Thursday, February 4, 2021

Senator Rivera on Governor Cuomo's Decision to Vaccinate Elderly Incarcerated Individuals


 "I applaud the Governor for making the very important decision to vaccinate elderly incarcerated New Yorkers, one of the groups with the highest risk of contracting COVID-19 in our State. The plan to include incarcerated New Yorkers who are 65 years and older in the state’s historic distribution plan is prudent, given that prisons have become hotbeds for this virus, and it will go a long way to assuage the unique fear that incarcerated individuals, their families, and loved ones, have experienced during this pandemic. New Yorkers who live in prisons, particularly those who would otherwise be eligible for the vaccine based on age or condition if they were not in these facilities, must be protected and eligible at the same time as other at-risk groups of New Yorkers.”

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