Wednesday, May 19, 2021

As New York State Adopts CDC Mask and Social Distancing Guidance, Governor Cuomo Announces 62% of Adult New Yorkers and 51% of All Eligible New Yorkers Have Received at Least One COVID-19 Vaccine Dose


109,748 Doses Administered in the Last 24 Hours   

800,437 Doses Administered Over Past Seven Days

845 Doses Administered on First Day of Expanded MTA Vaccinations Program

Vaccine Dashboard Updated Daily on the State's Vaccine Program Here

 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced 62 percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older and 51 percent of all vaccine-eligible New Yorkers have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. 109,748 doses have been administered across the state's vast distribution network in the last 24 hours, and 800,437 doses have been administered statewide over the past seven days. 845 doses were administered at MTA station stops on May 18, the first day of the expansion of the successful pilot program.        

"As we hit a major milestone in reopening our state, it's important to remember that our progress on vaccinations has been a key component in making this big comeback possible," Governor Cuomo said. "Reopening does not in any way mean that getting vaccinated has become less urgent. As always, we are continuing to work with community leaders and organizations to make sure the vaccine is accessible to every New Yorker, and our providers are working around the clock to administer more shots. If you still need to get your shot, you just have to show up at one of our many sites across the state and roll up your sleeve."       

All New York State mass vaccination sites are now open to eligible New Yorkers for walk-in vaccination on a first come first serve basis. The walk-in appointments are reserved for first doses only with second doses to be scheduled automatically after administration of the initial shot. In addition, all vaccine providers are encouraged to allow walk-in appointments for eligible New Yorkers. People who would prefer to schedule an appointment at a state-run mass vaccination site can do so on the Am I Eligible App or by calling 1-833-NYS-4-VAX. People may also contact their local health department, pharmacy, doctor or hospital to schedule appointments where vaccines are available, or visit to find information on vaccine appointments near them.                                      

Total doses administered - 17,854,772
Total doses administered over past 24 hours - 109,748
Total doses administered over past 7 days - 800,437
Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with at least one vaccine dose - 62.2%
Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 53.0%
Percent of all New Yorkers with at least one vaccine dose - 50.5%
Percent of all New Yorkers with completed vaccine series - 42.5%  


Signs Executive Order to eliminate the hotel room occupancy tax from June 1, 2021 to August 31, 2021 

 Mayor Bill de Blasio today signed an Executive Order eliminating the 5.875% hotel room occupancy tax rate for a three-month period, from June 1, 2021 to August 31, 2021. The relief provided by the tax rate reduction is designed to help accelerate the recovery of the hotel industry, which has been particularly hit hard by the pandemic. This executive action will help hotels keep their doors open, retain jobs, and gain a more stable footing as the city continues its path toward a full recovery.   

“As our COVID rates continue to plummet and we continue to drive a recovery for all of us, tourists will be coming back to New York City in droves. We’re ready for them,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “By eliminating the hotel room occupancy tax for this summer, we’re accelerating our economic recovery, saving jobs and providing relief for one of our hardest-hit industries.”
The dramatic decrease in tourism and business travel due to the pandemic has had a significant impact on the hotel industry. The stresses on the industry are evident in a number of key indicators, including substantial decreases in jobs, inventory, and occupancy rates. Revenue from the hotel room occupancy tax is down approximately 89% as compared with Fiscal Year 2020, further demonstrating the pandemic’s impact on the industry.
This Executive Order comes on the heels of NYC & Company’s $30 million “NYC Reawakens” marketing campaign, which seeks to highlight the vast attractions in New York City and bring back the tourism industry. NYC & Company forecasts 36 million visitors to New York City in 2021 and the tax rate reduction will complement the multi-faceted effort underway for a successful restoration of the leisure and hospitality sector, which has suffered the loss of approximately 257,000 jobs from March through December 2020. By eliminating the 5.875% hotel room occupancy tax, hotels could lower the cost of their rooms, which will increase demand and recapture some of the lost ground on room occupancy.
“It is undeniable that New York City's hotel industry, which welcomed tens of millions of tourists and business travelers before the pandemic, suffered tremendously as travel halted. As the City’s Recovery for All continues to gain momentum, this targeted and temporary tax reduction will provide wind at the backs of the hotel industry, helping put more New Yorkers to work as they roll out the red carpet for all who seek accommodations, whether for leisure or business,” said Department of Finance Commissioner Sherif Soliman.
“COVID-19 has devastated the hotel industry. It is critical that we lend a helping hand to help an industry that is very dependent on tourism, and eliminating the hotel room occupancy for the summer season is a good step. I want to thank the Hotel Trades Council and the Hotel Association of New York for their advocacy on this issue,” said Council Speaker Corey Johnson

Gjonaj Food Giveaway On Boston Road


Tuesday Afternoon on the island under the elevated subway where White Plains Road Southbound and Boston Road meet and cross Team Gjonaj handed out two-hundred boxes of food to area residents. An added bonus given out were Councilman Gjonaj cloth face masks. 

Councilman Gjonaj sent people to the check in table to sign in, get a Team Gjonaj face mask, and then pick up their box of various food.

A Councilman Gjonaj face mask is given after the person checked in, and then they went over to get a box of assorted food.



23-Page Report Outlines Public Integrity Bureau’s Investigation and Finding of No Criminality; Video Released 

 Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark today released the report on the investigation into the use of force against Jahmel Leach by the New York City Police Department in Fordham on June 1, 2020, as well as video of the incident. 

 Surveillance video obtained during the investigation shows Jahmel Leach, 16, in the vicinity of East Fordham Road and Morris Avenue on June 1, 2020 at approximately 9:00 p.m. Mr. Leach is seen among a crowd of people heel-kicking a T-Mobile storefront. Mr. Leach then moved to another spot and attempted to light debris on fire. NYPD Police Officer Kevin Hickey observed Mr. Leach and tasered him, causing him to fall to the ground and injure the right side of his face. Two other police officers approached Mr. Leach and each struck him once with a baton in the lower part of his body. Police then took Mr. Leach into custody and his case was processed in Family Court.

 The investigation found no criminality on the part of the responding police officers, and it did not find that the force used to arrest and restrain Mr. Leach was excessive or otherwise unjustified.

 District Attorney Clark said, “Many took to the streets peacefully to decry the killing of George Floyd, but violence and looting broke out in the Fordham area on June 1, 2020. In the midst of the chaos, NYPD Officers observed Mr. Leach allegedly trying to ignite a fire, which could have hurt the officers, people in the area and Mr. Leach himself. After a full investigation, we have concluded that there was no criminality on the part of three police officers.

 “I support the right to peacefully protest, but I will not tolerate violence in our community. Neither will I tolerate police misconduct or brutality, and my Office will review and take seriously any such allegations from the public.”

 Mr. Leach’s family and lawyer met with the Public Integrity Bureau today to be informed of the findings. District Attorney Clark thanked the Public Integrity Bureau for conducting a thorough investigation.

The 27 page report and the link to the video on the last page can be found at



Cameras are the latest in over 60,000 safety enhancements made to City of New York fleet units as part of Vision Zero

 Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYC Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) today announced that the Department has begun installation of surround safety cameras on 1,500 fleet trucks to eliminate blind spots and visual impairments for truck operators. These cameras will provide operators an additional tool to see directly in front, behind, and to the blind sides of trucks. Conventionally designed trucks obstruct the driver’s view of the road in front of the engine, causing a safety hazard for pedestrians, bicyclists, and children.  
These retrofits are part of the DCAS Safe Fleet Transition Plan (SFTP) for City fleet units. Through the SFTP, DCAS is specifying the highest level of safety available on new cars and trucks and implementing safety retrofits. DCAS has already installed over 60,000 safety improvements to City fleet units, including driver alert systems, telematics, truck side-guards, automatic braking, back-up alerts, dash cams, and heated mirrors.   
“Safe streets save lives,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Adding cameras to our fleet is a commonsense way to create a safer city for everyone.”
“Outfitting the City’s fleet with cameras is a smart and proven way to reduce collisions and increase safety for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers alike,” said Deputy Mayor for Operations Laura Anglin. “I’m proud of the work City agencies have done to bring Vision Zero to life and look forward to making further progress in 2021.” 
“Vision Zero remains a priority for the City Fleet,” said DCAS Deputy Commissioner and NYC Chief Fleet Officer Keith Kerman. “Operating work trucks is difficult but essential work. These new cameras and backup alerts will offer drivers a full view of the obstructed areas around a truck, helping to keep pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers safe.”
“Vision Zero has always demanded we address street safety issues on multiple fronts,” said DOT Commissioner Hank Gutman. “Our partners at DCAS are showing us that we not only need to train the safest drivers, but we also need to ensure they are driving the safest fleet vehicles. Because being able to see the child or senior behind or over the hood of a City vehicle can very often be the difference between life or death, the new surround cameras added under this plan will undoubtedly save lives.”
DCAS previously announced that it is pursuing high vision truck models for future truck replacements. High vision trucks will eliminate frontal visual obstructions. The 1,500 surround cameras will be retrofitted onto existing conventional trucks to improve safety until replacements are in place. DCAS has installed over 500 units at 13 agencies so far and will complete the rollout by December 2021. The NYC Department of Sanitation is also testing similar technology for its fleet of garbage trucks.   
The surround cameras will go on a wide variety of vehicle types including NYC Department of Correction buses, NYC Parks Department garbage and forestry trucks, New York City Housing Authority box trucks, New York City Police Department rack trucks, NYC Department of Environmental Protection catch basin trucks, DCAS supply vans, and NYC Department of Transportation dump trucks. The surround camera system provides the driver a full view of all sides of the vehicle and includes back-up sensors and sound alerts when a truck is going in reverse. These types of systems have been proven in studies by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and others to increase safety.
DCAS Fleet Management has implemented a wide variety of safety measures as part of Vision Zero. In addition to the Safe Fleet Transition Plan, additional measures include the City’s fleet first CRASH management system, the nation’s largest rollout of live vehicle tracking devices managed through our Fleet Office of Real Time Tracking (FORT), the nation’s leading program of truck safety guards, barring hands-free phone use by fleet operators, and training over 70,000 staff in safety.
The announcement was made at the Global Vision Zero Safety Forum, being hosted by DCAS and Together for Safer Roads (TSR). DCAS and TSR are working together to promote these types of fleet safety investments among commercial, non-profit, and other public fleets as part of the DCAS Fleets of the Future initiative.

This only proves that the city wants to use cameras as a revenue resource and not as a safety factor. Nothing is more of a deterrent than getting a ticket from a police officer that comes with harsher penalties, than just a $50.00 fine to the owner of the car and not the driver.

If this was true why not use all these cameras to cut down on the crime that i going on all over the city?

Statement from Governor Andrew M. Cuomo on New York Reaching Major Milestone in the Fight Against COVID: Capacity Restrictions Being Lifted and CDC Guidance on Masks and Social Distancing


"Today is a milestone in New York State's war against COVID. With positivity and hospitalization rates at their lowest levels since last fall, and more than 10 million New Yorkers having received at least one vaccine dose, today New York State is adopting the CDC's updated guidance on masks and social distancing. 

"This means that, 399 days after New York was the first state in the country to implement a mask mandate, effective today, fully vaccinated individuals no longer need to use a face covering in most public places. New York is coming back, and it's a testament to the strength and grit of New Yorkers who banded together, stayed tough, and fought as one to defeat this COVID beast.

"The steps we're taking today don't mean that COVID has been officially relegated to the history books. We need to stay vigilant, continue to follow the safety guidelines in place, and help every single eligible New Yorker get vaccinated, so that we can finally reach that light at the end of the tunnel. And as we start to climb the next mountains in our path, we need to ensure that the values that got New York through this crisis -- community, discipline, strength, toughness, and love for each other -- endure."

For additional background, see the announcements on the easing of restrictions and on the CDC guidance on masks and social distancing.

228 Days and Counting


I despise those New York Yankees, because I am a Boston Red Sox fan, so let me wear this Brooklyn Nets shirt to throw some more wood onto the fire. After all I reside in 229 days and before I was elected mayor in Brooklyn. 

Charlene and I are going to have to think how much longer we are going to live in New York City with that new Millionaires Tax the state legislature is going to pass. After all we THRIVE to get every dollar, and there may be 875 million reasons why that Millionaires Tax may effect Charlene and I. So I guess we may have to move to another state or even a different country after I retire from city government at the end of this year.

Councilman Eric Dinowitz on the go in District 11

It is a tale of two new Special Election City Council members from the Bronx. While 15th District Councilman Oswald Feliz is mired down in getting training to be a council member, and is missing meetings and events, It is a different tale for 11th Councilman Eric Dinowitz.

Councilman Dinowitz is out and about his council district, and we found Councilman Dinowitz with one of his favorite constituents from Bedford Park Mr. Anthony Rivieccio. We found both not in Bedford Park, but in Woodlawn of all places. Councilman Dinowitz was having one of his 'In Your District', where he goes to the people of the district, instead of them coming to him.

Councilman Dinowitz, Staff member Sabrena Campbell (a former staff member of former Councilman Andy King), and the councilman's favorite constituent 'Mr. Bedford Park' Anthony Rivieccio.