Tuesday, August 10, 2021



 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos and State Department of Health (DOH) Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker issued an Air Quality Health Advisory for the New York City Metro region for Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2021. 

The pollutant of concern is: Ozone 

The advisory will be in effect 11 a.m. through 11 p.m. 

DEC and DOH issue Air Quality Health Advisories when DEC meteorologists predict levels of pollution, either ozone or fine particulate matter are expected to exceed an Air Quality Index (AQI) value of 100. The AQI was created as an easy way to correlate levels of different pollutants to one scale, with a higher AQI value indicating a greater health concern. 


Summer heat can lead to the formation of ground-level ozone, a major component of photochemical smog. Automobile exhaust and out-of-state emission sources are the primary sources of ground-level ozone and are the most serious air pollution problems in the northeast. This surface pollutant should not be confused with the protective layer of ozone in the upper atmosphere. 

People, especially young children, those who exercise outdoors, those involved in vigorous outdoor work and those who have respiratory disease (such as asthma) should consider limiting strenuous outdoor physical activity when ozone levels are the highest (generally afternoon to early evening). When outdoor levels of ozone are elevated, going indoors will usually reduce your exposure. Individuals experiencing symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain or coughing should consider consulting their doctor. 

Ozone levels generally decrease at night and can be minimized during daylight hours by curtailment of automobile travel and the use of public transportation where available. 

New Yorkers also are urged to take the following energy-saving and pollution-reducing steps: 

  • use mass transit or carpool instead of driving, as automobile emissions account for about 60 percent of pollution in our cities; 
  • conserve fuel and reduce exhaust emissions by combining necessary motor vehicle trips; 
  • turn off all lights and electrical appliances in unoccupied areas; 
  • use fans to circulate air. If air conditioning is necessary, set thermostats at 78 degrees; 
  • close the blinds and shades to limit heat build-up and to preserve cooled air; 
  • limit use of household appliances. If necessary, run the appliances at off-peak (after 7 p.m.) hours. These would include dishwashers, dryers, pool pumps and water heaters; 
  • set refrigerators and freezers at more efficient temperatures; 
  • purchase and install energy efficient lighting and appliances with the Energy Star label; and 
  • reduce or eliminate outdoor burning and attempt to minimize indoor sources of PM 2.5 such as smoking. A toll-free Air Quality Hotline (1-800-535-1345) has been established by DEC to keep New Yorkers informed of the latest Air Quality situation.  
Additional information on ozone and PM 2.5 is available on DEC's website and on DOH's website.

The Wednesday, Aug. 11, Air Quality Health Advisory region consists of the following: Region 2 New York City Metro, which includes New York City, Rockland, and Westchester counties.   

Statement from State Senator Gustavo Rivera on the Resignation of Governor Andrew Cuomo



"After months of political turmoil, Governor Cuomo's resignation will allow our Executive Branch to properly function amidst a number of compounding crises that New Yorkers are facing, a worrying resurgence of COVID-19 due to the Delta variant among them. It was the right thing for the Governor to resign, but it is inexcusable that he and his legal team continued to attempt to undermine corroborated stories of harassment and abuse included in the Attorney General’s report." 

"The Governor’s incessant denials of his despicable behavior revealed his lack of morality and accountability. His attempts to preserve his reputation by discrediting the women who shared their excruciating stories were a shameful use of his office and demeaning to our state." 

"The Governor must be held accountable for perpetuating sexual harassment and fostering a toxic work environment and I am committed to making it so. I hope my colleagues will join me."

"Let us remember, there are investigations by the Southern District of the US Attorney’s office into the administration’s actions surrounding an undercount of deaths in New York’s nursing homes and by the Assembly Judiciary Committee into the sexual harassment accusations as well as the misuse of state resources to write and publish his ridiculous book. Andrew Cuomo should also be held responsible for these egregious actions despite leaving the office of the Governor." 

"I wish Kathy Hochul success as she prepares to be the first woman to serve as Governor of the State of New York and want her to know she has my full support in this endeavor. We have too much work to do. She faces many challenges that were neglected by Governor Cuomo while he focused on his political survival. We must unite as a state to support her unprecedented transition and ensure that accountability and honest service to New Yorkers remain at the center of our joint efforts."  

Representative Adriano Espaillat Statement on the Resignation of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo

 Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) issued the following statement today on the resignation of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo: 

"Today is a sad day for New York State following the resignation of Governor Cuomo, and we must work together to ensure that our state is able to move forward and rebuild. I extend my full support to each of the victims who have come forth to date and hope that they can each find healing, strength, and comfort from friends, families, and those closest to each of them," said Rep. Espaillat. "New York is cherished and known around the world as the Empire State and it is crucial that we work together to put the interests and well-being of New Yorkers first and foremost as we continue to move forward and beyond this moment in our history."

Attorney General James’ Statement on the Resignation of Governor Cuomo


New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced he would resign from office:

“Today closes a sad chapter for all of New York, but it’s an important step towards justice.

“I thank Governor Cuomo for his contributions to our state. The ascension of our Lieutenant Governor, Kathy Hochul, will help New York enter a new day. We must continue to build on the progress already made and improve the lives of New Yorkers in every corner of the state. I know our state is in good hands with Lieutenant Governor Hochul at the helm, and I look forward to continuing to work with her.”



"Finally. Many of us have known for a long time that Andrew Cuomo was the wrong Governor for New York. The last several months have plainly revealed that to the world as brave women who endured the Governor's abuse have spoken out, and as his administration has attempted to attack and ignore them. And while I hope that today gives the survivors of his conduct some semblance of peace and measure of justice, it is not a day of triumph and celebration - even the words of his resignation statement inflicted pain on survivors across the state. Today I am reflecting on the totality of the harm done, the systems that enable it, and the work ahead to dismantle those systems.

"Andrew Cuomo has only ever been interested in his own interests. As a result of his forced resignation, state government can now work solely for the people of New York. Resignation does not undo the harm he inflicted on the women who came forward. Nor does it reduce the damage that his abusive governance has long wrought. But it creates an opportunity to begin to recover.

"Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul and I have disagreed in the past about the direction of our state and its leadership. At the same time, in assuming this role, we need her to stabilize New York in a perilous moment and against an incessant volley of crises, and I - as we all should be- am ready to work with her to recover from this pandemic and rebuild New York. I hope that over the coming months she will be able to begin to address the toxic culture created by Governor Cuomo and those around him who empowered and enabled him, and all the damage the administration has wrought. 

"It is my hope that this serves as a time for us to reframe notions of what a strong public servant should embody. Being a leader, rather than playing one on TV. Fighting for justice, not for power. Serving the needs of the oppressed, not propping up the oppressor.With Governor Cuomo removed from the position of power that he long abused, I am optimistic that  we can restore that power to the people and repurpose it to renew New York."



New Office Will Support Ongoing Efforts to Reduce or Eliminate Preventable Child Injuries And Fatalities, Including Those Related to Accidental Ingestion of Cannabis Edibles & Prescription Medications, Unsafe Sleep Practices, Hot Car Tragedies, a Lack of Window Guards, & More

 Commissioner David A. Hansell, of the NYC Administration for Children’s Services (ACS), announced the creation of an office within the agency dedicated entirely to education, information and outreach to prevent accidents and injuries among children. The Office of Child Safety and Injury Prevention will support ongoing child safety campaigns, including those related to unsafe sleep practices, hot car tragedies, window guards, unsafe storage of prescription medications and, most recently, accidental ingestion of cannabis edibles.  

“There is nothing more important than keeping children safe, and that includes preventing tragic accidents from happening. In carrying out our core mission, the new Office of Child Safety and Injury Prevention will spearhead our ongoing work in empowering families with the life-saving information they need to better prevent tragic accidents from occurring in the home,” said Commissioner David A. Hansell. "Especially as new safety issues emerge, like the uptick in accidental ingestion of cannabis edibles among children, a centralized office dedicated to preventing future accidents is crucial. ACS appreciates the support and guidance from Casey Family Programs in the development of this new Office."


“As a father, I know that ensuring the safety of our children is the most important thing parents and guardians can do,” said Health Commissioner Dr. Dave A. Chokshi. “Every effort to protect our city’s children deserves support and I applaud ACS and Commissioner Hansell for their work in protecting the city’s littlest ones.”


"We commend ACS’s efforts to establish this innovative office to further a comprehensive public health approach to improving child safety and preventing injuries and fatalities,” said David Sanders, Ph.D., Executive Vice President of Systems Improvement, Casey Family Programs.


In 2017, Commissioner Hansell created a new division in ACS, the Division of Child and Family Well-Being (CFWB), which is focused on services for families outside the traditional child protection system, including providing parents with the resources and information to keep children safe. The work in this division includes the provision of quality early care services, implementation of the City’s Family Enrichment Centers, the Community Partnership Programs and public education campaigns. The new Office of Child Safety and Injury Prevention will sit within the Division of Child and Family Well-Being and spearhead the agency’s child safety campaigns.


The Office of Child Safety and Injury Prevention will initially support the following child safety campaigns:


Preventing Accidental Ingestion of Cannabis Edibles

ACS is educating parents about the importance of storing cannabis edibles ‘up and away’ out of children’s reach and out of children’s sight. Many of these products look identical to typical desserts, candies and chocolate bars. ACS is urging parents to place these products in child proof containers and locked boxes. In the event that a child does accidentally swallow a cannabis edible, call 9-1-1 immediately or the NYC Poison Control Center: 212- POISONS.


Safe Sleep

Each year, between 40 to 50 babies in New York City die from a preventable, sleep-related injury. The New York City Infant Safe Sleep Initiative encourages parents and caregivers to learn the ABCs of safe sleep. Infants should sleep Alone, on their Backs, in a safety-approved Crib. Infants less than a year old should not sleep in adult beds, or with blankets or quilts which create a risk of suffocation. Instead, to keep babies warm and safe, parents and caregivers are urged to dress babies in an extra layer of infant clothing or in a wearable blanket.


Window Guard Safety

Each year, young children are injured or die in falls from unguarded windows, even from the first floor. These tragedies are preventable with properly installed and approved window guards, which are required in many residential buildings. The NYC Health Code requires owners of buildings of three or more apartments to provide and properly install window guards on all windows in an apartment where children 10-years-old or younger live and in each hallway window.


Safe Medication and Household Chemical Storage

Parents and caregivers should make sure medications and potentially dangerous household items are stored out of children's reach. Common household products such as laundry detergent pods, household cleaners (oil-based products such as pine oil and furniture polish), mouthwash and perfumes, and hand sanitizer, among other products can be easily mistaken for candy, food or drinks and are also dangerous to children.


Look Before You Lock

The Look Before You Lock campaign urges parents and caregivers to always check the backseat of the car before leaving and locking it. Vehicles can heat up quickly, which can be extremely dangerous for children as their bodies heat up three times faster than an adult’s, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. New Yorkers should always be aware of the danger of hot cars and the steps they can take to help keep children safe




Mayor Bill de Blasio today released the following statement on Governor Andrew Cuomo’s resignation:
“Make no mistake, this is the result of survivors bravely telling their stories. It was past time for Andrew Cuomo to resign and it’s for the good of all New York.”

148 Days and Counting for me, and 14 Days for Andrew Cuomo


I told you that Andrew Cuomo would be out of office before me. I have 148 days left until I am term limited out of office, Governor Cuomo is resigning in 14 days. That will mean I am going to have to go into high gear and start my run for governor. 

Kathy Hochul will take over as governor, and she has a small base upstate where she won a special election for congress, but couldn't win the seat the following year. She was even not calling for the governor to resign. There is the possibility of Attorney General James running, but she was the person who went after Andrew. One other person comes to mind, State Senator Alessandra Biaggi, who said to Errol Lewis that she wants to run for higher office. People here in New York City love me, and it is New York city where the majority of the voters are. Good bye Andrew, don't let the door hit you on the way out.