Showing posts with label SAGE - Celebrating pride month by honoring the Stonewall generation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAGE - Celebrating pride month by honoring the Stonewall generation. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2019

SAGE - Celebrating pride month by honoring the Stonewall generation

Preserving our history: LGBT elders share their Stonewall stories

Fifty years ago, a brave group of individuals launched the modern LGBT rights movement in New York’s Greenwich Village, in what is now known as the Stonewall uprising. This month, in honor of the heroic pioneers who paved the way for LGBT equality that night at Stonewall, SAGE launched a four-part Stonewall video series, featuring firsthand accounts from three extraordinary SAGE participants who were involved in the Stonewall uprising. The series was featured on Mashable and on SAGE’s website and social media channels. Watch the fourth and final video, and see the entire series here.

In addition, SAGE, in partnership with Airbnb, is bringing 10 elders from across the country who were part of the Stonewall uprising in 1969 back to New York City for WorldPride. For some of these individuals, this trip will mark their first time returning to New York City since the uprising.These 10 individuals will join a group of New Yorkers who also were there for those fateful events 50 years ago.The Stonewall reunion is part of We Belong Together, a campaign launched by Airbnb to celebrate this historic moment by fostering intergenerational connection within the community. A central component of We Belong Together is a short film featuring candid conversations between young and old LGBTQ+ change makers, including SAGE participants. Check it out!
SAGE celebrates Pride, honors LGBT activists across the country 
SAGE kicked off Pride month by honoring LGBT trailblazers across the country. On June 7 in D.C., and on June 12 in Chicago, hundreds of guests turned out to support SAGE, celebrate Pride and recognize our elder pioneers. At the D.C. event, SAGE honored Nancy Polikoff with its Pioneer Award and Dr. Imani Woody with the inaugural SAGE Housing Innovator Award. In the Windy City, we recognized Paula Basta, the recently appointed Director of the Illinois Department on Aging, with the Pioneer Award. See photos of the events in D.C. and Chicago.

Throughout the month of June, hundreds of SAGErs came out for Pride celebrations all across NYC in the Bronx, Harlem, Queens and Staten Island. See photos, and check back for more coverage of WorldPride next week on FlickrFacebook and Instagram.
Legislature takes bold steps to protect LGBT New Yorkers
This month, the New York State Legislature passed sweeping legislation that addresses a number of key issues relevant to LGBT New Yorkers, including veteran issues, gender identity, cultural competency training, and “gay panic” or “trans panic” defense.

Because of this legislation, LGBT veterans who received a less-than-honorable discharge due to their sexual orientation or gender identity can now access all the services and supports from the Veterans Administration in New York State — benefits to which they are otherwise entitled but barred from receiving because of their discharge status. Additionally, the legislature took important steps to protect LGBT elders, by passing first-of-its-kind LGBT aging legislation, requiring LGBT competency training for employees working with older New Yorkers. It also mandates that the New York State Office for the Aging regularly update its intake forms, to include options such as sexual orientation and gender identity, furthering NYSOFA’s commitment to be an LGBT-friendly state agency. We look forward to seeing Governor Andrew Cuomo sign these important pieces of legislation. Read More »
Mark Your Calendars!
Hamptons Tea Dance 2019
July 13, 2019 | Nova's Ark Project, 60 Millstone Rd., Water Mill, NY
SAGE and our partner Callen-Lorde Community Health Center invite you to toast summer and advance LGBT rights at the annual Hamptons Tea Dance. Buy tickets »