Wednesday, May 17, 2017

News From State Senator Gustavo Rivera


New York State Senator Gustavo Rivera's Civics Class Inspires Students to Plan Albany Trip

  On Wednesday, May 17, 2017, a group of 60 high school students from the Academy for Language and Technology in the Bronx will take an exciting trip to Albany inspired by a community civics class taught by New York State Senator Gustavo Rivera earlier this year. In their eagerness to learn more about the role of their local government in their everyday lives, the students will join Senator Rivera at the New York State Legislature and tour important landmarks in Albany. 

During the trip, students will have the opportunity to spend one on one time with Senator Rivera, who will accompany them on a tour of the Legislative Office Building and of the State Capitol Building. The Senator has also invited the students to observe a legislative session of the New York State Senate. In addition, the students will visit two of Albany's most renowned landmarks, the New York State Museum and the Erastus Corning 2 Tower.
"Government is supposed to work for the people. I strongly believe that the more knowledgeable our community is about how government works, the more they are able to advocate effectively for the issues that are important to them and hold government and elected officials accountable," said State Senator Gustavo Rivera. "That is why I am incredibly excited and proud that these young Bronxites were inspired to visit our State's capital, and learn more about government and civic participation. It is my hope that this visit inspires other schools in the 33rd Senate District to visit Albany and become more involved in advocating for issues and policies they care about."
State Senator Gustavo Rivera's main objective when speaking to students about civic participation is to motivate them to become more knowledgeable and engaged in local government, which is precisely the initiative these students demonstrated in planning this trip.
"The motivation behind our trip to Albany was Senator Rivera's speech. He explained the ways the state government works and immediately it sparked our interest to learn more about Albany and the New York State Legislature," said Janna Castillo, student at the Academy for Language and Technology Academy.
"After Senator Rivera's civics class, we really wanted to see Albany with our own eyes. In addition, with the knowledge that Senator Rivera gave us, I think that most of my classmates, including me, are ready to enjoy this trip, which will be full of fun and knowledge," said Brandon Santana, student at the Academy for Language and Technology Academy.


"Another day, another disgraceful executive order put forth by the current administration in Washington D.C. The shameful expansion of the "Global Gag Order" will undoubtedly jeopardize the health and well-being of millions of women around the world, especially in developing countries. It will withhold critical and, in many cases, lifesaving funding from groups and programs that would provide them with information on abortion. In an effort to gain cheap political points, this administration's inhumane crusade to stifle women's reproductive rights will have a global health impact with real consequences for millions of vulnerable women and families across the world as they continue facing obstacles when it comes to their personal health decisions." 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Assembly Member and DNC Vice Chair Michael Blake on the Sharing of Classified Information by President Trump to Russian Leaders

In response to the report of President Trump releasing classified information to Russian officials, New York State Assembly Member and DNC Vice Chair Michael Blake released the following statement:

If this is true, the revealing of classified information by President Trump to Russians is appalling and unconscionable on many levels.  The release of information endangers the lives of people, further erodes trust and weakens our intelligence capabilities Furthermore, it only helps corroborate the suspicion that he is in collusion with the Russian government.

It is arguably one of the greatest betrayals by a President, an administration, or a public servant of the American People of this generation and must be investigated and responded to forcefully.  Moreover, one must presume that multiple people were immediately aware of this release of information and chose their party over the country.  All persons associated with this action should be removed from their positions immediately as lives, trust and security are now at stake.  I commend the Washington Post for proving again that investigative journalism is necessary while I simultaneously pray for the safety of anyone who is in harm's way due to the release of this information.

Congress now has an obligation to the American people to create an independent commission to fully investigate the President and his campaign's ties to the Russian government. To do anything less would be a corrupt, and needless to say, partisan obstruction of justice. Every single Member of Congress and elected official should be asked directly, do they support an Independent Special Prosecutor to investigate ties between Trump, his associates, and Russia.  I adamantly support such an appointment and all those who don't should be held accountable.”

Bronx Week 2017 46th Annual Parade & Festival


  Mayor Bill de Blasio met this afternoon with United States Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The Mayor thanked the Secretary for his help in securing federal funding for the local protection of the President’s residence and family. The Mayor outlined the threats tax and healthcare reform pose to New York City’s economy and budget. The Mayor and Secretary also discussed their shared commitment to finding solutions surrounding public and private infrastructure investment and in navigating the federal regulatory framework. The meeting lasted 35 minutes.


  On Wednesday, May 24, as part of City Hall in Your Borough week, Mayor Bill de Blasio will host a town hall with residents of the 18th Council District, represented by Council Member Annabel Palma in addition to Bronx Borough President Ruben DĂ­az, Jr., U.S. Representative JosĂ© Serrano, State Senator Ruben DĂ­az, Sr. and State Assembly Member Luis SepĂșlveda.

Residents of the 18th Council District are asked to RSVP by Friday, May 19 at noon via email at or by calling (212) 788-1412.

Co-sponsors for the town hall include Community Board 9, the 43rd Precinct Council, Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club and Phipps Neighborhoods. 

City Hall in Your Borough is a week-long series of satellite office hours by Mayor de Blasio, top City officials and commissioners. The week will include meetings with local groups, various stops and events across the borough.

WHAT:           Council District 18 Town Hall

WHEN:           Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Doors open at 6:00 P.M.
                        Program begins at 7 P.M.

WHERE:         Adlai E. Stevenson High School
                        1980 Lafayette Avenue
                        Bronx, NY 10473

News From Congressman Eliot Engel

Engel Cosponsors MYDATA Act to Protect Internet Privacy

  Congressman Eliot Engel, a leading member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee, has cosponsored the MYDATA Act, a bill that would protect broadband users from unfair or deceptive practices relating to privacy or data security.

The MYDATA Act would give the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) jurisdiction over broadband providers, and would empower the FTC to promote rules that prohibit unfair and deceptive practices relating to privacy and data security across the Internet. As it currently stands, the FTC is unable to adequately protect consumers from these types of practices by broadband companies, due to a loophole in the Federal trade Commission Act.

“We live in a digital age which means controlling how our personal information is disseminated online is a difficult task,” Engel said. “Republicans in Congress and the White House have made it virtually impossible by allowing broadband providers to use and sell Americans’ sensitive information about their health, finance and families without their permission.  The MYDATA Act would help swing the pendulum back toward the consumer by giving the FTC the teeth it needs to establish safeguards for privacy and data security across the internet.

“Your personal information should not be a commodity for-sale to the highest bidder. We must take action to correct this glaring gap in the law on this crucial concern.”

The MYDATA Act was introduced by Rep. Jerry McNerney in May of 2017.  


  Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement:

“I am shocked by reports that President Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian diplomats last week. This certainly raises questions about whether the President recognizes the serious implications of disclosing such sensitive information to an adversary.

“I will be meeting later this week with National Security Advisor McMaster in a classified session, and will seek answers about what was revealed and how it could damage American national security.

“It’s time for Congress to come together in a bipartisan way, establish an independent commission to investigate, and get to the truth.”

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW - It’s About Time for Senator Jeff Klein and Mike Gianaris to have a serious conversation

By Senator Rev. RubĂ©n DĂ­az 
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York 

It’s About Time for Senator Jeff Klein and Mike Gianaris to have a serious conversation

You should know that it is sad to see the way in which the Leaders of the New York State Senate Democratic Conferences are allowing their Conferences to be the laughing stock of Albany.

It’s time for Senator Jeff Klein and Senator Mike Gianaris to sit down and have a serious conversation before they destroy the Regular and Independent Democratic Conferences, taking everybody down with them.

I, for one, learned my lesson in 2009 when I was a part of the Four Amigos: former Senators Pedro Espada, Carl Kruger, Hiram Monserrate, and myself.  Our search for power and equality almost destroyed the Senate Democratic Conference.

Now, in 2017, we are starting to see how both Democratic Conferences have become the target of the press and the topic of the day.

It is sad to see how workaholics and dedicated public servants, like Senator Diane Savino and others, are being thrown under the bus just because other people ambition for power.

I have to say that Senator Diane Savino never misses a Committee meeting, and is present at every event she can possibly attend.  She works hard and is dedicated to her duties and like others, deserves not only the stipend she receives, but more.

I am afraid that the power struggle and the personal dislike that Senator Jeff Klein and Senator Mike Gianaris feel toward each other could be the destruction of both Senate Democratic Conferences, taking other Members with them, even including some from the Republican Conference.

Ladies and gentlemen, the press is loving this. Since 2009, the press has been saying that Albany is full of corruption and that we are all corrupt. I am afraid that with these personal animosities, calling for investigations, and trying to destroy the reputations of others, we are going down the wrong path to achieve unity within the Democratic Conference and control of the Senate.

I would like to offer my 2 cents, and give my humble opinion to these two good Democrats and distinguished Senators Gianaris and Klein who have always shown their commitment, love and dedication to their community and party.

They should sit down and put aside any personal animosities they may have for each other, and have a serious conversation about the future of the Senate Democratic Conferences. Otherwise we will go back to 2009, and I know what I'm talking about.

I am Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.


State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz Sr. is now running for the 18th City Council seat. We wish him well in that Democratic Primary.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

“BMB” Gang Associate Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison In Connection With 2011 Shooting Of Eight People

  Joon H. Kim, Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that ONEIL DASILVA, a/k/a “Soxx,” a/k/a “Bobby Soxx,” an associate of the violent Big Money Bosses (“BMB”) street gang, was sentenced today to 15 years in prison in connection with a shooting in 2011 at a backyard party in the Bronx, New York, during which eight people were shot, including a 13-year-old girl and a 14-year-old girl.  DASILVA pled guilty on December 8, 2016, before United States District Judge Alison J. Nathan, who also imposed today’s sentence.
Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said:  “Oneil Dasilva, a Big Money Boss gang associate, terrorized his neighborhood in the Bronx, engaging in a reckless shooting spree that led to eight people, including two young teenagers, getting shot. For his crimes, Dasilva will now spend 15 years in a federal prison. Gang and gun violence must be confronted forcefully, as we did in this case with our law enforcement partners.”
According to the Indictment and other documents filed in the case, as well as statements made during the plea and sentencing proceedings:
DASILVA was an associate of BMB, a subset of the “Young Bosses,” or “YBz” street gang, which operates throughout New York City.  Between 2007 and 2016, members and associates of BMB committed numerous acts of violence against rival gang members in the Bronx and sold crack cocaine and marijuana.  
As part of his involvement in with BMB, on September 4, 2011, DASILVA opened fire at a backyard barbeque in the vicinity of 221st Street in the Bronx.  Eight people were shot, including a 13-year-old girl and a 14-year-old girl.  All of the victims survived.  
DASILVA was arrested in this case as a result of a multi-year investigation by the New York City Police Department’s Bronx Gang Squad (the “Bronx Gang Squad”), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations Violent Gang Unit (“HSI”), the New York Field Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), and the Joint Firearms Task Force of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (“ATF”) into gang violence in the Northern Bronx. DASILVA was charged in an Indictment unsealed on April 27, 2016 (United States v. Nico Burrell et al., 15 Cr. 95), charging 63 members and associates of BMB with racketeering conspiracy, narcotics conspiracy, narcotics distribution, and/or firearms charges.  To date, 47 of these defendants have pled guilty.
Mr. Kim praised the outstanding work of the NYPD’s Bronx Gang Squad, HSI, DEA, and ATF.