Thursday, August 1, 2013

Blood Drive Next Week at Jacobi Medical Center!

Give Blood And Join The World’s Biggest Huddle!
Jacobi Medical Center
Tuesday, August 6  11 am – 7 pm
Wednesday, August 7  9 am – 3 pm
Building 8  Atrium

Donate Blood and Win a Chance to Attend
The 2013 Super Bowl Host Committee has partnered with NYBC to help increase blood donations leading up to Super Bowl XLVIII.
All presenting donors with NYBC between now and January 17, 2014 will be entered into a sweepstakes for one pair of tickets to Super Bowl XLVIII - valued at $2,500!
Schedule an Appointment- Call 918-3906 or e-mail
Walk-ins welcome!
All donors will receive a Super Bowl wristband and t-shirt! The more you donate, the more times you will be entered!

John C. Doyle  Associate Director, Department of Marketing, Public and Community Relations
JMC LOGO    logo
North Bronx Healthcare Network
1400 Pelham Parkway South, Building 4 - Room 7N21, Bronx, NY, 10461

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Board of Elections Petition Hearings

   Tuesday morning the Board of Elections heard arguments from candidates and the challengers to their petitions. Before the process began however Mr. Michael Rendino was introduced as the new Bronx Republican commissioner replacing the flamboyant J.C.Polonco. In all there were 70 challenges to Bronx petitions, and it was announced the Board of Elections received over 1700 documents the largest citywide total in many years. 
    Early into the proceedings King Stanley Schlein was winning decisions, and the one where he lost he uttered those famous words "For The Moment" when it was said the candidate he was challenging was told they were on the ballot.
  An interesting challenge was that of the petition of Ms. Raquel Batista (15th council district) where the board threw off hundreds of signatures because the county at the bottom of the witness statement was listed as Bronx when the two signature gathers lived one in Queens and the other in Westchester County. King Stanley and the opposing lawyer sparred back and forth with the commissioners about past rulings statewide. After about 15 minutes Bronx Democratic Commissioner Naomi Barrera then made a motion to move the clerk's report (that would have candidate Batista off the ballot) which was seconded by Bronx Republican commissioner Rendino. A vote by the 10 commissioners was 2 in favor (Barrera & Rendino), 6  against the motion, and 2 abstaining. The motion was then amended by a different commissioner to allow for curing of the petition (where representatives of both the candidate & challenger went into a room to go over the petition and the specifications of objections). The vote on the amendment was 8 in favor (including commissioner Rendino), 1 against (commissioner Barrera) and, 1 commissioner abstained as he had done on the original motion.
  450 valid signatures is needed to become a candidate for city council now down from 900 four year ago. Candidates that were ruled off the ballot at the Board of Elections in the Bronx were. In the 8th council district candidate Angel Molina was knocked down to 348 valid signatures and ruled off the ballot.
   In the 11th council district candidate Fernando Spies only submitted,197 signatures, and candidate Cheryl Keeling was knocked down to 427 valid signatures, both were ruled off the ballot.
   In the 12th council district no one was knocked off the ballot by the commissioners. 
   In the13th council district candidate Irene Estrada was ruled to have 104 valid signatures, and candidate Awilda Cordero was ruled to have 90 valid signatures knocking both off the ballot.
   In the 14th council district there was a question of residency to candidate Jessica Vigueras, where as King Stanley (for her opponent) went over party raiding quoting from the George Espada vs Board of Elections case. King Stanley brought out copies of candidate Vigueras's previous enrollment in the Republican party in Westchester County. He then said one must wait one year after changing party enrollment to run for office. This was put off for later after all the challenges were to be heard. I did not stay as I left after the Bronx was finished.
  In the 15th council district candidate Kenny Agosto was knocked down to 290 valid signatures, candidate Cynthia Thompkins was knocked down to 423 valid signatures, both were ruled off the ballot.
  In the 16th council district a question of candidate Pedro Alvarez's residency was referred to legal and not ruled on by the commissioners. Candidate Niyyirah El was knocked down to 133 valid signatures, and candidate Winston Rouse was knocked down to 172 valid signatures, both were ruled off the ballot.
  In the 17th and 18th council districts no candidates were ruled off the ballot.
  In the special election in the 86th Assembly district candidate Isreal Martinez was ruled off the ballot for living in the 87th A.D. and not the 86th A.D. It was also said that the candidate never lived in the 86thA.D.
  On a recall of objections passed on by the commissioners 16th council district candidate Naaimat Muhammed was ruled off the ballot for an improper cover sheet, and not curing it when notified by the BOE. Also 15th council district candidate Raquel Batista was ruled on the ballot when 385 additional signatures were ruled to be valid bringing the total to 512 for enough valid signatures.
The commissioners of the Board of Elections two from each borough, and one from each of the two major parties sit around the large circular table. Various BOE staff sit in the inside of the table. New Bronx Republican commissioner Michael Rendino is second from the right and next to an empty chair.
Veteran election lawyer "King" Stanley Schlein stands next to an associate as they challenge the petition of 15th candidate Raquel Batista standing next to her lawyer.


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

11th Council Dabate July 29 on Bronxtalk

   First here is the link to the Monday July 29th Bronxtalk 11th City Council debate. The three candidates in the debate were Andrew Cohen, Cheryl Keeling, and Cliff Stanton. 
   Petitions were submitted by July 15th and there was a fourth petition filed that contained only 179 signatures when 450 valid signatures were needed. There were two challenges (by an agent of Mr. Stanton) to the petition that contained the 179 signatures, and to Ms. Kellings petition in which 1,006 signatures were submitted. There were no challenges to Mr. Cohen's or Mr. Stanton's petitions that were submitted. The Board of Elections was to render a decision on all challenges starting on Tuesday July 30th.

  In the photo above Host Gary Axelbank sits alone on the left, and starting with candidate Cheryl Keeling on the right, candidate Andrew Cohen center, and candidate Cliff Stanton to the right of candidate Cohen. Questions came from the host and from the three candidates.
  It was not long into the debate that the fireworks began between candidates Keeling and Stanton over Stanton's challenge of the Keeling petition in a question as to why by Mr. Axelbank. Ms. Keeling wanted to know why Mr. Stanton challenged her. She went on to say that Mr. Stanton asked her to meet him outside the district to ask her to drop out, and told her that he would not challenge her. Stanton said that was not the case, and that after looking at her petition, seeing hundreds of non registered & out of district signatures he decided to challenge. Stanton added that if Keeling was running in Flushing Queens or the South Bronx it may be different, but this is the 11th council district. Ms. Keeling brought out a copy of her petition that she had in the blue bag that you can see under her chair, and claimed there were enough valid signatures. Axelbank then turned to candidate Andrew Cohen who said that he had not challenged anybody in the race. Stanton rebutted Keeling by saying that 5 pages were done in red ink, and continued to belittle her petition. Cohen again said that he didn't challenge anybody, and Stanton then said that Ms. Keeling was playing the race card .
  Axelbanks next question was about endorsements to Cohen asking if he was a pawn of those who endorsed him or independent. Cohen answered by saying that he was proud of the elected officials and unions that have endorsed him. Keeling said she did not call Mr. Cohen a puppet. Stanton said it was him, and that the endorsements came through the Ben Franklin Democratic Club.Stanton then said of the endorsements- Senator Jeff Klein "Sold out the Democrats in Albany", Congressman Rangel "Was censured by Congress", and that Councilman Koppell "has thrown of good community board members". Axelbank repeated  to Cohen if he could be independent. Cohen replied that he will be going to City Hall with all those people to help him become a better councilman. 
  To a question about her comments in the last debate about voting Keeling said that she is the candidate of the district, that she speaks the language of the district, and when pressed by Axelbank said the squeaky wheel gets the oil by voting more. Stanton said that Keeling took more heat than needed for her remarks, and said that people need to see who is the best candidate.Cohen said that he has campaigned throughout the district. In rebuttal Keeling said that she did not appreciate the apathy of Mr. Stanton. 
  To a question about Charter Schools Mr. Stanton replied that as a parent leader at PS 24 parents wanted more options after 5th grade, and that was why he helped start a local charter school saying it was a public school that does not take anything away from the public schools. Cohen said that work needs to be done to make the public schools better. Keeling said as a certified teacher she has seen what goes on in schools, and wants more art & phys. ed. back in the public schools.
  To a question about community board control such as the cleaning house in boards 1,4, and recently 9, and the hijacking of CB 8 Cohen replied that it is the Borough President who makes all appointments. Cohen added that he is currently on CB 8 as the Aging Committee chair and that the current system of appointments is according to the city charter. Keeling said that she applied to be a committee member of the Parks Committee of CB 8, and that community boards are the grass roots of the community. Stanton on the other hand said that the system is flawed, and has seen how board members are intimidated by the politicians, and that appointments need to be taken out of the hands of the politicians. Cohen rebutted that he will appoint quality people like himself. 
  To a question of malls and big box stores Keeling said that as a former business owner she favors small mom & pop stores over the big ones. Cohen said the two new malls will help enhance the area around them, and that he gets complaints about all the 99 cent stores that line Broadway. Stanton said as a successful small businessman he developed ideas to the commercial corridors better, took credit for bringing a temporary Ice Skating Rink to the area, and proposed a pedestrian plaza on Johnson Avenue. Cohen rebutted that fines are to high to Bronx business compared to those in Manhattan, they should be less he said. Stanton rebutted that he as a member of KRVDC brought movie night to the area. 
  To a question of campaign donations from the owner of Scores Strip Club, and the donation being a down payment to allow strip clubs into the community Stanton said that he will not give the campaign donations by an owner of a strip club back, attacked the Riverdale Review (and its owner) about the front page story about the issue. Stanton then attacked the Ben Franklin Club saying that it is in their playbook to try to deflect attention  away from his opponents lack of qualifications. He added that the owner of the strip club should be celebrated as a successful businessman and not attack him. Cohen said that he does not know why Stanton is accepting strip club money. Stanton then attacked Cohen for accepting a campaign donation from the CEO of the Hebrew Home when the Hebrew Home is presenting a proposal in front of Community Board 8 to expand. Keeling said that she was glad that tonight on Bronxtalk that Cliff Stanton has showed his true colors, to which Stanton then pulled out a copy of the front page story and asked Cohen to Rebuke the paper. Cohen said that he has no contact with the paper or with Ms. Keeling. Keeling then added "How can Stanton go after a newspaper", where as Stanton ended the responses by saying "The Board of Elections will see if you continue in the race". 
  To a question about park funding, conservancies, and Friends of to which Axelbank said Cohen was a member of the Friends of Van Cortlandt Park. Cohen said this was the first year that park funding has gone up by one percent, and that the city has an obligation to fund its parks. As to where from in a follow up question Cohen said that he was not opposed to private money, but the city needs to do more. Keeling agreed with Cohen, but Stanton said that the Van Cortlandt Park Conservancy has worked miracles by getting the ice rink.
   The last question was who do you support for mayor? Stanton - Don't Know, Cohen - No Endorsement, Keeling - Erick Salgado. 
   In short one minute closing statements Stanton said that he is a local kid from the area, Ps 24 Executive Board member, KRVDC member, and a small business owner. Cohen said that he is an attorney with his own practice, has lived in the district over 13 years, graduated from prom public schools, meets people as he travels around the district hearing their problems about quality of life issues, and will be a full time Councilman. Keeling said that she is 62 years old, has spent many years in the public schools, the council district is changing to a district that she is the best to lead it as it changes. 

To watch the 11th council debate for the first time or again  just click the link here for the Bronxtalk home page.

Next Monday night will be the debate between the candidates running in the 15th City Council race.

Pay Your Tickets or the Scofflaw Van Will Get You

   This is what you may see in your neighborhood if there are vehicles parked that owe money to the city. Instead of having the Sheriff or Marshal come to boot or tow your vehicle this state of the art van can find out in an instant if a vehicle has outstanding tickets. After gathering the information after a boot is placed on the vehicle so it is immobilized, and then a tow truck comes to tow the scofflaw vehicle away.

Monday, July 29, 2013

What You Should Know About Walmart

By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York

It’s About Time to Bring WalMart to the City

You should know that there are many New Yorkers who are willing to drive out of the City and pay bridge and tunnel tolls in order to save money by shopping in New Jersey. They travel to Secaucus and to Bayonne to go to WalMart so they can save money on clothing and groceries, and buy fresh fruit and vegetables for their families at low prices.

When we talk about helping poor people and less fortunate New Yorkers save money, are we taking any steps to help them?  When we talk about helping New York’s senior citizens who don’t have enough money to pay their rent, utilities, food, or medical expenses, are we serious about helping them? When we talk about the struggles of low-income New Yorkers who cannot afford to raise their families, do we provide a way forward for them?

You should know that we are in a very difficult economic situation in New York City.  Our unemployment rate is higher than the national level and higher than the State level.  Our youth unemployment situation is at a
crisis level.  Our homeless population continues to grow, and our food pantries are almost at a loss about how to keep up with the rising demands.

Real steps toward real solutions need to be made, and they need to be made now.

When New York’s elected officials try to stop WalMart from coming into New York City, they are preventing poor people from getting the benefit of WalMart prices.

When New York’s elected officials try to stop WalMart from coming into New York City, they are preventing employment opportunities for families who need jobs.

When New York’s elected officials try to stop WalMart from coming into New York City, they are preventing college students from taking that first step to connecting to the labor market.

When New York’s elected officials try to stop WalMart from coming into New York City, they are preventing high school students from working part-time after school and on weekends – and we all know the important role those opportunities can play in almost any teen’s development.

You should know that it has been well reported that WalMart employee benefits include incentive/bonus plan, health insurance, profit sharing, 401(k), education, store discounts and other WalMart employment benefits.

WalMart certainly offers a lot more opportunities than what many of New York’s campaign volunteers get when they’re out there stumping for political candidates in the hot sun.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s about time that we bring WalMart into New York City. For years millions of working-class Americans have been provided with WalMart’s good service, broad selection and low prices.

I don't know why other elected officials don’t want WalMart their districts.  I wish I could have it in mine!  I want to bring job opportunities into my district for my constituents, and I would love to offer my constituents the opportunities to pay low prices and receive the quality service WalMart provides – without having to pay a toll.

This is Senator Reverend Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.

Saturday, July 27, 2013


   Friday night was the ABRAZO DOMINICANO 2013 held by State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. salute to the Bronx Dominican parade on Sunday. The Honorees included Hon. Dilone Ovalles Governor of Moca, Dominican Republic, Hon. Alexis Perez Mayor of La Vega, Dominican Republic, and Sr. Francisco Quezada President of Macier Industries. as usual there was standing room only as over 800 people packed into the Main Ballroom at Maestro's to sample some fine Dominican food and help celebrate Sunday's parade. 
   As far as elected officials on hand beside Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. there was Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr., State Senator Adriano Espialliat, Bronx Assemblymen Marcos Crespo, Mark Gjonaj, and Luis Sepulveda. Democratic Mayoral candidates Bill Thompson and Erick Salgado, Republican Mayoral candidate John Catsimatidis, 15th City Council candidates Rev. Joel Bauza and Albert Alvarez, 86th A.D. candidate Hector Ramirez and Yudelka Tapia, along with various Bronx Democratic Party leaders such as Ms. Iachia Bravo the Executive Director of the Bronx Democratic County Committee, and Ms. Grisel Cuprill-Davis the Outreach Coordinator for NYS Comptroller Tom Di Napoli who stood in for Comptroller Di Napoli.
   Senator Diaz gave the opening remarks, Rev Joel Bauza (candidate for the 15th City Council) gave the invocation Cynthia La Cruz (of Lehman College) sang both the American and Republic Dominica national anthems to a standing ovation. The program then proceeded with Senator Diaz introducing the elected officials on hand, and then presenting awards to the honorees. 

Left - Only one side of the capacity crowd on both sides of the dance floor in the middle.
Right - Rev. Joel Bauza gives the invocation.

Left - The singing of the American national anthem.
Right - The singing of the Dominican national anthem, both by Cynthia La Cruz.

Left - A few parade Princesses.
Right - Bronx Democratic County Committee Executive Director Ms. Iachis Bravo poses between Senator Diaz and Rev. Jeol Bauza.

Left - 87 A.D. Assemblyman Luis Sepulveda brought his son with him.
Right - Republican Mayoral candidate John Catsimatidis was in attendance.

Left - They may be facing each other in the 15th Council race, but here candidates Albert Avarez (left) and Joel Bauza (right) gladly posed for this photo.
Right - 86th A.D. candidate Yudelka Tapia.

Friday, July 26, 2013

6th Annual Allerton Avenue Festival & International Food Show!

International Family Day August 18th

  You're invited to International Family Day, hosted by Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj, taking place on Sunday, August 18, 2013 from 12pm to 6pm at DeWitt Clinton High School, on Goulden Avenue off Mosholu Parkway.
The purpose of this event is to bring the community together to celebrate the cultural diversity that makes our neighborhoods a great place to live, work and play.
The day will feature kid's activities and games, food, clowns, face painting, balloon art, live entertainment, raffles, giveaways, vendors and a special honoree ceremony where almost 200 people from different countries will be honored… truly a one of a kind event!
I invite you to share your culture and traditions from around the world at this year's International Family Day Fun Day, a fantastic, fun-filled FREE annual community event.  
For SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES contact Jacqueline Acevedo-Villanueva at 917.640.1003/


WHAT: International Family Day
WHO: Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj
DATE: Sunday, August 18th, 2013
TIME: 12PM – 6PM
LOCATION: DeWitt Clinton High School, on Goulden Avenue off Mosholu Parkway
EVENT CONTACT: Jacqueline Acevedo, 917.640.1003