Friday, February 16, 2018


  Today on the steps of City Hall in Manhattan, New York City Council Member Jumaane D. Williams declared his candidacy for the office of Lieutenant Governor of New York State. The announcement was made at a large rally attended by elected officials, activists, and community members in support of the Council Member's bid for the position.

Williams, a progressive Democrat who is currently serving his third term in the New York City Council, announced last month that he would explore a run for the position. Since then, he has visited a number of cities around the state, meeting with local activists and progressive organizations. He cited the energy and response that he has seen around the state as one of the reasons for his decision to formally enter the race.

"Today, I am proud to announce that I am running to become the Lieutenant Governor of the State of New York," said Williams in his announcement speech before a crowd of nearly 100 community members. "The Lieutenant Governor position needs to be more than ribbon cutting and rubber stamping. I want to be the people's advocate in Albany, pushing the Governor and the legislature to enact the progressive policies that are the promise of our state. I want to represent the diverse needs of the people of our state-- and by the way, our state government could use some diversity."

Council Member Williams represents a challenge to the present administration from the left. He has long been a critic of Governor Cuomo and other officials who he says "put on a progressive cloak" when it is politically expedient and "test the political winds" rather than acting on their core beliefs. In announcing his candidacy, Williams argued that the Capitol needs people who will help to "create those political winds."

"Since I announced a month ago, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, that I was considering this effort, I've received an outpouring of support, both here in the city and across the state- from activists, elected officials, and everyday New Yorkers yearning for progressive change," Williams added. "Now I know that this race will be challenging, but I've never been one who backs down from a challenge- in fact, I seem to go looking for them.

"I believe that no matter who the Governor is, we're going to need a person who will be the people's Lieutenant Governor, always pushing forward. And I believe that I am that person."

Several of Williams' initial endorsers spoke out on his behalf at the announcement event, including State Senator Kevin ParkerCouncil Members Daneek Miller and Antonio Reynoso, and activists including Anthonine PierreKirsten Foy, and Eddie Kay

In his eight years as a member of the New York City Council, Williams has been a fierce advocate for affordable housing and tenant protections. Referring to himself as an "activist elected official," he has passed a robust and diverse portfolio of legislation, including landmark legislation in police reform and worker safety, and helped to create anti-gun violence programs which have led New York City to its lowest crime rates in decades. Williams was recently re-elected to a third term representing the 45th District in the City Council, earning 96% percent of the vote.

In New York State, candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor run separately in the primary, with the winners of each party's nomination forming a joint ticket for the general election. Incumbent Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul has indicated that she plans to run for reelection, but has not yet made a formal announcement.

Williams concluded his announcement by stating, "Now today, I've talked a lot about myself- my campaign, my candidacy. But the truth is, every gain I've made has been because of the people behind me, the people who had my back. Do what you can, with what you have, for as many people as you have the privilege of serving, for as long you can  And together, we can do a whole lot. It's not me, it's us. Together. Together, we can prove that activist energy can overcome establishment money Together, we can reject the politics of cautious inaction. Together we can amplify the voices of all those who aren't being heard in New York. Together, we can renew focus on our most basic principles of justice, and equity. Together, we can win this campaign to bring true progressivism to the Capitol.

"It's Time. Let's Go."

PAID FOR BY JUMAANE 2017, P.O. Box 100323, Brooklyn, NY 11210


It intrigues us that the bottom line states "Paid for by Jumaane 2017. We have sent a e-mail request to the Williams for Lt. Governor campaign for an explanation of what seems to be the use of a City Council campaign for a New York State campaign.
We await an answer from the Williams for Lt. Governor campaign.

Bronx Men Charged In Manhattan Federal Court With Explosives Charges

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr., the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and James P. O’Neill, Police Commissioner of the City of New York, (“NYPD”), announced that CHRISTIAN TORO and TYLER TORO have been charged in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in connection with their stockpiling of explosive materials and manufacture of destructive devices at their residence in the Bronx.  Both defendants were presented before U.S. Magistrate Judge Debra Freeman in Manhattan federal court this afternoon and detained. 

As alleged in the Complaint[1]:
On or about December 4, 2017, a bomb threat was called into a high school in Harlem, New York (the “School”).  Shortly after a student was arrested in connection with that incident, CHRISTIAN TORO, who was a teacher at the School, resigned.  After CHRISTIAN TORO’s resignation, TYLER TORO returned to the School a laptop computer (the “Laptop”) that the School had provided to CHRISTIAN TORO for use in connection with his employment.  A School employee found, on the Laptop, a copy of a book that provides instructions for, among other things, manufacturing explosive devices.
Law enforcement agents subsequently interviewed multiple students at the School, who indicated that at least two students at the School had visited CHRISTIAN TORO’s residence (the “Residence”), where CHRISTIAN TORO would pay them approximately $50 per hour to break apart fireworks and store the powder that came out of the fireworks in containers.
On February 15, 2018, law enforcement agents conducted a search of the Residence pursuant to a judicially authorized search warrant.  In a bedroom identified as shared by CHRISTIAN TORO and TYLER TORO, law enforcement agents recovered, among other items, (i) approximately 20 pounds of iron oxide; (ii) approximately five pounds of aluminum powder; (iii) a substance appearing to be thermite, mixed from iron oxide and aluminum powder; (iv) approximately five pounds of potassium nitrate; (v) a glass jar containing explosive powder; and (vi) a cardboard box containing firecrackers.  In addition, law enforcement agents found a handwritten diary labeled with TYLER TORO’s name, which stated, among other things, “WE ARE TWIN TOROS STRIKE US NOW, WE WILL RETURN WITH NANO THERMITE” and “I AM HERE 100%, LIVING, BUYING WEAPONS.  WHATEVER WE NEED.”  Law enforcement agents also recovered a backpack, identified as belonging to CHRISTIAN TORO, containing an index card with handwriting reading “UNDER THE FULL MOON THE SMALL ONES WILL KNOW TERROR.”
CHRISTIAN TORO, 27, of the Bronx, New York, is charged in the Complaint with one count of unlawfully manufacturing a destructive device, in violation of 26 U.S.C. §§ 5822, 5861(f), and 5871 and 18 U.S.C. § 2, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, and one count of distribution of explosive materials to a minor, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 842(d)(1), which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.  TYLER TORO, also 27 and of the Bronx, New York, is charged with one count of unlawfully manufacturing a destructive device, in violation of 26 U.S.C. §§ 5822, 5861(f), and 5871 and 18 U.S.C. § 2, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.  The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by the judge.
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force, which consists principally of agents of the FBI and detectives of the NYPD.
This prosecution is being handled by the Office’s Terrorism and International Narcotics Unit.  Assistant United States Attorney Elizabeth Hanft is in charge of the prosecution.
The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
 [1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint, and the description of the Complaint set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation. 


Police Commissioner James P O’Neill As you will hear, this incident began with a December 4th, 2017 threat to a high school in Harlem. A 15-year-old student was arrested by the NYPD Intelligence Division on that bomb threat. In January, a teacher in that school abruptly resigned and school authorities reviewing his laptop noticed some material that was questionable, and they contacted our detectives. Based on a follow-up investigation by the Joint Terrorist Task Force – that’s what lead to those arrests today. Deputy Commissioner John Miller will provide some additional information about this investigation. However, this case is in its very early stages and there is much detail we cannot provide.

So, basically, as usual, this is preliminary information. We’re going to take a few questions at the end of this. But, again, just to let you know, we can’t go into too much detail. 

Mayor Bill de Blasio: Once again, the brave men and women of the NYPD and of the FBI have done extraordinary work and, in this case, likely saved many, many lives, and I want to thank them on behalf of all New Yorkers. I also want to say that the staff at the school did something very important, and their work was crucial here as well. And I want to thank them for their vigilance and their diligence and the smart work they did in immediately alerting law enforcement.

This is a moment to remind all New Yorkers, remind everyone that the idea that if you see something, you say something is more pertinent than ever. We get daily reminders of the threats arrayed against us, but what we’re seeing here in this case already is some good people stepped forward with information and that information was crucial to law enforcement.

So, I just want to urge everyone, if at any moment, no matter where you are, no matter what you’re doing, you have information that you find unsettling, you see something suspicious, come forward to law enforcement, because you never know if that might be the moment when you helped to save a life.

I will only say, and this is another example also of the very close working relationship between the NYPD and the FBI, the City of New York, and our federal partners. This relationship has grown, and grown over the years. It is part of what keeps all New Yorkers safe.

We have to be clear at this moment, even though this was an unsettling case – and you’ll hear the details. From what we know at this point, the individuals involved have all been apprehended. Again, this is preliminary information, but there is no additional imminent threat directed at New York City at this time.

And finally, I just want to remind everyone there is always a reason why New York City finds itself in the crosshairs, because this city is a great beacon of democracy, of a pluralistic society. We’ve got a lot of enemies out there, but what we’ve proven time and time again is the great work of law enforcement working with the people has an extraordinary impact and keeps this city safe, and we are once again going to go forward tomorrow with that same spirit of resiliency for which New Yorkers are famous. 

FBI Assistant Director In Charge William Sweeney: I’d like to extend my thanks to those individuals that initially brought this information to our attention. That information from citizens, combined with the investigation and the operations that followed stopped a significant threat to public safety. The FBI’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force operates in a constant state of readiness. 

We will continue to review the evidence that we obtained this morning. We have no indication that there’s a continued threat posed by these individuals, but we do not stop an investigation just because somebody’s in custody. 

I would ask, if you have information related to these individuals, to please call our tip line at 212-384-1000 – press the number three, and you’ll be directed to somebody to take your information. Or, you can provide information online at

Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence & Counterterrorism John Miller: On December 4th, there was a bomb threat made to an Upper Manhattan school that triggered a call to police, in relation to the bomb threat, and began an investigation by the Leads Investigation Unit from the Intelligence Bureau into where that threat came from and what the source of it was.

That investigation continued, involving interviews with students, teachers, and others. As part of that investigation, a development – on January 10th was the resignation of Christian Toro, a school teacher from that school, which caused investigators to follow up. Two days after that, Christian Toro’s brother, as outlined in the complaint, turned in a Department of Education laptop that had been assigned to Christian Toro while he was a teacher to the Board of Education. 

A review of that laptop by Board of Education officials uncovered what appeared to be a document included – including bomb making instructions. That of course caused the investigation to continue and the FBI, NYPD Joint-Terrorism Task Force, joined the efforts of the Intelligence Bureau and the Detective Bureau of the NYPD to follow additional leads. This week, additional investigative steps led to interviews and developments in the case that amounted to probable cause for the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force to seek a search warrant from the US Attorney’s Office and a federal judge to go 2121 Matthews Avenue and search an apartment belonging to Christian and Tyler Toro.

In the course of that search which was conducted beginning this morning and went on through much of the day, over thirty pounds of chemicals which taken together in certain combinations constitute explosive precursor materials were recovered. Christian and Tyler Toro were taken to the 49th Precinct were they were taken into custody by the FBI and charged as you see in the complaint with possession of explosive precursors and giving explosives to minor.

The charges have to do, as is outlined in the complaint, with allegations that at least two students, who were – in – present in the Toro’s apartments, emptied explosive black powder from fireworks, harvesting them from fireworks and putting them into separate containers. As well as the explosive materials and what appeared to be simulated weapons that were found in the course of the search, there was a diary that appearing to belong to Toro’s brother that had notations in it about something called “Operation Flash”, statements contained in the diary about discarding and doing away with physical evidence and other documents that had statements such as “the small ones” – let me start with the quote – “under the full moon, the small ones will know terror.”

We don’t know, at this point in the investigation, other than criminal charges related to the explosives, the full breadth of what these materials mean, so as Assistant Director Sweeney said, we are going to continue that investigation. I would like to underscore and underline again, with these two individuals in custody, with the people we’ve interviewed, with the evidence we’ve seen so far, there is no reason to believe at this point that there is any remaining threat to New York City or any school. We are at an early, early stage of this investigation and we will try take some questions.

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman: Earlier today, members of the New York Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested Christian Toro and Tyler Toro in the course of a search of their residence in the Bronx. My comments here today must be fairly limited as the investigation remains ongoing. 

The complaint filed today charges Christian Toro on two counts – one, unlawful manufacture of a destructive device, and, two, distribution of explosive materials to a minor. In addition, the complaint charges Tyler Toro with unlawful manufacture of a destructive device. 

Both defendants were arrested earlier today. They were promptly brought to the courthouse in the southern district of New York. Earlier this evening, both defendants were presented on the complaint before a United States Magistrate Judge, Debra Freeman, at which time they were assigned counsel and pleased not-guilty. The defendants were ordered detained on consent. A bail hearing for Christian Toro has been scheduled for Wednesday February 21st. No bail hearing has yet been scheduled with respect to Tyler Toro. A preliminary hearing date has been scheduled for March 19th

I want to thank the FBI, represented here today by Bill Sweeney, Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Field Office. The FBI’s work, and the work of the many agents and agencies that form New York’s Joint Terrorism Task Force is simply outstanding. I also want to thank the NYPD, represented here by Commissioner James O’Neill and Deputy Commissioner John Miller.

Statement from IDC Leader Jeff Klein

  A good tip by a vigilant New Yorker led investigators to a quiet block in my district, where hardworking residents were living next to brothers who allegedly hoarded explosive materials inside of their home. I know residents of the 34th State Senate district, and all New Yorkers, will stand bravely in the face of potential terror and report suspicious activity when they see it. I commend the attentive school computer technician who noticed an explosive making manual on a laptop returned by one of the suspects and called authorities, a move that undoubtedly prevented any potential tragedy. I applaud the NYPD and FBI for their quick action to uncover and take down this operation.

Engel Votes Against Bill to Undermine the Americans With Disabilities Act

  Congressman Eliot L. Engel, a top member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, today voted against H.R. 620, a bill that would undermine key aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by removing incentives for businesses to comply with ADA accessibility requirements.

“For nearly 3 decades, the Americans with Disabilities Act has allowed 55 million Americans to access public spaces without fear of exclusion. Today, I voted against H.R. 620, a bill that will significantly undermine the ADA and the ability of Americans with disabilities to fully participate in society,” Engel said.  “Under H.R. 620, restaurants, stores, doctors’ offices, movie theaters, and other places of public accommodation will no longer face immediate legal consequences for being inaccessible. Instead, H.R. 620 places the burden of reporting and educating businesses on our friends and neighbors with disabilities.

“What has come of our society, that those in power are actually seeking ways to exclude people, rather than include? Disability rights are civil rights, and I am vehemently opposed to any attempt to roll them back.”

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Chelsea Bomber Ahmad Khan Rahimi Sentenced To Life In Prison For Executing September 2016 Bombing And Attempted Bombing In New York City

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Edward C. O’Callaghan, the Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security, William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Field Office (“FBI”), and James P. O’Neill, Commissioner of the Police Department for the City of New York (“NYPD”), announced today that AHMAD KHAN RAHIMI, a/k/a “Ahmad Rahami,” was sentenced to life in prison for his execution and attempted execution of bombings in New York City on September 17, 2016.  RAHIMI was convicted on October 16, 2017, following a two-week jury trial before U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman, who also imposed today’s sentence.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “Inspired by ISIS and al Qaeda, Ahmad Khan Rahimi planted and detonated bombs on the streets of Chelsea, and in New Jersey, intending to kill and maim as many innocent people as possible.  Less than a year-and-a-half after his attacks, Rahimi has now been tried, convicted, and sentenced to life in prison.  Rahimi’s conviction and sentencing are victories for New York City and our nation in the fight against terror.”
Acting Assistant Attorney General Edward C. O’Callaghan said:  “Today our legal system delivered on its promise to provide swift and resolute justice to those who would target innocent victims by perpetrating terrorist attacks against our homeland.  I commend all of the agents, analysts, and prosecutors whose commitment and dedication made this result possible.”
FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “Today’s sentencing assures us that Ahmad Khan Rahimi will spend the rest of his life behind bars.  Once again, the lesson learned is clear: if you plot to cause catastrophic damage against this city and our citizens, you will be held accountable.  I would like to thank the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces here in New York and New Jersey, along with many other law enforcement partners, who moved with speed in this investigation and who work every day to protect Americans from acts of terror.  I would also like to express my gratitude to the public who remained engaged throughout this investigation.  That partnership and the public's continued cooperation are crucial to ensuring we stay ahead of threats, and enhance law enforcement's response following attacks like this.”
Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill said:  “Ahmed Kahn Rahimi placed two ticking bombs in a crowded Manhattan neighborhood on a warm Saturday night.  He then walked away.  It was the most cowardly of all crimes.  His clear intention was to take as many lives as possible.  Rahimi had other bombs and likely other plans.  I want to thank the NYPD officers who responded that night, the agents and NYPD detectives of the JTTF, the NYPD Intelligence Bureau, Detective Bureau, Bomb Squad, ATF Agents, and the officers of the Linden New Jersey Police Department who all had important contributions in the investigation and arrest.  I also want to thank the prosecutors of the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, the most experienced terrorism prosecutors in the nation for bringing New Yorkers justice.”
According to the Complaint, the Indictment, other filings in Manhattan federal court, evidence at trial, and statements made in court proceedings:
On September 17, 2016, RAHIMI transported two improvised explosive devices from New Jersey to New York, New York.  RAHIMI placed one of the devices in the vicinity of 135 West 23rd Street in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York, New York (the “23rd Street Bomb”) and the other in the vicinity of 131 West 27th Street in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York, New York (the “27th Street Bomb”). 
At approximately 8:30 p.m., the 23rd Street Bomb – containing a high explosive main charge and thousands of ball bearings – detonated, causing injuries to over 30 people and hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage across a 650-foot crime scene.  The injuries included, among other things, lacerations to the face, abdomen, legs, and arms caused by flying glass; metal shrapnel and fragmentation embedded in skin and bone; and various head injuries.  The explosive components appear to have been placed inside a pressure cooker and left near a dumpster.  The explosion propelled a more-than-100-pound dumpster – which was introduced as an exhibit at trial – more than 120 feet.  The blast shattered windows as far as approximately 400 feet from the blast site and, vertically, more than three stories high.  
Shortly after the 23rd Street Bomb detonated, a civilian identified the 27th Street Bomb and promptly called 911, which recorded call was introduced in evidence and played at trial.  The 27th Street Bomb, which was rendered safe prior to detonation, consisted of, among other things, a pressure cooker connected with wires to a cellular telephone (likely to function as a timer) and packaged with an explosive main charge, ball bearings, and steel nuts. 
Earlier that day, at approximately 9:35 a.m. on September 17, 2016, another improvised explosive device, which had been planted by RAHIMI in the early morning hours, detonated in the vicinity of Seaside Park, New Jersey, along the route for the Seaside Semper Five Marine Corps Charity 5K race.  The start of the race – which was scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. – was delayed.  Had the race started on time, the bomb would have detonated as runners were passing by where RAHIMI had planted it. 
On September 18, 2016, at approximately 8:40 p.m., six additional improvised explosive devices that RAHIMI also planted were found inside a backpack located at the entrance to the New Jersey Transit station in Elizabeth, New Jersey.  One of these devices detonated as law enforcement used a robot to defuse it.
On September 19, 2016, at approximately 9:30 a.m., RAHIMI was arrested by police in Linden, New Jersey.  RAHIMI fired multiple shots at police, striking and injuring multiple police officers before he was himself shot, subdued, and placed under arrest.  In the course of RAHIMI’s arrest, a handwritten journal was recovered from RAHIMI’s person.  Written in the journal were, among other things, mentions of explosive devices (including “The sounds of bombs will be heard in the streets” and “Bombs set off in the streets they plan to run a mile”),  and laudatory references to Usama Bin Laden, the former leader of al Qaeda, Anwar al-Awlaki, a former senior leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Mohammed al-Adnani, a former senior leader of the Islamic State in Iraq and al Sham, and Nidal Hasan, who shot and killed 13 people in Foot Hood, Texas.
In addition to the prison term, RAHIMI, 30, was sentenced to five years of supervised release and ordered to pay $562,803 in restitution.
In addition to the charges for which he was sentenced in Manhattan federal court, RAHIMI also has been charged in a Complaint in the District of New Jersey with offenses in connection with his alleged efforts to detonate explosives in Seaside Park, New Jersey, and Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding efforts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force, which principally consists of agents from the FBI and detectives from the New York City Police Department, and the 13th Precinct of the NYPD.  Mr. Berman also thanked the Counterterrorism Section of the Department of Justice’s National Security Division for its assistance.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Bank Fraud Charges Against NYPD Detective

Michael Bonanno Engaged in a Bank Fraud Scheme With a Co-Conspirator, Who is Also Charged

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and James P. O’Neill, Commissioner of the New York City Police Department (“NYPD”), announced today that MICHAEL BONANNO was arrested and charged in Manhattan federal court with bank fraud, conspiracy to commit bank fraud, and aggravated identity theft, in connection with a scheme to use stolen bank account numbers to make payments on BONANNO’s credit card and home mortgage accounts.  BONANNO was arrested at his home this morning and will be presented today before Magistrate Judge Debra Freeman. 

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “As alleged, Michael Bonanno, who was at the time a detective in the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers unit, and his co-conspirator used victims’ bank account numbers in a scheme to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from New Yorkers.  In so doing, Bonanno betrayed the public that he swore to protect.  I commend the FBI and the Internal Affairs Bureau of the NYPD for their outstanding work in this investigation.”  
FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “Plain and simple, Michael Bonanno allegedly used other people’s money to pay off his debts while simultaneously serving as a police officer, charged with investigating criminal wrongdoing.  We don’t allow the general public to get away with these types of crimes, and we won’t allow members of the law enforcement community to get away with them either.” 
NYPD Commissioner James P. O’Neill said:  “I want to commend the dedicated investigators in the NYPD Internal Affairs Bureau and the FBI as well as the prosecutors in the Southern District whose tireless efforts on this corruption case exposed the criminal activity alleged in this arrest.”    
According to the allegations in the Complaints unsealed today in Manhattan federal court: [[1]]
BONANNO is a NYPD detective and was a member of the NYPD Crime Stoppers unit, which receives and investigates anonymous tips about criminal activity from members of the community.
From November 2016 to March 2017, BONANNO and a co-conspirator stole and attempted to steal money from the bank accounts of multiple New York residents by making unauthorized wire transfers from victims’ bank accounts to accounts controlled by BONANNO, and by cashing fraudulent checks written from victims’ accounts into an account controlled by BONANNO.
In total, BONANNO and his co-conspirator attempted approximately $1,457,642 in fraudulent wire transfers from victims’ accounts to BONANNO’s accounts, and deposited approximately $68,900 worth of forged checks into BONANNO’s accounts.
BONANNO, 44, of Staten Island, New York, has been charged with one count of bank fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit bank fraud, each of which carries a sentence of 30 years in prison, and one count of aggravated identity theft, which carries a mandatory sentence of two years in prison.  The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge. 
Mr. Berman praised the investigative work of the FBI and NYPD Internal Affairs Bureau in this investigation.
The charges contained in the Complaint are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
 [1]     As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Complaint and the description of the Complaint set forth herein constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

Statement from Councilman Salamanca Chair of the City Council Land Use Committee on New Jail in the Bronx

"There’s no doubt in my mind that it's time to shut down Rikers Island, and for me, it’s not only due to the critical state of the facilities there, but also because of the deep stigma that surrounds Rikers that resonates with many.
‘But as we address the important issue on how to it shut down, we also need to use the opportunity to address another stigma - one that resonates in lower-income communities, mostly of color, who for far too long have taken on more than their fair share of the types of facilities more affluent neighborhoods have refused to accept.
‘The South Bronx is a perfect example of a community that has historically taken on more than its fair share.  Not only do we have a growing juvenile detention center in the middle of one of our busiest commercial hubs, but we also have the Vernon C. Bain Center, a relic from the crack epidemic of the 1980’s and 1990’s.
‘While the Vernon C. Bain Center, or ‘The Boat’, was supposed to be temporary, it has instead been anchored on the waterfront of Hunts Point for more than twenty-five years. And in that time, it has only added to a stigma that I believe surrounds the South Bronx. For residents, it’s a symbol of embarrassment. For outsiders, it symbolizes that the South Bronx is dangerous, disparate and not worthy of investment. I can’t stand for that.
‘While I understand that four of the five boroughs are finally being asked to take on their fair share, I think that the Bronx has to be given particular attention due to the historical, emotional and psychological encumbrances before us. That attention, to me, includes a real conversation about not only shutting down Rikers, but also on shuttering ‘The Boat’ once and for all.
‘As we move forward, I hope the fact that the South Bronx has been historically disenfranchised is taken into real consideration. As we work to build a more just New York, I for one will not let that fact be forgotten.”