Thursday, June 6, 2024



Initiative Will Support Small Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Economic Growth to Deliver Largest Overhaul of City’s Commercial and Manufacturing Zoning in 60 Years

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Department of City Planning (DCP) Director and City Planning Commission (CPC) Chair Dan Garodnick today celebrated the New York City Council’s approval of “City of Yes for Economic Opportunity,” a set of citywide zoning changes the Adams administration introduced that will further fuel New York City’s economic recovery and pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous future for New York businesses. Together, the proposed set of changes will help businesses find space and grow, support entrepreneurs and freelancers, boost growing industries, and enable more vibrant streetscapes and commercial corridors. City of Yes for Economic Opportunity is the second of the Adams administration’s three “City of Yes” initiatives — the first being “City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality,” and the third being “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity.” 


“When we came into office two years ago, we committed to turning New York City into a ‘City of Yes.’ We unveiled three landmark proposals to transform our city’s zoning laws and help combat climate change, unleash job growth, and build new housing,” said Mayor Adams. “With today’s passage of ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity,’ we have taken another historic step to bring our city’s zoning code into the 21st century and build a more inclusive and prosperous economy. Our proposal will replace outdated restrictions on businesses with new rules that support sustainable job growth, help businesses open and expand, and fill vacant storefronts. After decades of inaction, it will move our city’s zoning code into the future, laying the foundation for long-term growth across all five boroughs. Quite simply, it will take us from a rotary phone mentality and bring us into the smart phone world. Thank you to our partners in the City Council — including Speaker Adams and Chairs Riley and Salamanca — who delivered a landmark win for all New Yorkers with today’s vote. However, our work is not yet complete. Later this year, the City Council will vote on the third and final piece of our plan: ‘City of Yes for Housing Opportunity.’ By building a little more housing in every neighborhood, we can get significantly closer to our goal of building 500,000 new homes across New York City by 2032 and finally tackle our city’s housing crisis. We look forward to working with the City Council to deliver this important win for New Yorkers.” 


“The zoning of 1961 cannot serve the needs of 2024,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and Workforce Maria Torres-Springer. “With today’s historic approval, we are replacing antiquated regulations with new, commonsense rules that will boost small businesses, growing industries and commercial corridors. Thank you to Speaker Adams and the members of the City Council for their partnership. Today, we’re proving once again that New York is a ‘City of Yes.’”

“Today marks a significant milestone for New York City's economic future,” said First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. “With the approval of 'City of Yes for Economic Opportunity,' we're not just embracing change, we're championing it. These zoning changes reflect our commitment to fostering a more inclusive and vibrant city, where businesses can thrive, entrepreneurs can flourish, and our communities can grow. As we pave the way for a more prosperous future, let's remember: in the ‘City of Yes,’ opportunities abound for all New Yorkers.”

“This is a momentous day for New York City. For too long, our mom-and-pop shops, entrepreneurs, and commercial corridors have been hindered by our own antiquated rules,” said CPC Chair and DCP Director Gardonick. “The newly-adopted zoning changes will reduce storefront vacancies, create more vibrant neighborhoods, and generate economic success across all five boroughs. Thank you to the City Council for supporting this important initiative and charting a path for our city’s future prosperity.”

“The ‘City of Yes’ is a landmark proposal driven by the vital role of small businesses in powering our city's economy, and the ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity,’ builds on this foundation, positioning New York City as the leader in growth and quality of life,” said New York City Department of Small Business Services Commissioner Kevin D. Kim. “By modernizing our zoning laws, we are creating new opportunities and empowering our small businesses to reach their full potential. We thank the New York City Council and DCP Director Dan Garodnick for their pivotal role in passing this milestone legislation and ensuring the success of our communities.”


“‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ is a huge opportunity for the Adams administration to take a major step forward to drive economic growth across New York City, while enabling more vibrant public spaces and revitalizing some of our commercial corridors,” said New York City Economic Development Corporation President and Chief Executive Officer Andrew Kimball. “I applaud the City Council for recognizing the importance of these zoning changes, which will be critical to growing small businesses, and the Department of City Planning, and so many other city agencies, for the enormous amount of work they put in and for their continued advocacy for this critical initiative.”


“The Office of Nightlife at SBS extend our thanks to the City Council for passing the ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ proposal,” said Office of Nightlife (ONL) Executive Director Jeffrey Garcia. “In our 24/7 city — the birthplace of hip-hop, salsa, and disco — the freedom to dance is essential. These changes overturn outdated rules from the 1960s and fulfill a key priority from ONL’s 2021 recommendations to finally repeal the last vestiges of the discriminatory Cabaret Laws. We are grateful to Mayor Adams, the City Council, and countless advocates across the nightlife community who continue to push for equal access to dancing for all New Yorkers. This process is the culmination of a true collective effort.”


“I am glad to see the passage of ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ by the City Council,” said Mayor’s Office of Urban Agriculture Executive Director Qiana Mickie. “These smart, forward-looking zoning changes will allow a greater breadth of urban agriculture business development, creating exciting new economic opportunities for the food and agriculture sector in New York City. The ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ directly supports the efforts of our office to advance environmental justice and food equity, while creating opportunity in the green economy. I applaud the New York City Department of City Planning and the City Council for approaching this process in such a thoughtful, considered manner.” 


“As the agency responsible for enforcing the city’s zoning resolution, we are glad that the City Council agrees that zoning changes are an important piece of the puzzle to fill up empty storefronts by encouraging New Yorkers to start and grow their small businesses,” said New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) Commissioner Jimmy Oddo. “Our small business team here at DOB is ready to assist new entrepreneurs looking to set up shop in the five boroughs with free consultations on storefront renovation projects and guidance on getting into compliance with city building regulations.”


“The New York City Housing Authority extends its congratulations to the Adams administration for the passage of ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity,’” said New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) Chief Executive Officer Lisa Bova-Hiatt. “Just as it could with the ‘City of Yes for Housing Opportunity’ proposal, rethinking New York City’s zoning policies allows for a tremendous amount of innovation and growth, and we’re excited for the possibilities in store for New Yorkers as a result, particularly those who call NYCHA home, many of whom are small business owners and hard workers with entrepreneurial spirits.”


“‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ will make it possible for even more food businesses to thrive,” said Mayor's Office of Food Policy Executive Director Kate MacKenzie. “From new opportunities for food enterprises in storefronts to expanded opportunities for urban growing, these zoning changes will support improved neighborhood food security and good food jobs.”


City of Yes for Economic Opportunity includes commonsense policy changes that would expand options for businesses to locate near their customers, support growing industries and sectors, foster vibrant neighborhoods and commercial corridors, and provide businesses with clear and modern zoning rules. Among these changes are policies to:  

  • More than double the space available for clean manufacturing, allowing small producers, such as microbreweries, apparel makers, and ceramic shops, to open and grow in commercial corridors in all five boroughs for the first time.
  • Create new zoning tools to allow more than 17,000 businesses in industrial areas that are currently prevented from adding space to grow their businesses.
  • Expand the number of businesses able to open in ground- and upper-floor spaces.
  • Eliminate outdated rules that prohibit dancing, comedy, and open mic nights in restaurants and venues in commercial areas, and instead govern venues by size and volume.
  • Update 1960s-era rules that limit where amusements are allowed, so experiential retail, such as virtual reality arcades, and family-friendly activities can be located closer to where New Yorkers live.
  • Modernize how zoning regulates laboratories so life sciences research can flourish in offices and near universities and hospitals. 
  • Remove outdated restrictions on indoor urban agriculture.
  • Fill empty storefronts by fixing decades-old rules that ban businesses from setting up in certain long-term vacant facilities.
  • Allow a wider range of businesses, including barbers and interior designers, to be based in homes.
  • Foster cleaner and safer streets and support local small businesses by helping them expand local delivery capacity.
  • Facilitate adaptive reuse of commercial buildings by modernizing loading dock rules.  

City of Yes for Economic Opportunity is the second of Mayor Adams’s three “City of Yes” initiatives to foster a greener, more affordable, and more prosperous city by updating outdated zoning rules. The first — City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality — was adopted by the City Council in December. The third — City of Yes for Housing Opportunity — was referred for public review by community boards and borough presidents this spring and will be put to a vote by the City Council before the end of the year. 


The Adams administration has made continued investments and policy reforms to support small businesses across New York City. In addition to introducing these zoning changes, the administration has also committed to several quality-of-life improvements for New Yorkers related to modern businesses. These include policies to address the impact of “last mile” shipping facilities, investments in alternative clean delivery modes, and investments in industrial developments, such as clothing manufacturing and food production, alongside the upcoming Industrial Strategic Plan.


Under the Adams administration, over $265 million in grant and loan funding has been facilitated or administered to small businesses through SBS. Last month, Mayor Adams announced the launch of the “NYC Future Fund,” a $10 million investment to seed the city’s next major small business loan fund. The fund will accelerate the growth of hundreds of new small businesses in New York City by addressing the gap in access to affordable capital faced by small business owners, particularly early-stage businesses, as well as Black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) and women entrepreneurs that otherwise often cannot obtain traditional bank financing. The fund builds on the success of the landmark $85 million “NYC Small Business Opportunity Fund,” which provided loans of up to $250,000 to over 1,000 businesses, with 69 percent of loans going to BIPOC-owned businesses.


“The council made modifications to the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity to strike the right balance of promoting economic growth and opportunities for local businesses while protecting neighborhoods and safeguarding quality of life for all New Yorkers,” said New York City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams. “Our efforts will preserve manufacturing districts and enhance the industrial sector, which provides good-paying jobs and can prepare our city for a clean energy future. I'm proud that the council has also secured crucial commitments for an aggressive plan to confront the serious environmental and health impacts of last-mile facilities and trucking, which disproportionately impact outer-borough communities of color. The additional investments for better enforcement of buildings, nightlife establishments, and unlicensed smoke shops also were pivotal commitments secured as part of the council’s efforts. This balanced approach is responsive to communities and ensures a plan that can propel the city's economy to the benefit of all New Yorkers and neighborhoods.”


“With our city’s commercial zoning regulations having gone unchanged since 1961 – hindering economic success – the City Council’s approval of City of Yes for Economic Opportunity proposal provides the opportunity to strike the right balance in promoting such desperately-needed economic growth,” said New York City Councilmember Rafael Salamanca. “As chair of the Committee on Land Use, I am proud to have worked alongside Speaker Adams and my colleagues to have negotiated a commitment for a special permit to address the issue of last-mile facility operations, and protections for our communities against micro-distribution sites in residential areas. While it is important to protect our business communities, we cannot overlook the historic environmental justice issues that have plagued districts, like mine in the South Bronx, with high pollution and asthma rates for far too long.”


“As Chair of the Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises, it is imperative that we stand committed to updating our city's zoning rules to meet the changing needs of our neighborhoods,” said New York City Councilmember Kevin C. Riley. “Today's vote on City of Yes for Economic Opportunity is a key step in modernizing these outdated laws to fit our diverse economy. With a shared commitment to community interests for the advancement of our city, we at the council recognize the collaboration with Mayor Adams and the administration to achieve the right balance between protecting quality of life and fostering economic growth and local businesses. Given that many commercial zoning regulations have remained unchanged since 1961, this milestone highlights the significance of unified efforts for the benefit of New Yorkers.”


“Today’s passage of the City of Yes Zoning for Economic Opportunity text amendment is an incredibly necessary measure that I am proud to support alongside my colleagues in the City Council,” said New York City Council Majority Leader Amanda Farías. “Bolstering our commercial corridors, supporting small business growth, and strengthening M-Zones are all essential parts to supporting our local economies and creating sustainable careers. This vote comes after tireless work in our communities where the City Council recommended several zoning modifications to meet community’s needs, it is with great pleasure that I can say the Zoning for Economic Opportunity does exactly that.”


“‘City of Yes’ will provide the regulatory flexibility to stimulate the development of street-level retail corridors and support the growth and vibrancy of our local businesses,” said Jessica Lappin, president, Alliance for Downtown New York. “We are encouraged to see tangible progress toward the realization of this much needed program that can help our small business community reach its economic potential.”


“Today marks a significant milestone for our city with the passage of the ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity,’” said Lisa Sorin, president, The Bronx Chamber of Commerce. “By modernizing our zoning regulations, we can not only activate empty storefronts, but also create fertile ground for businesses and entrepreneurs to thrive. This is a bold step towards reducing retail vacancies and ensuring our commercial corridors are bustling hubs of innovation and community. These policy changes will empower small producers, support growing industries, and bring a renewed vibrancy to our neighborhoods – let's continue to embrace change and build a stronger, more resilient economy for all New Yorkers.”

“The Morris Park Business Improvement District applauds New York City Council taking today a crucial step forward in greenlighting a unique opportunity to re-fuel and bring new resources to the city's commercial corridors,” said Dr. Camelia Tepelus, executive director, Morris Park Business Improvement District. “In Morris Park, we are confident that the ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ will strengthen our position as a leading job center in life sciences and an engine for continued job creation and innovation in the Bronx. We are particularly grateful to the teams of DCP for their extensive outreach and guidance to the business community, and thank the multi-agency teams that conceptualized this transformative step forward for the city's commercial corridors.”


“I have always advocated that dance is an essential means of human expression, and protected by the First Amendment,” said Jerry Goldman, board chair, New York Dance Parade. “I am very pleased that the City of New York has finally repealed the last vestiges of the archaic and unfair laws regulating dance via the adoption of the ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ legislation!”


“I'm thrilled that after 20 years advocating with, ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ will revitalize marginalized communities through dance, all in a responsible way,” said Greg Miller, coalition coordinator, “This opens the door for new expressions of movement and cultural vibrancy to flourish across the city!”


“As champions for over 1.3 million freelancers and small business owners across the five boroughs, we at the Freelancers Union are thrilled to commend Mayor Eric Adams, the Department of City Planning and the City Council, for their collaborative efforts on the ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ initiative,” said Freelancers Union Executive Director Rafael Espinal. “This pivotal move addresses key challenges our members face, such as securing affordable business spaces and fosters growth for independent entrepreneurs. We celebrate this milestone and look forward to its positive impact on our city.”


“The Garment District Alliance is proud to support the ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity,’” said Barbara A. Blair, president, the Garment District Alliance. “In addition to encouraging new growth in New York City’s economic sector, this initiative also eliminates long-standing hurdles for local businesses – ultimately enabling them to not just survive, but thrive. We applaud the Department of City Planning for their forward-thinking approach.”


“The NoHo Business Improvement District hears from our stores on the ground floor that flexibility, clear rules, and zoning regulations that work for modern businesses are essential for New York City's commercial corridors to thrive into the future,” said Cordelia Persen, executive director, NoHo Business Improvement District. “‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ is key to ensuring our stores have the zoning framework they need to start, grow, and succeed.”


“We’re delighted with the full City Council's approval of the ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ initiative,” said Carlo Scissura, president and CEO, New York Building Congress. “This significant reform will ease the way for businesses to flourish and expand across New York City, enhancing our city’s economic prosperity. We applaud the City Council for their forward-thinking decision to eliminate antiquated zoning laws that have impeded economic progress. Together with Mayor Adams' other initiatives, including those aimed at expanding housing opportunities, our members are ready and excited to contribute to building a fairer, more prosperous, and sustainable future for all New Yorkers.”


“The New York State Latino Restaurant Bar & Lounge Association is excited that the New York City Council has approved the mayor’s ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ proposal,” said Sandra Jaquez, president of the New York State Latino Restaurant Bar & Lounge Association. “The zoning amendments passed today, in particular those that end the dancing ban, will strengthen our minority-owned establishments by allowing restaurants and bars to expand their businesses, build their customer base, and champion the culture of many establishments where dancing and music are a focal point. Thank you to Mayor Adams and his administration, as well as the leadership of Speaker Adams and the entire City Council for getting the ‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ over the finish line and providing the hospitality industry with support.”


“‘City of Yes for Economic Opportunity’ will remove unnecessary and obsolete zoning regulations, encouraging business development and job creation across all five boroughs,” stated Kathryn Wylde, president and CEO, Partnership for New York City.

“The City of Yes for Economic Opportunity is critical for the revitalization of our neighborhoods and commercial districts,” said Richard R. Buery, Jr., CEO of Robin Hood and Co-Chair of the “New” New York Panel. “Congratulations to the City Council for approving the Mayor’s proposals to abandon these antiquated zoning restrictions that stand in the way of entrepreneurial activity and expanded opportunity for all New Yorkers. 

“We are thrilled that ‘City of Yes’ has reached this next milestone so that it can implement a critical set of reforms to ensure that our businesses have clear and flexible zoning regulations allowing them to adapt, innovate and thrive,” said Tom Harris, president, Times Square Alliance. “Congratulations to City Hall, the City Council, and the Department of City Planning for all their work to make this come to fruition.”


“Union Square is a unique live-work-play neighborhood that offers rich transit access, robust foot traffic, and dynamic public spaces,” said Julie Stein, executive director, Union Square Partnership. “Today, we celebrate the new economic opportunities that ‘City of Yes’ is unlocking for our commercial landscape, which add to the neighborhood's desirability. We are proud to be a place for all New Yorkers to enjoy and will continue to collaborate with the city, our partners, and stakeholders to ensure the most vibrant future for Union Square.”


Former Director At New York City Mayor’s Office Arrested For Participating In Bank Fraud Scheme


Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and James Smith, the Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced today the arrest of TOMMY LIN in connection with a scheme to steal millions of dollars from financial institutions, which resulted in the theft of over $10 million.  LIN was arrested this morning and will be presented today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Stewart D. AaronLIN was charged in a Superseding Indictment along with ZHONG SHI GAO, a/k/a “George,” and FEI JIANG, a/k/a “Jeffrey,” a/k/a “Brother Fei,” who were previously arrested in November 2023The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon. 

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “Tommy Lin allegedly participated in a complex bank fraud scheme while also serving as a Director in the New York City Mayor’s Office and Senior Advisor to the NYPD’s Asian Advisory CouncilLeveraging his connections to law enforcement, he allegedly leaked personal identifying information to members of the scheme, ran background checks for them, and even arranged for federal immigration authorities to arrest an individual in exchange for $20,000 in cashI thank the career prosecutors of this Office and our law enforcement partners for their persistence in investigating this fraudulent and corrupt scheme.” 

FBI Assistant Director in Charge James Smith said: “Tommy Lin, a former director in the Mayor’s Office, allegedly participated in a scheme to defraud more than a dozen financial institutions of at least $10 million by submitting illegitimate fraud reports to force the banks to reimburse them.  To facilitate this conspiracy, Lin allegedly assisted members of the scheme in running background checks and accepted a significant cash bribe to arrange the arrest of a slighted accountholder by immigration authorities.  Those in municipal offices are expected to conduct themselves with rectitude and obedience to the law, not engage in the purposeful manipulation of our economic infrastructure.  The FBI is committed to ensuring all citizens, especially those in positions of authority, adhere to financial regulations and will investigate individuals who seek to profit from fraudulent plots.” 

According to the allegations in the Superseding Indictment unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:[1]

LIN previously served as the Director of Constituent Services in the Community Affairs Unit for the New York City Mayor’s Office between in or about 2014 and in or about 2019.  As part of his responsibilities in the New York City Mayor’s Office, LIN served as a Senior Advisor to the New York City Police Department’s Asian Advisory Council. 

Between at least in or about 2018 and in or about 2022, LIN participated in a scheme with GAO, JIANG, and others to steal millions of dollars from banks by causing transfers of funds between accounts they controlled, then falsely and fraudulently reporting that the transfers were unauthorized, which induced the financial institutions to credit them the amount of the transfers.  The scheme was responsible for over $10 million in actual losses to nearly a dozen banks.

LIN participated in the bank fraud conspiracy by, among other things: providing names and dates of birth for potential accountholders to be used in the scheme, running background checks on members of the scheme to ensure that law enforcement was not investigating them, and accepting approximately $20,000 in cash in exchange for arranging for a Deportation Officer with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to arrest a disgruntled accountholder who had previously participated in the scheme.

LIN, 41, of Forest Hills, New York, is charged with one count of bank fraud conspiracy, which carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison; one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud affecting a financial institution, which carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison; and one count of aggravated identity theft, which carries a mandatory sentence of two years in prison to be served consecutively to any other sentence imposed. 

The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.

Mr. Williams praised the investigative work of the FBI.  Mr. Williams also thanked the New York City Department of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General for their assistance in the investigation of this case.  

This case is being handled by the Office’s Violent and Organized Crime Unit.  Assistant U.S. Attorneys Andrew K. Chan, James Ligtenberg, and Ni Qian are in charge of the prosecution.

The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment and the description of the Indictment set forth herein constitute only allegations, and every fact described herein should be treated as an allegation.

Governor Hochul Announces Nearly $33 Million Awarded to New York Farms to Protect More Than 12,300 Acres of Farmlan


33 Projects Awarded in the Finger Lakes, Southern Tier, Mid-Hudson, Mohawk Valley, Central New York, and Capital Regions will Conserve 12,356 Acres of Viable Agricultural Land through the Farmland Protection Program

118,400 Acres of Farmland Protected Across the State

Governor Kathy Hochul today announced that nearly $33 million is being awarded to not-for-profit conservation organizations to protect a total of 12,356 acres of valuable farmland on 33 farms across the State through the Farmland Protection Implementation Grants (FPIG) program. This is the third and final group of conservation easements funded through Round 19 of the program, which is helping to keep agricultural land in production, ensure the long-term viability of New York's farming operations, and strengthen New York's agricultural industry.

“New York’s farmland and our rich soils across the State are precious resources, providing us open space and supporting the production of the food we eat,” Governor Hochul said. “By protecting our farmland, we can help ensure the viability and success of New York agriculture for generations to come, which is why this year’s budget again included significant funding for the Farmland Protection Program."

Round 19 of the State's Farmland Protection program supports the State's top priorities – like food security, climate resiliency, and source water protection – and includes the agroforestry, equine, and wine sectors as eligible applicants. In addition, the eligibility criteria includes three newer categories: field crops, livestock or livestock products, and access to farmland. Access to farmland is intended to help address ongoing challenges facing new and beginning farmers as well as retiring farmers in this area.

So far, the FPIG program has helped preserve more than 118,400 acres of New York farmland through completed conservation easement projects totaling more than $282 million on 397 farms.

The following projects have been awarded in the Capital Region, Mohawk Valley, Mid-Hudson, Central New York, Finger Lakes, and Southern Tier Regions, totaling $32,835,191:

Capital Region ($4,588,886 for 2,619 acres):

  • Agricultural Stewardship Association (Washington County) – Fullerton Farm-Eldridge Lane (dairy operation awarded under Livestock or Livestock Products category) - $660,996 for 485 acres with 75 percent productive soils
  • Agricultural Stewardship Association (Washington County) – Woody Hill Farm II (dairy operation awarded under Livestock or Livestock Products category)- $1,234,101 for 709 acres with 39 percent productive soils
  • Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy (Albany County) – Eight Mile Creek Farm-Westerlo (livestock and vegetable operation awarded under Source Water Protection category) - $575,171 for 277 acres with 74 percent productive soils
  • Agricultural Stewardship Association (Rensselaer County) – Larkin Hill Farm (equine operation awarded under Equine category) - $363,588 for 75 acres with 73 percent productive soils
  • Agricultural Stewardship Association (Washington County) – Walker Farms (dairy operation awarded under Livestock or Livestock Products category) - $1,259,163 for 873 acres with 52 percent productive soils
  • Columbia Land Conservancy (Columbia County) – Shadowbrook Farm (livestock operation awarded under Livestock or Livestock Products category) - $227,200 for 117 acres with 65 percent productive soils
  • Agricultural Stewardship Association (Rensselaer County) – Mort’s Maple Farm (maple sap operation awarded under Agroforestry category) - $268,667 for 83 acres with 61 percent productive soils

Mohawk Valley Region ($2,146,057 for 738 acres):

  • Otsego Land Trust (Otsego County) – Young Family Dairy Farm (dairy operation awarded under Livestock or Livestock Products category) - $936,323 for 376 acres with 63 percent productive soils
  • Otsego Land Trust (Otsego County) – Peaceful View Meadows (beef cattle operation awarded under Livestock or Livestock Products category) - $429,150 for 101 acres with 49 percent productive soils
  • Otsego Land Trust (Otsego County) – Miller’s Organic Dairy Farm-Allen Lake Road (dairy operation awarded under Livestock or Livestock Products category) - $260,214 for 72 acres with 73 percent productive soils
  • Otsego Land Trust (Otsego County) – Miller’s Organic Dairy Farm-Hoke Road (dairy operation awarded under Source Water Protection category)- $520,370 for 189 acres with 61 percent productive soils

Mid-Hudson Region ($1,497,169 for 311 acres):

  • Orange County Land Trust (Orange County) – Moraczewski Farm (hay operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $817,707 for 166 acres with 38 percent productive soils
  • Dutchess Land Conservancy (Dutchess County) – Knapp Farm (cash crop operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $679,462 for 145 acres with 78 percent productive soils

Central New York Region ($4,477,300 for 1,211 acres):

  • New York Agricultural Land Trust (Cayuga County) – Staehr Family Farm (cash crop operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $875,316 for 177 acres with 77 percent productive soils
  • New York Agricultural Land Trust (Onondaga County) – Lockwood Farm (cash crop and sheep operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $876,414 for 119 acres with 77 percent productive soils
  • New York Agricultural Land Trust (Cayuga County) – Hourigan Farms of Elbridge (dairy and cash crop operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $799,040 for 383 acres with 75 percent productive soils
  • New York Agricultural Land Trust (Onondaga County) – Lue Maple Lane Farm (dairy and cash crop operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $1,926,530 for 532 acres with 68 percent productive soils

Finger Lakes Region ($18,936,083 for 7,049 acres):

  • Genesee Valley Conservancy (Wyoming County) – Silver Haven Farms (dairy operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $1,876,790 for 565 acres with 98 percent productive soils
  • Genesee Valley Conservancy (Wyoming County) – Woodvale Farms #1 (dairy operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $1,316,195 for 425 acres with 75 percent productive soils
  • Genesee Valley Conservancy (Wyoming County) – Woodvale Farms #2 (dairy operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $1,082,901 for 355 acres with 57 percent productive soils
  • Western New York Land Conservancy (Genesee County) – Tiede Farm (cash crop operation awarded under Field Crops category) - $519,271 for 246 acres with 56 percent productive soils
  • Finger Lakes Land Trust (Yates County) – Hallpine Farm (cash crop operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $782,232 for 195 acres with 94 percent productive soils
  • Genesee Land Trust (Genesee County) – Branton Farms (cash crop operation awarded under Field Crops category) - $1,365,302 for 585 acres with 77 percent productive soils
  • Genesee Valley Conservancy (Genesee County) – Cottonwood Farm (dairy operation awarded under Livestock or Livestock Products category) - $1,853,625 for 788 acres with 41 percent productive soils
  • Genesee Valley Conservancy (Livingston County) – Doolittle Farm (dairy operation awarded under Livestock or Livestock Products category) - $1,487,195 for 623 acres with 81 percent productive soils
  • Genesee Valley Conservancy (Livingston County) – Zornow Farm (cash crop operation awarded under Specialty Crops category) - $1,385,953 for 458 acres with 83 percent productive soils
  • Genesee Land Trust (Wayne County) – Westfall Farm (beef cattle and cash crop operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $1,092,989 for 240 acres with 73 percent productive soils
  • Genesee Valley Conservancy (Livingston County) – Brady Farms #1 (cash crop operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $2,000,000 for 1,278 acres with 91 percent productive soils
  • Genesee Land Trust (Ontario County) – Hickory Lane Farm (beef cattle and cash crop operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $1,840,934 for 274 acres with 59 percent productive soils
  • Genesee Valley Conservancy (Livingston County) – Locust Lane Farm (beef cattle operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $350,940 for 141 acres with 91 percent productive soils
  • Genesee Land Trust (Genesee County) – Udderly Better Acres (dairy operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $492,626 for 242 acres with 88 percent productive soils
  • Genesee Valley Conservancy (Genesee County) – Har-Go Farm (dairy operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $1,489,130 for 634 acres with 60 percent productive soils

Southern Tier ($1,189,696 for 428 acres):

  • Finger Lakes Land Trust (Chemung County) – Boorcrest Farm (beef cattle operation awarded under Viable Agricultural Land-Other category) - $1,189,696 for 428 acres with 68 percent productive soils

The New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets administers the Farmland Protection Implementation Grants program and its associated grant opportunities. Governor Hochul announced the availability of $47.25 million for the program in June 2023. As part of the funding awarded, $4.5 million was allocated to each of the State’s 10 economic development regions. Round 19 also continued the one-time incentive payment of 10 percent of the value of the agricultural conservation easement for projects that meet climate resilience or source water protection goals.

The Governor announced the first set of awards, with more than $6 million being provided to not-for-profit conservation organizations to purchase conservation easements on eight farms, in September 2023. A second round of funding was announced in January 2024, awarding more than $5.5 million to protect a total of 2,119 acres of valuable farmland on seven New York State farms.

In December 2022, Governor Hochul signed legislation setting the goal to support and contribute to national efforts to conserve at least 30 percent of U.S. land and water by 2030. This law promotes biodiversity and preserves New York's wildlife, forests, and clean water sources, which are all essential to New York's health and economy, water quality improvement, and an aggressive environmental justice agenda. Today’s announcement of nearly $33 million being awarded to not-for-profit conservation organizations to protect a total of 12,356 acres of valuable farmland on 33 farms across the State through the FPIG program brings the state a step closer to the 30 percent of U.S. land and water by 2030.

The Farmland Protection Implementation Grants Program provides financial assistance to counties, municipalities, soil and water conservation districts, and land trusts to enable them to implement farmland protection activities consistent with local agricultural and farmland protection plans. The most frequently funded activity is the purchase of development rights on individual farms. However, the program also awards funding to enable other implementation activities, such as amendments to local laws affecting agriculture, option agreements, and covering the transaction costs of donated agricultural conservation easements.



‘More Than a Brook: Brooklyn Abolitionist Heritage Walk’ Explores Brooklyn’s Role in National Abolitionist Movement and Underground Railroad Across City Landmarks


Announcements Build on Adams Administration’s Investment Towards Racial Equity and Justice

Ahead of Juneteenth, New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced the creation of “More Than a Brook: Brooklyn Abolitionist Heritage Walk,” an interactive audio tour that explores Brooklyn’s history as a critical neighborhood for the National Abolitionist Movement and the Underground Railroad. The audio tour can be accessed on a smartphone, tablet, or other device through the Landmark Preservation Commission’s (LPC) website. The interactive audio tour was commissioned by LPC and created by Kamau Studios and Black Gotham Experience. This project was supported by a grant from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation and financed in part with federal funds from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.


“New Yorkers walk through Brooklyn every day, unaware of the history right under their feet and surrounding them,” said Mayor Adams. “This interactive audio tour allows all of us to celebrate the heroes who stood up against injustice, risked their lives, and fought for the freedom they deserved. To build a better future, we must first examine and understand our past. This Juneteenth, our city recommits to reckoning and recognizing our role in the historic fight for racial equity and justice.”


“I congratulate the Landmarks Preservation Commission’s collaboration with Kamau Ware Studios and the Black Gotham Experience for shining a light on Brooklyn’s abolitionist heritage, and the city’s role in fighting against slavery,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and Workforce Maria Torres-Springer. “I also thank New York State’s Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation for funding this worthy project.”


“New York City’s designated landmark sites and historic districts tell our shared story, and Brooklyn is home to an incredible collection of historic landmark buildings that connect us to our past and highlight the central role New Yorkers played in the fight against slavery,” said LPC Chair Sarah Carroll. “This immersive audio tour lifts up their stories, honoring the memory of those who suffered and fought for justice and freedom. This Juneteenth is a reminder that the fight for equity is part of our collective heritage as New Yorkers and we must work to create a more just and fairer city for future generations to come.”  


“Juneteenth provides us the opportunity to reflect on the wrongs of the past while honoring the resiliency of those that came before us and sacrificed so much,” said New York City Chief Equity Officer and New York City Mayor's Office of Equity & Racial Justice Commissioner Sideya Sherman. “We commend the Landmarks Preservation Commission and partners Kamau Ware Studio and the Black Gotham Experience for reconciling our past with our present and showcasing our city’s pivotal role in the national abolitionist movement. Through this interactive heritage walk, New Yorkers can learn from and examine our past while fully immersed in the city we all know and love.”


“Our public spaces are where New Yorkers connect — not just with their neighbors and with the great outdoors, but also with our history,” said New York City Department of Parks and Recreation Commissioner Sue Donoghue. “Thanks to this creative collaboration, New Yorkers will discover Brooklyn’s rich abolitionist heritage while experiencing our historic buildings and treasured greenspaces in a brand-new way. With Juneteenth around the corner, this audio tour is an important contribution to our ongoing efforts to uplift Black history and ensure our city is equitable and just for all New Yorkers.”

New York City played an important role in the effort to abolish slavery nationwide and assist those seeking to escape it. The neighborhoods of Brooklyn Heights, Fulton Ferry, Downtown Brooklyn, and Fort Greene contain a walkable concentration of important historic landmark sites associated with New York City’s abolitionist history, the Underground Railroad, and the larger anti-slavery movement before the Civil War through political and religious activism.


The three-part audio experience guides participants through Brooklyn's rich abolitionist history, incorporating 19 stops and highlighting the many landmark sites along a 4.5-mile walkable path, including the residences of abolitionist Lewis Tappan and Harriet and Thomas Truesdell, and religious spaces, including Plymouth Church, Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, and the Friends Meeting House. The audio tour also introduces important local historic figures in the abolition movement, including businesswoman Elizabeth Gloucester, pioneering sisters Dr. Susan Smith McKinney-Steward and educator Sarah J. Tompkins Garnet, and Plymouth Church preacher Henry Ward Beecher, highlighting all their stories to illuminate the multiple ways people and institutions engaged with the anti-slavery movement before the Civil War and the continued fight for freedom afterward.


The “More Than a Brook: Brooklyn Abolitionist Heritage Walk” reflects LPC’s ongoing commitment to equity and inclusion in all their work as part of the agency’s Equity Framework; its efforts to preserve places that tell the story of all New Yorkers and reflect their collective heritage, making the significant history embodied in landmarks more accessible; and expanding educational outreach efforts to reach new and diverse audiences. Additional resources can be found on LPC’s website, including LPC’s interactive story maps, “New York City and the Path to Freedom,” which explores New York City’s abolitionist history across all five boroughs through designated landmarks that embody it and “Preserving Significant Places of Black History,” which highlights and explores buildings, sites, and historic districts significant to Black history throughout New York City.


Mayor Adams announced new economic data showing that the unemployment rate for Black New Yorkers has significantly decreased since the start of the administration. Between January 1, 2022, and April 1, 2024, the Black unemployment rate in the five boroughs decreased from 10.7 percent to 7.9 percent — a 26 percent decrease. This marks the first time since 2019 that the Black unemployment rate in New York City has been below 8 percent.


“Brooklyn Bridge Park is thrilled to be a stop on the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission’s Brooklyn Abolitionist Heritage Walk and audio tour,” said Brooklyn Bridge Park President Eric Landau. “By retracing the steps of abolitionists and amplifying their stories, we not only honor their legacy, but also reaffirm Brooklyn’s commitment to justice and equality. This tour sheds light on Brooklyn Bridge Park's role in a crucial piece of this city’s history and will bring us towards a more compassionate and equitable future.”


“More Than A Brook is a walk through Brooklyn that connects historic locations to illustrate a portrait of 19th century communities resisting the institution of slavery. The concentration of characters that walked the docks onto city streets is significant to the history of New York State and the United States,” said Black Gotham Experience, founder, Kamau Ware. “It is commendable that the Landmarks Preservation Commission is opening up the layers behind these historic buildings and the liminal spaces between. It has been an honor to work in the community, inspired by the disparate Brooklyn abolitionists that created a rising tide, challenging the presence of slavery in America.”


“Congratulations on the launch of this remarkable project,” said New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation Deputy Commissioner for Historic Preservation Daniel Mackay. “More Than a Brook showcases Brooklyn’s abolitionist history through an immersive exploration of local historic landmarks. Bringing this history to life takes creativity, collaboration, and resources — the very ingredients that New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission used to make this audio tour possible. This project is a great example of how certified local government grants through the New York State Historic Preservation Office bring federal funds back into communities each year to support preservation programs and explore history in dynamic and engaging ways.”


“For nearly 200 years, New York University has been inextricably tied to New York and its history, said New York University Vice President of Government Relations and Community Engagement Kyle Kimball. “We are proud that Wunsch Hall, formerly the Bridge Street Methodist Church, the first independent Black church in Brooklyn and a stop on the Underground Railroad, is a part of the exciting, new abolitionist heritage walk that the Landmarks Preservation Commission is launching. We congratulate them on this important effort to remind New Yorkers of the vital role our city has played in our nation's history.”


Housing Lottery Launches For 2621 Grand Avenue In University Heights, The Bronx


The affordable housing lottery has launched for 2621 Grand Avenue, a four-story residential building in University Heights, The Bronx. Designed by Node Architecture Engineering Consulting and developed by Franc Gjini, the structure yields 34 residences. Available on NYC Housing Connect are 11 units for residents at 130 percent of the area median income (AMI), ranging in eligible income from $84,755 to $181,740.

Amenities include a garage with assigned parking spaces, recycling center, package lockers, storage, and an on-site resident manager. Residences come equipped with air conditioning, charging outlets with USB ports, intercoms, and name-brand kitchen appliances, countertops, and finishes. Tenants are responsible for electricity.

At 130 percent of the AMI, there are two studios with a monthly rent of $2,472 for incomes ranging from $84,755 to $161,590; and nine one-bedrooms with a monthly rent of $2,520 for incomes ranging from $86,400 to $181,740.

Prospective renters must meet income and household size requirements to apply for these apartments. Applications must be postmarked or submitted online no later than June 25, 2024.


CRC Logo 3


Fiscal Responsibility Forum & Manhattan Public Input Session


June 13, 2024, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

New York Law School

185 West Broadway, New York, NY 10013

Virtual location: See link to Zoom meeting posted at



The New York City Charter Revision Commission (“CRC”) will host a Fiscal Responsibility Forum and Public Input Session in Manhattan to discuss proposed changes to the New York City Charter.

What is this Forum & Public Input Session about?

The New York City Charter (“Charter”) provides the structure of City government and key powers of City elected officials and agencies. The CRC is empowered to review the entire Charter. It may recommend changes that would help City government to work more efficiently and better serve all New Yorkers.

The public is invited to testify about any matter of importance to City government and to suggest changes to the Charter, while experts will provide testimony on municipal finance and fiscal responsibility. You can find out more about the New York City Charter Revision by visiting us at our website:

Who can give input?

This meeting is open to the public, and the public will have the opportunity to testify before members of the Commission. Any member of the public may testify about their ideas for improving the City Charter, for up to three (3) minutes. The Commission will hear testimony from people who attend the meeting in person and also from people who attend by Zoom. A group, organization or institution wishing to testify shall select a single designated representative. New Yorkers from any of the five boroughs may testify. The CRC will attempt to accommodate everyone who signs up to speak at this hearing, but if time does not permit that, the public is encouraged to utilize other opportunities to testify at

subsequent public input sessions of the CRC or submit written comments to

Is there a deadline to submit written comments?

The public may submit written comments to instead of or in addition to testifying live at a hearing. Written testimony must be received by 5:00 pm on Friday, July 12.

When and where is the hearing?

Doors open to the public, and the Input Session may be accessed virtually via the Zoom link posted to, at 5:00 pm on Thursday, June 13 at the following location:

New York Law School

185 West Broadway, New York, NY 10013

The public may join the meeting at the Zoom link posted to at that same time.

New York Man Charged with Smuggling Protected Turtles


A federal grand jury charged a New York man in a three-count indictment alleging he illegally shipped eastern box turtles and three-toed box turtles, both protected wildlife species, from the United States to China for the global pet trade black market.

Russell Milis, 26, of Brooklyn, is charged with two counts of smuggling goods from the United States and one count of violating the Lacey Act. 

The indictment alleges that, between November 2019 and November 2020, Milis exported turtles without obtaining the necessary license or declaring the wildlife to customs officials as required by the Endangered Species Act. Both species of turtles are protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), an international agreement to protect fish, wildlife and plants that are or may become threatened with extinction. The United States and China are parties to this agreement. The indictment alleges that Milis shipped the turtles to Asia without the mandatory CITES permits.

The indictment also charged Milis with shipping the turtles in packages that were falsely labeled as to their contents in violation of the Lacey Act. The Lacey Act is the nation’s oldest wildlife trafficking statute and prohibits, among other things, shipping wildlife, fish or plants in interstate or international commerce without accurate information as to the contents.

The eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) is a subspecies of the common box turtle and is native to forested regions of the eastern United States with some isolated populations in the Midwest. The three-toed box turtle (Terrapene triunguis) is also a subspecies of the common box turtle and is native to woodlands and grasslands in the central and southern United States. Turtles with colorful markings are especially prized in the domestic and foreign pet trade market, particularly in China and Hong Kong, where they can sell for several thousand dollars.

If convicted, Milis faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison for each smuggling count and a maximum penalty of five years in prison for the Lacey Act violation. A court could also order a fine of up to the greater of $250,000 or twice the defendant’s financial gain from the criminal activity charged in each count. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Assistant Attorney General Todd Kim of the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division and Assistant Director Edward Grace of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Office of Law Enforcement made the announcement.

The USFWS investigated the case, with assistance from the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.

Senior Trial Attorney Ryan Connors and Trial Attorney Elise Kent Bernanke of the Environment and Natural Resources Division’s Environmental Crimes Section are prosecuting the case, with assistance from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York. 

An indictment is merely an allegation. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.