Monday, August 1, 2022

The Hypocrisy of the Democratic Leadership With Undocumented Migrants

 By Former NYC Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz

You Should Know that when Republican President Donald J. Trump took action to protect America’s Southern Borders and began building the Border wall to prevent illegal entry into the United States, the Democrats denounced him. They labeled him a “Racist”, a “Xenophobe” and they launched at him many other derogatory terms.
When President Trump was replaced by President Joe Biden, our nation’s Borders immediately were wide open. The construction of the Border wall was terminated and now we can safely say that America’s Borders are practically non-existent.  This has resulted in the illegal entry of approximately two million people, under The Biden Administration, coming from more than 106 different countries from all over the world. The Democrat Governors and Mayors from “Blue” States and cities have designated their cities "Sanctuary Cities” for all undocumented immigrants.
The Democrats established “Sanctuary Cities” even though it violates America’s Immigration laws and ignores The United States Constitution. Democrats declared that their cities would provide safe refuge for all those coming across our Borders illegally.    With “Sanctuary Cities” the Democrats promised the undocumented, all sorts of social benefits providing them with health care, education, housing, and other social services free of charge, among them free Health Insurance, welfare funds, food stamps, etc., and all paid for by the American taxpayers.
Democrats with the promises of a “Sanctuary City” imply that they are the saviors of the undocumented immigrants, and that the Republicans are the Xenophobes, and racist enemies of the undocumented.
It is important for you to know that due to President Biden and the Democrats, Open Border policies, thousands upon thousands of people have been enabled to enter the interior of the United States illegally every day.   Unfortunately, these people risk, and sadly many have lost their lives, while enriching the cayotes, human, drug, and sex trafficking cartels.  All motivated by the Democrats promise that once they cross the Border, their needs will be met when they get to “Sanctuary Cities” controlled by the Democrats.  
My dear reader, you should know that due to the immense frustration and lack of resources to deal with the massive influx of illegal migration, the Republican Governors in Border states have had enough. They have decided to transport the massive number of illegals entering our borders, to “Sanctuary Cities” such as New York, Washington D.C. and others.   To coin the Spanish cliche that says “Sorpresas De Da La Vida!, ¡La Vida De Da Sorpresas! Which simply means “Life hands you unexpected surprises”
Now that the problem of the massive number of undocumented migrants has come to the doors of the "Sanctuary Cities" the Democrat leaders and the “so-called” saviors of the undocumented have expressed their displeasure with a “Oh! Hell No!” attitude.  Democrats are calling out Republican Governors for transporting the undocumented migrants to their cities.
The Democrat Mayors of New York City Erick Adams and the Mayor of Washington D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser are not having it. Governor Kathy Hochul and the Democrats continuously extend invitations without thinking of the cost. Recently Gov. Hochul announced that all women wanting an abortion are welcomed to come to New York with all expenses paid, on the taxpayer’s dime.  Erick Adams invited all Gay Floridians to come to New York because here they are welcomed. They continue with their invitations when they implemented “Sanctuary Cities” for all the undocumented.  Until now.
Obviously, Democrat leaders speak from both sides of their faces. On the one side, they invite illegal migrants to come with the promise of safe refuge and benefits. On the other side of their faces, they complain that the Republican Governors are “cowards” because they won’t behave as a “Sanctuary City” and take in all the illegals. So now according to Mayor Adams, Republican Governors are “Cowards”. 
Now that the Democrats in Sanctuary Cities are forced to face the same plight that Border Cities have had to deal with, when it comes to the massive influx of undocumented immigrants, the Dems., are singing a different tune.  It appears that they have finally recognized that illegal migration is unsafe, and unsustainable due to the lack of resources, and the strain it places on the city’s economy, social programs, and public services.  As a result, “Sanctuary Cities” now must deal with the thousands of people coming in daily.  But instead of doing something constructive to help remedy this dilemma, Mayor Adams and others resort to name calling.  They whine, complain, and blame the Republicans for the chaos caused by Democrats and their “open Borders” “Sanctuary City Policies.”
I can’t help but remind the Democrats that it was not the Republican Governors, nor was it President Trump that opened our nation's borders to the world. It was not the Republicans that extended open invitations to the undocumented. It was not Republicans that promised free services, and benefits for all undocumented migrants. It was not Republicans that set up “Sanctuary Cities” to accommodate those entering illegally. There’s no denying that it was the Democrats and President Joe Biden that created the chaos at the border. They invited, instigated, motivated, and created the magnet that enticed people from all over the world to come to America with the promise of being welcomed into the open arms of Democrats.
So why the complaints? Why so much griping? Why try to dodge the commitments they made? Why hold others accountable for what they themselves promised?   There is an old cliché that says, "Be very careful what you wish for, because you might just get it."  So here you have it, my fellow Dems., you made your bed, now lie in it.  
I am The Rev. Ruben Diaz, and this is What You Should Know.

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