Thursday, March 25, 2021



Major initiatives to restore accountability and trust between communities and police through five central goals

 The New York City Council today passed the Council Resolution on Police Reform, an initiative that builds on the proposals outlined in the New York City Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative draft plan. Following seven years of consecutive police reform under the de Blasio Administration, the Resolution confronts the painful legacy of racialized policing and deepens accountability and the bonds between police and the communities they serve.  

“These reforms will confront centuries of overpolicing in communities of color and strengthen the bonds between police and community,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “I’m grateful to our co-sponsors—Jennifer Jones Austin, Wes Moore, and Arva Rice—for their vision and leadership throughout this process, as well as Speaker Johnson and Chair Adams. Together, we’ll make our city safer and fairer for generations to come.”

“We believe the plan ratified today by the City Council reflects the themes brought forward with reforms that center squarely on bringing an end to such policing, the criminalization of poverty, and the lack of transparency and accountability in the NYPD. We know there is more to be done,” said Police Reform and Reinvention Collaboration Co-Sponsors Jennifer Jones Austin, Wes Moore, and Arva Rice. “Now the work begins to implement this plan without delay, and ensure that the City’s budget is fully aligned.”


The Resolution is the product of a months-long engagement process through the New York City Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative. Spanning nearly 100 meetings and town halls, including nine public listening sessions, the Collaborative sought testimony and feedback from a broad range of New Yorkers, including  CBOs, advocacy groups, members of clergy, racial justice advocates, cure violence providers, youth groups and youth voices, ethnic and religious organizations, BIDs and small business owners, non-profits, LGBTQIA+ community leaders, the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, people with disabilities, tenants’ associations, shelter-based and affordable housing communities and providers, people involved in the justice system, crime victims, policy experts, prosecutors and  oversight bodies. 

The Resolution focuses on five goals: 

  1. The Decriminalization of Poverty.
  2. Recognition and Continual Examination of Historical and Modern-Day Racialized Policing in New York City.
  3. Transparency and Accountability to the People of New York City.
  4. Community Representation and Partnership.
  5. A Diverse, Resilient, and Supported NYPD.

All initiatives will be launched, and many fully implemented, in 2021. By May 1, 2021, the City will publish a commitments tracker that includes implementation timelines, implementation status, and metrics for all the following proposals. 

Goal 1: The Decriminalization of Poverty  

This plan prioritizes the concept of budget justice, in recognizing that we must reduce the likelihood of justice involvement by investing in services and supports for low-income communities. For far too many New Yorkers, there is an inescapable cycle of disadvantage and criminal justice involvement.


This pattern is particularly true in low-income and communities of color, which had experienced decades of under-investment in critical services. 

This plan addresses these issues in fundamental ways:

  • Creating an Ending Poverty to Prison Pipeline initiative in June 2021 to prevent and reduce justice system contact and connect low-income and justice-involved clients and their families with streamlined services 
  • Issuing an Executive Order requiring City agencies to establish service plans to ensure access to health and human services for individuals and families affected by the criminal justice system
  • Expanding the Summer Youth Employment Program by adding 5,000 new spots this summer for high-need CUNY Students 


  • Funding  a pilot program for families with children who are at risk of homelessness, with the goal of reaching them before their housing situation reaches the point of a crisis.  

  • Expanding Mobile Treatment Teams and eliminate existing disparities in access to mental health care

  • Examining and end policies that perpetuate the cycle of impoverishment and incarceration in communities of color 

  • Committing $15 million to fund critical anti-violence programs and social services programs
  • Pushing to adopt new public health approaches to reduce overdoses, including the approval of Overdose Prevention Centers at the State level 
  • Developing new strategies to combat trafficking while working to eliminate arrests for selling sex


  •  The Council will also vote on legislation to establish a crash investigation and analysis unit within the Department of Transportation


Goal 2: Recognition and Continual Examination of Historical and Modern-Day Racialized Policing in New York City  

Racialized policing in New York City has existed since the Department’s inception and persists through contemporary police policies and practices.  Addressing the legacy and harm of racialized policing in New York required a recognition and public acknowledgement of the Department’s troubled history and current challenges with race  .


We must conduct a critical examination of the policies and practices that perpetuate structural and institutional racism, and act urgently to address them: 

  • Creating a dedicated process, including a comprehensive report, to acknowledge, address, and repair past and present injustices and trauma caused by the practice of racialized policing 
  • Conducting a comprehensive, independent review to identify and assess persistent structures of racism within the NYPD 
  • Requiring supervisors to proactively monitor discretionary officer activity for indications of biased-based policing and take corrective measures immediately within the NYPD
  • Augmenting racial bias training for NYPD leadership 
  • Comprehensive restorative justice training for NYPD leadership and NCOs to repair relationships with communities  
  • Requiring the reporting of traffic stops to address disparate enforcement  

Goal 3: Transparency and Accountability to the People of New York City 

To earn the trust of all the City’s communities, the NYPD must be transparent while holding members accountable. The City will strengthen police oversight at the individual and systemic level by:

  • Holding police officers accountable for misconduct through internal NYPD disciplinary decisions that are transparent, consistent, and fair  
  • Strengthening the CCRB by expanding their authority to investigate biased based policing and initiate their own investigations 
  • Supporting a change in State law to give CCRB access to sealed PD records for purposes of investigations, especially biased-policing investigations 
  • Supporting a change in State law changes to increase the 30-day cap for suspensions and create a pension forfeiture remedy for the most egregious misconduct cases  
  • Monitoring implementation of the Discipline Matrix and enhance transparency regarding its use 
  • Creating a Citywide policy to strengthen transparency and accountability in the use of biometric technology 
  • Equipping New York City Sheriff’s Deputies with body-worn cameras

Goal 4: Community Representation and Partnership 

Meaningful partnership must be central to the Department’s strategies, and can be bolstered through the focused recruitment, hiring, retention, and promotion of those from the communities most impacted by policing.


Officers must feel like genuine engagement and thoughtful problem-solving is their job, and not a distraction or an add-on. The City will commit to: 

  • Ensuring the composition  of the NYPD’s workforce is reflective of the community it serves at all levels of the organization and focus hiring outreach on underrepresented communities in the force  
  • Piloting the Advance Peace Model, a new approach to helping youth who are at risk for involvement with gun violence  
  • Tripling the City’s Cure Violence workforce by Summer 2022  
  • Incorporating direct community participation in the selection of Precinct Commanders  
  • Codifying and strengthen the Mayor’s Office to Prevent Gun Violence 
  • Expanding the Community Solutions Program from the initial Brownsville pilot 

  • Elevating the feedback of the community through CompStat and Enhanced Neighborhood Policing 
  • Ensuring the Special Victims Division is a model for national best practice through an independent review  
  • Improving support for victims of domestic, gender-based and family violence through access to community-based resources  
  • Involving the community in training and education by expanding the People’s Police Academy  
  • Expanding the Precinct Commander’s Advisory Councils 

Goal 5: A Diverse, Resilient, and Supported NYPD 

The City aims to develop the most diverse and resilient law enforcement agency in the nation.

The City is committed to building upon the Department’s evolving culture by increasing supports and opportunities and promoting professionalism and excellence:

  •  Recruiting officers who reflect the communities they serve, with a commitment to recruit and retain more people of color and women  
  • Reforming the promotions process to focus on transparency, including complaint and disciplinary history  
  • Ensuring that a diverse candidate pool is considered for top NYPD promotions by Mayoral Executive Order
  • Making residence in New York City a more significant factor in hiring police officers   
  • Expanding mental health support for officers  
  • Supporting professional development through the Commander’s Course and leadership development programs 

  • Updating the patrol guide so it is more user friendly and less complex for officer and transparent to the public 

Since Mayor de Blasio took office on January 1, 2014, the de Blasio administration has implemented a sweeping set of wholesale reforms to address over-policing and reduce the overall impact of the criminal justice system, while making the city safer and fairer. The hallmark of the current administration has been a reduced enforcement footprint coupled with a sustained decrease in crime. While many criminal justice systems in the United States continued policies that drive mass incarceration, New York City led an effort to reduce law enforcement focused intervention and incarceration. The results of these efforts have been historic. Comparing 2020 to 2013, the year before the de Blasio Administration took office, there were approximately:

  • 182,000 fewer stop and frisk incidents, a 95% reduction 
  • 253,000 fewer arrests, a 64% reduction 
  • 29,000 fewer marijuana arrests, a 98% reduction 
  • 5,900 fewer people in jail on average per day, a 52% reduction 




McGuire’s plan focuses on ensuring equity within the cannabis industry, restorative justice for those disproportionately impacted by previous policies, and safety measures for communities.

 Democrat Ray McGuire today released a plan to ensure that New Yorkers - especially those who have been disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition and incarceration - can start businesses and access good jobs in the soon-to-be-legalized adult-use cannabis industry.

While the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act is still being finalized, McGuire outlined a framework for addressing the planning and siting of cannabis retail businesses, and preventing substance use issues and underage cannabis use.

“Communities of color, specifically Black and Latino communities, have been disproportionately impacted by the criminalization of cannabis for generations,” said Ray McGurie. ‘It’s important that this landmark law is leveraged to make these communities whole, not only by expunging records for previous convictions, but also by investing substantially in the communities most impacted and ensuring equity in the legal cannabis industry.”

Ray's Plan to Grow Good, Equitable Cannabis Jobs in NYC will:

  • Create a cannabis opportunity fund through his Comeback Bank;
  • Launch a Citywide mentorship and workforce training program for cannabis;
  • Invest in incubators for cannabis startups;
  • Make affordable space available for cannabis businesses;
  • Secure passage of the SAFE Banking Act.

Ray also believes that the city and state have a responsibility to balance the opportunity of adult-use cannabis and the concerns of community members. As mayor, Ray commits to:

  • Fighting to ensure local control over zoning and siting decisions around cannabis businesses, and using that authority to provide communities with a voice in what types of businesses are permitted in their neighborhoods;
  • Ensuring that cannabis retail businesses are not opened in close proximity to schools, childcare centers, or houses of worship;
  • Working with health experts, educators, and parents to implement best-in-class cannabis abuse prevention programs targeted at young people; 
  • Using cannabis tax revenue to invest in expanded treatment programs through the NYC Health + Hospitals system and at private operators with proven records of success;
  • Empowering the NYPD and community organizations with both the resources and technology to prevent unlawful driving under the influence of cannabis.




"This deal is the result of not months, but years of work by legislators, and years more by advocates. Now, it appears that we may finally overcome the well-documented reluctance of the Governor and the disingenuous opposition from people and industries who benefit from the criminalization of communities of more color. As we await the final bill language, the legalization agreement as described reflects a commitment to addressing and undoing that harm by investing revenue from the new industry into the communities disproportionately impacted by decades of disparate policing, and expunging the records of those whose lives were ruined by a marijuana-related conviction.

"With the final budget deadline looming, this is not a time to relax or back down. We must continue to push to ensure that when the final passage is complete, and as the law is implemented, marijuana legalization means true marijuana justice."

One Year Anniversary of he NYC Sex and Coronavirus Disease (COVD-19)

Enjoy safe sex.

Comptroller Stringer and More Than 100 Community-Based Organizations Call on City to Create $25 Million Emergency Food Program to Reach Undocumented New Yorkers


Coalition urges Mayor to dedicate FEMA reimbursement funding for undocumented New Yorkers who are unable to access federally funded safety net programs like SNAP

  New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer and more than 100 immigrant rights advocates, faith leaders and community-based organizations sent a letter to Mayor Bill de Blasio calling for $25 million in FEMA reimbursement funding to be specifically dedicated to providing emergency food to undocumented New Yorkers, in addition to the City’s current emergency food programs. Unable to access federally funded safety net programs like SNAP, undocumented New Yorkers have fewer resources available to help put food on the table, and must rely solely on food pantries and mutual aid networks for additional food, which often is not enough.

The Biden Administration has agreed to lift the cap on FEMA reimbursement for New York State and City’s pandemic related costs, clearing the way for 100 percent reimbursements. This will result in $1 billion in reimbursements for New York City. Comptroller Stringer urged the City to dedicate at least $25 million of this funding to create food security programs for immigrant New Yorkers who have been left out of other safety net programs.

“It’s unconscionable that anyone should go hungry in one of the wealthiest cities in the world, especially in the middle of a public health crisis,” said Comptroller Stringer.  “Immigrant New Yorkers have been hit hard by the pandemic, with higher rates of COVID infections and job losses–yet undocumented New Yorkers have been left out of federal and state food programs. The City must act immediately to create a $25 million emergency food program that serves our undocumented communities and reaches New Yorkers where they are– regardless of immigration status, cultural background or language. I am proud to join over 100 immigrant advocates, faith leaders and community-based organizations to say loud and clear: hunger does not discriminate, and neither should we.”

In February, Comptroller Stringer unveiled a comprehensive food security plan that called for the creation of a $25 million City-based emergency food program to serve undocumented New Yorkers left out of federal and state safety net programs. The plan offers immediate local, state, and federal recommendations to close gaps in emergency food programming, including a “shared delivery zone” program that centralizes neighbors’ food deliveries to meet online retailers’ minimum purchasing requirements, expanded SNAP outreach and purchasing power, and increased halal and kosher food options.

The full letter signed by more than 100 community-based organizations is available below and here.

Dear Mayor de Blasio:

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought immeasurable harm to New Yorkers, with skyrocketing unemployment and ballooning food insecurity following waves of illness and death. People of color and immigrant New Yorkers have been hit hardest with the highest rates of COVID infections, illness and fatalities, and job and income loss, all of which have contributed to our current crisis of food insecurity. But within these communities, undocumented New Yorkers are uniquely vulnerable when tragedy strikes. Unable to access federally funded safety net programs like SNAP, undocumented New Yorkers have fewer resources available to help put food on the table, and often rely solely on food pantries and mutual aid networks for additional food, which often is not enough. In a city like New York, it’s unconscionable that anyone should go hungry.

That’s why we are calling for $25 million in FEMA reimbursement funding to be specifically dedicated to providing emergency food to undocumented New Yorkers, in addition to the City’s current emergency food programs. The Biden Administration has agreed to lift the cap on FEMA reimbursement for New York State and City’s pandemic related costs, clearing the way for 100 percent reimbursements. This will result in $1 billion in reimbursements for New York City. This funding creates an opportunity to address food insecurity among New Yorkers who cannot access the federally funded SNAP program due to immigration status, including workers in the informal economy, seniors, and others who have been hardest hit. The City should seize this opportunity and dedicate at least $25 million of this funding to create food security programs for immigrant New Yorkers who have been left out of other safety net programs.

We call on you to take immediate action and commit the funding to make this proposal a reality. Undocumented New Yorkers cannot wait for relief any longer.


Scott Stringer
New York City Comptroller

282 Day and Counting


We are now finally doing things that I should have done in my first term as your Mayor. I only hope the next mayor is more prepared than I was, but that won't be hard to do for the next Mayor you elect. Just elect someone better than me, and again that won't be hard to do.



City, in partnership with City Council, will expand free, full-day, high-quality early childhood education to an additional 16,500 three-year-olds across New York City 

 Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Meisha Porter today announced that in partnership with City Council, 3-K for All will expand to the remaining sixteen community school districts in the 2021-22 school year – bringing free, full-day, high-quality 3-K to up to 16,500 more three-year-olds across New York City. By this fall, the City will support approximately 40,000 3-K seats across all 32 community school districts.   

In addition to expanding to School Districts 1, 12, 14, and 29 this fall as previously announced, the City will expand to offer 3-K to as many families as possible in the remaining sixteen school districts: 2, 3, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28 and 30. 3-K is already offered to every three-year-old in School Districts 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 19, 23, 27, 31, and 32. 


“3K has been invaluable for so many kids and working families across our city,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Now, as we build a recovery for all of us, we are bringing 3K to every district across our city, giving more kids the quality head start they need to grow and thrive.” 


“Providing a high-quality education to every New York City student starts with our youngest children, and I’m thrilled to expand 3-K for All to reach every district citywide and bring access to thousands more three-year-olds and their families during this critical time,” said Schools Chancellor Meisha Porter. “These programs provide children with an invaluable head start in school and life, and I encourage families to explore the 3-K and Pre-K for All options available in their communities and apply.” 


"Early childcare education is one of the best investments we can make as a city, and this accelerated expansion of 3k is going to help make New York City a leader in this important field. More work remains, but this Council is proud of the cooperation and innovation that went into making this program a reality. We thank the de Blasio administration for being our partners in this effort. This is great news for families,” said Council Speaker Corey Johnson. 


Like Pre-K for All, 3-K for All relies on the partnership of community-based organizations, including Head Start programs, child care agencies, and family child care providers. The timing of the expansion aligns with the culmination of the City’s historic commitment to achieve pay parity for certified early childhood education teachers by October 2021, a goal which is on track to be met. Achieving a pathway to pay parity between early childhood educators in community-based organizations and those working in district schools completes the promise made by the Mayor and City Council to the provider community during summer 2019, as part of agreements with District Council 37, the Day Care Council of New York, and the Head Start Sponsoring Board Council, as well as a commitment to non-represented teachers. Certified teachers saw phased-in wage increases beginning in October 2019. Non-certified teachers and support staff have also seen increases in compensation. 


3-K for All is the nation’s most ambitious effort to provide universal, free, full-day, high-quality early childhood education for every three-year-old child and builds on the success of Pre-K for All. High-quality 3-K helps to make sure children are prepared for kindergarten and have a strong start in school and life.  


"3-K has proven to be an absolutely vital service in communities across our city, and I'm glad to see it continue to expand to bring this resource to all New Yorkers,” said Public Advocate Jumaane Williams. “I thank the Mayor and newly-appointed Chancellor Porter for recognizing this need as we begin to build a recovery from the pandemic, to make this investment in educating our children and supporting our families as we must pursue a Renewed Deal for New York." 


"I applaud the expansion of 3K for all.  I'm especially pleased to see two Bronx school districts included, one of which, District 10 is among the city's most overcrowded and has a very high number of children living in homeless shelters.  Early education is the foundation for learning.  Getting a strong, early start sets the stage for continued learning and success.  The more children who are served by 3K, the better for the future of all," said Council Member Fernando Cabrera. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Governor Cuomo Announces More Than 8 Million Total COVID Vaccine Doses Administered Across New York State


154,705 Doses Administered Across New York State in the Last 24 Hours            

More than 1 Million Doses Administered Over Past Seven Days

Vaccine Dashboard Will Update Daily to Provide Updates on the State's Vaccine Program; Go to

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced more than 8 million total COVID vaccine doses have been administered across New York. 154,705 doses have been administered across the state's vast distribution network in the last 24 hours, and more than 1 million doses have been administered over the past seven days. Delivery of the week 15 allocation begins mid-week.   

"Our vast distribution network remains strong and steady in getting shots into people's arms all across the state, but we need to be mindful that we are still in a footrace with the infection rate and the progress we've made is only as good as our continued vigilance," Governor Cuomo said. "Community behavior matters. It is imperative that we continue to exercise safety guidelines even as more and more of our fellow New Yorkers get vaccinated. Our providers are working day and night to administer the vaccine equitably and fairly, and it is critical that we all do our part in support of their efforts."    

New York's vast distribution network and large population of eligible individuals still far exceed the supply coming from the federal government. Due to limited supply, New Yorkers are encouraged to remain patient and are advised not to show up at vaccination sites without an appointment.                       

The 'Am I Eligible' screening tool has been updated for individuals with comorbidities and underlying conditions with new appointments released on a rolling basis over the next weeks. New Yorkers can use the following to show they are eligible:

  • Doctor's letter, or
  • Medical information evidencing comorbidity, or
  • Signed certification   

Vaccination program numbers below are for doses distributed and delivered to New York for the state's vaccination program, and do not include those reserved for the federal government's Long Term Care Facility program. A breakdown of the data based on numbers reported to New York State as of 11 AM today is as follows.                     


Total doses administered - 8,029,749

Total doses administered over past 24 hours - 154,705

Total doses administered over past 7 days - 1,042,213

Percent of New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 26.9%

Percent of New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 14.1%