Friday, December 29, 2017


  Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill: I want to tell you about some of what we’ve put together for our New Year’s Eve celebrations. We want to let people know what they can expect as they brave the cold – and it’s certainly going to be cold our in Times Square – and any number of other areas where festivities are taking place around the five boroughs. In a minute, Mayor de Blasio is going to say a few words, and we have Bill Sweeney, the FBI’s assistant Director in Charge of the New York office, as well as our Chief of Counterterrorism Jimmy Waters, and Chief of Patrol Terry Monahan will go into some of the specifics about how we secure events of this size and scope. And then, we’ll take your questions. 

As we do every year, we began preparing for New Year’s Eve just after the final piece of confetti was cleaned up last January 1st. As you know, the men and women of the NYPD do an incredible job of planning for and securing large-scale events like this on a very regular basis. This is part of what we do. But nothing we do in our profession do we do alone. All throughout the year, we work closely with Bill’s people at the FBI and our Joint Terrorist Taskforce, as well as many other local, State, and federal agencies, including the ATF, the MTA, the Port Authority, and the State police. It’s those professional partnerships that always make our planning successful. All of this helps us to live on our primary mission of keeping people safe. We want to make sure that the approximately 2 million people who will converge in the vicinity on Times Square on Sunday night also feel safe.

Here in New York – and again, it’s always in conjunction with our law enforcement partners – we constantly monitor and asses the threat stream. It’s an around-the-clock task and a necessary one. We employ some of the best intelligence analysts who constantly decipher and share data with our partners – add to that the literally millions of pair of eyes and ears of vigilant New Yorkers who recognize and understand that to achieve true public safety it takes everyone doing their part. It’s definitely a shared responsibility. 

You’ve heard it before and it definitely bears repeating – that if something doesn’t look right to you, it makes you feel uncomfortable, call 9-1-1, or tell a cop and give us a chance to investigate. I can report at this time there are no direct, credible threats to New York City, to Times Square specifically, or to any of our New Year’s Eve events generally. Out of an abundance of caution, however, you’ll see a stronger police presence than we’ve seen even in recent years, and that’s prudent given the terror events we have seen and studied around the world, as well as the three incidents here in New York over the past 15 months, including the two attacks within six weeks of one another – on October 31st, along the West Side Highway; and on December 11th, inside the subway passage at 42nd Street and 8th Avenue. 

In the lead-up to this Sunday, we’ve been working closely in recent weeks with the Times Square Alliance and more than 600 businesses in the immediate area, and the dozens and dozens of hotels and other venues in Midtown Manhattan. We know from experience that the first spectators on Sunday will begin showing up early in the day. It seems that every year they get earlier and earlier. And in addition to those enjoying the live performances and the ball drop in Times Square, there will also be thousands of Broadway theater goers and thousands more enjoying private parties, concerts at bars, clubs, restaurants, and other spots around the City. By now, New Yorkers are used to seeing a large counter-terrorism presence employed at all major events since 9/11. And obviously, Midtown is going to be exceptionally crowded on Sunday. I urge anyone coming into the City to leave their cars at home and use public transportation. If you do drive, you can expect to see safety and DWI checkpoints. The bottom line is this, there will be much the public will see and much the public will not see. And the takeaway from our preparation is this, people will be safe and they should feel safe too, because the NYPD and our partners are well prepared. 

This is going to be one of the most well policed, best protected events at one of the safest venues in the entire world. We will ensure that New York City has yet another safe and enjoyable New Year’s Eve celebration as we do every year. 

Mayor Bill de Blasio: I want to commend you and your team for the exceptional preparations that you’ve made in anticipation for New Year’s Eve. A particular thanks to First Deputy Commissioner Ben Tucker, to Deputy Commissioner John Miller, and to Chief Jim Waters for all of the work they have done to get everyone ready for this crucial moment. And I want to acknowledge and thank our partner from the federal government, FBI Assistant Director in Charge Bill Sweeney, who has been a tremendous partner in all we do. 

I want to say at the outset, we’re going to talk about this topic and take questions on this and other police matters, and then we’re going to be talking about the property tax issue in light of the federal tax legislation. Just want to let everyone know there will be an update on that before we go into general off-topic questions. 

This event every year – New Year’s Eve – is one of the things that people all over the country, all over the world most associate with New York City. It’s a moment of great pride for New York City – a huge, joyous event. And literally people all over the world ring in the New Year through watching this event in Times Square, and they think of it as the ultimate expression of crossing over into a new year. That puts a huge responsibility on all of us to keep it safe. It’s a point of a pride for New York City. New York City is one of the few places in the world that could host an event like this and provide this level of security. It makes us very proud, but we’re also quite aware of the amount of work that has to go into it and the agility – the ability to constantly update our strategies and improve them as we get new information each year. So, the NYPD has done a great job preparing to protect the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people who will be coming to New Year’s Eve.

We understand why we are a target. Unfortunately, it’s a sad reality, but we understand it and, bluntly, it is because of our values as New Yorkers, because of our success as a pluralistic city. Terrorists regard New York as the exact kind of place they want to disrupt, and New Yorkers respond consistently with strength and resiliency. We saw it after the two attacks in the fall – people in this city handled it with great strength and in a very adorable way. As did the NYPD, and the NYPD proved once again its ability to handle and respond to any situation. We are clear that those characteristics – that strength, that resiliency, that unwillingness to ever bend in the face of threats – marks the character of New Yorkers and is something the City should be proud of as well, and that will again be on display. We are ready to have a great celebration. 

And I want to emphasize what you heard from the Commissioner – there are no credible and specific threats against New York City at this point in time, and no credible and specific threats against the New Year’s Eve celebrations. But we are still vigilant at all times. We are very proud of the fact that the NYPD this year proved its ability to achieve even greater results. We’re proud of being the safest big city in America. We’re proud of the fact that we’re getting even safer. This NYPD has managed to achieve that while facing an ever more complex terrorist threat. They’ve done both with tremendous ability and professionalism. We know there’s more work to be done, but we take heart from the fact that just in the last few months we had a very successful New York City Marathon, we had a very successful Macy’s Thanksgiving parade. These big events came off without a hitch because of exceptional planning and because of the use of exceptional resources to secure them, and that’s the exact model we’ll use again on New Year’s Eve.

We have put the patrol officers out in numbers we need for this situation. We’ve made very clear in the last few years that we will continue to use the number necessary to secure each situation, and, again, the vital cooperation with our federal partners has been crucial to ensuring that we’re ready in all ways. That being said, and the Commissioner said it so powerfully after the last incident, the NYPD is the best police force in the world, we have tremendous cooperation with our partners, but we must have the help of the people of this city to do everything we need to do. So, that phrase – if you see something, say something – that means something. You have to feel that phrase. Any one New Yorker can save countless lives by being vigilant and reporting information to the police. So, please, I want to urge everyone – help each other be safe. If you see something, make sure a police officer knows about it. 

Chief of Department Terence Monahan, NYPD: Planning for this event began January 1st. It’s been constantly adjusted and updated as events occurred in the city, in this country, and around the world. It’s been a tremendous effort on the part of Chief Billy Morris and Chief Jimmy Waters from Counter-terrorism and all their personnel assigned to Manhattan South and the Counter-terrorism Bureau to put together this plan to make sure that everyone that comes to Times Square that day can come and be ensured that they will be safe. 

So, as we move forward – 11 am, crosstown traffic will be shut from 37th Street to 59th Street, 6th to 8th Avenue. At that time, we’ll begin to seal off the entire bowtie area with concrete, a block of cars, and sand-trucks. Within that area, there are 125 parking garages. Each and every one of those parking garages will be closed and seals – cars will not be allowed to come in or to come out. There will be a truck restriction in place on 6th and 8th Avenues, starting at 11 am from 34th Street to 59th Street – no trucks will be allowed within that area. 

Once we’re into the zone, there are 12 access points for spectators to come in. Each one of those access points will have vapor wake dogs assigned there, and there will be heavy-weapon teams. Spectators will be walking through a checkpoint area where they will be checked. Bags will be checked and screened, there will be no large bags, no coolers, no umbrellas into the area. You’ll go through a magnetometer, so we’ll make sure there are no weapons. Once you go there and you process to the pens, you will again be screened a second time before you’re allowed to enter the pens. There will be heavy-weapon teams and dogs assigned throughout the entire viewing area. In addition, we will have our Emergency Service Unit working hand in hand with the FBI and Secret Service, and we will have observation teams with counter-sniper capabilities assigned throughout the entire viewing area. In addition, every hotel within the Times Square area will have uniformed officers assigned to those hotels, working hand in hand with the hotel securities. Our transit hubs – transit will be fully staffed that day. We will be conducting train inspections and bag screenings at locations throughout the city, not just in the Times Square area. Transit will also have dogs working throughout the transit system. Our aviation unit will have a ship up the entire night and it’ll be covering the entire Manhattan area. There will be at least one ship up at all times. 

In addition to the Times Square area, we have major details going on in Coney Island, and we have the Central Park Run. We will have heavy-weapon teams out in those locations and we will also have sand-trucks and blocker vehicles. There are numbers other events taking place throughout the City and we will also have coverage at them. Every precinct, housing, and transit facility throughout the City will be fully covered, and the commanding officers of each and every one of those units will be working that evening. Our highway units will be fully staffed, working the highways to deter any drunk driving. So, the message out there is, be responsible. Don’t get behind the wheel of a car after you’ve been drinking. This is a shared responsibility. Whether it’s in the Times Square area, or anywhere else around the City – as it’s been said before – if you see something, say something. There are going to be cops out throughout the City, in Times Square and everywhere else in the City. Do not hesitate to go up to a cop if there’s something that makes you feel uncomfortable, and let us investigate it. That’s what we’re here for. 

With all of this done, I can really say that this should be a very safe and happy new year for everyone. 

Chief of Counterterrorism James Waters, NYPD: As the Mayor and Police Commissioner have already said, there’s no specific or credible threats to the New Year’s Eve event. We are aware of the propaganda that has been disseminated by ISIS and its affiliates. We follow the attacks that occur around the world, our analysts are at work each and every day looking at those attacks and analyzing them. They inform our training and our deployments. We are conducting executive meetings today with personnel that will be assigned to the detail. So, all the executives, captains, and above are downstairs in a training informational session right now with people from Operations, Manhattan South, and Counter-terrorism and Intelligence Bureaus.

In addition to that, as a result of the events of December 11th, we have prepared a tactical bulletin – a response to suicide bombers that will be disseminated to the police officers starting tomorrow in preparation of Sunday’s events. These will be some instructions and some level of training. We also prepared a training video that they’ll be able to see. And with the latest of technology, they’ll be able to review both the tactical bulletin as well as the video on their Department phones. You will see an increase in heavy weapons, bomb-squad personnel, radiological detection teams, and our technology to include over 1,000 cameras in an around the area of Times Square for the event. 

So, very briefly, I’ll take you through a quick visual of what one would see if they were to come to the event. On Sunday night, as they access one of the access-block points – they will first walk past the Sanitation sand-trucks and NYPD blocker vehicles that will be positioned at the intersection of 6th of 8th Avenue, as well as they will see some NYPD cement block out there. They’ll walk past a vapor wake dog, which works off of the air displacement off one’s body. And so, those dogs will be deployed at all those access points. They will go through a magnetometer, or they’ll be wanded for weapons, and, at some point, they will come to a table where they will have their bags inspected. In some cases, we will randomly take those bags and swipe the handles with explosive detection equipment, followed up and supported by the Critical Response Command or the Strategic Response Group heavy weapons teams at all locations. They will then proceed onto the pens, where this process will be repeated a second time as they enter the pens. They will again be wanded. They will walk past another dog. There’s radiological detection equipment on all of the officer’s gun belts. And then they will proceed into the pens, all with an overwatch from not only the observation teams of emergency service, but the Critical Response Command and the Strategic Response Group long gun teams.

Thursday, December 28, 2017


  10-year waiver for Catskill and Delaware water supplies acknowledges high quality of NYC water and supports affordability; NYC one of only four large U.S. cities with waiver; DEP to commit $1 billion over next decade to continue watershed protection efforts

  The New York City Department of Environmental Protection today announced that it received a 10-year waiver to continue delivering unfiltered drinking water from its Catskill and Delaware water supply systems. The waiver, known as a Filtration Avoidance Determination (FAD), was released today by the New York State Department of Health (DOH). The City will commit an estimated $1 billion over the next decade to comply with the FAD by administering programs that protect the upstate reservoirs and the vast watershed lands that surround them.

“This confirms what every New Yorker knows: we have some of the cleanest and best tap water in the world,” said Mayor de Blasio. “I would like to thank the 6,000 city employees who made this possible by working tirelessly to operate, maintain and protect our water sources.”

“The renewal of our filtration waiver underscores that New York City has some of the highest quality and best protected drinking water in the world,” DEP Commissioner Vincent Sapienza said. “But protecting our water at its source in the Catskill Mountains does not happen by accident. The programs outlined in the FAD are based on decades of scientific research and investment. Since the City received its first filtration waiver in the early 1990s we have protected open space around our reservoirs, invested in wastewater upgrades, forged partnerships with watershed farmers, and focused considerable attention on the forests, streams and wetlands that comprise the natural infrastructure of our water supply. Importantly, none of this work could succeed without the vital local partners who administer our watershed protection programs. New Yorkers owe their gratitude to the nonprofits, government agencies and other watershed-based partners who carry out this work as we push toward the common goal of protecting the largest municipal water supply in the United States.”

“New York City tap water is safe, healthy, and delicious,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett. “The City’s maintenance of our water supply earns it the moniker ‘the champagne of tap water’ and ‘the healthiest thirst quencher.’”

Over the past 25 years, the City’s watershed protection programs have been praised as a worldwide model for protecting the quality of drinking water at its source. These efforts, paired with a robust program of water quality testing and infrastructure improvements, have allowed the City to avoid the construction of a costly filtration plant for its Catskill and Delaware supplies. Such a facility is estimated to cost more than $10 billion to construct, upwards of $100 million to operate each year, and would be the largest public works project in the history of the City.

New York City’s water supply is comprised of three distinct systems – Croton, Catskill and Delaware. Their reservoirs work in concert to meet the demand of 8.5 million consumers in the five boroughs of New York City, and another 1 million people in four counties north of the City. The system delivers about 1.1 billion gallons of water each day.

The Catskill and Delaware systems comprise the largest unfiltered water supply in the United States, delivering about 90 percent of New York City’s water on a typical day. Millions of laboratory tests in the City and the watershed show that water from these two systems continues to meet the stringent criteria to avoid filtration. The Croton System became a filtered supply in 2015. It supplies about 10 percent of the City’s water.

For decades the City has implemented a strategy of source-water protection to maintain the high quality of water in its reservoirs. The science-based programs in the FAD are rooted in the premise that it is most cost effective and environmentally sound to protect the quality of water at its natural source. DEP’s programs in the watershed have become a national and international model for protecting water at its source. Each year, water utility managers and public health professionals come from around the globe to study the City’s watershed programs. This year alone DEP has welcomed visitors from Australia, Chile, China, Colombia, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom and others that aimed to solve water-quality challenges by replicating part of New York City’s protection programs.

A key element of New York City’s success in watershed protection has been the development of strong relationships with watershed communities, locally based organizations, environmental groups, and federal, state and local government agencies. While the watershed protection programs are fully funded by City water rate payers, most of them are administered by watershed-based entities that partner with DEP to protect the water supply from environmental degradation or potential sources of contamination.

Including the new FAD, the City has committed more than $2.7 billion toward its watershed protection programs since 1993, when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency first issued the City a waiver from the federal requirement to filter tap water that comes from surface sources such as reservoirs. A 1997 memorandum of agreement allowed the City to move ahead with three central components of source-water protection: acquisition of vacant land in the watershed to minimize pollution resulting from widespread development in areas near reservoirs and the streams that feed them; regulatory controls over new development to ensure building projects were protective of water quality; and a series of City-funded partnership programs to address existing and potential sources of water pollution. This multi-pronged approach has provided flexibility to counter evolving threats such as climate change, and the agility to reallocate resources after large storms or to meet other unforeseen needs. 

DEP’s source-water protection initiatives and achievements have included:

·  DEP has administered a successful land acquisition program that has preserved 147,221 acres of land through fee-simple purchases or conservation easements since 1997. These lands are purchased at fair-market value, and only from willing sellers. In addition, the City already owned nearly 45,000 acres of land surrounding its reservoirs, the State of New York owns and permanently protects 210,000 acres as parkland or forestland, and other entities own and protect nearly 25,000 acres as parkland or forestland. Nearly 40 percent of the watershed is now preserved as open space.

·  The nonprofit Watershed Agricultural Council, one of the City’s watershed partners, has completed more than 450 “whole farm” plans that incorporate pollution prevention into the business operations of local farms. Those plans have included the installation of more than 7,400 best management practices to control runoff from farms and minimized the amount of nutrients entering local water bodies.

·  DEP has completed upgrades on all private and public wastewater treatment plants in the Catskill-Delaware watershed, including upgrades to five City-owned treatment plants and dozens not owned by the City.

·  The Catskill Watershed Corporation (CWC), another key partner organization funded by the City, has invested in the repair of failing septic systems across the watershed, with more than 5,000 repairs completed to date. CWC also works with communities to construct stormwater controls that protect water quality.

· DEP has implemented a comprehensive stream management program to restore the natural stability and flood resiliency of streams that feed the reservoir system. To date, the program has funded 364 project to restore stream stability and streamside vegetation along 41.2 miles of waterways in the Catskills.

·  DEP developed a comprehensive plan to manage the forests on City-owned lands, which act as nature’s filter by soaking up nutrients and preventing erosion.

·  DEP administers a regulatory program to review and approve new development proposals in the watershed. All proposals must comply with standards designed to protect watershed streams and reservoirs, especially as they relate to wastewater and stormwater. Over the past 20 years DEP has reviewed more than 20,000 applications, approving 99.95 percent of them.

·  DEP maintains a robust water-quality monitoring program that tests New York City’s drinking water at more than 475 sites in the watershed and from approximately 1,000 street-side sampling stations in the five boroughs. Scientists collect about 52,000 samples each year, and perform nearly 640,000 analyses on those samples. In addition, a growing network of robotic monitoring equipment measured the City’s water quality about 1.2 million times each year. These laboratory tests ensure the City’s water meets and exceeds all regulations, and they also provide data to show the success of DEP’s watershed protection efforts over time.

·    DEP has worked in partnership with local communities to identify and invest in projects that mitigate flooding in watershed communities. These projects, which protect water quality by minimizing the amount of debris that gets washed into streams during floods, have included the rightsizing of infrastructure such as bridges and culverts, and the relocation of key community facilities to lands that are outside of floodplains.

·   Balancing the goals of watershed protection with the needs of the region, DEP has also opened 135,000 acres of City-owned property for recreation throughout the watershed. These lands and waters are open for fishing, hiking and other forms of low-impact recreation that support the tourism and outdoor recreation economies of the region.

·    CWC also administers the Catskills Fund for the Future, which was established with money from the City. The local development fund provides grants and low-interest loans to support watershed businesses for job growth and retention. The fund has yielded approximately $90 million in direct and leveraged investments in the Catskills, creating or retaining more than 4,900 jobs.

The new FAD issued by DOH today requires the City to continue these core programs. It also requires some new or additional investments in the years ahead. They include:

· Expanding the small-business septic program in the west-of-Hudson watershed.
·    Expediting the development of a community wastewater facility for the hamlet of Shokan near Ashokan Reservoir.
·  The implementation of additional best-management practices on watershed farms.
· Protecting additional streamside lands through the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program and the Streamside Acquisition Program.
·  The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine will assemble a panel of experts to review New York City’s source water protection programs. The expert panel is expected to begin its work in 2018. 

More information about the FAD can be found on the DOH website at the following address:

More information about New York City’s watershed protection programs can be found:

The FAD applies to New York City’s six large reservoirs in the Catskill Mountains – Ashokan, Schoharie, Rondout, Neversink, Pepacton and Cannonsville – which deliver their water to the City through two large aqueducts. Some FAD programs also apply to a handful of reservoirs east of the Hudson River – including Cross River, Croton Falls, Hillview, Kensico and West Branch. Some of these reservoirs receive water from the Catskills and convey it as part of the unfiltered supply, or they have infrastructure that can pump water into the unfiltered supply during times of drought.

DEP manages New York City’s water supply, providing more than 1 billion gallons of high-quality water each day to more than 9.5 million New Yorkers. This includes more than 70 upstate communities and institutions in Ulster, Orange, Putnam and Westchester counties who consume an average of 110 million total gallons of drinking water daily from New York City’s water supply system. This water comes from the Catskill, Delaware, and Croton watersheds that extend more than 125 miles from the City, and the system comprises 19 reservoirs, three controlled lakes, and numerous tunnels and aqueducts. DEP has nearly 6,000 employees, including almost 1,000 scientists, engineers, surveyors, watershed maintainers and other professionals in the watershed. In addition to its $70 million payroll and $166 million in annual taxes paid in upstate counties, DEP has invested more than $1.7 billion in watershed protection programs—including partnership organizations such as the Catskill Watershed Corporation and the Watershed Agricultural Council—that support sustainable farming practices, environmentally sensitive economic development, and local economic opportunity. In addition, DEP has a robust capital program with a planned $20.7 billion in investments planned for the next 10 years that will create up to 3,000 construction-related jobs per year. For more information, visit, like us on Facebook at, or follow us on Twitter at

 Having been a member of the Jerome Park Reservoir Citizen's Advisory Committee in the mid 1990's when the Jerome Park Reservoir was the proposed site for the Croton Water Filtration Plant it was said by the consultant for the DEP that in the future all three water systems would have to be filtered at one point. Since the DEP consultant said that the NYC Catskill/Delaware system would be filtered at the Hillview Reservoir, and for the rest of the Catskill system the Kensico Dam would be used to filter the second water system. The Jerome Park Reservoir was divided at a cost of One Hundred million dollars to prepare for a water filtration plant that had to be built in the Bronx. It was never built in the Jerome Park Reservoir, but at a total cost of over Three Billion dollars in Van Cortland Park.  

 The Hillview Reservoir in Yonkers which supplies water from the Catskill water system was also divided after the Jerome Park Reservoir was divided in preparation for a filtration plant to be built in the Hillview Reservoir. It appears that  the plans for the Hillview Water Filtration Plant have been pushed back ten years again. With the continued population growth around the reservoirs it is only a matter of time when the other two water supply systems will have to be filtered.  


De Blasio administration dramatically reduces the number of people in detention, while keeping crime at historic lows, as the jail population is on target to match monthly average daily population in 1982

  Mayor de Blasio today announced the New York City jail population has fallen below 9,000, and the City is on track for a monthly jail population below 9,000 for the first time in more than three decades. With just a few days left in the month, the average daily population for December is 8,980, and today's population is 8,783. 

"Today, New York City has the lowest incarceration rate of all large U.S. cities and crime rates continue to fall, proving that a large city can have small jails and safe communities," said Mayor de Blasio. "We've been carrying out a multi-pronged effort over the course of my first term to shrink our jail population, and today we see the results: a jail population lower than it's been in 35 years."

“This historic announcement of this massive jail population reduction is a milestone in our path to closing Rikers Island. This milestone will help advance our progress in closing Rikers even sooner than we anticipated. From the lowest crime rate our City has seen in years to this momentous drop in the jail population to the Council’s Criminal Justice Reform Act, our efforts to make our city more just and secure are delivering results. I thank Mayor de Blasio for his collaboration in establishing a fairer and safer criminal justice system,” said Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.

Elizabeth Glazer, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice said, “The historic reduction of the jail population is the result of many simultaneous efforts aimed at both reducing the number of low risk people who enter our jails and shortening the length of stay. Reducing the jail population is a piece of the seismic changes taking place in New York City to ensure a smaller, safer and fairer justice system. We are grateful to our partners inside and outside government and to every New Yorker whose ideas and work continue to push our work forward.” 

“This is a great step forward in our efforts to reduce population and close Rikers Island. We’re well on our way towards moving into smaller, borough-based facilities that will be safer, easier for visitors to access, and save the city millions in transportation and upkeep costs. In the meantime, we remain committed to the internal reforms that are protecting staff and inmates each day, and providing real opportunities for inmates to engage in programs that help build life and job skills. None of this would be possible without the efforts of our correction officers, who have been tasked with implementing these reforms and risen to that challenge magnificently,” said Department of Correction Commissioner Cynthia Brann.

In March, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the City’s plan to close Rikers and replace it with a borough-based jail system that is smaller, safer and fairer. Achieving that goal will require the census be reduced to 5,000. The current jail population is down 58 percent from its peak of 21,674 in 1991 and has fallen more than 20 percent since Mayor de Blasio took office. Additionally, the jail population has fallen about 5 percent (roughly 400 beds) compared to this time last year. The reduction of the jail population is driven by a number of factors including reduced crime and greatly expanded alternatives to incarceration. Fewer people are entering jail because:

·   Crime continues to fall. As of December 24, there have been 284 homicides, 774 shootings, and 11,827 burglaries citywide. Compared to the same time period in 2013 this represents a 14 percent decrease in homicides, a 28 percent decrease in shootings, and a 30 percent decrease in burglaries.

· Jail is increasingly reserved for serious crime. Arrests for low-level crimes continue to fall: misdemeanor arrests are down 29 percent in the last 4 years. And the number of jail admissions for misdemeanor detainees has dropped by 25 percent since 2014, indicating we are getting closer to the goal of reserving jail for those who pose a risk.

·  For the first time in city history, we now have a citywide alternative to bail program – supervised release – that has diverted over 6,000 people from jail since launching in 2016. Funded in part by the District Attorney of Manhattan’s office, supervised release allows judges to assign eligible, lower-risk defendants to a supervisory program that enables them to remain at home with their families and continue working while awaiting trial. The program has helped to reduce the number of people in jail on bail of $2000 and under by 36 percent in the last four years. 

·   The City has brought 120 additional supportive housing beds online, which are nearly filled. The evidence-driven program is based on models that reduced jail admissions by 36 percent.

·  The City continues to introduce and expand diversion programs designed to help people access services and to prevent future reoffending, including $30 million in new initiatives announced in June to accelerate safe reductions to the number of people in jail. 

For those who do enter jail, every part of the criminal justice system is now working together to reduce how long people are detained by shortening case processing times. Since the start of Justice Reboot, a partnership between the Mayor’s Office and the State courts that brings every part of the criminal justice system together to resolve issues driving case delay, there has been a 49 percent reduction in the number of cases pending for 3 years or longer, from 307 cases to 156 cases citywide (a reduction of 151 cases). Additionally, there has been a 22 percent reduction in the number of cases pending for 2 years or longer, from 923 cases to 717 cases citywide (a reduction of 206 cases).

While the City works to reduce safely the number of people in jail and eventually close Rikers Island, broad work is underway now to ensure conditions on the Island are as safe and humane as possible. In late 2015, the de Blasio administration began a series of sweeping reforms that included programs for individuals in custody, increasing security camera coverage, training officers in de-escalation techniques, new safety equipment and protective gear, and creating a classification and housing strategy for individuals in custody. The reforms have not only resulted in a drop in our jail population, but also a 65 percent drop in assaults on staff with serious injury and a 53 percent drop in uses of force with serious injury since 2014.

The announcement today marks a major milestone in the City’s work to close Rikers Island and replace it with a smaller, safer and fairer justice system. Progress is happening every day. The complete Roadmap, along with real-time updates and opportunities to get involved, is available at

Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark said, “These numbers are very heartening and show the progress we have achieved in making Rikers Island safer. Through our presence on the Island with our Rikers Island Prosecution Bureau to our diversion programs and our support of bail reform, my Office has worked hard to reduce the jail population. By continuing to better train Correction Officers and prosecute those who commit acts of jailhouse violence, this decline will only continue and restore our community’s faith in the criminal justice system.”

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Before you read this 'You Should Know' that on this date Ruben Diaz Sr. will no longer be a State Senator, but he will be a New York City Councilman. Every phrase State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr. is to be corrected to NYC Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. as of January 1, 2018.

On Saturday, January 6th, 2018, State Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, together with the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization, Radio Vision Cristiana International, Radio Cantico Nuevo, Assembly Members Marcos Crespo, Luis Sepulveda, Councilmember Rafael Salamanca and different community organizations, will be celebrating the visit of the Three Kings to Bronx County.   

“During these activities, the first 500 children between the ages of 1- 10 years old, will receive a toy and a book bag with school supplies. Live music and entertainment will also be provided for the children,” stated Senator Díaz. 
The Three Kings Day visit to the Bronx “a traditional Hispanic cultural celebration, will take place onSaturday, January 6, 2018, at 12:00 pm, in Public School Mott Hall V located at 1551 East 172nd Street (Between Ward & Manor Ave). 

Note: Children must be present in order to receive a free toy. 
For more information, please contact Ms. Leila Martinez, Senator Diaz’s Director of Operations at 718-991-3161. 

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - Opportunity to Showcase Your Company/Organization or Make Nominations

Opportunity to Showcase Your Company/Organization or Make a Nomination 
Members and Friends of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce are requested to nominate companies or organizations to receive Special Recognition and Distinguished Awards at the 2018 Bronx Business Awards Gala Celebration. Members are eligible to nominate themselves for applicable categories. Following are 6 award categories that will presented.
  • Developer of the Year
  • MWBE Company of the Year
  • Non-Profit Organization of the Year
  • Health Provider of the Year
  • Institutional Member of the Year
  • Made in The Bronx Award of the Year
In addition, nominations are also requested for the Celebrity Guest and Master of Ceremonies.

To process your nominations, please forward name, contact information and biography up to 150 words for each nominee before January 15, 2018 to Nunzio Del Greco, President and CEO via email: 

The distinguished awards will be presented at the 2018 Bronx Business Awards Gala Celebration scheduled for Wednesday,April 18, 2018 at the elegant Marina del Rey Caterers, 1 Marina Drive, Bronx New York 10465.

Response and participation for the re-branded Gala and awards in 2017 was amazing. Multiple nominations were received for each award category. The committee had a difficult task. However, following are the distinguished award recipients recognized at the 2017 Bronx Business Awards Gala Celebration:
Developer of the Year...............................Red Apple Group, Inc.
MWBE Company of the Year.....................Ensign Engineering, P.C.
Non-Profit of the Year..............................The Woodlawn Cemetery
Health Provider of the Year......................Montefiore Medical Center
Institutional Member of the Year...............Ridgewood Savings Bank
Made in the Bronx Award of the Year........Metro Optics Eyewear
Founded 1894, the Bronx Chamber of Commerce is one of the most influential, professional, successful organizations and voice for over 30,000 businesses in Bronx County. Professionals and companies are drawn to the successful companies and active members affiliated with The Bronx Chamber of Commerce. Membership includes businesses ranging from large corporations, Cultural Institutions, Universities and Colleges, Hospitals and Medical Centers, non-profits, and mid-sized to small companies.

Helping you grow your Bronx Business is our Goal!
Nunzio Del Greco
President and CEO
Bronx Chamber of Commerce
"You never know where your next big deal is going to come from"!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Kaleil Tuzman, Former Chairman And Ceo Of Technology Start-Up Company Kit Digital, And Omar Amanat Found Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court Of Securities Fraud Related Offenses

  Joon H. Kim, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that KALEIL ISAZA TUZMAN, the former chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer of the technology start-up company KIT digital (“KITD”), and OMAR AMANAT, an associate of Tuzman’s, were found guilty this afternoon in Manhattan federal court of various securities fraud-related offenses, after a six-week trial presided over by U.S District Judge Paul G. Gardephe. 

Acting Manhattan U.S. Attorney Joon H. Kim said:  “Today, after a six-week trial, a New York jury convicted Kaleil Tuzman and Omar Amanat of securities and accounting fraud.  Kaleil Isaza Tuzman built the company named after himself, Kit Digital, on a foundation of lies, working with his co-defendant Omar Amanat to defraud investors out of millions of dollars through years of deceit.  The evidence of their criminal schemes was so overwhelming that Amanat actually tried to fool the jury by introducing fake emails into the record as exculpatory ‘evidence’ in this trial.  Unfortunately for Tuzman and Amanat, the jury saw through their tangled web of lies, convicting them on all counts.  Today, Tuzman and Amanat’s lies finally caught up to them, and they now must face what they have been desperately seeking to evade for years – justice.”    

According to the Indictment and other filings in Manhattan federal court and the evidence presented at trial:

The Scheme to Defraud Maiden Capital Investors

Stephen Maiden was the managing member of Maiden Capital, an unregistered investment advisory firm that managed portfolios of securities.  Between in or about February 2009 and in or about June 2012, AMANAT, along with Maiden and others, devised and carried out a scheme to hide the fact that investments by Maiden Capital clients in Enable, an investment vehicle for which AMANAT raised money (based, in part, on false and misleading representations), had been lost.  To facilitate the scheme, Maiden, with the knowledge and approval of AMANAT, generated fictitious client account statements that failed to disclose the Enable losses.  In addition, AMANAT wired hundreds of thousands of dollars to a Maiden Capital bank account to support Maiden Capital, including to allow Maiden to repay investors whose redemption requests could not be forestalled and thus to continue to keep secret from Maiden Capital investors the Enable losses for over three years.

Evidence at trial also revealed that AMANAT produced to the Government and entered into evidence at trial email communications that had been fabricated.  After two evidentiary hearings into the issue, the Court allowed the Government to present to the jury evidence of AMANAT’s use of false and fabricated email evidence during the trial.

After the verdict, Judge Gardephe revoked AMANAT’s bail and ordered him remanded into custody, citing numerous factors, including that “substantial evidence was introduced at trial that Mr. Amanat fabricated emails” showing “disdain for the court” and its procedures.

The Market Manipulation Scheme

Between in or about December 2008 and in or about September 2011, TUZMAN, Maiden, and AMANAT engaged in efforts to artificially inflate the share price and trading volume of KITD shares.  During this time period, during which KITD shares traded on the OTC Bulletin Board and on the NASDAQ, Maiden, at TUZMAN’s and AMANAT’s behest, purchased and sold shares of KITD through Maiden Capital, at times for the purpose of manipulating the stock price and at times for the purpose of creating the illusion of greater volume in the trading for KITD shares. 

For instance, Maiden, with TUZMAN’s knowledge and approval, frequently engaged in match trading in which Maiden caused an account under Maiden’s control to buy or sell KITD stock, and on the same day caused an account under Maiden’s control to take the opposite position.  TUZMAN also directed Maiden to make timely purchases of KITD stock in an effort to manipulate the price of KITD shares at certain critical moments, including, for example, when KITD was seeking to raise additional capital and in the weeks before KITD’s stock began trading on the NASDAQ.  At times, Maiden was responsible for nearly all of the day’s trading activity in KITD stock.

Over the course of the scheme, TUZMAN caused KITD to invest approximately $1,150,000 in company cash in Maiden Capital but failed to disclose to KITD shareholders that these investments with Maiden Capital were not part of an arms-length relationship.  Instead, TUZMAN portrayed these investments as efforts to safely invest assets of KITD.  In reality, TUZMAN caused KITD to make these investments in order to help fund Maiden’s purchases of KITD shares, as part of the effort to manipulate the market described above.  And, on one occasion, TUZMAN caused KITD to invest $250,000 in Maiden Capital so that Maiden could reimburse TUZMAN for a prior, personal investment that TUZMAN made with Maiden Capital, thereby using KITD as his personal bank.   

The Accounting Fraud Scheme

From at least in or about 2010 through in or about 2012, TUZMAN, along with Robin Smyth, KITD’s former CFO, Gaven Campion, KITD’s former president,[1] and others, engaged in an illegal scheme to deceive KITD shareholders, members of the investing public, KITD’s independent auditors, and others concerning KITD’s true operating performance and financial results. 

TUZMAN, working with others, including Smyth and Campion, devised and executed a scheme to inflate KITD’s revenue falsely.  This scheme involved two principal methods: (a) the improper recognition of revenue from so-called “perpetual license” contracts for KITD software (contracts that gave the purchasing customer the right to use the licensed software indefinitely), and (b) the execution of fraudulent “round-trip” transactions that had the effect of using KITD’s own cash, rather than payments received from customers, to pay off bills, known as accounts receivable, that were due and owed to KITD, including those resulting from KITD’s improper revenue recognition practices, rather than disclose to KITD’s auditors and the investing public the fact that the bills were uncollectible or, in some cases, had resulted from fabricated contracts.  These fraudulent practices caused KITD to materially overstate its reported revenue, which had the effect of materially overstating KITD’s net income and earnings on its annual and quarterly financial reports issued from the fiscal quarter ending June 30, 2010, through the fiscal quarter ending March 31, 2012.

TUZMAN, 45, was found guilty of one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud with respect to the market manipulation scheme.  For the accounting fraud scheme, TUZMAN was found guilty of one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud, make false statements in annual and quarterly SEC reports, and make false statements to auditors.  The Counts of which TUZMAN was convicted carry a combined maximum term of imprisonment of 30 years, which includes five years each on the conspiracies to commit securities fraud and 20 years on the conspiracy to commit wire fraud.

AMANAT, 44, was found guilty of one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, one count of wire fraud, one count of aiding and abetting investment advisor fraud, and one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud, all in relation to the market manipulation scheme.  The Counts of which AMANAT was convicted carry a combined maximum term of imprisonment of 50 years, which includes five years each on the conspiracies to commit securities fraud and aiding and abetting investment advisor fraud and 20 years each on the conspiracy to commit wire fraud and wire fraud counts.

The maximum penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencings of the defendants will be determined by the Court.

AMANAT is scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Gardephe on April 25, 2018, at 12:30 p.m.  TUZMAN is scheduled to be sentenced by Judge Gardephe on April 26, 2018, at 12:30 p.m.

Mr. Kim praised the investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.  He also thanked the SEC for its assistance. 

[1] Maiden, Smyth, and Campion have pled guilty to various offenses for their roles in the schemes and cooperated with the Government.

A.G. Schneiderman Seeks Criminal & Civil Contempt Charges Against Phony Lawyer Scamming New York Immigrants

Vincent Gonzalez, Operating Under “God-Man Society Club Inc” in the Bronx, Allegedly Violated Court Order – Defrauding Immigrants in at Least 527 Court Appearances Since 2010 
AG Seeks Millions in Penalties, Fines, and Restitution, as well as Jail Time for Gonzalez
  New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman filed for a criminal and civil contempt order against Vincent Gonzalez, alleging that Gonzalez has violated a 2010 court order and continued to provide legal advice and immigration services to the Latino immigrant community, defrauding immigrants out of legal fees in at least 527 court appearances since 2010. Gonzalez now faces millions in penalties, fines, and restitution, as well as imprisonment for contempt of court.
“It’s unconscionable that a scammer would prey on immigrants in order to make a quick buck – and it’s even more egregious to continue to do so in violation of a court order,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. “With fear on the rise in communities across the state, my office won’t hesitate to use all tools at our disposal to bring to justice those who try to defraud New York’s immigrant families.”
In 2010, following an investigation that found that Gonzalez had been providing phony immigration services, the Attorney General’s Civil Rights Bureau secured a court order and judgment in New York Supreme Court against Gonzalez and his company, Immigration Community Service Corporation, permanently enjoining him from engaging in fraudulent and illegal practices, the businesses of providing immigration services, and the unauthorized practice of law. Gonzalez was also directed to pay two civil penalties of $4,275,000 and $1,845,000 each; $127,635 in restitution and compensatory damages to individuals harmed by his illegal conduct; and the costs of the judicial proceeding.
However, beginning in 2015, the Attorney General’s office received complaints alleging that Mr. Gonzalez once again was representing himself as an immigration attorney, providing immigrants with legal advice without proper legal authorization, and promising to perform other legal services in connection with criminal and immigration cases. According to the complaints, Mr. Gonzalez was operating under the company name “God-Man Society Club Inc.” (“GMSC”), located at 930 Grand Concourse in the Bronx.  
The Civil Rights Bureau initiated an investigation, which found that GMSC’s website ( openly offered legal services – boasting “since being established in 2001, we have provided the Bronx and surrounding area with reliable immigration, criminal and civil law services. We offer a high-success rate and we promise to do our job to the best of our ability.”  
As alleged in filings with the court, the Attorney General’s office conducted two undercover operations showing that Gonzalez had continued to provide legal advice and immigration services to individuals in violation of the court’s 2010 order and judgment. Moreover, the Attorney General’s office received information from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services confirming that Gonzalez has filed a Notice of Appearance as Attorney or Representative in at least 527 immigration matters since the 2010 order and judgment.
The court filings further allege that Gonzalez told one victim that he was an attorney who could provide immigration-related services and assist in a pending criminal case. Gonzalez told the victim that he would charge $1,500 as an investigation fee; $5,000 as an initial retainer and another $8,000 to complete the criminal case; and an additional $3,000 for bail if the victim were to be arrested. After paying $650 toward the investigation fee, the victim became skeptical of Gonzalez’s ability to represent him and the reasonableness of the costs, and stopped communicating with Gonzalez.
Despite the court order and judgment, Gonzalez has allegedly continued to represent himself as an immigration attorney and seek payments for immigration services, while failing to make any payments toward the restitution, civil penalty and court costs.
Today, Attorney General Schneiderman filed for a criminal and civil contempt order against Gonzalez in New York County Supreme Court seeking full payment of the prior judgments, plus jail time and a substantial fine be imposed for each day that Gonzalez engaged in contemptuous conduct. Gonzalez faces a maximum incarceration sentence of six months for the civil contempt charges and 30 days for the criminal contempt charges. In addition to paying the millions in judgments already owed, Gonzalez also faces up to a $1,000 fine per day for each day he’s judged to be in criminal contempt, and a maximum fine of the Attorney General’s costs and expenses plus $250 if he’s found to be in civil contempt.
The charges are merely accusations and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.
If you feel you have been a victim of this type of crime, please contact the Attorney General’s Immigration Services Fraud Unit Hotline at (866) 390-2992 or email The Attorney General’s office will never ask for your immigration status or share immigration information with federal authorities if you contact the hotline.
Attorneys must be licensed in the State of New York by the New York State Unified Court System, Office of Court Administration. If possible, before meeting or retaining an attorney, consumers should confirm his or her license on the OCA website:
Attorney General Schneiderman also reminds immigrant communities of the New York resources available to those seeking immigration and naturalization-related support. Managed by Catholic Charities Community Services, the New Americans hotline is a toll-free, multi-lingual hotline that provides live assistance in receiving immigration and naturalization information and referrals, regardless of citizenship or documented status. All calls to the hotline are confidential and anonymous. Call 1-800-566-7636 (toll-free) anytime between 9:00am to 8:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Attorney General Schneiderman’s guidance on avoiding immigration scams is available here: