Monday, May 4, 2015

STATEMENT FROM BP DIAZ RE: President Obama’s Visit to The Bronx

  “I was thrilled to welcome President Obama to The Bronx today. But I am even more excited to hear his words. The President’s stated commitment to the future of urban youth, especially young men of color in the United States, through the launch of his ‘My Brother’s Keeper Alliance,’ is worthy of considerable praise. I know firsthand the struggles young men of color face in this nation, and I know how challenging it can be to both lead one’s own life on the right path while also guiding others in that same direction. This initiative, which will combine public and private resources for the greater good, is welcome not only in The Bronx but across the United States.

“I am proud to have been present for today’s historic announcement, and I look forward to working with the ‘My Brother’s Keeper Alliance’ to help young men of color get the help they need to succeed,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.

Annual Wakefield Symposium Conference on Endometriosis and Uterine Cancer v3, Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Montefiore Medical Center
Invites you to the

Annual WAKEFIELD Symposium Conference
On Endometriosis and Uterine Cancer v3
Tuesday, May 19 2015, 2:00 – 4 pm & 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Sponsored by
Wakefield Community Advisory Board


De Blasio administration will boost struggling schools’ funding $34 million next year and $60 million every year after to hire guidance counselors, launch academic intervention programs, and add Advanced Placement classes

New resources to support all 130 Renewal Schools, Community Schools, and Persistently Failing Schools

  —Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced a significant investment of $60 million per year in additional funding to ensure struggling schools have the resources they need to succeed. Correcting years of inequity, this funding will raise all 130 Renewal Schools, Community Schools and Persistently Failing Schools to 100 percent of their ‘Fair Student Funding’ for the first time. That means they’ll have the resources they need ­­­­– and have long been owed – to serve English Language Learners, students with special needs, and other young people who need extra help to catch up. 

The Campaign for Fiscal Equity settlement called on the State to fully fund all public schools adequately. While that historic deficit persists – with an estimated shortfall of $2.6 billion for this year alone for New York City – the de Blasio administration is taking steps to ensure schools that have the deepest challenges aren’t held back. Schools will be able to use the new funding to hire guidance counselors, bring on teachers for special academic intervention programs serving students who have fallen behind, extend the school day, or add advanced placement classes. To qualify for funding, schools must submit detailed plans for approval that demonstrate precisely how the new funds will be spent and how they will advance key metrics like attendance, credit accumulation, test scores and on-time graduation rates. 

These new resources are above and beyond the $150 million committed in the Renewal Schools initiative and the Community School expansion, which are also increasing services at each of these schools.

“We’ve put real resources and real accountability in place to give students, teachers and communities at struggling schools a path to success. But we don’t want them fighting the decades-old headwind of underfunding at the same time. These new investments will make a real difference: more AP classes, more guidance counselors, extra tutors, and schools open longer. We have a plan for these schools’ success and we’re going to make sure they have the tools to turn around and raise student achievement,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“Lifting up our schools requires real resources – and that is what we are committed to delivering. Through this individualized approach, we’ll put more guidance counselors in schools, extend the day for our most struggling students and train teachers better so they can best teach our children. By building out the tool kit for our historically struggling schools, I know we’ll see real results as we work to improve student outcomes at every school across the city,” said Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña.

Historically, schools were provided with resources based primarily on the size of their student body. The ‘Fair Student Funding’ formula was introduced almost a decade ago by the Department of Education to reflect the diversity of New York City’s student body, which includes many students who require extra support like English Language Learners, students with special needs, and students who have fallen behind. But without the funding promised in the Campaign for Fiscal Equity settlement, most schools never got the extra resources they needed. Today’s announcement ensures all struggling schools have the full and fair resources they need.

Achieving Fair Student Funding

  • The Administration is investing $33.6 million in FY16 and $59.7 million in FY17 and every year thereafter to provide additional funds for schools most in need.  

  • All 130 Renewal schools, Persistently Failing schools, and Community Schools will be brought to 100 percent of their Fair Student Funding recommendation within two years. The average Renewal School will see $250,000 in additional annual funding.

  • The minimum amount any school can receive will be raised from 81 percent to 82 percent of the Fair Student Funding formula. These changes will impact approximately 400 schools and 252,000 students. 

Rigorous Oversight of School Spending Plans

  • Schools must provide a robust plan for strategic use of the new funding to achieve concrete gains in metrics like attendance, credit accumulation and on-time graduation.

  • Plans could include hiring academic intervention services teachers to help students catch up and adding college readiness programs, guidance counselors and programming.

  • Plans for uses of these additional funds will require approval from each school’s superintendent.
Unprecedented Support to Turn Around Struggling Schools

  • By this September, all 94 Renewal Schools will be transformed into Community Schools, have an additional hour of instruction every day, increase professional development in key areas like student writing, and launch a summer learning program – all part of their comprehensive Renewal Plan with concrete targets in student achievement.

Editors Note:

I have left out the patronizing comments from Mayor deBlasio's supporters, and those who are intent on keeping their jobs in the education field. 
It is now time to end mayoral control as former Mayor Bloomberg gave us a perfect example as to why Mayoral control was a failure. Now is the time to go back to accountability which school boards gave us. To keep the integrity of school boards do not allow any hiring to be done, only advisory evaluations of school leadership. Right now there is no accountability as shown in this report by the chancellor's office, and Bill deBlasio has picked up right where Michael Bloomberg has left the school system, in a mess.

Place Your Bets on Jeff Klein

What You Should Know 
By Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
32nd Senatorial District 

Place Your Bets on Jeff Klein 

You should know that with all of the recent news that New York State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos is expected to be arrested this week, there is a lot of speculation about who the next Senate Majority Leader will be.  Here in Albany, bets are being placed and New York State’s Capital has become nothing short of a gaming parlor.  People are talking about and guessing who their favorite candidate is and who they wish would be the next Speaker. This is if and when Dean Skelos gets indicted and then resigns as Senate Leader. 
You should know that rumor has it that the Democrats have been talking about ways to push Dean Skelos to resign as Senate Majority Leader, following Sheldon Silver’s recent example of stepping down when he was indicted. 

Among the candidate names that are floating around to be the next Senate Leader are Senators Tom Libous, Catharine Young, John Flanagan, and John DeFrancisco, among others. 

Even though nobody has asked me, and probably nobody cares too much about my opinion, nonetheless, I’d like to put in my two cents. 

You should know that if I were Dean Skelos, what I would do to keep my Conference in power would be to name Senator Jeff Klein to be the Leader of the Senate. It is well known that Jeff Klein, the Leader of the Independent Democrat Conference – which is comprised of Senators Diane Savino, David Carlucci, David Valesky and Tony Avella – has been joining forces for years with the Republicans to keep them in power. 

I say to choose Jeff Klein, keeping in mind two important things that are expected to happen in the future.  First, it is expected that Dean Skelos, the current Leader of the New York State Senate will be indicted and step down. My second point involves the fact that next year, there will be a Presidential election where Hillary Clinton is expected to be the standard bearer of the Democratic Party and will probably bring out the vote for Democrats in the State of New York. It will be practically impossible for Republicans to keep the majority of seats in the Senate because Hillary Clinton will help Democrats to obtain the vast majority of Senate seats. 

The only way – with the scandal of Dean Skelos and the power of Hillary Clinton in play – for the Republicans to keep power is to name Jeff Klein the Leader of the Senate.  This will keep the IDC’s five Democrats supporting the Republicans to control the Senate.  Other than that, I don’t see any other way for Republicans to maintain their control of the Senate. 

On the other hand, with the probable indictment of Dean Skelos and the expected election of more Democrats in the Senate – and if Jeff Klein decides to come back to join the Senate’s Regular Democratic Conference, then that would be the end of the Republican control of the State Senate. 

Ladies and gentlemen, knowing how ambitious Jeff Klein and his negotiating skills are, I assure you that he will not let this opportunity to put himself in the drivers seat go by.  Based on that, the odds are 75 percent in favor of him becoming the next Leader of the New York State Senate, Democrat or Republican - it does not matter. 

I am State Senator Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.

Assemblyman Sepulveda: Fighting for Criminal Justice Reform

Last week my colleagues and I from the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic, and Asian Caucus announced in Albany the formation of a list of criminal justice reforms that we will be sending to Governor Cuomo and the legislative leaders.  
Newsday released an article entitled "New York Legislators to Push for Criminal Justice Reforms" in which I state that "we have a lost generation of black and Latino men and women, and it has not made us safer."  It is for this reason that my colleagues and I are pushing for reforms like raising the age of criminal responsibility, grand jury disclosure, increasing access to mental health services, and providing our children with a better education.
You can read the full article here: New York Legislators to Push for Criminal Justice Reforms.
I am proud to be one of the Members of the Assembly pushing for these changes.  New York should be at the forefront of criminal justice reform, but we haven't been.  I intend on working to change that

Your Assemblyman,
Luis R. SepĂșlveda

Office of Assemblyman Luis R. Sepulveda
1973 Westchester Ave

Sunday, May 3, 2015


  With the Bronx Week backdrop Bronx Borough President officially kicked off Bronx Week 2015 today at the old Bronx General Post Office on the corner of the Grand Concourse and East 149th Street. 

  This year’s 2015 Bronx Walk of Fame inductees include actor and activist Malik Yoba; NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Dolph Schayes; and actress, author and television commentator Stacey Dash. Longtime borough business leader, philanthropist and the founder of Delicioso Coco Helado, Alfredo Thiebaud, will also be posthumously inducted in to the Bronx Walk of Fame.

The festival “block party” was hosted by the developer of the Bronx Post Office, Youngwoo and Associates and the Bristol Group, at the back of the building on Anthony J. Griffin Place. The event was designed to share with the community the inventive plans for this unique space, and will also focus on highlighting and celebrating local culture and entrepreneurship as you will see in the photos below. 

  Bronx Week 2015 begins on Thursday May 7th with the Centenarian Celebration Breakfast hosting those Bronxites 100 years or older. This event keeps getting larger each year as more Bronxites continue to join this Centennial Club. 

  Bronx Week 2015 culminates on Sunday May 17th with the Bronx Walk of Fame 2015 Induction Ceremony (on the steps of the Bronx County Building), the Bronx Week Parade, and then the Bronx Week Food and Arts Festival both being held on the North and South sides of Mosholu Parkway between Southern Blvd. and Van Cortlandt Avenue (where the parade viewing seating will be). 

Left - BP Diaz stands with City Council members Vanessa Gibson and Andy King. That is Roberto Garcia of Montefiore Hospital (a major sponsor of Bronx Week) with his back to the camera.
Right - Councilwoman Gibson poses with the new Bronx Democratic County Leader Assemblyman Marcos Crespo.

Left - Bronx Borough President Diaz stops by the Bronx Baking Company to sample some of the Delicious Pretzel Bites.
Councilman Andy King and one of his staffers are all smiles as they eat their samples of the Bronx Baking Company. 

Left - Bronx Professor Historian Lloyd Ultan is signing his new book on the History of the Bronx.
Right - Ms. B. Campbell-Adams (right) owner of Lloyd's Carrot Cake located at 6097 Broadway is with one of her employees. There is no relationship between the Bronx Historian Lloyd Ultan and Lloyd's Carrot Cake.

Left- Food from Havana Cafe located at 4251 East Tremont Avenue is available for sampling.
Right - The Brothers Ramirez Anthony and Paul of the Bronx Beer Hall on Arther Avenue could not sample their wonderful pilsner, but did give out samples of their new Bronx Hot Sauce.

Left - There are hundreds of bees in the photo with the director of the City Island Gold and his two assistants.
Right - A few members of the Bronx NYPD while on a break before the event. 

Johnson Avenue festival huge Success

  As you can see Johnson Avenue was jumping with entertainment as with the beautiful weather the Johnson Avenue Festival Was enjoyed by all who attended. on hand were many of the local elected officials, and I arrived just after Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz had finished and the music continued. Also on hand were State Senator Jeff Klein and Councilman Andrew Cohen. 
  Tracy Shelton, Linda Manning, Cliff Stanton, and the rest of the members of KRVC along with the many exhibitors and merchants who were able to bring their wares to the community outside their stores deserve congrats for a very successful event. I was told that over 75 people received free health screenings from the local Montefiore office on Johnson Avenue. I then got into a discussion with a couple of people who were mad that Montefiore was not able to build the full service medical center nearby, because they said the current site on Johnson Avenue is much to small for the needs of the community. 
  The photos below will tell the rest of the story.

Above - One of the two stilt walkers during the day'
Below - The Bouncy Castle for the little ones to enjoy.

Above - Some friends with the Animal Doctor at the ne One Love Animal Hospital that has opened up at 3547 Johnson Avenue.
Below the manager of the Country Bank located on West 235th Street around the corner of Johnson Avenue may not have been giving out any money, but she had a great rate on a special CD the bank is offering.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Council Member Cohen Re-Names West Mosholu Parkway South as Margaret J. Mack Triangle

On Saturday, May 2nd, Council Member Andrew Cohen was joined by Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj and many others to re-name West Mosholu Parkway South by Jerome Avenue to Margaret J. Mack Triangle. Ms. Mack was a lifelong resident of The Bronx, having lived most of her life in Tracey Towers. She passed away in February 2014.

Throughout her life, Ms. Mack was a leading advocate on issues concerning the living conditions at Tracy Towers. She was outspoken and won on issues related to: no heat or hot water, dirty hallways, roof leakage, as well as other health and safety issues. Most memorably, Ms. Mack revived the “Committee for Survival,” a group dating back to the 1990’s, as part of a fight against a 77% rent hike in 2011. Ms. Mack’s determination and persistence resulted in the case being brought to court, in which the judge trimmed the hike for the elderly and fixed income tenants of Tracy Towers.

On February 5th, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed a bill into law, sponsored by Councilman Cohen, that would recognize Margaret Mack by re-naming the street in front of Tracy Towers. As an exemplary citizen of the Bronx, this street re-naming honors Ms. Mack’s passion for civic engagement and improving her community.

Above - Councilman Andrew Cohen, Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj and others gathered for the renaming ceremony.
Below CB 7 member Bill Francis tells a story of himself and Ms. Mack whom he said was for the community first.

Above - Ms Mack's daughter speaks about her mother.
Below - The family is given a second sign by Councilman Cohen.

Above - The covering starts to be taken off.
Below It is almost all off.