Saturday, December 22, 2012

Traffic on Independence Avenue

Or Life Now With Speed Bumps

   Two new speed bumps were placed on Independence Avenue by PS 24 with a third to come by MS/HS 141. Traffic problems have increased over the past few years during the students arrival and dismissal times for both schools. Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz sponsored a Slow Zone application for the area as described in the previous post, and this is what you get as seen in the photos below the day after only two of the proposed speed bumps were placed. In all there will be nine new speed bumps on various area streets around PS 24 and MS/HS 141 in addition to the two existing speed bumps by PS 24 on the side streets. .

 Left - traffic is now backed up past West 239th Street on Independence Avenue past the Riverdale Temple, and to West 246th Street. You can see cars turning from Independence Ave. to West 239th Street to avoid the traffic jam in other photos.
Right -The photo may be blurry but you can make out the police car with its emergency lights on trying to navigate the traffic.


Left - The police car in the previous photo winds up turning left at West 237th Street to get around the traffic jam.
Right - You can see that traffic stretches all the way down Independence Avenue to where the two new speed bumps have been placed.

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