Saturday, September 21, 2024

Attorney General James Announces 180 Guns Turned in at Amsterdam Gun Buyback


New York Attorney General Letitia James today announced that 180 firearms were turned in at a community gun buyback event in Amsterdam hosted by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) and the Amsterdam Police Department. This event was part of Attorney General James’ ongoing effort to combat gun violence and keep New Yorkers safe. In addition to the guns turned in at the Amsterdam event, Attorney General James secured an additional 82 firearms from a community gun buyback event in Saranac Lake, bringing the total number of guns secured today to 262. To date, Attorney General James has removed more than 7,662 guns from New York communities since taking office in 2019.

“Every gun taken off our streets and out of our homes is a potential tragedy averted,” said Attorney General James. “Gun buyback events empower members of local communities and nearby regions to turn in their firearms and be part of the solution against gun violence. Through strong partnerships with local law enforcement, my office has been able to run successful gun buyback programs throughout New York state, and has helped local communities remove more than 7,662 firearms. I thank the City of Amsterdam’s Police Department, and all of our partners in today’s gun buyback event, for their commitment to helping safeguard New Yorkers.”

Amsterdam Gun Buyback (1)
Amsterdam Gun Buyback (2)

Today’s buyback event in Amsterdam resulted in 180 guns being turned in, including 17 assault weapons, 100 handguns, and 47 long guns. Following today’s gun buyback events held in Amsterdam and Saranac Lake, Attorney General James has helped remove more than 7,650 guns out of New York communities.

“Thank you to the New York State Attorney General and our local law enforcement partners for spearheading the recent gun buyback program in Amsterdam,” said Montgomery County Sheriff Jeffery T. Smith. “This initiative not only promotes community safety but also fosters a collaborative spirit in our fight against gun violence. Together, we are making our neighborhoods safer for all.”

“The Gloversville Police Department is proud to be part of the effort to reduce gun violence in our communities,” said Gloversville Police Chief Michael F. Garavelli. “We have seen a dramatic increase in the number of illegal firearms taken off our streets in the past five years by our officers. Even small cities and rural communities are not immune from illegal firearms, privately made firearms or “ghost” guns as they are commonly referred to, and the senseless violence that comes with them. This is the first time that this area has had any type of gun buyback program, but we hope it is successful and not the last.”

“This gun buyback event was only possible because of the strong partnership between local law enforcement and the Office of the Attorney General,” said Amsterdam Police Lieutenant Joseph E. Spencer. “The work that goes into organizing and executing a gun buyback event is all worth it when we see dozens of dangerous weapons being turned in by members of the community, and we are all safer as a result. I applaud Attorney General James for making gun buyback events like this a priority for her office and team.”

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