Wednesday, June 23, 2021

193 Days and Counting


We spent $15 million dollars on an ad campaign for Rank Choice Voting, and there were only two republican candidates. That meant that Rank Choice Voting didn't come into effect. It seems that Curtis Swila won two to one over Fernando Mateo, who was backed by the Bronx Republican Party. Ruben, are there any Republicans left in the Bronx?

On to my replacement. Right now Eric Adams is in the lead, but that can change. The guy who writes this blog had it right when he said it would be a three way race for Mayor with Eric Adams winding up in the lead. He said Kathryn Garcia would be second with a longshot Maya Wiley third. He did not think that Andrew Yang would have a chance, and he was right, as yang was the 4th place finisher  who conceded election night.

You have to know Rank Choice Voting.

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