Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Agreement With Bermudian Bank To Resolve Criminal Tax Investigation


The Bank of N.T. Butterfield & Son Limited Pays $5.6 Million in Forfeiture and Restitution; Receives Non-Prosecution Agreement as a Result of its Cooperation

 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Stuart M. Goldberg, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department’s Tax Division, and James C. Lee, Chief of the Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation (“IRS-CI”), announced today that Bank of N.T. Butterfield & Son Limited (“BUTTERFIELD”) entered into a non-prosecution agreement (“NPA”) with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and agreed to pay $5.6 million to the United States for assisting U.S. taxpayer-clients in opening and maintaining undeclared foreign bank accounts from 2001 through 2013.  The NPA was based on BUTTERFIELD’s extraordinary cooperation, including its efforts in providing 386 client files for non-compliant U.S. taxpayer-clients, and provides that BUTTERFIELD will not be criminally prosecuted.  The NPA requires BUTTERFIELD to forfeit $4.896 million to the United States, representing certain fees that it earned by assisting its U.S. taxpayer-clients in opening and maintaining these undeclared accounts, and to pay $704,000 in restitution to the IRS, representing the approximate unpaid taxes arising from the tax evasion by BUTTERFIELD’s U.S. taxpayer-clients.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: “Butterfield admits to helping its clients conceal their ownership of foreign bank accounts to avoid their U.S. tax obligations.  Butterfield created sham entities and assisted U.S. clients in funneling money between U.S.- and Cayman Islands-based accounts.  The resolution of this matter through a non-prosecution agreement, along with forfeiture and restitution, reflects Butterfield’s cooperation in our investigation and demonstrates that cooperation, including assistance in providing U.S. taxpayer client files, has tangible benefits.  We will continue to pursue financial services firms around the world that help their clients evade U.S. taxes.”

Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Stuart M. Goldberg said: “As part of the resolution announced today, Butterfield has facilitated the production of approximately 386 unredacted client files.  Taxpayers contemplating hiding money offshore and those who would facilitate their fraud should take note – nothing remains hidden forever.”

IRS-CI Chief James C. Lee said: “As a result of the successful resolution of this investigation, Butterfield has agreed to turn over account files relating to U.S. taxpayer-clients who maintained undeclared assets overseas. This agreement marks yet another significant step forward in combating offshore tax evasion.  Anyone who is hiding money or assets offshore with the intent of committing tax evasion will be found and prosecuted. It’s not a matter of ‘if,’ it’s a matter of ‘when.’”

As part of the NPA, BUTTERFIELD admitted various facts concerning its wrongful conduct and the remedial measures that it took to cease that conduct.  Specifically, BUTTERFIELD admitted that it knew or should have known certain U.S. taxpayers were using their BUTTERFIELD accounts to evade their U.S. tax obligations, in violation of U.S. law.  BUTTERFIELD acknowledged that it helped certain U.S. taxpayer-clients conceal from the IRS their beneficial ownership of undeclared assets maintained in foreign bank accounts by: (i) maintaining undeclared accounts for U.S. taxpayer-clients that were held by sham entities – structures that had no legitimate business purpose – even though Bank personnel knew, or should have known, that the entities were being used to conceal the identities of the true account owners; and (ii) opening accounts and facilitating the transfer of funds for U.S. taxpayer-clients despite obvious red flags that the U.S. clients were using the accounts to maintain undeclared assets or commit tax evasion.

The NPA recognizes that, in 2013, BUTTERFIELD implemented a series of remedial measures to stop assisting U.S. taxpayers evading federal income taxes.  The NPA further recognizes BUTTERFIELD’s cooperation, including its efforts to facilitate the production of approximately 386 client files for non-compliant U.S. taxpayers, which included the identities of those U.S. taxpayers.

As part of the NPA, BUTTERFIELD has agreed to forfeit $4.896 million to the United States, representing the gross revenues from services that it provided to U.S. taxpayers with undeclared foreign bank accounts from 2001 through 2013.  In connection with this forfeiture, BUTTERFIELD has agreed not to contest a civil forfeiture action filed by the United States.

The NPA requires BUTTERFIELD to continue to cooperate with the United States for at least three years from the date of the agreement.  In the event that BUTTERFIELD violates the NPA, the U.S. Attorney’s Office may prosecute BUTTERFIELD.

Ms. Strauss thanked the IRS for its outstanding work in the investigation of this matter and thanked the Tax Division of the Department of Justice for its assistance in the investigation.

Attorney General James' Statement on Cooperation with NYS Assembly Investigation Into Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Governor Cuomo


  New York Attorney General Letitia James released the following statement about the independent investigators' cooperation with the New York State Assembly’s investigation into sexual harassment claims made against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo:

“At the Assembly’s request, we have provided the Assembly Judiciary Committee with the report that was released today, and we will provide them with all relevant evidence. We will cooperate with their investigation as needed.”

Socialist Legislators Demand an Immediate Return To Session To Impeach Governor Cuomo


Five Socialist State Legislators Urge The Legislature To Begin Formal Impeachment Proceedings

 In light of the release of the Attorney General’s report on Governor Cuomo’s pattern of sexual harassment, State Senator Julia Salazar, State Senator Jabari Brisport, Assembly Member Emily Gallagher, Assembly Member Phara Souffrant Forrest, and Assembly Member Zohran Mamdani issued the following statement:

“As state representatives, we urge Speaker Heastie to swiftly reconvene the Assembly to begin formal impeachment proceedings.

In March of this year, we called for Governor’s Cuomo’s impeachment because the accusations against him warranted decisive action. Several women had come forward to share their experiences of sexual harassment. Furthermore, the Attorney General had recently confirmed that the Governor covered up thousands of deaths due to COVID-19 in New York nursing homes.

The release of the Attorney General’s report today affirms the testimony of numerous women — all of the survivors who spoke out last spring as well as others who have reported harassment through this investigation. This damning report reveals what those who work with the Governor know: his behavior is predatory, abusive and tyrannical. Additionally, the Attorney General’s report found that the accounts of Governor Cuomo’s blatant misuse of power were not isolated incidents, but were ‘part of a pattern’ of abuse. The details of the report are appalling. It is clear that Governor Cuomo is unfit to lead New York State.

Given the Governor's egregious violations of his oath of office, it is the responsibility of the Legislature to begin the impeachment process without delay.”

Governor Cuomo Issues Proclamation Declaring August 3 'Tony Bennett Day' in New York


Proclamation in Honor of Singer's 95th Birthday and Final NYC Performancesat Radio City Music Hall

View Proclamation Here

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today issued a proclamation declaring August 3 'Tony Bennett Day' in New York in honor of the singer's 95th birthday and final New York City performances at Radio City Music Hall. The proclamation is available here.

"Music and the arts have long been an essential piece of the fabric of New York, and you would be hard-pressed to find someone who has made more of a contribution in this space than Tony Bennett," Governor Cuomo said. "Not only is Tony a born and bred New Yorker who has been dazzling audiences with beautiful music for more than six decades, but he has always stayed true to his humble New York roots and can always be spotted throughout the City whether he is working on his next painting in Central Park, or just chatting with fans on the street. From growing up as a child of immigrants, to all the contributions he has made to our community, Tony Bennett is a New Yorker in the truest sense of the word and I am honored to proclaim August 3, 2021 as 'Tony Bennett Day' in New York."

Anthony Dominick Benedetto, known professionally as Tony Bennett, was born in Astoria, Queens in 1926. He fought in the final stages of World War II as a U.S. Army infantryman in the European Theater. He is a Grammy and Emmy Award winner, a Gershwin Award and Kennedy Center honoree and an accomplished visual artist with three of his original paintings in the Smithsonian Institute's permanent collection. With his wife Susan Benedetto, he established Exploring the Arts to support arts education in public high schools, which was initiated by the creation of Frank Sinatra School of the Arts in Astoria, Queens.

This Wednesday: Food drive at the Team AOC field office


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

Reverend Oliver from Middletown Plaza Pop Up Food Pantry is asking for our community’s help:

A food donation drive benefiting a NYCHA development in New York’s 14th district is taking place next week on August 10th at Middletown Plaza. We’re collecting donations at our field office on Wednesday, August 4th, and invite you to join us in answering a call to action from our most vulnerable neighbors.

Drop-off Donations for

Middletown Plaza Pop Up Food Pantry

Team AOC Field Office
1371 Herschell Street, Bronx

Wednesday, August 4th

10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

The Reverend has requested canned foods, 

rice, and vegetables

Unprecedented times take unprecedented efforts to make sure our neighbors are being supported. Together we can continue to support our community members as we work to recover from the pandemic and build back stronger and more equitable than before.

In solidarity,

Team AOC

Senator Rivera on Report by Independent Investigators Finding Governor Cuomo Sexually Harassed Multiple Women


 "The independent investigation overseen by New York Attorney General Letitia James unequivocally delineates the extent of Governor Cuomo's despicable behavior and chronic sexual harassment of numerous women. It is clear that the Governor and his administration fostered a toxic environment that leveraged power to intimidate those who were berated and harassed. We greatly value the bravery of those that came forward as well as those that suffered in silence. There is no doubt that the Governor is not fit to represent the State of New York and he must resign immediately. If he refuses to step aside after all of the overwhelming evidence included in this report, the Assembly should move swiftly to the next step of this process and send articles of impeachment to the Senate."

155 Days and Counting - Do I Run For Governor Now


You've Been a bad boy Andrew, and now the New York State Attorney General has proven it. I just can't believe what you have done while in office, such an abuse of your power. 

“My first thoughts are with the women who were subject to this abhorrent behavior, and their bravery in stepping forward to share their stories. The Attorney General’s detailed and thorough report substantiates many disturbing instances of severe misconduct. Andrew Cuomo committed sexual assault and sexual harassment, and intimidated a whistleblower. It is disqualifying.


“It is beyond clear that Andrew Cuomo is not fit to hold office and can no longer serve as Governor. He must resign, and if he continues to resist and attack the investigators who did their jobs, he should be impeached immediately.”

Now let's see I am term limited as the mayor, I ran for President and dropped out, Now is a good time for me to run for governor while there will be no real incumbent. 

Independent Investigators Find Governor Cuomo Sexually Harassed Multiple Women, Violated State and Federal Laws


Report by Independent Investigators Find NYS Governor Sexually Harassed Multiple Women From 2013 Through 2020 

Sexual Harassment Included Unwanted and Inappropriate Groping, Kissing, Hugging, and Comments That Accusers Called “Deeply Humiliating, Uncomfortable, Offensive, or Inappropriate” 

Executive Chamber “Rife with Fear and Intimidation,” Enabled “Harassment to Occur and Created a Hostile Work Environment”

 The independent investigators appointed by New York Attorney General Letitia James — led by Joon H. Kim and Anne L. Clark — today released their report into the multiple allegations of sexual harassment by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. After nearly five months, the investigators concluded that Governor Cuomo did sexually harass multiple women — including former and current state employees — by engaging in unwanted groping, kissing, and hugging, and making inappropriate comments. Further, the governor and his senior staff took actions to retaliate against at least one former employee for coming forward with her story. Finally, the Executive Chamber fostered a “toxic” workplace that enabled “harassment to occur and created a hostile work environment.” The investigators find that Governor Cuomo’s actions and those of the Executive Chamber violated multiple state and federal laws, as well as the Executive Chamber’s own written policies.

The investigation was conducted after, on March 1, 2021, the Executive Chamber made a referral, pursuant to New York Executive Law Section 63(8), for Attorney General James to select independent lawyers to investigate “allegations of and circumstances surrounding sexual harassment claims made against the governor.” Kim and Clark were chosen to lead the investigation on March 8, 2021.

“This is a sad day for New York because independent investigators have concluded that Governor Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women and, in doing so, broke the law,” said Attorney General James. “I am grateful to all the women who came forward to tell their stories in painstaking detail, enabling investigators to get to the truth. No man — no matter how powerful — can be allowed to harass women or violate our human rights laws, period.”

Starting in December 2020, multiple women came forward with allegations that Governor Cuomo sexually harassed them. Over the course of the investigation, the investigators interviewed 179 individuals. Those interviewed included complainants, current and former members of the Executive Chamber, State Troopers, additional state employees, and others who interacted regularly with the governor. More than 74,000 documents, emails, texts, and pictures were also reviewed as evidence during the investigation.

Backed up by corroborating evidence and credible witnesses, the investigators detail multiple current or former New York state employees or women outside state service who were the targets of harassing conduct on the part of the governor.

As part of the investigation, Governor Cuomo also sat with the interviewers and answered questions under oath. While the governor denied the most serious allegations, the investigators found that he did so by offering “blanket denials” or that he had a “lack of recollection as to specific incidents.” The investigators also found that the governor’s recollection “stood in stark contrast to the strength, specificity, and corroboration of the complainants’ recollections, as well as the reports of many other individuals who offered observations and experiences of the governor’s conduct.”   

Additionally, the investigators found that the Executive Chamber was “rife with fear and intimidation” that not only “enabled the above-described instances of harassment to occur,” but also “created a hostile work environment overall.” Further, Governor Cuomo, himself, and the Executive Chamber engaged in “retaliatory” behavior by “intend[ing] to discredit and disparage” a former employee that came forward with her story of harassment.

The investigation found that Governor Cuomo’s sexual harassment of multiple women and his and the Executive Chamber’s retaliation against a former employee for coming forward with her claims of sexual harassment violated multiple state and federal laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the New York State Human Rights Law, and 42 U.S. Code § 1983, in addition to the Executive Chamber’s own equal employment policies.

Jennifer Kennedy Park, Abena Mainoo, and Rahul Mukhi from the law firm Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP were all deputized — in addition to Joon H. Kim — as Special Deputies to the First Deputy Attorney General to conduct the investigation and issue this report. Yannick Grant from the law firm Vladeck, Raskin & Clark, P.C. was deputized — in addition to Anne L. Clark — as a Special Deputy to the First Deputy Attorney General to conduct the investigation and issue this report. A number of other attorneys from both Cleary Gottlieb and Vladeck were appointed as Special Assistants to the First Deputy Attorney General to assist with the investigation.

Appendix I

Appendix II

Appendix III