Saturday, March 11, 2023

Bronx Metro-North Station Area Study - Monthly Update


Monthly Bronx Metro-North Study Update
March 2023

MTA Station Construction Kicks Off

In early 2023, the MTA held an official groundbreaking for the construction necessary to bring new Metro-North service to the East Bronx. 

Visitors to the location of the future Parkchester/Van Nest station (pictured below) will today see early signs of construction work as the MTA adds additional tracks to ensure that the Metro-North service is ready to run starting in late 2027 (projected).

The City is proud to continue its partnership with the MTA as it continues planning work around each of the four stations. This is a unique opportunity to thoughtfully integrate new service into the fabric of our Bronx communities and to add much needed housing -- including affordable housing --  commercial space, community-serving retail, and community facility space adjacent to new planned Metro-North service.

Rendering of the main entrance to the future Parkchester/Van Nest station. Image courtesy of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

Plan Highlight of the Month: Jobs Planning Work
An important aspect of the City's Bronx Metro-North Study planning work touches on the importance of jobs and workforce development. This includes:

  • Working to help grow jobs centers in the Bronx, including the important job center at Morris Park (one of the City's 10 largest jobs centers!)
  • Working to identify gaps to connecting Bronxites to jobs in the Borough, the City, and the region

DCP recently completed updating its workforce and labor market analysis as part of this work. A couple of notable facts:

  • Local health services accounts for the largest share of jobs in the study area centered around Morris Park and Parkchester/Van Nest
  • Local government services and local education and training were the two fastest growing jobs sectors

Stay Up-to-date on Planning Work:

Please visit the Bronx Metro-North webpage to see a summary of recommendations and past planning work. 

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  • Mailing List: To make sure you’re up-to-date on planning work, please sign up for our mailing list at

  • Remote Office Hours: Have additional questions or thoughts you’d like to share with us? We’d love to hear from you. Sign up for one-on-one remote office hours with the study team here: Sign up!  
  • Follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @nycplanning