Monday, March 8, 2021

Governor Cuomo Announces More Than 40,000 COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Administered in New York Houses of Worship


More Than 22,500 First Doses and More Than 18,000 Second Doses Administered

Governor Calls on Religious Leaders to Partner with State and Establish Additional Sites; Interested Houses of Worship Should Contact New York State Here

Builds on New York State's Efforts for Equitable Vaccine Distribution Across the State

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that more than 40,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered at community-based pop-up sites in houses of worship throughout New York State. More than 22,500 first doses and more than 18,000 second doses have been administered. 48 pop-up sites have been established in houses of worship. Partnering with houses of worship builds on New York's efforts to bring the vaccine to underserved communities across the state. 

The Governor also called on religious leaders to partner with New York State to establish more pop-up vaccination sites. Interested houses of worship can contact the state here.

"Houses of worship have been vital partners in New York's effort to bring the COVID-19 vaccine to underserved communities across the state, and community-based pop-up sites are making real progress getting shots in arms," Governor Cuomo said. "We're using a range of methods to ensure equitable vaccine distribution, but this one wouldn't be possible without the partnership and hard work of our partners who administer houses of worship and their willingness to assure communities that the vaccine is safe and will save lives. Together, we'll combat vaccine hesitancy and build a safer, healthier future for all New Yorkers." 

New York State has continued to increase the number of pop-up sites deployed throughout the state. On March 4, Governor Cuomo announced 12 community-based pop-up vaccination sites are coming online this week at public housing developments, churches, community centers, schools and fire stations. These sites are expected to vaccinate more than 4,000 people throughout the week. Since January 15, 120 community-based pop-up sites administered more than 50,000 first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. As has been the case with previous pop-up sites, these sites will be re-established in three weeks to administer second doses. 

The establishment of many of these vaccination sites was made possible through partnerships with multiple public and private health care providers. Host sites and partner providers conduct outreach within their communities and work with community leaders and organizations to identify eligible New Yorkers and schedule vaccination appointments.

This continued development of community-based 'pop up' vaccination sites furthers Governor Cuomo's mandate of ensuring the fair and equitable distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. In late 2020, the Governor announced the launch of New York's Vaccine Equity Task Force chaired by Secretary of State Rossana Rosado, Attorney General Letitia James, National Urban League President & CEO Marc Morial, and Healthfirst President & CEO Pat Wang. Since its establishment, the Task Force has continued work to ensure vulnerable and underserved communities are not left behind by breaking down the barriers to vaccination and ensuring there is equitable distribution of the vaccine across the state.

Asemblyman Jose Rivera Endorses Councilman Fernando Cabrera for Bronx Borough President


Sunday afternoon in front of the Kingsbridge Armory Bronx Borough President candidate Councilman Fernando Cabrera picked up another endorsement, this time from Assemblyman Jose Rivera, a veteran elected official who has seen the good times and the bad times of the Bronx which can be said of the current times. Rivera said that as Bronx Borough President Fernando Cabrera can guide the Bronx out of the Pandemic, and back to better times as the recovery takes place. 

It is little known that Assemblyman Jose Rivera a former Bronx Democratic Party Leader for many years, was a Bronx Borough President candidate himself in 1997 to replace then Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer who was running for mayor. Rivera was not given the opportunity to run when Ferrer decided not to run for mayor, but to run again for Bronx BP, this happening before term limits were instituted. Assemblyman Rivera had discussions with other candidates for Bronx Borough President before coming out with this endorsement of Councilman Fernando Cabrera for Bronx BP.

13th City Council candidate John Perez the former Male District Leader of the 87th A.D. also endorsed Fernando Cabrera for Bronx BP. Ms. Shelia Sanchez President of the Northwest Bronx Democrats pledged the clubs support to Bronx BP candidate Fernando Cabrera. Also at the endorsement by Assemblyman Jose Rivera was Sheikh Musa Drammeh an immigrant from Gambia who is a religious leader and community activist. Sheikh Musa Drammeh has been a leading figure in immigrant and Muslim communities in the Bronx for many years. He is the CEO of the Parkchester Times which has endorsed Fernando Cabrera for Bronx BP, and is also the publisher of the Muslim Community Report Newsletter.

(L-R) Northwest Bronx Democratic Club President Ms. Shelia Sanchez, Bronx Borough President candidate Fernando Cabrera, Assemblyman Jose Rivera, and Sheikh Musa Drammeh.

13th City Council candidate John Perez stands next to Bronx BP candidate Fernando Cabrera with other supporters.

Assemblyman Jose Rivera even brought his daughter former 80th Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera (left with the red scarf) with him to endorse Councilman Fernando Cabrera for Bronx Borough President.

TONIGHT: VNNA MARCH MONTHLY ZOOM MEETING—Candidates Forum for City Council District 15


Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Candidates Forum for City Council District 15

Time: March 8, 2021 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 259 251 0029

Passcode: 2021

Dial in: 1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

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News, updates and more from NYC Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Jr.



After numerous complaints of garbage pile up and illegal dumping in Melrose, Council Member Salamanca hosts a walking tour with NYC Department of Sanitation to address areas of concern and the need for increased street cleaning. 

Council Member Salamanca joins Bronx Community Board 2, NYPD 41st Precinct Community Council, The Hunts Point Community Partnership and other local community based organizations to distribute school supply kits, food and PPE to local families. 

Council Member Salamanca swings by The Hope Program in Hunts Point to donate a dozen suits and ties for students in the career building program who will soon head into the workforce in style. 

Council Member Salamanca continues to call out the illegal, harmful and irresponsible use of City streets by employees of the Juvenile Detention Center in the Third Ave HUB. Salamanca has called on NYPD to begin issueing summonses and towing vehicles that abuse street parking rules. 
Council Member Salamanca continues to partner with NYC Health & Hospitals to utilize his District Office to host a COVID testing site where Bronxite can get no-cost testing, face masks, hand sanitizer and resources on how to help #StopTheSpread. 

Next testing date will be: Thursday, March 11, 2020 from 9 AM to 4:30 PM

Comptroller Stringer Announces 2021 MWBE University Webinar Series To Create Access and Expand Economic Opportunity for New York City Small Businesses


Announces six webinars from March to July 2021 as part of Comptroller’s Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) University Series to train and support MWBEs and help small businesses grow

Trainings will feature topics including how to prepare for credit and capital, fueling the demand for diversity on boards, how to implement a chief diversity officer, how to increase MWBE purchase method opportunities for City agencies, investment relationships with pension consultants post-COVID and doing business with the Comptroller’s Office

  New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer announced a continuation of his Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) University Series — an initiative first launched in 2018 — to expand access and opportunities for minority and women-owned business enterprises (MWBEs) seeking to do business with the City. MWBE University will be a year-long series of workshops designed to help MWBEs get certified with the City, navigate the procurement process, and gain access City contracts. While City agencies are making important strides in delivering contracts to M/WBEs, major gaps remain. In 2019, the City awarded only 4.9 percent of all awards to MWBEs.

“As thousands of businesses struggle to stay afloat amid the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis, my office is doing everything in our power to help small businesses and MWBEs rebuild stronger than ever. Seven years ago, we started analyzing and holding agencies accountable for how – and to whom – it delivers contracts. What we found were deep inequities and an unequal playing field. But City Hall continues to fail our MWBEs as long-standing gaps in access remain ignored in the bureaucratic procurement process. If we’re going to rebuild to a true five-borough economy, we have to make sure our MWBEs are successful,” said Comptroller Stringer. “This year, we’re relaunching a series of online workshops in twelve different languages to expand aid and opportunities for small businesses and MWBEs impacted by COVID-19. I’m proud that last year our workshops ultimately connected 80 minority and women asset managers with City pension consultants, and this year we hope to exceed that success. Local community wealth creation depends on giving these businesses a fair shot.”

The year-long series of workshops will address a variety of topics including how to hire a Chief Diversity Officer, how to attain seats on boards, and how to navigate Minority Depository Institutions, among other issues. Along with opening the doors to City contracting, MWBE University will provide businesses with opportunities in contracting directly with the Comptroller’s office.

The list of workshops include:

March 23, 2021 – 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
How to Prepare for Credit and Capital (Even in a Pandemic)
Where businesses can learn best practices from Minority Depository Institutions to access capital, even during crisis.

April 22, 2021 – 11:00 AM – 2:30 PM
Fueling the Demand for Diversity on Boards: For M/WBEs and Young Professionals
Where business owners and young professionals can learn what it takes to become a board director at a public company.

May 12, 2021 – 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
How to Implement a Chief Diversity Officer
Where corporations, colleges/universities and NYC agencies can learn how to operationalize diversity within the heart of how they do business – and where college students can learn how to do the job.

June 9, 2021 – 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
How to Increase M/WBE Purchase Method Opportunities: for NYC Agencies
Where NYC Agency Contract Officers, M/WBE Officers, and Chief Diversity Officers can learn how to plan procurements with diversity in mind.

July 14, 2021 – 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Investment Relationships with Pension Consultants Post-COVID
Where M/WBE investment managers can learn and build relationships with NYC’s pension consultants.

August 4, 2021 – 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Doing Business with the Comptroller’s Office
Hear directly from the Comptroller’s Office about opportunities for professional services, legal services, standard services, and goods contracts, and learn procurement best practices from M/WBE trailblazers in their industries.

Save the Date: December 2021
Annual Emerging & M/WBE Manager Conference 

We highly encourage CEOs, Senior Partners, and Portfolio Managers of Public Equity, Public Fixed Income, Private Equity, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Hedge Funds, Alternative Credit, and Economically Targeted Investment Firms and Broker/Dealers to attend.

To RSVP, visit or email Interpretation will be available in Cart translation, Arabic, Bengali, Cantonese, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Mandarin, Nepali, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu. Please request interpretation services upon RSVP at least two days before each session.

If you are a business owner and need help navigating City procurement opportunities and resources, make an appointment with the Comptroller’s Office by emailing If you are a constituent and need assistance with complaints or inquiries about government services, please email the Comptroller’s Community Action Center at

To read the full “Making the Grade” report, click here.

To see the schedule of MWBE University events, click here.

299 Days and Counting


For seven years now I have been dumping on the Bronx. I had to open this Mass Vaccination Center in Coop-City if I have any chance of getting Speaker Heastie's support when I run for governor. By the way where was Speaker Heastie?

Governor Cuomo Announces Restaurants Outside New York City Can Move to 75 Percent Indoor Capacity Starting March 19 and COVID-19 Indicators March 7, 2021


New York City Restaurants Will Remain at 35 Percent Capacity

4,789 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide; Lowest Since December 6

999 Patients in the ICU; ICU Patients Fall Below 1,000 For First Time Since December 9

682 Intubated
Statewide Positivity Rate is 2.98%

59 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that restaurants outside of New York City, which have been operating at 50 percent capacity, can now move to 75 percent capacity starting March 19. The data has shown that restaurants can operate safely and in accordance with strict health protocols at 75 percent capacity. New York City restaurant capacity will remain at 35 percent capacity.

"Our fight in the war against COVID-19 continues, but we are encouraged by the decrease in infection and hospitalization rates and the rise in vaccinations," Governor Cuomo said. "As we expand our vaccine distribution and celebrate the arrival of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, we have never been closer to defeating this beast once and for all. It is critical that New Yorkers not succumb to COVID fatigue and remain vigilant. Until the day the war is won, we all need to continue the practices we know work - washing hands, social distancing and masking up. The numbers are a reflection of our actions and when we work together, we will see the light at the end of the tunnel."

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Test Results Reported - 227,768
  • Total Positive - 6,789
  • Percent Positive - 2.98%
  • 7-Day Average Percent Positive - 3.19%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 4,789 (-165)
  • Net Change Patient Hospitalization Past Week - -470
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 526
  • Hospital Counties - 52
  • Number ICU - 999 (-13)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 682 (-12)
  • Total Discharges - 150,100 (+619)
  • Deaths - 59
  • Total Deaths - 39,029

Attorney General James Defends Age and Background Check Requirements for Semiautomatic Assault Rifle Sales


 New York Attorney General Letitia James, as part of a multistate coalition of 19 attorneys general from around the nation, continued the fight to ensure that states have the right to enact reasonable firearm regulations that protect public safety and reduce the prevalence of gun violence. In an amicus brief filed in support of a Washington state initiative regulating the sale of semiautomatic assault rifles, in the case Mitchell v. Atkins, the coalition argues that states can pass regulations to ensure that only individuals who are likely to use firearms responsibly in their states are able to access them.

“Americans have seen too many deaths as a result of gun violence, whether they live in New York, Washington, or any other state,” said Attorney General James. “While some seek to remove every safety check we have on protecting our states’ residents from gun violence, states have the clear authority to pass the necessary laws to protect residents, as well as authority to ensure compliance with those laws. The last thing we need to do is to make dangerous weapons more accessible to young people, which is why we are taking this action to protect against further gun violence.”

In 2018, the people of Washington passed Initiative Measure No. 1639, which imposed new rules on sales of semiautomatic assault rifles, including an age requirement on semiautomatic assault rifle sales, a requirement that local law enforcement agencies conduct enhanced background checks on prospective purchasers, and a prohibition on the in-person sales of semiautomatic assault rifles to nonresidents. In 2019, a group of firearms dealers and prospective purchasers who did not meet the age requirement filed a lawsuit, alleging that Washington’s measure infringed on their Second Amendment rights and violated the dormant Commerce Clause. The district court ruled against the plaintiffs, after which they appealed to the circuit court.

In today's amicus brief — filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit — the coalition argues that states have the responsibility and power to protect their residents by promoting safety, preventing crime, and minimizing gun violence. Additionally, states can enact specific regulations that are best tailored to their residents’ needs. These regulations include restrictions that prohibit the sale of firearms based on the purchaser’s age, which are found in all 50 states. For example, New York prohibits the sale of handguns to those under the age of 21. Restrictions of this kind have repeatedly been upheld by courts throughout the country as a way to deter crime and promote public safety.

The coalition also argues, today, that states can permissibly promote public safety by restricting in-person sales of firearms to state residents, as Washington has. Restricting the in-person sales of semiautomatic assault rifles to state residents allows states to conduct more robust background checks on those who purchase weapons, and better ensure that only individuals who are likely to use firearms responsibly can use them. Congress has already enacted an identical measure with respect to handguns, limiting the in-person sales of all handguns to the residents of a dealer’s home state. The attorneys general point out that Washington’s initiative merely extends that rule to the sale of semiautomatic assault rifles — arguably a more dangerous weapon.

Joining Attorneys General James in filing today’s amicus brief are the attorneys general of California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.