MTA workers can be seen cleaning and painting before State Senator Alessandra Biaggi and State Senate Transportation Chair Tim Kennedy paid a visit to the Westchester Square #6 Subway Station. In speaking with the MTA supervisor who said she received a call that there was going to be company at the station and to clean it up before the visit, she wanted to know just whom was coming to visit that warranted the station clean up.
Besides cleaning liter from the stairs, Metro Card machines and windows were cleaned, and fresh coats of paint were put on several wall trims and door frames. When Senators Kennedy and Biaggi arrived to see that the MTA was still cleaning and painting Senator Kennedy said that maybe more stations need to be visited so they will be cleaned up.

Behind Senator Kennedy are (L - R) Dan Padernacht Chair Traffic and Transportation Committee CB 8, State Senator Alessandra Biaggi, Matthew Cruz District Manager CB 10, Former Councilman James Vacca, and Kevin Daloia Transportation Alternatives.

Above - Senators Biaggi and Kennedy ask this subway rider who uses a cane the problems of getting to the train platform. Since the Westchester Square #6 station does not have an elevator the station is limited in just who can enter the train at the Westchester Square station. It was noted that stations on either side of this stop also do not have any handicap access.
Below - The peeling paint from under the Westchester Square #6 station was also a concern to both senators.

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