Monday, August 11, 2014

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of The Bronx

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of The Bronx

2014 Walk Day

Sunday, October 19th, 2014

8am Registration – 10am Walk Begins

Orchard Beach

Start Your Team Today At 


For more information on how to get involved, contact Lizzette Dorado at 718.547.5064 ext 65238 or by email at – 
To sign up your team online, visit

Council Members Cohen, King, and Torres Ask fCommissioner Bratton to Implement ShotSpotter in the 47th and 52nd Police Precincts

  After an increase in violence, these local Council Members request the new technology be brought to The Bronx
  In light of the recent increase in violence in the 47th and 52nd precincts, Council Member Andrew Cohen, Council Member Andy King and Council Member Ritchie Torres have sent a letter to Commissioner of the New York Police Department, William Bratton requesting that ShotSpotter be instated in those areas.

ShotSpotter is a new technology being implemented by the New York Police Department that will help determine specifically where gun shots are fired from. Its first-in-kind technology detects the fullest range of gunfire, covers exponentially more geographic area, and collects data that helps communities define the scope of illegal gunfire. ShotSpotter has the ability to detect attacks from any direction and weapons fire in 360 degrees relative to that sensor. Based on the information received, this technology then creates a database of incidents and trends.

This proven technology will help police officers track shootings that occur in those neighborhoods and help deter the violent crimes that have sadly become commonplace in the north Bronx. It is the belief of the Council Members that ShotSpotter will help to enhance the quality of life in the neighborhoods affected by this increase in violent activity and are committed to working together to ensure that our communities continue to be a safe place to live, work and raise a family.

“The safety of our community is my number one priority. I firmly believe that by instating the new ShotSpotter technology in the 47th and 52nd precincts we will be able to tackle this recent escalation of violence. I hope Commissioner Bratton takes our request into consideration so that together we can take a new and improved approach to tracking shootings in our neighborhoods,” said Council Member Andrew Cohen

“Public safety is the core function of government.  The installation of ShotSpotter technology in the 47th and 52nd precincts would represent a 21st century approach to tracking and preventing shootings in some of the Bronx neighborhoods most plagued by gun violence,” said Council Member Ritchie Torres

“ShotSpotter technology has been proven to help law enforcement in other cities to collect bullet casings and identify when and where shots were fired in a neighborhood. I’m hoping Commissioner Bratton will bring this technology to the 47th and 52nd precincts, which is leading the city in gun shootings. This technology is desperately needed to help our police force combat the rise in shootings,” explained Council Member Andy King, 12th District representative and co-Chair of the Black, Latino and Asian Caucus.

Assemblyman Dinowitz and the Crumbling HHP Retaining Wall

  Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz has alerted the NYS DOT to a dangerous road condition on Henry Hudson Parkway between West 231st and West 235th Streets and has asked that they make immediate repairs. The retaining walls that divide the service roads and the parkway leading up to the West 232nd Street overpass on both the north- and south-bound sides have deteriorated to an extreme degree, posing a danger to all commuters that use the parkway. During a recent site visit, Assemblyman Dinowitz observed lengthy stretches of exposed, rusted rebar, large holes in the walls, and debris littering both the service road and the parkway. Stones could be easily picked off the retaining walls at several locations.

“I was shocked at the poor condition of the retaining walls leading up to the West 232nd Street overpass when I visited the site last week,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz. “This extreme deterioration poses a serious risk to the thousands of commuters who drive along the Henry Hudson Parkway every day, as a loose stone or partially-obstructed lane could easily lead to a major accident. I urge the New York State Department of Transportation to inspect and repair this site as quickly as possible.”

  Editor Note: 
It was conditions such as this that lead to the HHP retaining wall collapse on the Upper West Side a few years ago. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

PSC Report on Time Warner - Comcast Merger

  In case you were wondering what happened to the proposed Time-Warner and Comcast cable merger you are going to have to wait until the Public Service Commission makes its final decision some time in October. The PSC had their staff do a report on the proposed merger which found no net positive benefit. The 49 page report was which was released Friday evening while saying there is no positive benefit does not as far as to recommend that the proposal be scraped.  

  The entire 49 page PSC report can be found here.


   Seven local Bronx groups received monetary donations from Council Member King and his wife, Neva Shillingford-King, an executive vice president at 1199 SEIU, as a part of District 12 Community Award Day.

Said Council Member King, who does not receive an annual taxpayer-funded bonus, known as “lulu” from the City Council, “Every year, people come to my office to ask for donations for events in the way of journal ads, dinners, tickets and block parties. My wife and I decided to give a portion of our own personal income to seven charitable groups – once a year.”

The organizations that were randomly selected to receive a personal check from the Kings are:
•             Beulah Church of God
•             Mickle Avenue Block Association
•             47th Precinct Community Council
•             New Testament Church of God
•             C-BALL - Community Board Athletic Leadership League
•             Wake-Eden Community Baptist Church
•             Arnow-Barnes Block Association

The checks were given to the groups at Council Member King’s district office on East Gun Hill Road, Bronx.

Bronx Parks Community News


**NEW ** Farmer’s Market at St Mary’s Park It’s My Park

Harvest Home Farmer’s Market brings fresh locally grown produce to St Mary’s Park. Farmers from Rancho La Baranja & Fresh Radish Farms both located in Goshen, NY, bring their freshly harvested seasonal produce every Thursday through Nov 20.

Food stamps are accepted.  Ask about Health Bucks - $2 coupon for every $5 spent.

Forestry Dept Service Requests
Please Take Note:
Parks Forestry Department is having difficulty with 311 service requests that are made through the 311 mobile app.  Instead, individuals should enter their complaints at the parks website ( Once there, click on the “Trees” tab and the link to submit a service request.

It’s My Park Day… Accepting Project Leader applications! Applications due September 1, 2014 for October events. See Project Leader Application attached.
Partnerships for Parks is approaching the Fall It's My Park Day (IMPD)2014 season! Each year, our IMPD program supports over 300 community-led service projects and fun events in neighborhood parks from May through October. Special thanks to TD Bank for their continued sponsorship of IMPD. 
Contact your Outreach Coordinator to hold an IMP event, and start planning your Clean Up events with neighbors and friends: Bronx Community Boards 1-6: Barbara (Basia)
Bronx Community Boards 7-12: 
TEMPORARILY Please contact Mary Price

FREE Green Generations monthly nature workshop for kids at St. Mary’s Park  Sat Aug 9 10AM-12PM.  “Trees, Leaves, and Me!” For kids ages 8-12 years
Children learn how to identify trees by exploring their leaves and understand the significance trees contribute to biodiversity.
The workshops are held at St. Mary’s Park and drop-off/pick-up will be in front of the St Mary’s Recreation Center entrance. Workshops are held rain or shine.
Saturday Sept 20th: R is for Rocks!
St. Mary’s Park is home to a diverse variety of rocks and many of them have been here for centuries. Children will learn about the history of the earth beneath them.
Saturday Oct 11th: Autumn Exploration
Fall is a beautiful time for harvesting, expressing gratitude, and learning about the change of seasons. Children will explore the fall foliage and decorate their own pumpkins to take home.

FREE Summer Tennis Classes in the Bronx!
Questions? Contact:  Scott Daly

Movie Nights Along the River
Wednesday, August 16th at 8PM
The Bronx River Alliance invites you to bring your family, friends and neighbors to enjoy a FREE movie on the Bronx River this summer.

Lovable family-friendly movie under the stars. Bring your
 blanket and popcorn for a cozy night to remember.

MOVIE:  "THE CROODS" (Rain date: Thursday, August 17th
 at 8pm)

 Avenue and Edgewater Avenue.

Public Transportation to Hunts Point Riverside Park:
Take the #6 train to Hunts Point Ave. Walk 4 blocks south 
on Hunts Point Ave and 5 blocks east on Lafayette Ave.

DriversTake the Sheridan Expressway to 177th St for the
North entrance of the park. Limited street parking is available 
in the area.

Please RSVP at or call 718-430-4636.

Sunday Aug 24 – 1PM & 2PM Puppet Shows
FREE 2 City Parks Foundation Puppet Shows at St Mary’Park
Bronx parks news digest:

Try Pole Vaulting at Soundview Park's New $6M Track; DNAinfo; August 6, 2014

New Advocacy Guide Maps Path to Improved Parks

Park news from farther away:

Maybe the Bronx riverside can gain from some of the ideas put into action in Paris….
Heads Up: In Paris, a Playful Path Along the Seine; The New York Times; July 29, 2014

Near Asphalt Green and Carl Shurz Park….
3 Protesters Arrested for BlockingConstruction of UES Trash Station; DNAinfo; August 5, 2014

Similarly to Crotona Park
Prospect Park Needs Your Help Battling 18-Foot Weeds

Thursday, August 7, 2014

State Senator Jeffrey Klein and Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz demand improved MTA service for Bx7 and Bx10 bus lines

Standing near the all-too-often overcrowded bus stop on West 231st Street and Broadway, State Senator Jeffrey Klein and Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz called on the MTA to resolve the severe shortage of buses on the Bx7 and Bx10 lines, particularly during the morning and evening rush hours. Massive crowds regularly form at the 231st Street stop and others along the Bx7 and Bx10 lines between 5:30 and 8:00 PM as commuters wait to board a bus that will take them back home to their families. Oftentimes, commuters are left waiting as multiple buses pass by that are too crowded to take additional passengers.

“The severe overcrowding of the Bx7 and Bx10 bus lines and intolerably long waits are completely unacceptable,” said Assemblyman Dinowitz. “These buses are integral parts of this community’s transportation infrastructure, carrying commuters to and from work each day, yet they consistently fail to provide adequate service for the communities of Kingsbridge, Norwood, Riverdale, and Van Cortlandt Village. I urge the MTA to allocate funding for additional Bx7 and Bx10 buses so that commuters are not forced to wait for lengthy periods of time to board a crowded bus.”

Senator Klein said, "Day after day I hear from local residents that the BX 7 and BX 10 buses don't come on time, don't come frequently enough and don't have the capacity to serve the people who need it. Put simply, BX 7 and BX 10 bus service does not properly serve our community. That's why Assemblyman Dinowitz and I are standing with the daily commuters and Riverdale residents who depend on this vital service each and every day and are calling on the MTA to institute more buses, more often."

I was able to find a MTA supervisor a block away who agreed that at times the BX7 buses do bunch up especially on Friday afternoons by the George Washington bridge. The BX7 bus runs from The Yonkers city line to 168th Street in Manhattan and back. I was also told that due to construction on Sedwick Avenue the BX 10 schedule has been thrown out of whack due to detours this week.