Thursday, July 16, 2020

Governor Cuomo Announces New York State Establishes Two Church Testing Sites in Houston COVID-19 Hotspots

Sites in Northwest Houston and Southwest Houston Operational for Two Weeks and Provide Up to 1,000 Tests Per Day

Residents can Call 1-833-NYS-4TEX

  Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that New York State has established two church testing sites in COVID-19 hotspots in Houston, Texas. The sites, located in Northwest Houston's Fallbrook Church and Southwest Houston's Higher Dimension Church, are in highly-impacted minority communities, are up and running, and will be operational for two weeks, with the capacity for up to 1,000 tests per day. New York State sent more than 20 healthcare workers and public health experts to Houston to consult on the city's COVID-19 response and has also provided supplies. The governor made today's announcement on a conference call with Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner.

"When New York went through the unprecedented challenge and unimaginable tragedy of COVID-19's apex in the state, states throughout the country provided supplies, ventilators and personnel during our time of greatest need," Governor Cuomo said. "Now that New York's numbers have stabilized, we're returning the favor across the country, and I am glad to be able to help the great city of Houston establish two testing sites in vulnerable communities. I thank our incredible partners for their efforts to establish the sites and provide supplies and expertise."

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner said, "Thank you, Governor Cuomo. And let me just start out by acknowledging and thanking you for the leadership that you provided to the State of New York and quite frankly, the leadership that you provided to all of us across the country. I've watched your daily briefings on a regular basis. I learned a lot from what you have done and your people have done in New York, so let me commend all of you for your efforts. Let me also thank you for the support that you all are providing to the City of Houston here in Harris County. As you indicated, we are facing a situation where our numbers have surged. More people have been testing positive, showing up in our hospitals and our ICUs. Testing is a big issue. And you're also right that this virus is having a disproportional impact on communities of color, low-income communities, and where even more testing is needed. And people—a lot of people—who are wanting testing, needing testing and they've having to wait a long time. So, let me thank you and your team for reaching out."

The sites were established with the support of SOMOS Community Care, NorthwellHealth, the Greater New York Hospital Association, the Mount Sinai Health System, Montefiore Medical Center, and New York-Presbyterian Hospital. 

Kenneth E. Raske, President, Greater New York Hospital Association, said, "When COVID-19 slammed New York, our hospitals and their heroic workers treated an unthinkable number of extremely ill patients. When we needed help, equally heroic caregivers came to New York and delivered care with grace, courage, and determination. Now it's time to reciprocate the generosity of colleagues, friends, and family across the country. Under Governor Cuomo's leadership, workers from New York's hospitals are hitting the ground in Houston to help deliver care and save lives. GNYHA salutes their selfless generosity and sacrifice, and is proud to partner with the Governor on this important mission."
"We will go where we are needed," said Dr. Ramon Tallaj, the Chairman of SOMOS, an immigrant-led network of over 2,500 doctors across New York City. "Immigrant doctors were the first line of defense as COVID-19 hit New York's lower-income communities of color and we are determined to share the findings of this ongoing experience with similar communities across the country. We are at the ready to support Governor Cuomo and the State of New York as they assist Houston officials and those across urban and rural areas in the Sun Belt connect Latino, Asian and African American populations to testing, care, health education and community resources. SOMOS doctors conducted the first national research into COVID-19's impact on immigrant communities, and how to best reach and test these populations and we will share best practices with every American that needs them." 

The Houston testing sites add to New York State's commitment to helping other cities and states fight COVID-19 across the country. On Monday, Governor Cuomo announced New York State will send testing and contract tracing teams to Atlanta, Georgia. On July 10, Governor Cuomo announced New York State would send the COVID-19 medication Remdesivir to Florida as the state struggles with a resurgence of cases.

Governor Cuomo Announces New Regulations for Bars and Restaurants to Ensure Compliance with State Social Distancing and Face Covering Orders

Announces Travel Form Compliance for People Coming Into New York from Out-of-State Hotspots up to 92 Percent

Governor Cuomo Will Make Decision on New York City Entering Phase Four by Tomorrow

1.06 Percent of Yesterday's COVID-19 Tests were Positive

14 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

Confirms 769 Additional Coronavirus Cases in New York State - Bringing Statewide Total to 404,775; New Cases in 40 Counties

  Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced new regulations for bars and restaurants in New York City to ensure they are complying with state social distancing and face covering orders. As part of the 'Three Strikes and You're Closed' initiative, any establishment that receives three violations will be closed for business. Egregious violations can result in immediate loss of liquor license or closure before a third strike. Additionally, any establishment facing disciplinary charges by the State Liquor Authority will have its name and location posted publicly and updated on a weekly basis. If the state is alerted to similar noncompliance in other regions of the state, these restrictions will be extended to those areas immediately.

The Governor also announced that all restaurants and bars statewide will be subject to new requirements that they must only serve alcohol to people who are ordering and eating food and that all service at bar tops must only be for seated patrons who are socially distanced by six feet or separated by physical barriers. Under current law, only establishments that serve food are permitted to serve alcoholic beverages. Citizens who see violations or are concerned can report complaints, including photos, to the State Liquor Authority at

The Governor also announced that a decision will be made on New York City entering phase four by tomorrow, July 17th. If New York City is approved to enter phase four on Monday, the state will not allow any additional indoor activity, such as malls and cultural institutions.

The Governor also announced that travel form compliance went up to 92 percent after the state announced fines for failure to complete the form.  Earlier this week, the Governor announced out-of-state travelers from the 22 designated states with the highest infection rates must provide local authorities with contact information upon entering New York to help enforce quarantining or they'll face a fine of up to $2,000 if they don't supply that information.

"As we continue our science-based phased reopening, the number of hospitalizations and our rate of positive tests remain steady and low," Governor Cuomo said. "But we need to remember our success fighting this virus is a function of our own actions. Mask wearing, social distancing and hand washing - basic as they may seem - are critical to controlling the spread of this virus. Especially now that we are seeing spikes in cases throughout the country, this is not the time to let up - especially on compliance enforcement. We know the prescription and we know it works - we just need to be smart and do it."
The Governor also updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The number of new cases, percentage of tests that were positive and many other helpful data points are always available at

Today's data is summarized briefly below:

  • Patient Hospitalization - 813 (-18)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 71 (-23)
  • Hospital Counties - 31
  • Number ICU - 165 (+0)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 88 (-6)
  • Total Discharges - 71,867 (+85)
  • Deaths - 14
  • Total Deaths - 25,014

Protest Outside Bronx Board of Elections to Count all the Votes that Were Cast on Primary Day and on the Absentee Ballots

 Standing outside the Bronx Board of Elections with many supporters, 79th Assembly District candidate for Male District Leader Ahmadou Diallo whose name appeared on the Primary Day and Absentee ballots is calling for the Bronx Board of Elections to count all the votes for everyone who was on the official BOE ballots. 

The problem seems to be that of the Board of Elections who originally had knocked off Mr. Diallo and other candidates on his slate in the 79th A.D. and in the 87th A.D. Both groups of candidates for Democratic Party positions then went to court and were placed back on the ballot. The Board of Elections then appealed that decision, but in doing so had to print up Absentee and official ballots for the Primary before they knew if their appeal would be upheld. 

As it was said to this reporter by Ms. Valarie Vazquez-Diaz of the NYC Board of Elections "the ballots had to be printed up by a certain date, and the decision on the appeal by the Board of Elections was not decided by the date of the printing, so the names of the candidates in question in the 79th and 87th A.D.'s were placed on the ballots". Ms. Vazquez-Diaz also said at first, the ballots with those names on them would not count, telling me at a later time that only the votes for the non-candidates in the two A.D.'s would not count. The solution to the Board of Elections problem would have been that if you are going to print up official ballots with these names on them, then you withdraw the appeal to the names being on the ballot. In any case heads will roll at the BOE, and there are already several nervous people downtown and uptown in the Boogie Down Bronx.

State Senator Luis Sepulveda has filed a lawsuit against the Board of Elections and several candidates who were on the ballots. While Sepulveda has a semi-comfortable lead himself, his Female District Leader in the 87th A.D. has a lead of only nine votes. It appears that there may be a battle for the current vacant Bronx Democratic County Leader position, and it is the district leaders who vote for the county leader every two years. Counting of the ballots in the 87th A.D. begins Thursday July 16th. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic

1.30 Percent of Yesterday's COVID-19 Tests were Positive

9 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

Confirms 831 Additional Coronavirus Cases in New York State - Bringing Statewide Total to 404,006; New Cases in 47 Counties

  Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The number of new cases, percentage of tests that were positive and many other helpful data points are always available at

"New Yorkers brought the curve down by making big changes, and we see that work reflected in the numbers every day," Governor Cuomo said. "But we must continue to be smart - by wearing a mask, social distancing and washing our hands, we all have a role to play in protecting the progress we've made and leading the rest of the nation by example. We cannot go back to the hell we experienced three months ago, so please stay vigilant and New York Tough."

Today's data is summarized briefly below: 

  • Patient Hospitalization - 831 (+11)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 94 (+23)
  • Hospital Counties - 31
  • Number ICU - 165 (-2)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 94 (-7)
  • Total Discharges - 71,782 (+90)
  • Deaths - 9
  • Total Deaths - 25,003

New Yok Man Charged With Wire Fraud In Alleged Multi-Million Dollar Cryptocurrency Investment Scheme

Defendant Allegedly Conned His Victims Into Investing More Than $4.5 Million In Assets

  Douglas Jae Woo Kim has been charged in a criminal complaint with wire fraud in connection with a multi-million dollar scheme to raise money for bogus cryptocurrency investments announced United States Attorney David L. Anderson and Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent in Charge John L. Bennett.

Kim, 27, of New York, NY, made his initial federal court appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Sallie Kim this morning to face the charge.  The allegations describing the crime appear in an affidavit filed together with the complaint on July 9, 2020.  According to the complaint and affidavit, Kim represented to friends and acquaintances that he was a cryptocurrency trader and requested loans for business purposes or to trade cryptocurrency.  The complaint describes how Kim used cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH) to finance transactions as part of the scheme and how, on multiple occasions, he transferred some or all of the assets he received from his victims to online gambling sites operating outside the United States. 
According to the affidavit, in October 2017, Kim contacted a victim by text message and said he was looking for investors interested in making what he called a short-term loan for a “fairly modest operation.”  According to Kim, he was investing in a cryptocurrency operation in which he would make profit from fees charged to a peer-to-peer network and from exchange transactions. Kim represented to the victim that he already had $300,000 to $400,000 in financial holdings and that the operation “isn’t very risky to me.” Kim later emailed the victim details of the investment.  Shortly after receiving cryptocurrency from the victim to finance the investment, Kim transferred about half of it to a bitcoin sportsbook and casino located outside the United States.
In an agreement dated January 1, 2018, Kim set out the terms of similar investment with a second victim.   The agreement called for the victim to provide ETH valued at approximately $200,000.  The same day, Kim converted more than half of the funds to BTC and, in the following days, transferred substantially all the converted cryptocurrency to his account with an offshore casino. 
In the ensuing weeks and months, Kim convinced his victims to provide funds, all or part of which were transferred to cryptocurrency gambling sites.  In sum, Kim convinced his victims to provide to him over $4.5 million.  According to the affidavit, Kim’s victims all stated they would not have loaned money to Kim if they had known he was using the proceeds for gambling purposes.
Kim is charged with one count of wire fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1343. 
The complaint merely alleges that a crime has been committed, and Kim, like all defendants, is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
If convicted, he faces a maximum statutory penalty of up to 20 years in prison and a fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss resulting from the scheme.  In addition, the court may order additional terms of supervised release and restitution.  However, any sentence following conviction would be imposed by the court only after consideration of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and the federal statute governing the imposition of a sentence, 18 U.S.C. § 3553.

Governor Cuomo Announces New York State to Send PPE, Test Kits to Atlanta to Help with COVID-19 Response

Initial Delivery of 7,500 Test Kits, 7,500 Masks, 7,500 Gowns, 
7,500 Gloves, 7,500 Face Shields, 1,250 Gallons of Hand Sanitizer Will be Delivered by Friday

  Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that New York State will send PPE and test kits to Atlanta to help with ongoing COVID-19 response efforts as the city struggles with a resurgence of cases. Earlier this week, at the request of Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, the Governor announced the State will deploy resources to teams in Atlanta, as well as share expertise on contact tracing and provide technical assistance to support Atlanta's contact tracing program.

"During New York's greatest hour of need, other states sent volunteers, masks and equipment to help us flatten the curve and save lives. We are incredibly grateful to the 30,000 volunteers and donations that came to us during that hell. Now that we have flattened the curve and our numbers are strong, we are paying it forward to places like Atlanta, where Mayor Bottoms has been an aggressive and effective leader fighting this virus," Governor Cuomo said. "We have people who have been through this and know how to fight COVID-19, and we stand ready to aid states and localities in whatever way we can. Today, on behalf of the family of New York, we will deploy test kits and PPE to Atlanta as they struggle with surging cases."

The initial delivery of the following equipment will be delivered to Atlanta by Friday:

  • 7,500 VTM Test Kits
  • 7,500 Gowns
  • 7,500 Gloves
  • 7,500 N95 Masks
  • 7,500 Face Shields
  • 2.5 pallets of Styrofoam Coolers
  • 1,250 Gallons of Hand Sanitizer

Former Rikers Correctional Officer Pleads Guilty To Smuggling Contraband For Inmates

  Audrey Strauss, the Acting United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, William F. Sweeney Jr., Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), and Margaret Garnett, the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), announced today that JOSHUA ALBA pled guilty before United States Magistrate Judge Robert W. Lehrburger to one count of conspiring to commit honest services wire fraud, for his role in smuggling packages containing contraband to inmates detained at the Anna M. Kross Center (“AMKC”) on Rikers Island, in return for thousands of dollars in cash bribes. 

Acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said:  “As he has now admitted, Joshua Alba abused his authority as a correctional officer to smuggle contraband into a prison facility in return for cash bribes.  Contraband smuggling schemes threaten the security of our prisons and jeopardize the safety of inmates and other guards, and my office will continue to aggressively pursue those correctional officers who betray their duties for the lure of easy money.”
FBI Assistant Director William F. Sweeney Jr. said:  “Keeping illegal contraband out of our jails is an ongoing challenge for corrections officers. It’s hard to imagine why an insider on the job would assist with this process, the results of which put everyone in the facility at risk. There’s no excuse for this type of irresponsible and illegal behavior. Today’s arrest has effectively landed Alba on the other side of the law.”
DOI Commissioner Margaret Garnett said:  “This former City Correction Officer allegedly used his access and influence to funnel contraband into Rikers Island in exchange for thousands of dollars in cash, according to the charges. This scheme isn’t original; it isn’t inventive, but it is dangerous for staff and inmates and must be acted on swiftly through rigorous investigation and prosecution. DOI thanks the Acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York and the New York Field Office of the FBI for their partnership in uncovering this alleged crime.”
According to allegations in the criminal complaint, the information, and other documents filed in federal court, as well as statements made in public court proceedings:
Rules and regulations promulgated by the New York City Department of Correction (“NYCDOC”) prohibit correction officers and other staff from introducing or delivering contraband into NYCDOC facilities, and provide that “[e]mployees shall not enter into any transaction with an inmate, nor carry, convey, or make accessible to an inmate within a facility/command any intoxicant, opiate, narcotic, or other contraband article, nor traffic with an inmate in any manner.”
As alleged in the Information and Complaint, and as he admitted today in court, at various points during the course of this scheme JOSHUA ALBA flouted those rules and regulations by agreeing to deliver contraband, including tobacco, to a particular inmate (“Inmate-1”), who was housed in the section of the AMKC to which ALBA typically was assigned during his tours of duty in return for cash bribes.  ALBA obtained the contraband from an individual in the Bronx (“CC-1”), who arranged the deliveries in coded conversations with Inmate-1 that occurred over recorded prison phone calls.  ALBA made these contraband deliveries from at least December 2018 until July 2019, in return for at least $5,000 in cash bribes.
ALBA, 30, of Queens, New York, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit honest services wire fraud, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.  The maximum potential sentence in this case is prescribed by Congress, and is provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge. ALBA is scheduled to be sentenced by United States District Judge Lorna G. Schofield on a date to be determined.
Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI and DOI. 

Governor Cuomo Announces Special Health Insurance Enrollment Extension Through NY State of Health Marketplace

Special Enrollment for Uninsured New Yorkers Will Extend for Additional 30 days and Remain Open Through August 15, 2020

  Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that the Special Enrollment Period for uninsured New Yorkers will be extended for another 30 days, through August 15, 2020, as the State continues to provide supportive services during the COVID-19 public health crisis. New Yorkers can apply for coverage through NY State of Health, New York State's health insurance marketplace, or directly through insurers.

"During these difficult and unprecedented times, access to quality, affordable health care is critically important to New Yorkers' well-being," Governor Cuomo said. "While we're continuing to move in the right direction, we know we're not out of the woods yet and by extending the open enrollment period we're making sure New Yorkers who need affordable health care coverage can get it and help keep themselves and their families safe."

NY State of Health Executive Director, Donna Frescatore said, "At this unprecedented time in our state and nation's history, we want to remind New Yorkers that NY State of Health is here as a safety net. Individuals can find and enroll in affordable, comprehensive health insurance coverage, and our Customer Service Center and enrollment assistors are available to help with this process."  

Superintendent of Financial Services Linda A. Lacewell said, "New York bent the curve but it remains critically important for all New Yorkers to have access to quality and affordable commercial health insurance. This special enrollment period extension is one of the many ways New York is continuing to work together with the commercial health industry to serve the needs of vulnerable New Yorkers. DFS is proud to be a part of this effort to keep New Yorkers healthy and safe."

NY State of Health, together with the State Department of Financial Services and New York State insurers, are taking this action in light of the COVID-19 public health emergency so that individuals do not avoid seeking testing or medical care for fear of cost. Individuals who have lost employer coverage must apply within 60 days of losing that coverage and individuals who have lost income may be eligible for Medicaid, the Essential Plan, Child Health Plus, or subsidized Qualified Health Plans.

Individuals who enroll in Qualified Health Plans through NY State of Health or directly through insurers by August 15, 2020 will have a choice of coverage start date either August 1 or September 1, 2020.  Individuals who are eligible for other NY State of Health programs - Medicaid, Essential Plan and Child Health Plus - can enroll year-round.  Finally, as directed by Governor Cuomo, all New York insurers have waived cost sharing for COVID-19 testing. 

As always, consumers can apply for coverage through NY State of Health online at, by phone at 1-855-355-5777, and by connecting with a free enrollment assistor

Additional information on NY State of Health insurance options during the Coronavirus emergency can be found here. Department of Financial Services information and resources during the Coronavirus emergency can be found here.