Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Join us today in Martha's Vineyard - Michael Blake

Please join us today at our annual reception in Martha's Vineyard anytime from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  You can RSVP here to support us as we continue #BuildingABetterBronx.


Saturday, August 12, 2017

A.G. Schneiderman Statement On Charlottesville

  “My heart is with the people of Charlottesville, especially those standing up to hatred, racism, and bigotry. 

The white supremacist violence on display in Charlottesville this weekend is an affront to everything this country represents. When you give license to open expressions of bigotry against some groups, you open the door to bigotry against all groups of people. 

Each of us—especially those of us in public office—has a moral obligation to condemn these actions in the strongest of terms. False equivalencies between "sides" simply provide cover to the white supremacists seeking to take our country backwards and tear our communities apart. 

Our diversity is our greatest strength—and we will not allow anyone to turn that strength against us.”

Union Community Health Center 2017 OPEN HOUSE & COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR on Thursday, August 17th, 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM at UCHC, 2016 Bronxdale Avenue

Union Community
Health Center
Thursday, August 17th, 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM
2016 Bronxdale Avenue Bronx, NY 10462
(Between Holland & Antin Place)
For more info contact Muniz Serena 

Bronx House "First Indoor Flea Market at 990 Pelham Parkway South on Saturday, August 26th, from 12pm-3pm

First Indoor Flea Market
Saturday, August 26th, from 12pm-3pm
990 Pelham Parkway South, Bronx, NY 10461

We are having our First Indoor Flea Market at Bronx House on August 26th, 2017 from 12pm-3pm to support the Special Needs Department. We are going to have numerous vendor selling a variety of furniture, crafts, toys, jewelry, vintage Knick Knacks and more. If you can please share this with your community, friends and neighbors, it would greatly be appreciated.
This event is for a great cause!
For more info Call 718-792-1800 x263 or Email: noelia@bronxhouse.org


"The white supremacists have taken their hate, violence, and intolerance to the streets, but we will not be intimidated by domestic terrorism. We will continue to fight against the deep-seated racism that exists in our country wherever it appears."

On Sunday, Mayor de Blasio will march in the Dominican Day Parade. Prior to the parade, the Mayor will deliver remarks on the Charlottesville domestic terror attack and security measures surrounding the President’s upcoming visit.

Jason Galanis Sentenced To More Than 14 Years In Prison For Defrauding Tribal Entity And Pension Funds Of Tens Of Millions Of Dollars

   Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that JASON GALANIS was sentenced today by the Honorable Ronnie Abrams to 173 months for defrauding a Native American tribal entity and numerous pension fund investors of tens of millions of dollars in connection with the issuance of bonds by the tribal entity.

Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “In a brazen securities scheme designed to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else, Jason Galanis and his co-conspirators cheated both their tribal clients as well as the investing public. After defrauding a Native American tribe into issuing bonds, Jason Galanis and his cohorts sold the illiquid bonds to unwitting pension funds, and then stole the proceeds for themselves. For his role in this campaign of theft and deception, Jason Galanis will now spend over 14 years in federal prison.”

According to the allegations contained in the Indictment filed against JASON GALANIS and his co-conspirators and statements made in related court filings and proceedings[1]:

From March 2014 through April 2016, JASON GALANIS and others engaged in a fraudulent scheme to misappropriate the proceeds of bonds issued by the Wakpamni Lake Community Corporation (“WLCC”), a Native American tribal entity (the “Tribal Bonds”), and to use funds in the accounts of clients of asset management firms controlled by JASON GALANIS and others to purchase the Tribal Bonds, which the clients were then unable to redeem or sell because the bonds were illiquid and lacked a ready secondary market.

Documents governing the Tribal Bonds specified that an investment manager would invest the proceeds of the Tribal Bonds in investments that would generate annuity payments sufficient to pay interest on the Tribal Bonds and provide funds to the WLCC to be used for tribal economic development purposes. In fact, none of the proceeds of the Tribal Bonds were turned over to the investment manager specified in the closing documents. Instead, significant portions of the proceeds were misappropriated by JASON GALANIS and his co-defendants for their own personal use.

Specifically, the proceeds of the Tribal Bonds were deposited into a bank account in the name of Wealth Assurance Private Client Corporation (“WAPCC”). More than $38 million from the WAPCC account to an account controlled by JASON GALANIS, who then misappropriated more than $8.5 million of the proceeds for his personal use, including for expenses associated with his home, jewelry and clothing purchases, travel and entertainment, and restaurant meals.

There was no ready secondary market for the Tribal Bonds. Nonetheless, without prior notice, JASON GALANIS directed others to use funds belonging to clients of two related investment advisers, Hughes Capital Management, Inc. (“Hughes”) and Atlantic Asset Management, LLC (“Atlantic”) to purchase the Tribal Bonds, even though JASON GALANIS and others were well aware that material facts about the Tribal Bonds had been withheld from clients in whose accounts they were placed, including the fact that the Tribal Bond purchases fell outside the investment parameters set forth in the investment advisory contracts of certain Hughes clients and of the Atlantic pooled investment vehicle in which the Tribal Bonds were purchased. When Hughes and Atlantic clients learned about the purchase of the Tribal Bonds in their accounts, several of them demanded that the Tribal Bonds be sold. However, because there was no ready secondary market for the Tribal Bonds, no Tribal Bonds have been sold from any Hughes or Atlantic client accounts. In addition, JASON GALANIS and his co-conspirators failed to apprise clients of Hughes and Atlantic regarding substantial conflicts of interest with respect to the issuance and placement of the Tribal Bonds before the Tribal Bonds were purchased on these clients’ behalf.

In addition, a portion of the misappropriated proceeds was recycled and provided by JASON GALANIS to entities affiliated with co-conspirators in order to enable the purchase of subsequent Tribal Bonds issued by the WLCC. As a result of the use of recycled proceeds to purchase additional issuances of Tribal Bonds, the face amount of Tribal Bonds outstanding increased and the amount of interest payable by the WLCC increased, but the actual bond proceeds available for investment on behalf of the WLCC did not increase.

In addition to the prison term, JASON GALANIS, 47, was sentenced to three years of supervised release. GALANIS was also ordered to forfeit $43,277,436 and to make restitution in the amount of $43,785,176.

Trial with respect to the remaining defendants is scheduled to begin on February 5, 2018, before the Honorable Ronnie Abrams.

This conviction represents JASON GALANIS’s second conviction in this District in the past year. On February 15, 2017, GALANIS was sentenced by the Honorable P. Kevin Castel to 135 months in prison in connection with his participation in a scheme to manipulate the market for Gerova Financial Group, Ltd. (“Gerova”), a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and to defraud the shareholders of that company.

Mr. Kim praised the work of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and thanked the SEC.
[1] As for the defendants who have not pled guilty, the description of the charges set forth herein constitute only allegations.

Woman Charged For Defrauding Donors Of Over $50,000 By Misrepresenting That She Had Terminal Cancer

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and Emil Califano, Chief of the Village of Ardsley Police Department, announced today charges against VEDOUTIE HOOBRAJ, a/k/a “Shivonie Deokaran,” for allegedly engaging in a scheme to defraud donors through false representations that she had been diagnosed with terminal leukemia and needed money to pay for her treatments.   HOOBRAJ was arrested in Orlando, Florida this morning and will be presented before a Magistrate Judge in the Middle District of Florida. 

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said:  “Vedoutie Hoobraj allegedly concocted an elaborate story about having cancer when she did not, using GoFundMe pages and accepting money raised by a local high school, all supposedly to fund her medical care.  Hoobraj even falsified medical records for donors to conceal the fraud.  I commend our law enforcement partners for thwarting this allegedly brazen fraud.”
Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “Vedoutie Hoobraj went to great lengths to hide behind her self-fabricated cancer diagnosis.  Not only did she allegedly allow the people of her community to hold fundraisers on her behalf, including a local high school football team, but sat idly by as they showered her and her family with their love, money, and unwavering support.  To further aggravate the matter, as alleged, she actively peddled her story in an effort to make more money; falsely claimed that she received treatment from legitimate doctors and hospitals; and produced fake test results to support her claims. Hoobraj's alleged crime is not only an injustice to those who were kind enough to help her, but also to those who do truly need the support of their communities and may now be met with suspicion because of Hoobraj’s alleged behavior.    
According to the allegations in the Complaint[1] unsealed today in Manhattan federal court:
Beginning in at least about October 2014 and through at least March 2016, in Westchester County, New York, and elsewhere, HOOBRAJ engaged in a scheme that solicited donations through fraudulent representations that she had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and needed money for living and medical expenses.   
HOOBRAJ obtained donations from donors through checks and fund transfers to two GoFundMe fundraising websites set up in October 2014 and August 2015 on her behalf.  The GoFundMe websites represented, among other things, that HOOBRAJ was diagnosed with leukemia and given eighteen months to live, and that HOOBRAJ’s family was suffering financial burdens from her chemotherapy treatments and other medical and living expenses.  HOOBRAJ publicized the sites in online posts and emails, among other means. 
As alleged in the Complaint, HOOBRAJ received in excess of $50,000 in donations from over 300 individuals in Ardsley, New York, and elsewhere based on these and other related misrepresentations.   Between October 2014 and December 2015, HOOBRAJ transferred a total of approximately $32,600 from an Ohio bank account operated by GoFundMe’s payment processor vendor to HOOBRAJ’s bank account in New York.  In or about November 2015, HOOBRAJ deposited two donation checks totaling $16,274 from the Student Activity Fund of Ardsley High School, in Ardsley, New York, representing proceeds of a fundraising event organized in part by a donor (“Individual-1”).  HOOBRAJ also deposited other donation checks.
In an interview with a detective at the Ardsley Police Department on or about January 20, 2016, HOOBRAJ stated, among other things, that she had been diagnosed with terminal cancer by a specified doctor at Sloan Kettering Medical Center who died in an earthquake in Nepal in April 2015, was currently being treated by another specified doctor, and had also gone to “Mount Kisco Medical Center” and “Bronx Lebanon Hospital” for treatments.  However, as alleged in the Complaint, HOOBRAJ had never been treated by these doctors and medical centers.
In or about March 2016, in an effort to prove that she had cancer, HOOBRAJ used the online messaging platform Facebook Messenger to send Individual-1 a screenshot of HOOBRAJ’s purported laboratory tests from a January 29, 2016, examination at Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx, New York (“Jacobi”).  The results presented by HOOBRAJ appeared to indicate that her hemoglobin, platelet counts, and red blood cell counts were all outside the stated normal ranges.  Records obtained from Jacobi as part of this investigation, however, revealed that the document sent by HOOBRAJ was a forgery, and that the actual medical record previously provided by Jacobi to HOOBRAJ stated, “Your labs turned out to show no abnormalities.”   
VEDOUTIE HOOBRAJ, a/k/a “Shivonie Deokaran,” 38, of Orlando, Florida, has been charged in the Complaint with one count of wire fraud, which carries a maximum prison term of 20 years.
Mr. Kim praised the investigative work of the FBI and the Ardsley Police Department.  Mr. Kim also thanked the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office for its assistance.               
 [1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint and the description of the Complaint set forth herein constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Investment Bank Vice President Pleads Guilty To Insider Trading

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that AVANEESH KRISHNAMOORTHY, who worked as a vice president and risk management specialist for a Manhattan-based investment bank (the “Investment Bank”), pled guilty earlier today to a criminal Information (the “Information”) charging him with engaging in a scheme to commit insider trading. KRISHNAMOORTHY made over $78,000 by trading in the stock and options of three publicly traded companies based on material nonpublic information he misappropriated from the Investment Bank and its parent company (the “Company”). KRISHNAMOORTHY pled guilty before United States District Judge Jesse M. Furman.
Acting U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said: “As he admitted today in federal court, Avaneesh Krishnamoorthy abused his position as an investment bank executive to get nonpublic information about several companies and then trade on it. We remain committed to prosecuting financial professionals whose greed drives them to break the law.”
According to the allegations in court documents, including the Information and a previously filed criminal complaint, and statements made during court proceedings:
As a vice president and risk management specialist, KRISHNAMOORTHY was given access to material, nonpublic information concerning mergers and acquisitions in which the Investment Bank was potentially going to be retained.
In November 2016, the Investment Bank was contacted about financing the acquisition of Neustar, Inc., a company whose shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange, by a private equity fund (the “Fund”). KRISHANMOORTHY received multiple emails regarding the Investment Bank’s potential involvement in the transaction, which also summarized the mechanics of the deal. In violation of the Company’s policies and in breach of his duties to the Company and its clients, KRISHNAMOORTHY used this material nonpublic information to acquire Neustar stock and options. In the days and weeks after receiving the emails, KRISHNAMOORTHY purchased numerous Neustar call options and hundreds of shares of Neustar stock before the public announcement of the transaction. KRISHANMOORTHY did not reveal these trades or the existence of the underlying brokerage accounts to the Company. The price of Neustar stock increased by approximately 20% following the public announcement of the Fund’s acquisition of Neustar on December 14, 2016. KRISHNAMOORTHY also used material nonpublic information that he received from the Company to make profitable trades in securities of Cabelas Inc. and Axiall Corporation.
As a result of the scheme, KRISHNAMOORTHY reaped over $78,000 in ill-gotten gains, which he has agreed to forfeit to the Government as part of his plea agreement.
KRISHNAMOORTHY, 42, pled guilty to one count of securities fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and a maximum fine of $5 million, or twice the gross gain or loss from the offense. The statutory maximum sentence is prescribed by Congress and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant would be determined by the judge.
KRISHNAMOORTHY is scheduled to be sentenced November 21, 2017.
Mr. Kim praised the investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and thanked the Securities and Exchange Commission.