Sunday, August 18, 2024

Office of the New York State Comptroller - NYC Revenue Better Than Projected

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NYC Finances Continue To Benefit From Better Than Projected Revenue but Spending Pressures Remain

New York City’s finances continue to benefit from better-than-projected revenues and savings generated through initiatives launched in response to its financial challenges, but the continued influx of asylum seekers, elevated demand for City programs and a declining surplus demand preparation to navigate future uncertainty, according to a report on the city’s Financial Plan released by State Comptroller DiNapoli.

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State Comptroller DiNapoli Details Progress on Corporate Political Spending Disclosure

During the 2024 proxy season, three portfolio companies agreed to publicly disclose their political spending while proposals at three other companies won significant support from shareholders, State Comptroller DiNapoli, trustee of the New York State Common Retirement Fund announced. Comptroller DiNapoli also announced that he called on 16 companies, including Tesla Inc., Domino’s Pizza Inc., and Garmin Ltd., requesting similar comprehensive disclosure of political spending.

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State Contract and Payment Actions in June

In June, the Office of the State Comptroller approved 1,909 contracts for State agencies and public authorities valued at $7.3 billion and approved more than 1.8 million payments worth more than $14.1 billion. The office rejected 262 contracts and related transactions valued at $5.5 billion and nearly 3,100 payments valued at more than $7.2 million, primarily for mistakes, insufficient support for charges, and improper payments. More information on these contracts and payments is available at Open Book New York.

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Municipal & School Audits


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Post of the Week
Tom DiNapoli @NYSComptroller 

State Comptroller DiNapoli at the Dominican Parade


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