to make vaccines, boosters, testing and masks more widely available in all corners of New York State, and we will continue to bring relief to hospital systems so they can remain focused on providing care to all New Yorkers. 

The President and I spoke again today about how to address this surge, and I'm grateful that he is responding to our requests for additional personnel to support our hospitals and health systems, including the deployment of 30 ambulances with staff to Upstate areas; new mass testing sites, including the first one to be operational in New York City before Christmas; and rapid tests sent directly to Americans in their homes. This is real leadership. 

I look forward to our continued partnership with the Biden Administration to assist New York State as we fight the winter surge." 

CONSUMER ALERT: Attorney General James Asks Consumers to Report Price Gouging of At-Home COVID-19 Testing Kits and Other In-Demand Items


AG James Also Issues Warning Against Fraudsters Seeking to Prey on Consumers

 New York Attorney General Letitia James today issued a consumer alert to New Yorkers concerning potential price gouging of over-the-counter coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) testing products for at-home use, as well as other in-demand essential products. Today’s alert comes in light of a surge of COVID-19 cases due to the Omicron variant, which has resulted in the rise of New Yorkers seeking to use at-home testing kits before gathering with friends and loved ones for the holidays.

“As New York sees an exponential rise in COVID-19 cases, more and more New Yorkers are looking for at-home tests and other tools in the fight against the coronavirus,” said Attorney General James. “If New Yorkers see exorbitant price increases on testing kits or other goods vital and necessary for health, safety, and welfare, they are encouraged to report it my office immediately. And fraudsters are on notice that if they attempt to price gouge during this new surge, we will not hesitate to take action.”

The Office of Attorney General (OAG) has received complaints of COVID-19 testing products being sold at double or triple its retail price. A standard BinaxNOW brand test kit at a New York store, like Walgreens, costs appropriately between $14 and $25 for a package of two tests, however, there has been alleged reports of the same products being unlawfully sold for more than $40 and up to $70 per package. 

New York law prohibits merchants from taking unfair advantage of consumers by selling goods or services that are vital to their health, safety, or welfare for an “unconscionably excessive” price. An excessive price would be represented by a gross disparity between the price of the product immediately prior to and after such an occurrence.

Last year, a law was passed that substantially strengthened Attorney General James’ ability to bring charges against individuals and entities violating New York state’s price gouging statute, as they sought to excessively increase prices on essential goods and services during pandemics or other emergencies.

Today’s action is the latest in Attorney General James’ efforts to protect consumers from fraudulent conducts and deceptive practices. In addition to sending more than 1,900 cease and desist letters to merchants since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the OAG also stopped three third-party sellers that used Amazon to price gouge on hand sanitizers and disinfectants and sued a major egg distributor for exorbitantly raising the price of eggs that resulted in Attorney General James securing 1.2 million eggs to help feed needy New Yorkers.

The OAG continues to monitor entities across the state for deceptive practices and price gouging schemes. Any New Yorker who is aware of or believes that they have been the victim of price gouging is encouraged to file a complaint online or call 800-771-7755.

Member of H-2 Mexican Drug Cartel Sentenced to 60 Months in Prison for International Narcotics Distribution Conspiracy


Defendant Trafficked Heroin into the United States for Violent Mexican Drug Cartel

 AT the federal courthouse in Brooklyn, Deovaldo Gutierrez Alfaro, also known as “Leoba,” was sentenced by United States District Judge Carol Bagley Amon to 60 months’ imprisonment for his participation in a large-scale international narcotics distribution conspiracy.  The defendant was arrested in Nayarit, Mexico in March 2019 and extradited to the United States in November 2019.  Alfaro pleaded guilty in June 2021. 

Breon Peace, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, and William D. Bodner, Special Agent-in-Charge, Drug Enforcement Administration, Los Angeles Division (DEA), announced the sentence. 

“With today’s sentence, the defendant is held accountable for conspiring to smuggle large quantities of heroin and other dangerous drugs into the United States and for transmitting hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal drug proceeds between the United States and Mexico,” stated United States Attorney Peace.  “This Office and its law enforcement partners are committed to dismantling international drug cartels and their distribution cells that fuel addiction and promote drug-related violence in our cities and local communities.” 

“Drug trafficking organizations continue to flood our communities with drugs and perpetuate the cycle of addiction that is causing unprecedented overdose deaths across the nation,” stated DEA Los Angeles Special Agent-in-Charge Bodner. “This case exemplifies the hard work and collaborative efforts utilizing domestic and international resources to effectively disrupt sophisticated criminal syndicates.”

According to court filings and facts presented during court proceedings, the defendant was a member of the H-2 Cartel, a violent Mexican drug trafficking organization based in Nayarit and Sinaloa, Mexico.  The H-2 Cartel had numerous drug distribution cells in the United States, including in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Ohio, Minnesota, North Carolina and New York.  The DEA estimates that between January 2013 and February 2017, the H-2 Cartel distributed on a monthly basis approximately 500 kilograms of heroin, 100 kilograms of cocaine, 200 kilograms of methamphetamine and 3,000 kilograms of marijuana into the United States and earned millions of dollars in illegal proceeds.  In furtherance of its drug trafficking operation, the H-2 Cartel used firearms and physical violence, including torture and dozens of homicides.

Between June 2013 and December 2016, the defendant conspired with the H-2 Cartel to smuggle large quantities of heroin from Mexico into the United States and distribute the heroin throughout the country, including in the Eastern District of New York.  The defendant also helped the Cartel move hundreds of thousands of dollars in drug proceeds from the United States back to Mexico.  In September 2015 and November 2016, law enforcement seized more than three kilograms of heroin in connection with two drug shipments that the defendant had coordinated.

The government’s case is being handled by the Office’s International Narcotics & Money Laundering Section.  Assistant United States Attorneys Craig R. Heeren, Ryan C. Harris, and Andrew D. Wang are in charge of the prosecution.  The Justice Department’s Office of International Affairs provided substantial assistance in securing Alfaro’s arrest and extradition.

Bronx Connect receives $100,00,00 From AT&T For Its Afterschool Program


After school programs are a thing of the past in many New York City public schools having been cut severely during the Mayor Bloomberg era in City Hall. Those afterschool programs were a bridge to what a student may not have understood in the classroom, or were programs that helped enrich students. 

Bronx Connect has teamed up with AT&T to bring some of these programs to students in an out of school classroom at Bronx Connect on East 148th Street. Bronx Connect has served youth whom society has identified as high risk of recidivism. With proper mentorship and wrap-around case management, Bronx Connects youth beat all odds.

Dr. Wendy Calderon-Payne the Executive Director of Bronx Connect goes over the program for the event with AT&T.

Terence Derrick is the teacher, or Digital Instructor for the student working on computers. 

Omar McNeil is one of the students in the Bronx Connect program who talks about what is offered to the students.

Mural painting is one of the parts of the program.

Assemblywoman Amanda Septimo is in full support of the Bronx Connect program.

Mr. Timothy Tapia of AT&T speaks of why he supports the Bronx Connect student program.

Here Mr. Tapia of AT&T presents Bronx Connect with a check for one hundred thousand dollars to continue the afterschool program.