Friday, April 9, 2021

Man Charged With String Of Armed Home Invasion And Gas Station Robberies

Home Invasion Robbery Victim Sustained Life-Threatening Gunshot Wound 

 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, David M. Hoovler, Orange County District Attorney, and William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge, New York Division, Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced today that TISHAWN C. WOODS has been arrested for his participation in a string of armed home invasion and gas station robberies in and around Newburgh, New York.  WOODS was apprehended yesterday in Orange, New Jersey, and will be presented this afternoon before United States Magistrate Judge Andrew E. Krause in White Plains federal court. 

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “As alleged, Tishawn Woods and an accomplice committed a series of robberies during which they discharged firearms, shooting and seriously wounding one of their victims.  We thank the FBI and the Orange County District Attorney’s Office for their efforts to bring Woods to justice and keep the public safe.”   

Orange County District Attorney David M. Hoovler said:  “It takes the combined cooperative efforts of different law enforcement officials to stop organized violent criminal activity, particularly where it crosses over into different jurisdictions.  I am grateful for the cooperation and work of the City of Newburgh Police Department, the Town of Newburgh Police Department, the Town of New Windsor Police Department, and the FBI’s Safe Streets Task Force in this case.  I am proud of the work of my office’s investigators and assistant district attorneys in this matter, particularly in obtaining some of the video evidence.  Very often digital recordings possessed by private citizens provide crucial evidence in solving violent crimes, which is why in 2016 we created the Video Camera Community Partnership Program.  I thank United States Attorney Audrey Strauss for the professionalism, diligence, and courtesy shown by her staff and look forward to working with the United States Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York on this and other matters.”   

FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “We’ve recently seen an uptick in violent offenses, and today I have a sincere warning for those planning similar violent behavior – think twice.  Respect others’ property and belongings. The FBI and our law enforcement partners will track you down and hold you accountable for violent behavior.  If you break federal law you will face federal penalties.”

According to the allegations in the Complaint:[1]

In the early morning hours of March 17, 2021, WOODS and an accomplice, armed with handguns, burst inside an apartment in Newburgh, New York, where they robbed and shot the apartment’s occupant, inflicting life-threatening injuries. 

In the early morning hours of March 22 and March 28, 2021, WOODS and an accomplice committed armed robberies of gas stations in New Windsor, New York, during which they fired shots near the gas stations’ clerks.

WOODS, 20, of Newburgh, New York, is charged with three counts of Hobbs Act robbery, each of which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, and three counts of using, carrying, brandishing, and discharging a firearm during, in relation to, and in furtherance of, a crime of violence, each of which carries a mandatory 10-year consecutive sentence. 

The maximum potential sentences in these cases are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by a judge.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding work of the FBI, the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, the Orange County Crime Analysis Center, the City of Newburgh Police Department, the Town of Newburgh Police Department, and the Town of New Windsor Police Department.

The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint, and the description of the Complaint set forth herein, constitutes only allegations, and every fact described therein should be treated as an allegation.

U.S. Attorney Announces Extradition Of Canadian Citizen For His Role In An International Fraud And Money Laundering Network


Canada-Based Yusuf Abdul and Others in the United States, Europe, and Middle East Conspired to Use Phone “Spoofing Service” to Fraudulently Access and Launder Victims’ Funds

 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that YUSUF OWOLABI ABDUL, a/k/a “Saheed Sador,” a citizen of Nigeria and a resident of Canada, was extradited today from Germany.  ABDUL was charged with participation in a fraud scheme from at least in or about 2013 until at least April 2019 involving the theft and laundering of victim funds.  ABDUL was arrested in Germany on December 11, 2020, on an Interpol Red Notice, and is the fifth defendant charged in this case.  ABDUL is expected to be presented on Monday, April 12, before U.S. Magistrate Judge Ona T. Wang.  ABDUL’s case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Katherine Polk Failla.

U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “As alleged, Yusuf Owolabi Abdul and his codefendants used a widely available telephone ‘spoofing’ service and other deceitful means to steal and conceal millions of dollars in victim funds.  Thanks to the FBI and international cooperation, Abdul is in U.S. custody and facing charges in this District.”

According to the allegations in the Indictment[1]:

From at least 2013 through in or about 2018, ABDUL and various other conspirators, located in countries including the United States, Canada, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates (collectively, the “Conspirators”), were involved in a scheme to fraudulently access individuals’ and corporations’ bank accounts and to conduct financial transactions using those bank accounts without the knowledge or authority of the accounts’ legitimate owners (the “Bank Scheme”).  As part of the Bank Scheme, the Conspirators placed thousands of calls to various United States banks, holding themselves out as legitimate accountholders of particular targeted bank accounts and using the stolen personal identifying information belonging to those accountholders.  Using a particular telephone number “spoofing” service, and voice-altering technology, the Conspirators would deceive bank representatives into believing that the Conspirators were actual accountholders.  In so doing, they convinced multiple U.S. banks to, among other things: move money from a victim’s savings account to the victim’s checking account (so that the Conspirators could more easily access the funds and conduct unauthorized transactions); falsely note on the account that the accountholder was traveling abroad (making the bank less likely to void suspicious international transactions made by the Conspirators); have “replacement” credit cards mailed to international addresses controlled by the Conspirators (whereupon the Conspirators could use them to make unauthorized purchases); and authorize foreign purchases made by the Conspirators.

ABDUL, 45­, a citizen of Nigeria and resident of Canada, is charged with one count of conspiracy to commit bank and wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison; one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering, which carries a maximum of 20 years in prison; and one count of aggravated identity theft, which carries a mandatory sentence of two years in prison, to be served consecutively to the other charges. The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge.

Other defendants charged in this case include Alade Kazeem Sodiq, a/k/a “Eluku,” a citizen of the United Arab Emirates and Abdulai Kennedy Saaka, a/k/a “Kenny,” of Atlanta, Georgia, who each pled guilty to one count of money laundering conspiracy and were sentenced to 50 months in prison and 32 months in prison, respectively; Habeeb Audu, a/k/a “Dickson” whose case remains pending; and Dominic Francis Labiran, a citizen of the United Kingdom, who remains at large.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  The U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of International Affairs of the Department’s Criminal Division provided significant assistance in securing the defendant’s extradition from Germany.

The prosecution of this case is being handled by the Office’s Money Laundering and Transnational Criminal Enterprises Unit.  Assistant United States Attorneys Kiersten A. Fletcher, Jonathan E. Rebold, and Andrew A. Rohrbach are in charge of the prosecution.

The charges against ABDUL, Audu, and Labiran contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and they are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.       

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment and the description of the Indictment set forth below constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Attorney General James Issues Alert Urging New Yorkers to Report Unlawful Vaccine Charges


 New York Attorney General Letitia James today issued a consumer alert to remind New Yorkers that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines are free of charge, and urged any resident of the state who has been charged a fee to report it to her office immediately.

“As we continue to make progress in recovering from this public health crisis, it is vital that every individual has access to this free, lifesaving vaccine and that there are no barriers to New Yorkers receiving their dose,” said Attorney General James. “The vaccine is free of charge for all New Yorkers, and I encourage everyone to get vaccinated as soon as they are eligible. My office is committed to protecting New Yorkers and enforcing the law, which is why I urge anyone who has been charged a fee for receiving the vaccine to report it immediately to my office.”

COVID-19 vaccines are now available to all New Yorkers over the age of 16, and must be administered free of charge. Individuals who have been charged a fee for vaccination are encouraged to file a complaint online with the Office of the Attorney General or call 1-800-771-7755.

Late last month, Attorney General James issued another alert to New Yorkers to beware of scams making fraudulent promises to consumers, promising them the ability to cut COVID-19 vaccine lines or receive additional stimulus payments. Additionally, earlier this month, Attorney General James and a bipartisan coalition of attorneys general sent a letter to the CEOs of Twitter, eBay, and Shopify, asking the CEOs to act immediately to prevent the sale of fake COVID-19 vaccination cards on their platforms.

Comptroller Stringer Releases New York City Claims Report for FY 2020


In FY 2020, 13,741 claims and lawsuits against New York City were resolved for $1.03 billion compared to 14,267 claims and lawsuits resolved for $996.5 million in FY 2019

 Today, New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer released the Annual Claims Report, covering data for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020. The Claims Report includes breakdowns of personal injury and property damage claims as well as non-tort claims filed against the City and settlement costs paid by the City in the past fiscal year.

“The pandemic took an unimaginable toll on our neighbors and loved ones, small businesses, and the way we all work and live. Protecting and strengthening the City’s fiscal health is now more important than ever to make a strong economic recovery,” said Comptroller Stringer. “That’s why my office continues to use a data-driven approach to reduce claim costs and work closely with City agencies to manage risk. This work ensures that taxpayer dollars are directed to resources for New Yorkers who need our help most as we build back our economy and our city even stronger than before.”

In FY 2020, 13,741 claims and lawsuits against New York City were resolved for $1.03 billion compared to 14,267 claims and lawsuits resolved for $996.5 million in FY 2019.

Total Number of Claim Settlements & Judgments FY 2019 vs. FY 2020

Total Amount of Claim Settlements & Judgments Paid FY 2019 vs. FY 2020

Tort Claims

For the third fiscal year, FY 2020 saw a decline in the City’s payouts on personal injury and property damage claims (collectively, tort claims), which include allegations of slip and falls, medical malpractice, police action, and motor vehicle property damage claims. The number of tort claims filed in FY 2020 decreased by 11 percent and the amount paid out in settlements and judgments in FY 2020 decreased by 14 percent. Yet, New Yorkers continue to pay for claims that were filed more than a decade ago.

  • In FY 2020, the City paid out $545.8 million in tort claims, $87.5 million less than the $633.3 million paid out in FY 2019.
  • In FY 2020, the City paid out $60.2 million for personal injury tort claims that were filed prior to FY 2011 (legacy claims).
  • Excluding payments on legacy claims, personal injury tort claim payouts declined from $575.4 million in FY 2019 to $478.7 million in FY 2020.

Labor and Employment Claims

Historically, claims by City employees relative to the terms and conditions of their employment have been recorded as either personal injury civil rights claims or law salary claims depending on the nature of the claim. Beginning in FY 2019, the Comptroller’s Office began recording all claims filed by City employees relative to the terms and conditions of their employment as labor and employment claims. In the FY 2020 Claims Report, we continue to report claims data for FYs 2019 and 2020 labor and employment claims under its historic claim types for analysis continuity.

Law Claims

Law claims include disputes arising from City contracts, equitable claims, refund claims, City employee salary disputes, claims involving Department of Education (DOE) special education matters, sidewalk assessments, cleanup costs levied on property owners who are in violation of the Mental Hygiene Law, and affirmative claims that are brought by the City against individuals, companies, corporations, and other entities for torts, breaches of contract, and as remedies for violations of civil codes.

  • In FY 2020, the City paid out $486.2 million in law claims, a 34 percent increase from the $363.2 million paid out in FY 2019.
  • Ninety-three percent of all law claim settlements and judgments in FY 2020 were related to claims for reimbursement of the cost of special education services.

Under the New York City Charter, the Comptroller has the power to settle or adjust all claims in favor of or against the City.  This work is performed by the Comptroller’s Office Bureau of Law and Adjustment (BLA), which, under the direction of the Comptroller, the General Counsel, and the Assistant Comptroller for BLA, comprises attorneys, claims professionals, engineers, and administrative staff.

In 2014 the Comptroller’s Office introduced ClaimStat, a data-driven analysis of claims filed against the City. ClaimStat was conceived as a way for City agencies to review claims data in real time, identify claim filing trends that are costly to the City, and implement policies and best practices to mitigate risk or avoid filing of claims altogether. ClaimStat has proven to be a valuable device for agency’s using risk analysis to reduce the number of claims filed against the City and, in turn, limit the City’s financial exposure.

Currently, the Comptroller’s Office shares real-time data and coordinates with the Department of Correction (DOC), the Department of Sanitation (DSNY), Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), and the New York City Police Department (NYPD). The Comptroller’s Office continues to work to expand coordinated efforts with City agencies to mitigate risk and to help implement best practices.

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic


4,351 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide; Lowest Since December 4, 2020

899 Patients in the ICU; 591 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 2.96%

56 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"While we continue to make progress towards defeating COVID once and for all, it's as critical as ever that New Yorkers remain vigilant and keep practicing the behaviors we know stop COVID in its tracks," Governor Cuomo said. "We're doing all we can to get as many shots in arms as possible, and that has allowed the light at the end of the tunnel to grow brighter every day, however to ultimately reach it, we must all stay united. New Yorkers have already shown the nation how tough we can be when we all work together and I know we will do it again."

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 304,956
  • Total Positive - 9,014
  • Percent Positive - 2.96%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 3.37%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 4,351 (-71)
  • Net Change Patient Hospitalization Past Week - -189
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 538
  • Hospital Counties - 55
  • Number ICU - 899 (-48)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 591 (-9)
  • Total Discharges - 166,520 (+546)
  • Deaths - 56
  • Total Deaths - 41,028

268 Days and Counting


I was in the Bronx yesterday only a few blocks from where State Senator Jamaal Bailey the Bronx Democratic Party Leader was holding an event with candidates they have endorsed for the upcoming June Democratic Primary. 

I should have dropped by to ask Senator Bailey about the petition of Marcos Sierra the District Leader who seconded the nomination of him for leader of the Bronx Democratic Party, where there are some very questionable things that appear on the City Council District Eleven Marcos Sierra petition. I am sure that veteran Bronx political reporter Robert Press, who is a pain in the neck to me and many of my commissioners holding us accountable for what we do will get down to the bottom of the Marcos Sierra petition to show everyone what is wrong, and show any petition fraud committed by city council candidate Marcos Sierra. 

The U.S. Attorney said after a complete investigation of me said that there is not enough evidence to bring any charges against me, so I can say I am an innocent man.  

Assemblymember Nathalia Fernandez - Green Day of Action at Bronx Park East, April 17th



On Saturday, April 17th at 12:00pm, I will be hosting a Green Day of Action for Earth Day in partnership with The Clean Earth Project and The Brothers of Delta Epsilon Psi at Bronx Park East and Allerton Avenue.

I invite you to come out and volunteer as we do our part to protect our environment and keep our community green with this day of action! 

If you and/or your organization are interested in participating please fill out this attached google form by using the link below:

*Masks and Hand Sanitizers Will Be Provided*


Best Regards,

New York State Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez

Bronx Dems and New York Common Pantry Host Day of Service


Jamaal T. Bailey, Chair, Bronx Dems, Amanda FarĂ­as, Council District 18 Candidate, and Brian Benjamin, NYC Comptroller Candidate put on gloves and get some advice on how to stuff pages with assorted produce item.

 It was called a 'Day of Service', at the New York Common Pantry | Bronx Choice Pantry located at 1290 Hoe Avenue and all Bronx Democratic Party endorsed candidates were to be a part of the process of Bagging, and giving various items of food to the people who come to this food Pantry every week to pick up much needed food for their families. 

There were two shifts the real elected officials and the real candidates in the first shift which included State Senator Jamaal Bailey the Bronx Democratic Party Leader,  Council members Rafael Salamanca (17) and Kevin Riley (12) the only full Bronx City Council member running for re-election, City Comptroller candidate Brian Benjamin, City Council candidate Amana Farias (18), and Jessica Flores, Civil Court Judicial Candidate. They and members of the food pantry bagged up the various bags of food.

One of the various piles of bagged food to be given out.

Eric Dinowitz went into bringing bags of food to the people, while brushing up on his Spanish.

As the first group finished their assignments they took off one by one, including Senator Bailey who had to get to another meeting, they were replaced by City Council candidates Eric Dinowitz (11), Pierina Sanchez (14), Althea Steven (16), and finally Marjorie Velazquez-Lynch (13). 

14th City Council Candidate Pierina Sanchez packing bags of groceries.

13th City Council candidate Marjorie Velazquez-Lynch arrived last and stayed outside to talk. 

Here again all 13th City Council candidate Marjorie Velazquez-Lynch did was hang around and talk as she had a bag of tangerines which she handed one to Jason Laidley the Chief of Staff to Senator Bailey the Bronx Democratic Party Leader, who asked me to leave after I took this photo.