Sunday, December 15, 2019


--Arrest is based on a report to DOI from DOHMH-- 

 Margaret Garnett, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), announced the arrest today of a day care provider applicant charged with submitting a forged document to the City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (“DOHMH”) that misrepresented her training qualifications. DOHMH regulates the operation of child care establishments in New York City. The forged document was submitted with the defendant’s online application to operate a Group Family Day Care establishment in Manhattan. The application was denied. DOI began this investigation after DOHMH reported to DOI the defendant’s training certificate contained a discrepancy. The office of New York County District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., is prosecuting this case.

 STEPHANIE GUZMAN, 34, of New York, N.Y., is charged with Forgery in the Second Degree, a class D Felony, and Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree, a class E Felony. Upon conviction, a class D felony is punishable by up to seven years in prison and a class E felony is punishable by up to four years.

 DOI Commissioner Margaret Garnett said, “Parents place their faith in child care operators to care for and protect their children and that means documents submitted to the City supporting the operation of these establishments must be truthful and accurate. Fortunately, DOHMH identified a discrepancy associated with this individual’s application and reported it to DOI, preventing an unqualified provider from opening her doors. There is no tolerance for cutting corners when it comes to our children’s health and safety. I thank DOHMH for their partnership on this investigation.” 

 According to the criminal complaint and DOI’s investigation, in October 2018 GUZMAN submitted to DOHMH an application to become a Group Family Day Care provider. Attached to that application was an applicant compliance agreement stating that the defendant had not forged or altered any documents submitted as part of the application and that the submission of forged or altered application documents may be a felony or misdemeanor. As part of this application, GUZMAN was required by New York State to take a 15-hour Health and Safety Training course and to provide a valid certificate of completion to DOHMH. This training covers topics such as safety and security procedures, as well as child abuse and maltreatment identification and prevention. The investigation determined that GUZMAN’S Health and Safety training certificate was fraudulent because it relied on an outdated template and there was no record of the defendant receiving training. As a result of this discrepancy, GUZMAN’S application was denied and the matter was referred to DOI for further investigation. DOI’s findings confirmed the entire training certificate was fraudulent and the defendant had never been properly trained.

 Commissioner Garnett thanked DOHMH Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot and her staff for their assistance and partnership in this investigation. Commissioner Garnett also thanked New York County District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. and his staff for their prosecution of this matter.

 A criminal complaint is an accusation. A defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty.


Defendant Billed Medicaid and the New York State Early Intervention Program For More than 1,700 Social Work Sessions that Never Occurred

  A federal jury in Brooklyn returned a guilty verdict for public benefits theft and healthcare fraud against Enock Mensah, a social worker participating in the New York State Early Intervention Program (EIP) that provides remedial services to developmentally delayed children.  When sentenced by United States District Judge Sterling Johnson, Jr., the defendant faces up to 10 years in prison.

Richard P. Donoghue, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, William F. Sweeney, Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Margaret Garnett, Commissioner, New York City Department of Investigation (DOI), announced the verdict.
“Mensah was more interested in lining his pockets than serving the developmentally delayed children and their families who depend on social work services,” stated United States Attorney Donoghue.  “With today’s verdict, the defendant faces the consequences for abusing the trust placed in him, which should also serve as a deterrent to those who would attempt to defraud public benefit programs.”
“Early intervention therapies are essential to the progress of young developmentally disabled and delayed children. The defendant, convicted today of fraud and other charges, chose greed over honesty – accepting public money as if he had provided these crucial services and pocketing those funds for himself, denying children and their families care that would help them reach important developmental milestones. DOI thanks the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York for its prosecution of and partnership in this important investigation,” stated DOI Commissioner Garnett.
From August 2013 to October 2018, Mensah fraudulently billed Medicaid and EIP for more than 1,700 therapy sessions that never occurred, resulting in the theft of more than $145,000 in Medicaid funds and more than $29,000 in New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene funds.  At trial, several parents of special needs children testified that Mensah did not provide therapy sessions to their children.  This was despite documents showing that he claimed to have done so and submitted claims forms for payment to the health care agencies.  One parent testified that she was in the Dominican Republic with her autistic child when Mensah billed for two purported therapy sessions with them.  In some cases, Mensah forged the parents’ signatures on these claims forms; in others, he persuaded them to sign blank forms.
The government’s case is being handled by the Office’s Public Integrity Section.  Assistant United States Attorneys Ryan Harris, Anthony Bagnuola, Oren Gleich and Erin Reid are in charge of the prosecution. 
The Defendant:
Age: 60
Fort Lee, New Jersey

Saturday, December 14, 2019



NEW YORK, NY 10007
(212) 788-7053

Saturday, December 14th, 2019


Contact: Tomas Garita | (646) 847 - 6714 | 


New York, The Bronx- Today, Join Council Member Ydanis Rodríguez And Community leaders as they hold a press conference rally to call on all undocumented New Yorker's to get ready to apply for their drives licenses starting on December 16th. Starting on Monday, the Department of Motor Vehicles will no longer ask applicants to verify proof of legal status. In a time when immigrants and the undocumented community have been under attack by the Trump administration, the Green Light Bill has been a beacon of hope. 

Who: Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez, Community leaders, community members

Where: 176 and Jerome Avenue, 

When: Today, December 14th; 2:30PM 

Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez, 250 Broadway, Suite 1763, New York, NY 10007

Sent by 

Unfortunately this reporter was covering a different event, but we would like to know why Manhattan Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez is not having this event somewhere in his Manhattan City Council district?

Why would Manhattan Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez have this event in the 15th Congressional District in the Bronx?

We wonder if it is because he is a candidate for the soon to be vacant 15th congressional district?

We also wonder why he has used his City Council office to promote an event outside of his district, the borough of Manhattan, and in the Bronx Congressional District he is a candidate?

We wonder if anybody at the Department of Investigation will ask the same questions, since it seems that City Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez has used his City Council office for his race in the 15th Congressional District?

We now wonder if the DOI will investigate if Manhattan Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez has use his Manhattan City Council office in any other way for his candidacy in the Bronx 15th Congressional race? 


Friday, December 13, 2019

Founder Of The Blood Hound Brims Sentenced To 30 Years In Prison For Racketeering And Related Offenses

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that LATIQUE JOHNSON, a/k/a “La Brim,” a/k/a “Straight 2 Business,” a/k/a “Breezy,” a/k/a “Boss Dog,” 39, of the Bronx, New York, was sentenced today to 30 years in prison in connection with his leadership of the Blood Hound Brims, a violent street and prison gang that operated in New York City and elsewhere, and his participation in narcotics trafficking and acts of violence, including two shootings in 2012.  JOHNSON was convicted on March 27, 2019, following a five-week jury trial before Judge Gardephe, who also imposed today’s sentence. 

U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “Latique Johnson founded a notoriously violent and lawless gang from within the New York State prison system that grew to terrorize communities across New York City and New York State.  As the founder and leader of the Blood Hound Brims, Johnson recruited members based on their violent reputations and willingness to follow his orders.  Together with other members of the Blood Hound Brims, Johnson is responsible for several heinous acts of violence.  Today’s lengthy sentence sends an important message to gang members who commit violent crimes that they will be apprehended and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.” 
According to court documents, the evidence at trial, and statements made in court proceedings:
The Blood Hound Brims (“BHB”) were a criminal enterprise that operated principally in the greater New York area, from at least 2005 up to and including 2016.  The BHB was a faction of the Bloods street gang, which operates nationwide, and is under the New York Blood Brim Army (“NYBBA”).  The BHB operated within and around various locations in New York, including New York City, Westchester County, Elmira, and in Pennsylvania, as well as within and outside federal and state penal systems. 
The BHB used a hierarchical structure that was organized, in part, by New York City borough, and that was maintained, in part, through the payment of dues.  The founder and leader of the gang was LATIQUE JOHNSON, and other members and associates of the BHB referred to JOHNSON as the “Godfather.”  The gang was divided into several “pedigrees,” each of which had its own leadership structure that was approved by JOHNSON.  Leadership positions within the pedigrees included, among others, treasurers who collected dues from members of a particular pedigree, and individuals who performed security and disciplinary functions for the pedigree. 
Members of the BHB had regular meetings, sometimes called “pow wows” or “9-11s,” at which members were required to pay dues.  Some of the meetings were among members of a particular pedigree, and other meetings were for all members of the enterprise.  Word of the meetings was disseminated via text message, word-of-mouth, and flyers.  The BHB’s business, including rivalries with other gangs, shootings, the arrest of gang members, guns, and drugs, was regularly discussed at these meetings.  “Kitty dues” – money that paid for commissary funds, lawyers, guns, and drugs, and that served as tribute to JOHNSON – were collected at these meetings.  The BHB maintained its own rules and constitution that new members were required to learn.  Members of the BHB also used code words and secret phrases to communicate with each other both while in prison and on the street in order to avoid detection by law enforcement.   
One of the BHB’s principal objectives was to sell cocaine base – commonly known as “crack cocaine” – powder cocaine, and heroin, which members and associates of the BHB sold throughout the greater New York area and in Pennsylvania. 
Members and associates of the BHB engaged in multiple acts of violence against rival gangs.  These acts of violence included assaults and attempted murders, and were committed to protect the BHB’s drug territory, to retaliate against members of rival gangs who had encroached on the territory controlled by the BHB, and to otherwise promote the standing and reputation of the gang vis-à-vis rival gangs.  These acts of violence also included assaults and attempted murders against members and associates of the BHB itself, as part of internal power struggles within the gang.
For example, on or about January 28, 2012, in the Bronx, New York, JOHNSON, aided and abetted by his co-defendant Donnell Murray, used an AK-47 assault rifle to fire into a fried chicken restaurant where rival gang members were gathered, injuring two individuals who survived the shooting.  The violence continued in fall of 2012 when JOHNSON ordered the shooting of two other members of a rival gang, who survived.                                                 
Donnell Murray, 39, of the Bronx, New York, was convicted following a jury trial of racketeering conspiracy, assault in aid of racketeering, narcotics conspiracy, and firearms offenses.  Murray was sentenced in November 2019 to 20 years in prison.
Brandon Green, 36, of the Bronx, New York, was convicted following a jury trial of racketeering conspiracy, narcotics conspiracy, and firearms offenses.  Green is facing a mandatory minimum of 20 years in prison and will be sentenced in 2020. 
David Cherry, 39, of the Bronx, New York, was convicted following a guilty plea to a firearms offense.  Cherry faces a mandatory minimum of seven years in prison and will be sentenced in 2020.
Mr. Berman praised the outstanding investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the New York City Police Department, and the Special Agents of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.

12 Members Of Crack Cocaine Distribution Ring Operating In Vicinity Of 125th Street And Lexington Avenue Charged With Narcotics And Firearms Offenses

  Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Dermot Shea, the Commissioner of the Police Department for the City of New York (“NYPD”), announced the unsealing of an Indictment charging 12 individuals with operating a crack cocaine distribution ring in the vicinity of 125th Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan.  Six of the 12 defendants charged in the Indictment were arrested yesterday, and are scheduled to appear before U.S. Magistrate Sarah L. Cave in federal court later today.  One of the defendants is already in state custody and will be presented at a later date.  Five defendants remain at large.  The case has been assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Andrew L. Carter, Jr.       

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said:  “As alleged, the defendants were members of a Harlem crack distribution crew that peddled its wares in and around the AK Houses, the Metro-North station at 125th Street, and P.S. 30.  Several members are also alleged to have used guns in the plying of their illegal trade.  Our thanks to the NYPD for their continued efforts to rid our neighborhoods of illegal drugs and guns.”
NYPD Police Commissioner Dermot Shea said:  “This case highlights our success in stopping those offenders who sow violence in our city’s neighborhoods. Working together, our mission to eradicate narcotics and illegal guns is clear and I want to commend our NYPD investigators and partners for targeting violent crime and dismantling it with precise effectiveness.”
According to the allegations in the Indictment[1]:
The defendants are members and associates of a drug trafficking organization (the “AK Houses Crew” or “Crew”) that sold crack cocaine in and around the AK Houses apartment complex, located at East 128th Street in the Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan.   During the period 2017 to the present, the AK Houses Crew sold hundreds of grams of crack to customers on the streets of Harlem, and crew members carried and displayed firearms in furtherance of the drug trade.  These crew members routinely sold crack in the vicinity of, among other locations, the area of the AK Houses, the Metro-North commuter rail station at East 125th Street, and Public School 30 at East 128th Street.
The leaders of the AK Houses Crew included defendants VAN WHITMORE, a/k/a “V-High,” RONALD NIXON, a/k/a “Jeter,” and BARRY WILLIAMS, a/k/a “Bistro.”  WHITMORE, NIXON, and WILLIAMS were responsible for, among other things, obtaining supplies of powder cocaine, converting the cocaine into crack, and pushing that crack to customers on the street through the Crew’s network of street-level dealers.  These leaders also maintained order and discipline within the Crew, including by using threats of violence.  Other members of the AK Houses Crew, including defendants RODNEY ROBINSON, a/k/a “Stretch,” KAPRIE LAMBERT, a/k/a “Pri,” SHAROD BELL, a/k/a “Rodo,” and IAN HAYLOCK, a/k/a “E,” served the Crew by, among other things, managing and enforcing order within the Crew’s network of street-level crack dealers, and collecting proceeds from their crack sales to finance the Crew’s operations.
The Crew’s street-level crack dealers included defendants MALIK HAWKINS, a/k/a “Leeky,” ABDOUL HANNE, a/k/a “Buylot,” MALIK BREEDLOVE, a/k/a “LB,” TYRELL MURPHY, a/k/a “Fat Cat,” and ANTHONY MCDADE, a/k/a “Pap,” each of whom obtained crack from other members of the Crew and sold the crack to customers on the street.  In addition, certain members of the AK Houses Crew, including WHITMORE, ROBINSON, HAYLOCK, BELL, and HAWKINS, used and facilitated the use of firearms in furtherance of the Crew’s crack dealing, including for the purposes of enforcing the collection of payment for drugs and to protect members of the Crew.  In the course of the narcotics conspiracy, HAYLOCK and BELL also sold firearms to undercover law enforcement officers in Harlem.
During the execution of a search warrant at NIXON’s house yesterday, law enforcement recovered a firearm, more than 80 grams of heroin belonging to NIXON, and paraphernalia for packaging narcotics for distribution.  During the execution of a search warrant at an apartment where BREEDLOVE was arrested yesterday, law enforcement recovered approximately 50 grams of crack cocaine.
The Indictment charges 12 defendants and contains two counts.  A chart containing the names, ages, residences, and charges for the defendants is set forth below.  The maximum term of imprisonment for both counts is life imprisonment.  The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendants will be determined by the judge.
The charges contained in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

a/k/a “V High” 
Harlem, New York

Narcotics Conspiracy; Firearms Offense

a/k/a “Jeter”

New Rochelle, New York

Narcotics Conspiracy

a/k/a “Bistro”

Bronx, New York

Narcotics Conspiracy

a/k/a “Stretch”     

Harlem, New York
Narcotics Conspiracy; Firearms Offense

a/k/a “Pri”
Harlem, New York

Narcotics Conspiracy

a/k/a “E”
Harlem, New York

Narcotics Conspiracy; Firearms Offense

a/k/a “Rodo”
Harlem, New York

Narcotics Conspiracy; Firearms Offense

a/k/a “Leeky”
Harlem, New York

Narcotics Conspiracy; Firearms Offense

a/k/a “Buylot”
Harlem, New York

Narcotics Conspiracy

a/k/a “LB”

Harlem, New York

Narcotics Conspiracy

a/k/a “Fat Cat”

Harlem, New York

Narcotics Conspiracy

a/k/a “Pap”

Bronx, New York

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment and the descriptions of the Indictment set forth herein constitute only allegations and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

AG James Wins Second Green Light Lawsuit, Helping Immigrants Legally Obtain Drivers Licenses

  New York Attorney General Letitia James released the following statement after U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of New York Gary L. Sharpe granted a motion by the Office of the New York Attorney General to dismiss a lawsuit brought by Rensselaer County Clerk Frank Merola to block the Green Light law from taking effect:
“The Green Light law is legal and enforceable, and two separate federal courts have now already dismissed the meritless claims of two county clerks. Beginning Monday, the law will help make our roads safer, our economy stronger, and will allow immigrants to come out of the shadows to sign up as legal drivers in our state. We expect all public officials to comply with the law, and, as the state’s attorney and chief law enforcement officer, I will continue to vigorously defend it.”
This is the second lawsuit in the last month to be dismissed against the Green Light law. In November, U.S. District Judge Elizabeth Wolford similarly dismissed a suit brought forth by Erie County Clerk Michael (Mickey) Kearns to block implementation of the law.

Assembly Member Marcos A. Crespo Leads the Way to Secure an Unprecedented $1.8 Billion State Investment in the South Bronx

Unprecedented $1.8 Billion
State Investment in the South Bronx

Because of government leaders and the infrastructure work of Robert Moses, The Bronx has for decades been dealt an unfair hand. The South Bronx particularly became home to highways like the Sheridan Expressway, blocking residents from access to parks and the Bronx River waterfront.

The Bronx was not only robbed of its natural amenities but, residents were also exposed to gas emissions from trucks traveling through local streets, which in turn increased asthma rates among other health issues.

We Made History...

"When I first got elected, I immediately requested to be assigned to both the Transportation & Environmental Conservation Committees for one reason: the re-design of the Sheridan Expressway."

"With a historic investment of $1.8 billion dollars to redesign the Bruckner and Sheridan Expressway, the State of New York addresses an injustice that for decades impacted the health and quality of life of generations of Bronx residents."

"Not only will residents have access to our restored waterfront, new and increased parkland, access to a complete Bronx River Greenway; the elimination of truck traffic and emissions in local streets, improved business access and job growth, a developed community marketplace in underutilized public space, but this project also ensures that future generations breath cleaner air, diminishing the prevail ace of asthma and other respiring ailments in our borough."

"This is truly the most impactful and transformational project we’ve seen in decades in The Bronx, and it has been possible because of the leadership and constant support of our Governor Andrew Cuomo."

"I am proud of this moment because we are now are able to say that we were able to accomplish a decades old mission. The New Sheridan Blvd. will now reconnect an entire community that for years has been kept from its very own resources. I look forward to the completion of this work and looking forward to fully enjoying the many benefits alongside all my Bronx neighbors."

Carlucci & Rivera Release Senate Report on Troubling Suicide Crisis in NYS

 Senator David Carlucci and Senator Gustavo Rivera released a joint report today highlighting a troubling suicide crisis in NYS, which is affecting people from all ethnicities, genders, and age groups across our state.

The report cites that suicide is the 12th leading cause of death in New York and one person dies by suicide every five hours in the State. This year alone, three people committed suicide by jumping to their deaths from the Verrazano Narrows Bridge in New York City. Twelve NYPD officers committed suicide in 2019, including two retired officers, causing the Department to declare a mental health emergency. Reports are now public concerning the crisis of Black youths committing suicide at an alarming rate, and Latinas, LGBT people, white middle-aged men, Asian immigrants, and the elderly are experiencing devastating record high numbers of people committing suicide.

Carlucci, Chair of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Committee, and Rivera, Chair of the Committee on Health issued the report's findings and recommendations after a public hearing on suicide and suicide prevention, which included testimony from more than 20 health and mental health professionals with organizations on the front lines of this crisis. A common theme observed in this testimony was ending the stigma of suicide. Advocates believe breaking down the barrier of stigma associated with suicide and suicide ideation is vital to address this crisis.

Key findings in the report included that the NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH) must improve its ability to identify individuals at risk of suicide, more prevention must be focused in schools, hotlines where people can seek help must be improved, and stigma surrounding suicide must be addressed. To this end, the report suggested tracking more data about suicide, "to identify clusters, optimize services, design policies, and create messaging aimed at eliminating suicide attempts and death."

"As a society, we are truly in crisis. More and more people are choosing suicide as a way to cope with depression, stress and grief," said State Senator David Carlucci. "Senator Rivera and I issued this report with the intent of bringing comprehensive reforms to the table. Suicide can't be hidden behind a curtain, but must be discussed and addressed before we lose more lives."

"Senator Carlucci and I have a profound responsibility to support and expand suicide prevention efforts across our state. Our report is a comprehensive overview of the heartfelt testimony and unyielding dedication that experts and advocates shared with us at our Public Hearing," said State Senator Gustavo Rivera. "These recommendations and insights will help us grow and develop initiatives that save lives and heal communities. I look forward to putting our agenda into action in collaboration with our fellow legislators."

Further, recommendations from Carlucci's and Rivera's report, included: passing legislation to require Mental Health First Aid education in schools K-12 and colleges, establish a Black Youth Suicide Prevention Task Force, improve intake and discharge procedures when a person has a self-inflicted injury, continuing education for teachers, college administrators and staff in Youth Mental First Aid training, and specialized training for doctors and other medical professionals.

Video from Suicide Prevention Hearing on June 4, 2019:

New Report on Suicide Prevention can be found here: