Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Open Memo to My Senate Caucus Colleagues

 To:        Members of the New York State Senate Puerto Rican/ Latino Caucus
From:        Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz

Date:        October 24, 2011

Re:        Our Show of Unity

This memo is to congratulate my Senate colleagues who serve as Members of the New York State Senate Puerto Rican/Latino Caucus: Senator Adriano Espaillat, Chair; Senator Gustavo Rivera, Vice-Chair; and Caucus Members Senator José Peralta, Senator Martin-Malavé Dilan, and Senator José M. Serrano.  I congratulate all of you for showing real unity on behalf of our Caucus and our community by not attending the so-called Legislative Hispanic Unity Conference that was organized by our Senate Majority (Republican) Leader Dean Skelos.

Most importantly, I have to admire our Caucus Chairman, Senator Adriano Espaillat for his leadership.
I have to admire our Caucus Vice-Chair Gustavo Rivera for being forthright in the media last week by stating: “I will not be attending the conference. If the majority leader and the Senate Republicans were serious about addressing the issues affecting Latinos, they would have asked their Latino counterparts in the Senate to help them organize a conference that reflects the issues that are impacting Latinos throughout the state such as immigrants’ rights issues as well as the need to extend the millionaire’s tax so that New York State is able to continue funding important services like education, housing, and healthcare that are so critical to our communities.”
I have to admire our Caucus Member Senator Jose Peralta who told the press: “It’s a dog-and-pony show that they’re putting together so that they can say that they actually put something together. As opposed to when we’re up in session and we’re actually pushing for legislation that matters to
Latinos – like immigration, like housing, like safe streets, like good schools and good jobs – and when we have an opportunity do actually move those pieces of legislation forward, when we have an opportunity to actually do something productive for the Latino community…then it doesn’t take effect. There is no dialogue.”

The number of Hispanic elected officials in New York State continues to grow with more than 50 Hispanic elected officials in office today.  This includes two Hispanic Members of the U.S. Congress, One Borough President, six State Senators, Ten Members of the State Assembly, and 11  Members of the New York City Council. It is also proper to note the many elected district leaders,  state committee members, and many others of Hispanic descent, throughout the state.

To find out that out of so many Hispanic elected officials, only two attended Senator Dean Skelos’s publicity event this weekend certainly demonstrates a great show of unity among Hispanics who did not attend. This speaks volumes!!!!

I understand that only two Hispanic elected officials attended. They are Assembly Member Guillermo Linares and Assembly Member Naomi Rivera. But rumor has it that Assemblyman Linares is pursuing Republican support so that Congressional districts might be more geared to his needs and  I have no idea what Assembly Member Naomi Rivera’s intentions were by attending Senator Dean Skelos’ event and not joining the rest of the Hispanic elected officials.
It was mentioned that Roberto Ramirez attended Senator Dean Skelos’ event, but he is no longer an elected official.  Roberto Ramirez is a hired consultant and it is believed that he served as part of the consulting firm for the event.

Again, I congratulate you all and all New York State Hispanic elected officials that stood up for their community.

City Council Fundraiser:
We Didn't Know it Was 2013 Already

People for Ydanis

Cordially Invites You to Join Them
for the Re-Election Kick-Off Fundraiser

Councilmember Ydanis Rodriguez

Thursday, December 1, 2011
6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Mickey Mantle’s Restaurant
42 Central Park South
(59th St between 5th & 6th Ave.)
New York, NY 10019

□$500   □$1,000   □$2,000   □$2,750  □ Other _______

Please make checks payable to ‘People for Ydanis’
Checks can be mailed to: Deborah Nabavian
120 Cabrini Blvd. #36, New York, NY 10033

Please RSVP to Judith Cruz at 917.318.5012 or ydanisevents@gmail.com
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I understand that State law requires that a contribution be in my name and be from my  own funds. I hereby affirm that this contribution is being made from my personal funds, is not being reimbursed in any manner, and is not being made as a loan.

    SIGNATURE ______________________________________ DATE _________________________

Paid for by People for Ydanis

Monday, October 24, 2011


  Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and State Senator Gustavo Rivera attended a celebration of National Food Day on Monday, October 24 at the Academy of Mount St. Ursula, which is one of several schools in the Bronx that have adopted the Bronx CAN Family Health Challenge. The Family Health Challenge and the corresponding guidebook that is attached were created through a partnership between SEIU-CIR (SEIU’s Committee of Interns and Residents) and the Mary Mitchell Family and Youth Center. In addition to the Academy of Mount St. Ursula and other Bronx schools’ participation, the guidebook will be distributed to students at more than 50 public schools through Montefiore Medical Center’s school-based health clinics.  
"For the last few months, the Bronx CAN Health Initiative has inspired Bronxites to take responsibility over their own health and make changes to their habits in order to lead longer and healthier lives," said Senator Gustavo Rivera. "Given that issues of obesity, heart disease and diabetes start with the formation of bad health habits at a young age, I am excited that the Bronx CAN Health Initiative is continuing in Bronx schools. It is my hope that the students and families who take on this 8-week challenge will continue to incorporate the lessons they learned as part of the Family Health Challenge into their daily lives."

“The Bronx CAN Family Health Challenge is a perfect example of how members of our Bronx community form partnerships and work together to create great programs that have a large, positive impact on the well-being of the borough. I urge all Bronx students and their families to take on the eight-week Family Health Challenge. The lessons they will learn during these eight weeks can really help the members of our community, young and old, to start making healthier decisions as far as what they eat day to day, and can ultimately lead to a healthier lifestyle for Bronxites overall,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
“Montefiore Medical Center is honored and excited to be a partner in this important initiative, which is all about engaging youth and families in making healthy choices”, said Roberto S. Garcia, Senior Director of The Office of Community Relations at Montefiore.  “Montefiore continues to be a leader in providing programs and services that enhance the health of all members of our Bronx community.”

According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's latest reports, the Bronx continues to be the unhealthiest county in the state of New York, with higher rates of obesity, diabetes and asthma than other parts of the state. In response to this report and to the crisis of obesity and obesity-related diseases, Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and State Senator Rivera joined with community organizations from throughout the Bronx to launch the Bronx CAN Health Initiative in June of this year.
As part of the health initiative, Senator Rivera vowed to lose 15 to 20 pounds before the end of October. As of October 24th, Senator Rivera had lost 16 pounds. His last weigh-in will be on October 29, 2011 at 1:30PM in St. James Park on Jerome Ave. for the last of the Bronx CAN Health Initiative's monthly health fairs.

From Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr.

To:        New York State Senator Dean G. Skelos

From:        New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz

Date:        October 24, 2011

Re:        First Legislative Hispanic Unity Conference

As everyone already knows, the Six New York State Hispanic Senators unanimously boycotted your Unidad Latina Legislative Conference that you organized in an attempt to garner the support of New York’s Hispanic Community.

I also hear that your so-called Unity Conference was not only boycotted by all Hispanic Senators, but by all of the elected Hispanic officials from New York State. Only some Republicans and Democrats who are not Hispanic attended.

A Legislative Hispanic Unity Conference without Hispanic Legislators in attendance? A Legislative Hispanic Unity Conference without any Hispanic Senators who happen to be your colleagues?  This speaks volumes!

Please note that the six Hispanic Senators who serve as your colleagues in the New York State Senate represent communities that are suffering from the severe Budget cuts that you pushed through this year.

I hope (and in speaking for myself) you will understand that until you build a dialogue with the six Hispanic Senators who serve as your colleagues in the New York State Senate, some of us will  have a reason not to participate in your publicity events.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Haggerty Found Guilty Of Larceny, Money Laundering


Political consultant John Haggerty was found guilty today of stealing money from the re-election campaign of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.  

Haggerty was  was accused of using $1.1 million dollars of a $1.2 million dollar election ballot security plan in which the Independence Party was used to get the money to Haggerty. The $1.1 million dollars as reported by Capital Tonight here apparently went to buy a house for Haggerty's father. 



Built-In Economic Efficiencies Enable NYC Pensions to Do More with Less Dollars

OCTOBER 20, 2011, Washington, D.C. — A report issued today finds that New York City’s defined benefit Pension Plans can deliver the same retirement income at nearly 40% lower cost than a defined contribution 401(k)-type individual account.  The report, A Better Bang for New York City’s Buck, finds that defined benefit savings come from three sources:
  • Superior investment returns. The pooled nature of assets in a defined benefit plan result in higher investment returns, partly based on the lower fees that stem from economies of scale, but also because the assets are professionally—not individually—managed. The City plans’ enhanced investment returns save from 21 percent to 22 percent, according to the report.

  • Better management of longevity risk. Because pensions pool the longevity risks of a large number of individuals and can determine and plan for mortality on an actuarial basis, New York City’s defined benefit plans save between 10 percent and 13 percent compared to a typical defined contribution plan.

  • Portfolio diversification. Unlike defined contribution plans, pension assets can be invested for optimal returns. Individuals using 401(k)s, by comparison, are advised to rebalance their investments, downshifting into less risky and lower-returning assets as they age. This ability to maintain portfolio diversity in the City’s defined benefit plans saves from 4 percent to 5 percent.

The study was conducted by the National Institute on Retirement Security and Pension Trustee Advisors on behalf of the Office of New York City Comptroller John C. Liu. It is based on a similar national report conducted by NIRS, and uses current data from the five New York City retirement systems. The study found that costs associated with traditional pensions range from 36 percent to 38 percent less than 401(k)-type individual accounts.

“These findings are consistent with our national study on the cost efficiencies embedded in pension plans,” said Diane Oakley, NIRS executive director. “The analysis clearly indicates that the qualities inherent in DB plans – particularly the superior investment returns and pooling of risks and assets – fuel their fiscal efficiency. The report provides important insight for policymakers, employers and employees, who are struggling to ensure adequate retirement income with the fewest dollars possible,” Oakley added.

“Our model makes an ‘apples to apples’ calculation of the actual dollar contributions required for a DB and DC plan to achieve the same target retirement benefit,” said William Fornia, report author and president of Pension Trustee Advisors. “The efficiencies of DB plans already are well documented.  This report quantifies the magnitude of those efficiencies in New York City.”

“Calls to replace pension plans with 401k plans understandably increase when markets have returned poorly over sustained periods,” said Comptroller John C. Liu. “However, as this and other studies show, the defined pension is the most cost efficient vehicle to deliver retirement income security.”

Pension Trustee Advisors conducted the analysis under the direction of founder and president, William B. Fornia, an actuary with 30 years of experience.  Fornia also co-authored the earlier national research for NIRS. The model for the research was based on a group of 1,000 newly-hired employees, from each of the five New York City pension plans, including teachers, civil service workers, sanitation workers, police, and fire personnel.

About the National Institute on Retirement Security
The National Institute on Retirement Security, based in Washington, D.C., is a not-for-profit organization established to contribute to informed policymaking by fostering a deep understanding of the value of retirement security to employees, employers, and the economy through national research and education programs. NIRS seeks to encourage the development of public policies that enhance retirement security in America.

About Pension Trustee Advisors
Pension Trustee Advisors provide expertise, education, and customized solutions to trustees, pension fund staff, government entities, attorneys, labor and other pension decision makers.  It was founded by William Fornia, a retirement consultant and actuary with more than 30 years of industry experience.  Prior to forming PTA, Fornia held senior positions with leading actuarial firms, and also  served as corporate actuary for The Boeing Company. More information is available at www. pensiontrusteeadvisors.com.

About the New York City Pension Funds
The New York City Pension Funds include: the New York City Employees’ Retirement System, the Teachers’ Retirement System, the New York City Police Pension Fund, the New York City Fire Department Pension Fund, and the Board of Education Retirement System.  This report marks the fourth in a series produced by Comptroller Liu’s Retirement Security NYC initiative. Previous reports: Municipal Employee Compensation in New York City, The $8 Billion Question, and Sustainable or Not? NYC Pension Cost Projections through 2060, are available at http://www.comptroller.nyc.gov/rsnyc/  


Unemployment rates for African Americans, young people, and workers without college degrees remain stubbornly high in New York City even as the overall rate ticks downward year-on-year – highlighting entrenched disparities, according to a data analysis released today by New York City Comptroller John C. Liu. What’s more, the unemployment rate in the Bronx was nearly three times as high as in Manhattan.

“Jobs are vital to everyone regardless of race, age, or zip code. Persistent inequities in unemployment threaten the economic health of the City as a whole,” Comptroller Liu said. “It’s important that the City economy works for everyone, so the crisis like the one we’ve seen doesn’t happen again. Growth that is unequal, jobs that don’t pay, and gaps in educational achievement and infrastructure investment will only create an unequal playing field and, worse, conditions for another downturn.”

With the release of New York City unemployment data Thursday, the Comptroller’s Bureau of Fiscal and Budget Studies analyzed raw data in the Current Population Survey (CPS) conducted by the Census Bureau and highlighted several trends among unemployed New Yorkers for the third quarter of this year.

The breakdown was designed to help provide policymakers with a snapshot of areas of persistent unemployment. Even as the City’s overall unemployment rate declined year-on-year – to 8.7 percent in the third quarter of 2011 from 9.5 percent in the same quarter of 2010, and 10.7 percent in 2009 – stubborn disparities are evident.


As the Occupy Wall Street protests highlighted joblessness among young people in particular, data showed unemployment for those under 25 years old stood at 16.9 percent, more than double that of 25 to 54 year olds (8.3 percent).

16-24 years old
25-54 years old
55 years and older
Source: NYC Comptroller’s Office from CPS microdata


The unemployment rate for African Americans remained in the double-digits, at 14.2 percent, compared with 6.6 percent for whites, 7.8 percent for Hispanics, and 7.2 percent for Asians and others.

African American
Asian and other
Source: NYC Comptroller’s Office from CPS microdata


By borough, the unemployment rate in Manhattan has fallen to 4.7 percent, while in the Bronx it is nearly three times as high at 13.6 percent.

Staten Island
Source: NYC Comptroller’s Office from CPS microdata


Disparities by education level were striking as well – 13.0 percent unemployment for those without a high school diploma and 10.5 percent for high school graduates, compared with 5.4 percent for college graduates.

No HS diploma
HS, some college
BA or more
Source: NYC Comptroller’s Office from CPS microdata

Due to the sample sizes of the CPS data, this information is broken down on a quarterly basis to establish the most accurate depiction of the unemployment trends facing New Yorkers.

The Current Population Survey is a monthly survey of about 50,000 households conducted by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The survey has been conducted for more than 50 years. CPS data are used by government policymakers and legislators as important indicators of our nation’s economic situation and for planning and evaluating many government programs. They are also used by the press, students, academics, and the general public.


On Wednesday, October 19, 2011, Council Member Oliver Koppell, Chair of the Committee on Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Disability Services, joined with numerous colleagues and advocates for people with disabilities to call for a taxi fleet in New York City that is 100% wheelchair accessible.
According to the Daily News editorial on October 16, 2011, “of the 13,237 yellow cabs in New York City, only 231 can accommodate a wheelchair.  That‘s 1.7%, making the chance of hailing one almost impossible.”
“This is wholly unacceptable,” Koppell said. “Also unacceptable is the fact that the Mayor and the Taxi and Limousine Commission have chosen an inaccessible Nissan model to be the so-called “Taxi of Tomorrow” that  will be the exclusive design for New York City taxicabs for at least the next decade.”
 In a recent filing, the Justice Department has strongly concluded that the Mayor’s decision to choose one inaccessible van model for the “Taxi of Tomorrow” and reliance on an ill-conceived dispatch plan violates the American with Disabilities Act.
Koppell has introduced a bill, with 36 co-sponsors,  that would require all new taxicabs to be accessible, in compliance with the ADA requirement for equality of access. It’s time for the Council to move this legislation forward,” Koppell said “because we cannot rely on the Mayor to respect the civil rights of people with disabilities. His comments on his radio program clearly indicate that he does not understand the reality that wheelchair using New Yorkers face.”
There is a growing consensus among New Yorkers that it is time to create a taxi fleet that can accommodate wheelchairs, which is reflected in the statements of former TLC Chairs Diane McGrath-McKechnie and Christopher Lynn who wrote to the Mayor saying, “It’s time to reverse the shameful lack of progress and make all taxi and car services wheelchair accessible.”
“London has had a wholly accessible taxi fleet for more than 15 years.  New York can do no less for our wheelchair bound citizens,” Koppell concluded.