Thursday, January 21, 2021

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State Vaccination Program - 93% of First Doses Delivered Have Been Administered


New York's Health Care Distribution Sites Have Administered 93% of FirstDoses Received from Federal Government

State Administered 96,000 Vaccines in the Last 24 Hours

New York On Pace to Be Out of Vaccine Tomorrow

Vaccine Dashboard Will Update Daily to Provide Updates on the State's Vaccine Program; Go to

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's vaccination program. To date, New York's health care distribution sites have administered 93 percent of first doses received from the federal government, and 91 percent of first and second doses.

"We are racing to administer the vaccine as quickly as possible while doing everything we can to reduce the infection rate. We've made progress on both fronts since the post-holiday surge but there's a long way to go before we reach the light at the end of the tunnel," Governor Cuomo said. "The State administered 96,000 shots in the last 24 hours, and we have the operational capacity to do even more - but we need more doses from the federal government because the real problem continues to be that the demand outpaces supply. We also need providers to continue prioritizing the groups they are responsible for serving in order for the system to remain fair."

New York's vast distribution network and large population of eligible individuals far exceed the vaccine supply coming from the federal government. While the federal government has increased eligibility for the vaccine to include 7 million New Yorkers, the federal supply of vaccines has actually decreased. Due to limited supply, New Yorkers are encouraged to remain patient and are advised not to show up at vaccination sites without an appointment. 

A breakdown of the data is as follows (based on numbers reported to New York State as of 11AM today): 


  • Percent of First and Second Doses Administered - 91%
  • First Doses Received - 1,053,650
  • First Doses Administered - 975,958; 93%
  • Second Doses Received - 136,500
  • Second Doses Administered - 108,573


New initiatives to serve over 13,000 young New Yorkers with employment, training, and education support in the face of economic downturn


Newly released Disconnected Youth Task Force report provides a long-term strategy to keep them on a path towards economic and career success

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a series of steps his Administration is taking to support New York City youth and young adults – both current students and those who are out of school and unemployed – as they weather the effects of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Measures include a campaign with CUNY to engage 5,000 young adults to enroll in college this spring, as well as an initiative to connect more than 2,000 high school students with paid internships and opportunities to earn college credit.  


Accompanying these announcements is a new report by the citywide Disconnected Youth Task Force, entitled Connecting Our Future, which focuses attention on New York City’s population of out-of-school/out-of-work (OSOW) 16 to 24-year-olds. Originally convened in 2019, the Task Force updated its original analysis to account for an expected spike in OSOW as a result of job

losses and educational disruptions in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. This report will serve as the City’s strategic plan to serve this population.  


“The measures we’re announcing today represent just a first set of actions demonstrating our commitment to center their wellbeing as we begin the long road to recovery from the pandemic,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We look forward to working with the new Biden-Harris administration and Congressional leadership to build back NYC better than ever.”  


The first set of initiatives announced today focuses on re-engaging young adult New Yorkers who are neither enrolled in school nor working:   


  • CUNY has launched a new Winter Bridge program to enroll 5,000 students from the NYC DOE Class of 2020 who had accepted an offer to CUNY but had yet to matriculate as of the Fall semester.  Current CUNY students will work as College Coaches, sharing their own experiences as college students, and providing support to help new students complete CUNY enrollment and financial aid processes.  Students in the Winter Bridge Program can enroll for spring 2021 in CUNY Start/Math Start and Accelerated Studies in Associate Programs (ASAP).  


  • In partnership with the Mayor’s Fund to Advance NYC and the NYC Center for Youth Employment (CYE), CUNY will launch a Welcome Back campaign to re-engage at least 600 students, including 100 former CUNY ASAP students majoring in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields whose enrollments lapsed in 2020, as well as 500 prospective students who were recently admitted into CUNY community college programs but never enrolled. Participants will receive intensive supports through admissions and re-enrollment processes, including financial aid, ongoing academic and career advisement, and STEM intensive programming with peers. 


  • The Young Men’s Initiative (YMI) will launch License to Careers (L2C), a new pre-apprenticeship initiative to train and place 50 recent high school graduates into career track positions within the transportation sector. This is a new model that will be studied for potential scaling and replication in other sectors of the New York City economy. 


  • In partnership with DYCD, the Mayor's Office will launch a new fellowship for OSOW young adults from Advance & Earn, a new training, education, and employment program launched in 2020 for youth between the ages of 16-24. The fellowship will recruit 15 Fellows for a four-month work experience where they will hone policy, research, and advocacy skills. Fellows will survey and interview young adults in their communities to learn about the issues they are facing in their everyday lives. 


The second set of programs announced today focus on keeping students engaged and on track by expanding career readiness and exploration opportunities to high-need youth:   


  • The de Blasio Administration has completely restructured the Work Learn & Grow program to focus on college and career readiness. This past fall, the new model, administered by the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) in partnership with DOE and CUNY, provided 2,155 high school students with the opportunity to take a for-credit CUNY course through Kingsborough Community College. After completing the course, participants began a paid internship experience that will run through the spring, through which they can earn up to $3,000. 


  • In partnership with CYE, CUNY Explorers, a program that employs CUNY students as College Coaches and mentors for DOE middle school students, will expand and serve an additional 5,000 DOE students. The program will now provide college exploration through after-school activities and expand to work with high school students in 9th and 10th grade. 


  • CYE, in partnership with ExpandED Schools, will train up to 25 nonprofit service providers to serve up to 500 youth with entrepreneurship activities and STEM career exploration as part of DYCD’s Learning Labs and after-school programs. 


  • YMI and the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Office to Prevent Gun Violence will expand eligibility in Anti-Gun Violence Employment Program (AGVEP) to serve up to 50 youth within secure detention. Youth will be engaged in an 18-week stipend-based program that starts under ACS care and continues upon discharge with After Care services. Young people released from Rikers with connections to select service providers will also have the opportunity to be engaged with this program. Services will include job training, therapeutic services and educational and employment opportunities. 


  • In partnership with ACS, The Kite, and Petey Greene, and with support from YMI, the Center for Community Alternatives (CCA) will provide 12 weeks of tutoring to a total of 80 youth at both Horizon and Crossroads Juvenile Centers in support of remote learning. Participants will receive tutoring individually and in small groups. As youth return to the community, CCA will work with ACS, DOE and other stakeholders to ensure they have ongoing access to academic support services. 


Finally, to support unemployed and under-employed young adult job seekers searching for employment and training opportunities, the City has created two new tools, WorkingNYC and Career Discovery NYC:  


  • Developed by the Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development and Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity, WorkingNYC ( centralizes City programs and resources that help New Yorkers access employment, job training, and adult education, career exploration and skill building programs.  


  • NYC Small Business Services has launched Career Discovery NYC (, a centralized resource to assist New Yorkers with career discovery and training, features online, no-cost trainings that prepare New Yorkers with the necessary skills to pursue a pathway for an in-demand career path in the industrial, tech, and media sectors.  


“As New York City navigates beyond the COVID-19 crisis, our highest aspirations for economic democracy and social justice depend upon how effectively we can prepare all our young people for their futures,” said J. Phillip Thompson, Deputy Mayor for Strategic Policy Initiatives and Chair of the Disconnected Youth Task Force. “The report of the Disconnected Youth Task Force provides policymakers the clearest picture yet of who our OSOW young adults are, where we are delivering them effective services and where we must do better, and a comprehensive strategy to help every young New Yorker toward career success.” 


“We applaud these initiatives that will enable the City University of New York to continue supporting young adults as they weather the economic fallout from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” said CUNY Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez. “Whether it’s our new Winter Bridge partnership with the Department of Education to get public school students enrolled in college, our coordinated efforts with the NYC Center for Youth Employment to reengage with more than 1,100 students, or new efforts that focus on long-range priorities such as internships and other career engagement opportunities, CUNY is more than willing to play a vital role in the civic life of the city we are so proud to call home.” 


“Our youth and young adults who support their families and communities while attending school have been hit hardest by this crisis and they deserve the spotlight this taskforce is putting on their recovery,” said Schools Chancellor Richard A. Carranza. “Our educators and schools will continue to serve these young people by providing a high-quality education that meets their unique needs, while enthusiastically supporting the recommendations of this report.” 


"Kingsborough Community College (KCC) is pleased to represent CUNY and partner with DYCD and DOE for the Work, Learn & Grow program, and provide high school students with college and career readiness. Now more than ever, young people need exposure to opportunities that can prepare them academically, socially and emotionally for their future as college students and as members of the workforce.  With more than 50 academic programs of study, a Center for Career Development & Experiential Learning, and personalized counseling support for students, KCC is uniquely positioned to participate in this important program and help students succeed," said Kingsborough President Dr. Claudia V. Schrader


The Disconnected Youth Task Force report, Connecting Our Future, includes demographic analysis of the OSOW population, a look at the portfolio of programs both to prevent disconnection and to re-engage those already OSOW, and recommendations to provide short-term assistance for current OSOW young adults and long-term, system-level improvements to reduce their number over time. The Task Force includes City officials, nonprofit leaders, advocates, and employers.  


Its report is especially timely in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, which has hit hardest within communities of color both in health outcomes and economic impacts. Following a decade of steady reduction in the number of OSOW young adults, the report estimates that between job losses and educational disruptions, the pandemic has likely at least doubled the number.  


“Despite the challenges of the pandemic, programs like Summer Bridge, Advance & Earn, Train & Earn, the WIOA-funded Learn & Earn, and Work Learn & Grow are still able to connect young people with employment, paid internships, job training, credentials and other vital opportunities for career and life success. I am proud to serve with my esteemed colleagues on the Disconnected Youth Task Force, and we look forward to the continued implementation of these programs and the new initiatives being announced today to support our young emerging leaders,” said Department of Youth and Community Development Commissioner Bill Chong


“The jobs crisis, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, has hit young New Yorkers and the sectors they work in particularly hard,” said NYC Small Business Services Commissioner Jonnel Doris. “The Disconnected Youth Task Force’s work helps us minimize the long-term impact on our young people. We are excited to be adding new resources to Career Discovery NYC to support young New Yorkers in their career exploration and employment opportunities.” 


"Young people with aspirations, tremendous potential, and talent will be facing even greater challenges in realizing their dreams in the wake of the pandemic," said Department of Probation Commissioner Ana M. Bermúdez. "DOP is proud of our continuing efforts to bring resources and opportunities into communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the justice system, and now disproportionately impacted by COVID-19." 


“Ensuring youth have the resources and supports that they need to successfully transition to adulthood is a top priority for ACS,” said Administration for Children’s Services Commissioner David A. Hansell. “I am so pleased that Mayor de Blasio is taking critical steps to open more doors of opportunity for the youth and young adults hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic, including youth in our foster care and juvenile justice system.” 


"Today's report underscores the urgent need for action across all levels of government to support and uplift tomorrow’s leaders of New York City," said NYC Human Resources Administration Administrator Gary Jenkins. “As our City continues its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on equity first and foremost, the Department of Social Services-Human Resources Administration is committed to doing its part to provide young adults across the five boroughs with the tools they need to achieve long-term career growth and success.”  


The Task Force calls for City government to:  


  • Prioritize re-engagement of OSOW New Yorkers through education, employment, and training as a core component of COVID-19 recovery efforts 
  • Help prevent disconnection by integrating career readiness into K-12 education and CUNY systems through CareerReady NYC, an initiative launched in 2019 
  • Elevate visibility and clarify accountability by identifying where primary responsibility for OSOW services sits within City government. 


In addition to its recommendations, “Connecting Our Future” presents unprecedented detail on the city’s OSOW population—including demographics and causal factors. Among its findings:  


  • Over the decade prior to the pandemic, the city’s OSOW population declined by nearly 40 percent, largely due to sustained improvements in the high school graduation rate and consistent job growth—but even before COVID-19, one in eight 16 to 24-year-old New Yorkers were OSOW 
  • Those that remained OSOW as of 2018 were older and better educated than the population a decade earlier—nearly three in four have at least completed high school and about one in eight have a bachelor's degree 
  • The population remains overwhelmingly Black and Latino, and are found in every neighborhood but concentrated in a number of economically distressed communities  
  • Contributors to disconnection from school and work include challenges in K-12 schooling, struggles with college completion and job retention, and absence of strong networks and support systems; given the demographics of the population, institutional bias is a factor as well 

Nos Quedamos' PHOENIX Newsletter - The Bronx People's Platform Launch Event - January 22, 2021 @ 5:30PM


Friday, January 22nd at 5:30pm
What will the Bronx look like in 30 years? Who gets to decide the future of our borough? How do we create a local economy and a greater society that works for us all?

Join us for a historic virtual event on Friday, January 22nd at 5:30pm, as we release a city-level policy platform, THE BRONX PEOPLE'S PLATFORM, which is the first phase this year of building power for economic democracy, and share the many ways you can join us and help shape our Bronx future.
Join our borough-wide coalition of local residents and community-based, faith-based organizations, and labor groups who are shaping a new reality for the Bronx grounded in racial justice and economic democracy! We are creating a new normal where Bronxites work together to build shared wealth, collectively own the assets in our communities, and share decision-making power over how those resources are used to benefit the many, not the few.

Learn more about our priorities regarding CRIMINAL JUSTICE, ENERGY and the ENVIRONMENT, NYC ECONOMY, EDUCATION, VOTING & ELECTIONS, HEALTH, HOUSING AND LAND USE, among other critical issues.

An Update from State Comptroller DiNapoli: NY's Economy & Finances in the COVID-19 Era

Message From New York State Comptroller

Executive Budget Projects Lingering Economic Pain


The economic outlook contained in the Governor’s Executive Budget proposal for State Fiscal Year 2021-22, released this week, anticipates continuing but slow improvement for employment and other economic indicators, as well as tax revenues. Real U.S. gross domestic product is projected to increase by 4.4 percent in calendar year 2021 after an estimated decline of 3.4 percent in 2020, according to the Division of the Budget (DOB). While the State has regained close to half of the 1.9 million jobs lost in March and April of 2020, a return to pre-pandemic employment levels is not expected until 2025.

“The COVID-19 pandemic’s damaging effects on labor markets are still mounting and will be a major obstacle to a balanced economic recovery,” according to the Executive Budget Financial Plan. After a decline of 5.7 percent in 2020, U.S. employment is projected to increase by 2.7 percent in 2021 and reach its pre-pandemic level in early 2023, according to DOB.

For more current highlights on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the State’s finances and economy, visit our web page. Additional topics this week include:

  • Paying household bills: A difficult challenge for more New Yorkers
  • Unemployment payments declined in recent months
  • An update on New York's budget and spending

The State Comptroller's office is committed to keeping New Yorkers regularly updated on the State's economy and finances.

Governor Cuomo Updates New Yorkers on State's Progress During COVID-19 Pandemic - JANUARY 21, 2021


9,055 Patient Hospitalizations Statewide

1,560 Patients in the ICU; 1,011 Intubated

Statewide Positivity Rate is 6.18%

174 COVID-19 Deaths in New York State Yesterday

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today updated New Yorkers on the state's progress during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

"COVID-19 is continuing to spread across the state, and the footrace continues between our ability to quickly distribute the vaccine—hampered only by supply—and the virus' new strains and new cases," Governor Cuomo said. "Our large network of distribution sites is ready, willing and able to get more vaccines to New Yorkers, faster—all we need is the supply. In the meantime, New Yorkers who aren't yet eligible should stay vigilant as we get through the winter, washing their hands, wearing masks and socially distancing. The extent of community spread is a function of our actions, and we can slow it down. Our citizens have already been brave and resilient through the enormous hardship that we've faced over the last year, saving countless lives. Now we need to get through to the light at the end of the tunnel."

Today's data is summarized briefly below: 

  • Test Results Reported - 224,569
  • Total Positive - 13,886
  • Percent Positive - 6.18%
  • Patient Hospitalization - 9,055 (-218)
  • Patients Newly Admitted - 1,000
  • Hospital Counties - 57
  • Number ICU - 1,560 (-61)
  • Number ICU with Intubation - 1,011 (-33)
  • Total Discharges - 118,889 (+1,007)
  • Deaths - 174 
  • Total Deaths - 33,594

Court Orders Attorney General James’ Lawsuit Against NRA to Continue in Manhattan Court


 New York Attorney General Letitia James today applauded a court order in her lawsuit against the National Rifle Association (NRA), when Judge Joel Cohen of the New York County State Supreme Court ruled in her favor and ordered that the case be permitted to continue in a Manhattan court, and not be moved to an Albany court or dismissed outright. After the Office of the Attorney General filed the proceeding against the largest and most influential pro-gun organization in the nation last year, the NRA filed motions to dismiss the complaint in its entirety, stay the action, and change the venue to an Albany court. Today, Judge Cohen denied all motions made by the NRA.

“Today’s order reaffirms what we’ve known all along: the NRA does not get to dictate if and where they will answer for their actions,” said Attorney General James. “We thank the court for allowing our case to move forward and look forward to holding the NRA accountable.”

Additionally, Judge Cohen denied all other procedural actions the NRA attempted to utilize to stay or dismiss Attorney General James’ lawsuit.

In August, Attorney General James filed a lawsuit against the NRA, Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre, former Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer Wilson “Woody” Phillips, former Chief of Staff and the Executive Director of General Operations Joshua Powell, and Corporate Secretary and General Counsel John Frazer for failing to manage the NRA’s funds; failing to follow numerous state and federal laws, as well as the NRA’s own bylaws and policies; and contributing to the loss of more than $64 million in just three years for the NRA.

As Part of New York's Ongoing Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Cuomo Announces Open Enrollment for Uninsured New Yorkers Extended Through March 31

New Yorkers Can Apply Now for Coverage Through NY State of Health or Directly Through Insurers   

Amid Global Pandemic, High-Quality Health Insurance More Important Than Ever  

 As part of New York's ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that the Open Enrollment Period for uninsured New Yorkers will be extended through March 31, 2021. New Yorkers can apply for coverage through NY State of Health, New York's Official Health Plan Marketplace, or directly through insurers. 

"Ensuring all New Yorkers have access to health insurance is essential, not only as we continue to fight the war against COVID, but to foster healthier, more resilient and more equitable communities as we rebuild post-pandemic," Governor Cuomo said. "By extending this deadline until March, New Yorkers who need health coverage will have additional time to enroll and find the plan that works best for themselves and their families." 

Extending the Open Enrollment Period to March 31, 2021 helps to align New York with the federal Public Health Emergency which was recently extended to April 20, 2021. This extension allows individuals eligible for Qualified Health Plan insurance additional time to enroll for coverage in 2021 and means that enrollment remains open for all NY State of Health programs, which is especially important during the ongoing public health emergency. Coverage start dates will vary:

  • Enroll by February 15: Coverage starts March 1
  • Enroll March 15: Coverage starts April 1
  • Enroll by March 31: Coverage starts May 1  

Individuals who are eligible for other NY State of Health programs - Medicaid, Essential Plan and Child Health Plus - can enroll year-round.  As always, New Yorkers can apply for coverage through NY State of Health online at, by phone at 1-855-355-5777, and by connecting with a free enrollment assister. 

New York State of Health Executive Director, Donna Frescatore said, "The COVID-19 pandemic is far from over and thanks to Governor Cuomo's leadership, this extension of the Open Enrollment Period will give New Yorkers the extra time they need to enroll in coverage. As vaccine distribution continues throughout the state, having access to quality, affordable health coverage is crucial to staying healthy in 2021."

Superintendent of Financial Services Linda A. Lacewell said, "Under Governor Cuomo's leadership, New York is extending the health enrollment period, providing uninsured New Yorkers another opportunity to sign up for high-quality and affordable health insurance. This opportunity to access New York's health insurance marketplace is critically important during an ongoing public health emergency and during vaccination efforts. The state encourages uninsured New Yorkers to visit NY State of Health and sign up today."

Additional information on NY State of Health insurance options during the COVID-19 emergency can be found here.  

NY Department of Financial Services information and resources during the COVID-19 emergency can be found here.

Governor Cuomo Announces Investigations into Prescription Drug Price Spikes Connected to the COVID-19 Pandemic


Department of Financial Services is Committed to Holding Companies Accountable for Unjustified, Exorbitant Increases in Prescription Drug Prices

The New Office of Pharmacy Benefits' First Round of Investigations Will Focus on Drug Price Spikes Connected to the COVID-19 Pandemic

 Governor Andrew Cuomo today announced the Department of Financial Services' newly formed Office of Pharmacy Benefits today announced it has initiated investigations into significant price spikes for six drugs that were connected to the COVID-19 pandemic by sending a demand pursuant to New York Insurance Law Section 111 requiring a statement from the manufacturer explaining the facts and circumstances surrounding the spikes.

"Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we've seen too many instances of pharmaceutical companies taking advantage of those in need and significantly raising the prices on life-saving prescription drugs," Governor Cuomo said. "This shameful behavior cannot stand and needs to be rooted out at all costs. Companies should be on notice - if you attempt to capitalize on the health needs of New Yorkers, we will investigate you and hold you fully accountable."

"Putting profits over people's lives is unconscionable," said Superintendent Lacewell. "When drug manufacturers exploit a global pandemic for their own benefit, it cannot go unanswered.  DFS will use every power at its disposal to shine a light on the world of drug prices.  Today, we have taken our first steps in addressing the problem of excessive drug prices that has hit consumers' pocketbooks directly and through insurance premiums."

The impact on consumers is not just about dollars and cents: as these drugs are sometimes the difference between life and death, an extreme price spike can be a real barrier to lifesaving treatment, particularly during this global health emergency. 

"It requires extreme greed and cynicism to see a global pandemic costing millions of lives as an opportunity for profit," said Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health Dr. Howard Zucker. "I applaud DFS and Superintendent Lacewell for taking these steps to address the problem of excessive drug prices during this international public health crisis."

The Department of Financial Services' (DFS) Office of Pharmacy Benefits (OPB) has examined changes in drug prices during the state of emergency to identify spikes in price worthy of further investigation.  Today, the OPB commenced investigations under Section 111 of the Insurance Law into anomalously large spikes in the prices of six drugs that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, under circumstances determined to warrant further investigation.  These drugs are:

  • Ascor (ascorbic acid) 25,000 mg/50 mL bulk vial - Ascor is a formulation of Vitamin C for IV injection manufactured by McGuff Pharmaceuticals. McGuff raised the price of this drug by 110% about a week after clinical trials were announced for use of the drug to treat COVID-19 patients suffering acute symptoms.
  • Budesonide 0.5 mg/2 mL inhalation (60 mL) - One of two corticosteroids to be investigated, a generic formulation produced by Cipla USA Inc. increased in price by over 1350% in the midst of the first wave of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. and on the heels of an announcement of international clinical trials for its use to treat COVID-19 patients.
  • Dexonto (dexamethasone) 5 mL vial of a 0.4% solution - Dexonto is the other corticosteroid under investigation and is a branded generic drug manufactured by Nubratori, Inc.  This manufacturer announced a price increase of over 65% at the beginning of the pandemic, just 11 days before clinical trials for treating COVID-19 patients with the drug were announced in China.
  • Mytesi (crofelemer) 125 mg delayed release tablet, 60s - Manufactured by Jaguar Health, Mytesi is a drug used to treat gastrointestinal side effects of antiretroviral therapies used by HIV patients.  Jaguar increased the price of the drug by 230% just days after it applied for an emergency use authorization for use to treat COVID-19 patients.
  • Duramorph (morphine sulfate) 1 mg/1 ml (10 mL 10s) - While most morphine formulations experienced modest increases in price during the early months of the pandemic, this branded product manufactured by Hikma Pharmaceuticals experienced an anomalous increase of nearly 60%.
  • Chloroquine phosphate 250 mg tablets - The chloroquine family of drugs has made many headlines during the pandemic, but Rising Pharmaceuticals appears to have attempted to capitalize on unsubstantiated reports of its effectiveness in treating COVID-19 patients early in the pandemic when it raised its price by 97.8%.

Each of these manufacturers will now be required to provide information about and a justification for each spike the OPB has identified.  Pursuant to the demands sent today, the manufacturers will provide DFS with written responses to questions such as the dates pricing decisions were made, the officers or employees involved in the decisions, any analyses conducted prior to the price spike, and the reasons for the price spike given internally.  The OPB is authorized to collect additional information, including by examining witnesses or issuing subpoenas. 

The commencement of an investigation does not mean that a price spike was unlawful or even unjustified; rather, it means that DFS has determined the circumstances warrant a closer look.  If the investigation finds that illegal conduct occurred or that a price spike was not justified, these conclusions will be memorialized in a report of the Drug Accountability Board, the panel of experts appointed by the Superintendent just last month, and referrals to other relevant legal authorities may be made. 

If it is determined that a valid reason for the spike exists, DFS will announce that development as well, and close the investigation.  Through this work DFS will provide transparency in an area which has traditionally been opaque. 

For more information or to report a drug price spike, please visit the DFS Website.  Any questions may be addressed to Eamon Rock, Director of the Office of Pharmacy Benefits, at