Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Establishes New Governing Model for NY State Senate,
Ensures Unprecedented Progress for NY

Senator Dean G. Skelos, leader of the Senate Republican Conference, and Senator Jeffrey D. Klein, leader of the Independent Democratic Conference, today joined together to announce an historic bipartisan partnership to continue the tremendous progress that has been achieved over the past two years in New York State.  This new bipartisan governing coalition guarantees a fiscally responsible, fully functional Senate that will continue to produce positive results for all New Yorkers.    

Two years ago, Independent Democrats and Senate Republicans put partisan differences aside to end the dysfunction, gridlock and reckless fiscal policies of the previous Senate leadership.  This partnership returned function and order to the Senate Chamber, restored fiscal integrity, and produced remarkable accomplishments that have benefited all New Yorkers.  Today’s agreement marks a bold new chapter in this partnership that will allow the Senate to continue pushing New York State forward, while ensuring that there will be no returning to the failed leadership of the past.    

Of tremendous importance is the bipartisan coalition government’s commitment to working with Governor Cuomo on progressive policy issues that benefit all New Yorkers in the next legislative session. 

Senator Skelos said, “The Senate Republican Conference has worked closely with the Independent Democratic Conference and Governor Cuomo to bring historic progress to New York.  We’ve brought spending under control, ended Albany dysfunction, and consistently delivered the bipartisan results New Yorkers need and deserve -- even on many of the most difficult issues. Senator Klein has proven to be a thoughtful and effective leader, and I look forward to partnering with him to move this state forward.” 

Senator Klein said, “Over the past two years, members of the IDC and Senate Republicans have shown that the best way to overcome New York’s biggest challenges is by working in a constructive, bipartisan way. Legislating is a deliberative, cooperative process—not a spectator sport. Having dedicated the past two years to a serious, policy-driven agenda, this agreement delivers on the IDC’s pledge to become a permanent third conference within the State Senate and to have a major voice in all policy decisions moving forward. Having worked together over the past two years, I know that Senator Skelos is not only an effective leader, but is as committed as I am to delivering major bipartisan results for all New Yorkers.”

Under the unprecedented agreement, the Independent Democratic Conference will be formally recognized as a third, permanent Senate conference. Senator Klein and Senator Skelos will assume the roles of Conference Leader for their respective conferences and will administer joint and equal authority over (1) the daily senate agenda (a/k/a the “Active List,” which lays out which bills will be voted on each day), (2) the state budget, (3) appointments to state and local boards, and (4) leadership and committee assignments for their respective conferences.  Under the agreement, coalition leaders will need to work together to lead the Senate forward. The new agreement will also provide for a process by which the title of Temporary President will alternate between the two conference leaders every two weeks. Therefore, the role of the temporary resident will be constitutionally fulfilled at all times.

 This partnership will be memorialized in the Senate’s rules for the upcoming legislative session. The two conferences, which will form the governing coalition, will be recognized in the 2013-2014 Senate Rules as the Senate Majority Coalition.

Senator Tom Libous (R-C-I, Binghamton) said, “Today, we are taking steps to formalize our existing partnership through a new Senate Majority Coalition, which we believe is the best, most effective way to ensure that true bipartisanship and meaningful progress will continue in Albany.  My constituents want Democrats and Republicans to work together to achieve real results that improve their lives, and that's what we are going to do in cooperation with the IDC.”

Senator Diane Savino (D-Staten Island/Brooklyn) said, “Two years ago, we realized that in order to serve our constituents effectively, we needed to take the politics out of policymaking. That’s what we’ve done since forming the IDC and that’s what we’ll continue to do as part of the new coalition government. Our constituents, particularly mine, cannot afford the type of political gamesmanship that has, in the past, overrun a healthy and functioning legislature. We’re here to accomplish the people’s business and that’s why we’ve formed this historic bipartisan coalition.”

Senator George D. Maziarz (R-Newfane) said, “Today is a great day for all New Yorkers as we move forward and announce the new Senate Majority Coalition.  I can work with anyone to get things done for the people of my district and am excited to continue on the path to move New York forward -- and doing so in a bi-partisan fashion.”

Senator David Valesky (D-Oneida) “Today is a great day for government in New York State. By building a bipartisan coalition of Senators from across the state, we will remake the New York State Senate with a bold new model, where partnership is valued over partisanship, and a focus on important issues will be at the forefront. This coalition will enable stability, functionality and a wide-ranging legislative agenda that will benefit the people of New York. I look forward to working with my colleagues in a productive legislative session that will hopefully serve as an example for governance.”

            Senator John A. DeFrancisco (R-C-I, Syracuse) said, “My constituents are looking for a bipartisan government to get things done.  We’ve had great success working with the Independent Democrat Conference over the past two years to pass on-time budgets that reduced state spending, lowered taxes and helped create new private sector jobs.  The new coalition will allow this team that has worked so well together to continue the progress we’ve made for the benefit of all the people of this state.”

Senator David Carlucci (D-Rockland) said, “In order to bring meaningful results to New York families and businesses, we need to break down party barriers and work across the aisle. This bipartisan agreement will help us do exactly that. By taking the politics out of policymaking, I know that we’ll achieve big things for all New Yorkers.”

Senator Martin Golden (R-C, Brooklyn) said, “The new bipartisan coalition will be an effective way to ensure that we continue to move New York forward.  The people of this state want their representatives to work together to address the issues that impact their lives and, particularly important to the people of my district, work with other state and federal leaders to help us recover and rebuild from the devastation of hurricane Sandy.”

        Senator John Bonacic (R,C,I-Mount Hope) said, “The recently formed coalition between the Senate Republican Conference and the Independent Democrat Conference is good news for the hardworking people of our great state.  The coalition, which has been working together for the past two years with Governor Cuomo, will ensure a functional and productive Senate working in a bipartisan way to provide solutions to the great challenges we all face in the coming year.”

IDC Gets Fifth Member

Senator Malcolm Smith (D-Queens) announced that he has joined the Independent Democratic Conference as its fifth member.

     Senator Smith said, “I’m thrilled that today I’m not only joining the IDC, but I’m becoming an immediate part of this historic and bipartisan governing coalition. Our state’s biggest issues are too important to address on a narrowly focused, partisan basis. Over the past two years, Senator Klein and his colleagues in the IDC have shown that they’re driven by policy, not politics. They have delivered on an impressive bipartisan agenda, have stayed true to their Democratic principles, and have laid the groundwork for an historic bipartisan model of governing. I would like to thank Senator Klein and all of my new IDC colleagues for welcoming me into the conference and for committing to move New York forward in an exciting, bi-partisan, and common-sense way. We have made tremendous strides over the past two years, but as we all recognize, there’s plenty of work still to be done. I’m very confident that the new governing model we’re announcing today is the best way to get the results that New York’s families and businesses need.”

Monday, December 3, 2012

Riverdale Avenue Street Festival

   Riverdale Avenue was closed to traffic from West 236th to West 238th Streets Sunday from 12 - 5 PM for a street festival that was attended by many of the local residents from the area. A stage was set up at the W.238th Street end for various entertainment which included the Riverdale Kingsbridge Academy Middle School Chorus (led by teacher Ivan Salnas), an Elvis impersonator, Irish music, and speeches by the local elected officials. At the West 236th Street end was information, and a petting zoo and pony rides were in between on Riverdale Avenue. Local Riverdale Avenue merchants set up tables to sell the many different types of food that is available to the many other items available in the local stores. Just click on any photo to enlarge it to see what you enjoyed or missed.

Left, and right above, and left below were some of the animals in the petting zoo on Riverdale Avenue. Right below is the pony ride.

Two new stores to Riverdale Avenue. Left - Tiny has a full menu on the board, not just those delicious candied  apples. 
Right - Ha Makolet offers some kosher food for sale.

Left - the MS 141 School Chorus performs. 
Right - State Senator Jeff Klein (left), Councilman G. Oliver Koppell (Right) pose with Mario Curanaj the owner of Yo Burger and Salvatores of Soho, one of the main sponsors of the event.

2013 is the last year in office for term limited Councilman Koppell.
Left - City Council candidate Cliff Stanton talks to what he hopes will be a voter for him.
Right - City Council candidate Andrew Cohen has the help of Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz as they talk to three potential voters.

Left - At the end of the day the hay that was used for the animals had to be cleaned up. 
Right - And so did some of the palm cards given out by City Council candidates Stanton and Cohen.

Croton Filter Plant - CFMC Meeting on December 6th

Croton Facility Monitoring Committee Meeting
Thursday, December 6, 2012 – 7:00 PM
DEP Office – 3660 Jerome Avenue, Bronx NY 10467 - (718) 231-8470

I  Welcome                         Paul Foster, Chair

II Consider and Adopt the Meeting Agenda -
     CFMC  Representatives   

III Consider, Adopt 9/20/12 Meeting Minutes =  
      CFMC  Representatives

IV Croton Construction Update, including work   Bernard Daly,        On Sedgwick Ave,                                        P.E., DEP
V Construction Schedule & Costs Report  Bernard Daly, P.E., DEP
VI Croton Jobs and Bronx Purchases    Mark Lanaghan, DEP

VII Select New FMC Chair                CFMC Representatives
    for 2013

VIII  CFMC Discussion & Set Date for Next Meeting
           CFMC Representatives

IX    Adjourn

Bronx Borough President Diaz Holiday Celebrations



Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
Invites you to
The Annual Bronx Tree Lighting
Wednesday, December 5, 2012    ----       5:30 PM
Bronx County Building
East 161st Street & Grand Concourse
Join Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Santa
for hot chocolate, cookies and Christmas caroling with the
Middle School 390 Chorus as they gather with rosy cheeks and joyous voices to light the tree!
Call to confirm you attendance 718-590-3522 or email lroldan@bronxbp.nyc.gov


Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.
Invites you to join him at the

Bronx Annual Chanukah Celebration 

Mistress of Ceremony
Suzyn Waldman
New York Yankees Broadcaster
Musical Performance
Shir Fun
Recording Artist and Educator
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Program begins at 1:00 PM

The Bronx County Building
Veteran's Memorial Hall
851 Grand Concourse

Seating is Complimentary and Limited.

Bronx Conservative Party Luncheon

   On Sunday the Bronx Conservative Party held its annual "Holiday Luncheon/Party". In the past this event has drawn 50 - 60 people from the area of Bronx politics, but Sundays luncheon/party had over 100 people in attendance. Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson, 80th A.D. State Committeeman Joe McManus, and former 80th A.D. State Committeewoman Diane Serino attended for newly elected 80th A.d. Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj who could not attend. Others from the world of Bronx politics were discussing how the races in 2013 could go. There was no clear cut choice for mayor. but almost all of the attendees hoped that current City Council Speaker Christine Quinn would not be the candidate of the Democratic Party for mayor. below are a few photos of the event.
                            A bove is a view of the packed room.
Above - Bronx Conservative Party Leader Bill Newmark addresses the crowd. 80th A.D. State Committeeman Joe McManus is closest to the camera. Below - Former 80th A.D. State Committeewoman Diane Serino subs for newly elected 80th A.D. Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj.

Why Not a Senate Conservative Conference?

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York

   Why Not a Senate Conservative Conference?
As you know, I have been as unusually, uncharacteristically, uncustomary, and uncommonly quiet as possible during the latest Albany brouhaha about the future of the New York State Senate.

News articles and blogs appear daily about the back and forth bickering and dickering among New York’s State Senators about who will control the Senate and what impact the Senate Independent Democratic Conference will have on the Senate.

Like I said, I’ve remained very quiet as my Senate colleagues step in front of cameras and microphones to posture themselves to promote any number of social issues that can or will be on the Senate floor when Session resumes.

You should all know that I have made it crystal clear that I am a Democrat, that I have always been a Democrat, and that I have no intention of being anything other than a Democrat.

You should also know that people have been whispering in my ear saying that since the breakaway Independent Democratic Conference is thriving, there are some Senators who may be interested in forming another Senate Conference.

To this notion, I think to myself: Why not?  Why not a Senate Conservative Conference? If there are people who are entitled to form a different Senate Conference, why can’t there be a bipartisan Senate Conservative Conference to enhance true coalition government?

According to my count, aside from the already two Conservative Democrats in the State Senate, there must be at least ten Conservative Republicans.

And as far as I know, several hot-button social issues will come before the Senate for a vote in 2013 that will be opposed by both Democrat and Republican Conservatives. These issues include the Woman's Reproductive Health Act, which will most certainly push New York’s already staggering abortion rate even higher, and a controversial bill to legalize the medical marijuana in New York.

With all this in mind, if – and I say “IF” new Senate Conferences are allowed to form, and believe me I’m not saying, “Let’s do it,” but IF this is allowed, then why not form a Senate Conference to fight for traditional values.  Keep in mind that family values proved to be one of the major issues that caused some Senators to lose their Senate seats in this past election.  There’s no denying that several elections in New York State were determined because the incumbent opposed conservative values and because some incumbents were in fact opposed by the Conservative Party.

And so my advice to my Senate colleagues is to think very carefully about approving any Senate Conference outside of the Democrat Conference and the Republican Conference because you just may be opening Pandora’s Box.  Once that Box is opened, what would stop Conservative Members of the State Senate from forming a Conference of their own?

This is State Senate Reverend Rubén Díaz and this is what you should know.


State Senator Gustavo Rivera Holds Toy/Coat Drive for Victims of Hurricane Sandy

   State Senator Gustavo Rivera 33rd S.D. will be sponsoring a Holiday Coat and Toy Drive in December to benefit victims of  Hurricane Sandy. The Coat and Toy Drive starting Monday, December 3, 2012 through Monday, December 17, 2012. Donations can be dropped off at the Senator's District office at 2432 Grand Concourse, suite 506 from 12:00PM - 6:00PM . 

WHO:         NYS Senator Gustavo Rivera

WHAT:       Holiday Coat and Toy Drive for Sandy Victims

WHERE:    NYS Senator Rivera's District Office
                   2432 Grand Concourse, suite 506
                   Bronx, NY 10458

WHEN:       Monday December 3, 2012 through  Monday 17 2012, 12-6 PM 

"While the 33rd Senate District was not as heavily impacted by Hurricane Sandy as other parts of the Bronx or New York City, it is important that we come together around the holidays to help those New Yorkers who were most impacted by the storm," said Senator Gustavo Rivera. "There is no better gift to give during the holidays than the gift of service to your community. I would encourage and invite all who can, to participate in this toy and coat drive to provide some relief to those families and children who were victims of Hurricane Sandy."

All coats and toys collected during the drive will be donated to the families that were impacted by Hurricane Sandy