Saturday, September 2, 2017

A.G. Schneiderman Warns Against Gasoline Price Gouging Following Hurricane Harvey

Reduced Gas Supply Impacts NY; 
A.G. Urges New Yorkers to Report Potential Consumer Exploitation To His Office

 Schneiderman: We'll Hold Accountable Those Who Capitalize On The Storm At The Expense Of Hardworking New Yorkers
  Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman  issued a consumer alert warning both consumers and businesses about gasoline price gouging following Hurricane Harvey and the subsequent reduction in supply that has impacted New York State.
“Experience has shown that some gas station owners use severe storms as an opportunity to exploit consumers,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “Hurricane Harvey has led to gas price spikes across the country, including in New York – but we'll hold accountable those who seek to capitalize on the storm at the expense of hardworking New York families.” 
On the Thursday following Hurricane Harvey, gasoline prices across the country rose to a two-year high. Similarly, the statewide average price of gasoline has risen 23 cents per gallon since Harvey made landfall in Texas over a week ago. The shutdown of major refineries and the closure of the Colonial Pipeline used to carry gas from Texas to the Northeast are respectively having a significant effect on nationwide and local prices. 
In the aftermath of the hurricane, New Yorkers have seen the following fluctuation in gas prices.
New York average gas prices as of September 2:
Current Avg.
Friday Avg.
Week Ago Avg.
Month Ago Avg.
Year Ago Avg.
The General Business Law prohibits excessive increases in prices of essential goods and services like gasoline resulting from natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey that significantly disrupt the market. Furthermore, New York State’s Price Gouging Law (General Business Law § 396-r) prohibits merchants from taking unfair advantage of consumers by selling goods or services for an “unconscionably excessive price” during an “abnormal disruption of the market,” as represented by a gross disparity between the price of the product immediately prior to and after such an occurrence. The price gouging law covers New York State vendors, retailers and suppliers.
While some increases in the price of gas are to be expected following a natural disaster, the Office of the Attorney General will not tolerate excessive price increases for consumers farthest far exceeds the increase in cost to companies. Since taking office, the Attorney General has fought to protect consumers from similar cases of price gouging and has taken action against predatory companies. As a result of the Attorney General’s investigation into high gas prices during Hurricane Sandy, Attorney General Schneiderman secured over $300,000 in penalties and costs from more than 40 gas stations in New York City, Long Island, and the Hudson Valley that gouged their customers.
Attorney General Schneiderman urges any New Yorker who believes they have been the victim of price gouging to call the Attorney General's office at 800-771-7755 or visit to file a complaint.


  Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., today announced the sentencing of RANDY RIVERA, 29, to 20 years-to-life in state prison for violently raping, then robbing, a 60-year-old woman on the 207th Street Bridge in 2015. On May 1, 2017, the defendant pleaded guilty to every count in the indictment against him: two counts of Predatory Sexual Assault and one count of Robbery in the Second Degree as a Sexually Motivated Felony. 
“In this horrific stranger assault, Randy Rivera mercilessly beat, raped, and robbed a woman early one morning as she walked to work,” said District Attorney Vance. “Now, he will serve a sentence worthy of this brutal crime. Whether it’s through a $38 million investment to end the backlog of untested rape kits or by prosecuting offenders to the fullest extent of the law, my Office remains firmly committed to ensuring that the perpetrators of violent sex crimes are brought to justice, and that survivors  receive the justice they so deeply deserve.”
As admitted in the defendant's guilty plea, at approximately 5:30 a.m. on December 21, 2015, the victim was crossing the 207th Street Bridge when RIVERA grabbed her from behind, covered her face with her hood, and dragged her to an alcove on the bridge. RIVERA—a Level 3 sex offender—then shoved the victim to the ground and repeatedly punched her in the face and head before he removed her pants and sexually assaulted her. After the assault, the defendant grabbed the victim’s purse and fled the scene. 
The victim contacted the police and, later, went to Harlem Hospital, where a rape kit was performed. On January 30, 2016, DNA results from the rape kit matched to RIVERA in the state DNA database and police arrested him that same day.
Assistant District Attorney Erin Reid handled the prosecution of the case under the supervision of Assistant District Attorneys Martha Bashford, Chief of the Sex Crimes Unit, Alfred Peterson, Chief of Trial Bureau 70, and Executive Assistant District Attorney John Irwin, Chief of the Trial Division. 
District Attorney Vance thanked Detectives John Lopez and Josh Ulan of NYPD’s Special Victims Squad for assisting with the case.
Defendant Information:
RANDY RIVERA, D.O.B. 01/23/1988
Address Unknown

•    Predatory Sexual Assault, a class A felony, two counts
•    Robbery in the Second Degree as a Sexually Motivated Felony, a class C felony, one count

•    20 years-to-life in prison


Influential ISIS Recruiter Used Public Profile to Solicit Acts of Violence and Terrorism

  Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., and New York City Police Commissioner James O’Neill today announced the indictment of TREVOR WILLIAM FORREST, a/k/a “SHAIKH ABDULLAH FAISAL,” a/k/a “SHAIKH FAISAL,” 53, for using his public profile and personal network to recruit and provide support to those seeking to commit acts of violence and terrorism against others. The defendant is charged in a New York State Supreme Court indictment with Soliciting or Providing Support for an Act of Terrorism in the First Degree as a Crime of Terrorism and other charges.[1]
The indictment follows a yearlong investigation by the NYPD Intelligence Bureau and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office’s Counter Terrorism Program, which was created in June 2015 to identify and pursue investigative leads related to homegrown terror plots, extremist activities, and terror-financing.
“Shaikh Faisal has dedicated his life to terror recruitment,” said District Attorney Vance. “Through his lectures, website, and videos, he incites untold numbers of people around the world to take up the cause of jihad. As is alleged in this case, he provided material support to the Islamic State by facilitating the passage of a self-described ISIS sympathizer from New York to Syria. A charismatic leader, the defendant’s rhetoric has been cited by several convicted or suspected terrorists in New York, London, and beyond. As charged in today’s indictment, the defendant also served as the fulcrum of a recruitment effort that encouraged individuals to carry out acts of terrorism in the name of the Islamic State and connected them with other radical supporters who were willing—or already in the process—of doing the same in countries around the world.”
Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill said: “Shaikh Faisal has used his influence and direction to groom and inspire terrorists who have bombed trains, attempted to blow up airliners, and attack Americans here and abroad. His arrest for his efforts to recruit people for ISIS, a terrorist group that has plotted attacks against New York City, should bring an abrupt end to his global outreach in support of terror groups such as al-Qaida and ISIS.”
According to the indictment and documents filed in court, beginning in December 2016, FAISAL and an undercover NYPD officer based in New York began communicating remotely while the defendant was living in St. James, Jamaica. 
Since 2014, FAISAL, who was previously convicted in the U.K. of crimes related to inciting murder and using racially charged, hateful rhetoric in furtherance of terrorist ideologies, has publicly supported a terrorist organization known as the Islamic State, a/k/a “ISIS” or “ISIL”, and called for the establishment of an Islamic caliphate through violent acts encouraged by the defendant’s online lectures and militant propaganda. 
During their conversations, which occurred over email, text messages, and video chats, FAISAL encouraged the undercover officer to view his lectures online and began sending this person propagandist reports from an official Islamic State news outlet. After their initial exchanges, the defendant offered to help the undercover officer leave the U.S. and travel to the Middle East to support foreign fighters abroad. FAISAL also offered to connect this individual with contacts, cautioning the undercover officer to be circumspect about explicit references to the plan, employ coded language, and use an encrypted chat tool while communicating with FAISAL and his associates. 
In a subsequent conversation, the undercover officer informed the defendant that they were certified to perform first aid and CPR, and reiterated the undercover officer’s desire to go overseas to provide aid to foreign fighters in the Middle East. FAISAL then suggested that the undercover officer enter into a marriage with someone in the Islamic State to enable travel abroad, and offered to broker the arrangement. Members of the NYPD Intelligence Bureau, along with the undercover officer, then traveled to the Middle East and, upon their arrival, the defendant provided the undercover officer with contact information for an individual based in Raqqa, Syria. In early 2017, that individual contacted the undercover officer and began collecting information about this person’s location and whereabouts in order to facilitate entry into the Islamic State. 
[1] The charges contained in the indictment are merely allegations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. All factual recitations are derived from documents filed in court and statements made on the record in court.
Defendant Information:
St. James, Jamaica

  • Soliciting or Providing Support for an Act of Terrorism in the First Degree as a Crime of Terrorism, a class B violent felony, 1 count
  • Soliciting or Providing Support for an Act of Terrorism in the First Degree, a class C violent felony, 1 count
  • Attempted Soliciting or Providing Support for an Act of Terrorism in the First Degree as a Crime of Terrorism, a class C violent felony, 1 count
  • Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree as a Crime of Terrorism, a class D violent felony, 1 count
  • Attempted Soliciting or Providing Support for an Act of Terrorism in the Frist Degree, a class D violent felony, 1 count

Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj and CM Andrew Cohen Host 7th Annual "Welcome to the Neighborhood Weekend Walk"

4th Annual Music on the BLVD event

BP Ruben Diaz Jr. to Host Muslim School Holiday

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - September 13th 911 Memorial Ceremony

9/11 was an important part of American history since it was the first time in the 20th  Century that the United States Homeland was attacked. It is very important that this be taught in all schools so children born after 9/11 know what happened, and realize that the attacks were against their freedom which they enjoy today. 

September at KRVC