Wednesday, August 11, 2021



 Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced two appointments to Criminal Court and one appointment to Civil Court.


“These judges have fought for justice for the entire length of their careers,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “I have no doubt that they will continue to champion fairness in our court system as New York City recovers from the pandemic.”


Criminal and Civil Court are part of the New York State Unified Court System. The City’s Criminal Court handles misdemeanor cases and lesser offenses and conducts arraignments. The judge newly appointed to Civil Court will be presiding in Criminal Court.


The Mayor appointed the following judges to Criminal Court:


Judge Joshua A. Glick has practiced criminal law for nearly 33 years. He began his legal career with The Legal Aid Society, Queens County Criminal Defense Division where he served for eight years before joining Queens Defenders and opening his own practice. Fourteen years later, he was briefly employed as a Principal Law Clerk to a New York State Supreme Court Justice and as an associate for a law firm. Prior to his appointment to the bench, he returned to Queens Defenders as a Supervising Attorney for nearly nine years while also maintaining his own practice.  Judge Glick received his undergraduate degree from Queens College and law degree from Temple University, Beasley School of Law.


Judge Valentina M. Morales began her legal career with the Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem (“NDSH”) as a Kirkland & Ellis Fellow and created defensaNDS – a project dedicated to providing bilingual holistic representation to monolingual Spanish speakers accused of crimes in upper Manhattan.  After the end of her fellowship, she continued to serve the NDSH as the Project Director of defensaNDS. Thereafter, she worked for a private firm for five years before returning to public service as Principal Attorney-in-Charge, Mental Hygiene Legal Service, First Judicial Department. Most recently, Judge Morales served as Senior Director of Justice Initiatives with Fedcap Group where she created and directed innovative criminal justice programming with a focus on specialized populations including The Women’s Project. Judge Morales graduated summa cum laude from Wellesley College and received her law degree from Columbia Law School.


The Mayor appointed the following judge to Civil Court:


Judge Germaine Auguste has practiced criminal law for nearly 30 years. Prior to her appointment to the bench, Judge Auguste served with The Legal Aid Society, Queens County Criminal Defense Division, most recently as Supervising Attorney. She received her undergraduate degree from New York University and her J.D. from Howard University School of Law.  Judge Auguste is appointed to Civil Court and will be serving in Criminal Court. 

Thoroughbred Trainer Jorge Navarro And Head Of New York Veterinary Clinic Plead Guilty In Federal Doping Case


Trainer Jorge Navarro and Veterinarian Kristian Rhein Used Their Positions to Acquire, Promote, and Administer Prohibited Performance Enhancing Drugs

 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that defendants JORGE NAVARRO and KRISTIAN RHEIN have pled guilty to their respective roles in the distribution of adulterated and misbranded drugs with the intent to defraud and mislead, in connection with the charges filed in United States v. Navarro et al., 20 Cr. 160 (MKV).  NAVARRO pled guilty today and RHEIN pled guilty on August 3, 2021, both before U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil.  RHEIN will be sentenced by Judge Vyskocil on December 2, 2021, and NAVARRO will be sentenced by Judge Vyskocil on December 17, 2021.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: “Kristian Rhein and Jorge Navarro represent the supply side and the customer side of the market in performance enhancing substances that have corrupted much of the horse racing industry.  As he admitted today, Navarro, a licensed trainer and the purported ‘winner’ of major races across the world, was in fact a reckless fraudster whose veneer of success relied on the systematic abuse of the animals under his control.  Rhein previously admitted that he flouted his oath as a veterinarian to protect the animals under his care, choosing instead to pursue money through the sale and administration of unregulated substances used by trainers engaged in fraud and animal abuse.  These latest convictions demonstrate the continued commitment of this Office and our partners at the FBI to the investigation and prosecution of corruption, fraud, and endangerment at every level of the horse racing industry.”

According to the allegations contained in the Superseding Indictment, the Superseding Information charging RHEIN, prior charging instruments, and other filings in this case[1], and statements during court proceedings:

The charges in the Navarro case arise from an investigation of widespread schemes by racehorse trainers, veterinarians, performance enhancing drug (“PED”) distributors, and others to manufacture, distribute, and receive adulterated and misbranded PEDs and secretly administer those PEDs to racehorses competing at all levels of professional horseracing.  By evading PED prohibitions and deceiving regulators and horse racing officials, participants in these schemes sought to improve race performance and obtain prize money from racetracks throughout the United States and other countries, including in New York, New Jersey, Florida, Ohio, Kentucky, and the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”), all to the detriment and risk of the health and well-being of the racehorses.  Trainers, like NAVARRO, who participated in the schemes stood to profit from the success of racehorses under their control by earning a share of their horses’ winnings, and by improving their horses’ racing records, thereby yielding higher trainer fees and increasing the number of racehorses under their control.  Veterinarians, including RHEIN, who was the head veterinarian and owner of Empire Veterinary Group, profited from the sale and administration of these medically unnecessary, misbranded, and adulterated substances.

NAVARRO operated his doping scheme covertly, importing misbranded “clenbuterol” that he both used and distributed to others, avoiding explicit discussion of PEDs during telephone calls, and working with others to coordinate the administration of PEDs at times that racing officials would not detect such cheating.  Among the horses that NAVARRO trained and doped was XY Jet, a thoroughbred horse that won the 2019 Golden Shaheen race in Dubai.  Among NAVARRO’s preferred PEDs were various “blood building” drugs, which, when administered before intense physical exertion, can lead to cardiac issues or death.

Among the misbranded and adulterated PEDs promoted, sold, and administered by RHEIN were an illegally distributed prescription drug, Clenbuterol, used as a bronchodilator and the drug “SGF-1000,” which was compounded and manufactured in unregistered facilities and contained growth factors that the defendants knew to be undetectable through regular drug screens.  SGF-1000 was an intravenous drug promoted as, among other things, a vasodilator capable of promoting stamina, endurance, and lower heart rates in horses through the purported action of “growth factors” supposedly derived from sheep placenta.           

The horse “Maximum Security,” briefly considered the winner of the 2019 Kentucky Derby (though later disqualified), was among the horses that RHEIN assisted in doping.  On June 5, 2019, New Jersey racing regulators tested Maximum Security for performance enhancing drugs a short time after Maximum Security had received a shot of SGF-1000.  The testing occurred in advance of a race scheduled for June 16, 2019, in which Maximum Security competed and placed second.  On an intercepted call following that test, RHEIN asserted that Maximum Security would not test positive for the presence of the drug: “[t]hey don’t even have a test for it [SGF-1000] . . . There’s no test for it in America.”

Through their pleas, NAVARRO has agreed to the payment of restitution in the amount of $25,860,514, reflecting winnings obtained through his fraudulent doping scheme, and RHEIN has agreed to pay restitution in the amount of $729,716 in connection with fraud committed through a false billing practice related to RHEIN’s drug misbranding scheme.  RHEIN, and others working under RHEIN’s direction, created false billing records to be provided to horse owners that did not reflect the drugs that RHEIN and others had actually injected into racehorses under their “care.”  Through this false billing scheme, RHEIN attempted to conceal from potential investigators and horse owners the true nature and means of administration of the PEDs that he and others provided and administered.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative work of the FBI New York Office’s Eurasian Organized Crime Task Force and its support of the Bureau’s Integrity in Sports and Gaming Initiative.

[1] As to Navarro and Rhein’s codefendants, the entirety of the texts of the Indictments and the descriptions of the Indictments set forth herein constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation.

147 Days and Counting for me, and 13 For Andrew Cuomo


Now that current New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo will be gone in thirteen days, I have to get set to run to replace him. Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul held a press conference, and as reporters had more questions for her, she ran away from them. 

No one can match my experience in government. I wa the campaign manager for Congressman Charles Rangel in 1994, and 1997. I was then appointed by President Bill Clinton to be HUD regional director of HUD. In 1999 I was elected to School Board 15 in Brooklyn. Then I was campaign manager for Hillary Clinton later in that year. 

In 2001 I won the Democratic Primary for the 39th City Council District with just 32% of the vote in a crowded field. In 2009 I won the Democratic Primary for Public Advocate with 33% of the vote. After the results of the Run off election I won with 62% of the vote. In 2013 I ran for Mayor and won with just over 40%, so I avoided a run off election. I have been the only elected official besides Assemblyman Ron Kim who had th e guts to stand up to Andrew Cuomo. I should be given the seat of Governor of New York.


WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW By Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz 18 District, Bronx


Who Will Pick You Up When You Have Fallen From Grace?

 You should know that the last (3) Democrat governors, to the detriment of the State of New York, have been forced to resign in disgrace which involved their treatment of women, in one form or another.   
You should also know that in March 2008, Governor Elliot Spitzer was forced to resign due to a scandal regarding his involvement with prostitutes.   

David Paterson, who had replaced Governor Spitzer, was also forced to end his political career as governor when he was accused of trying to hide or protect his faithful friend David W. Johnson when he was accused of domestic abuse.  
Governor Paterson was charged with using the state police to intimidate Mr. Johnson’s domestic partner into dropping the charges.  David Paterson himself was personally accused of speaking to the injured woman to get her to drop the charges, which she did. 
I remember when Governor David Paterson learned that Rev. Al Sharpton and some African American leaders had withdrawn their support from him.  In response to this treatment, he withdrew into seclusion at the Governor's Mansion in Albany.   On that occasion, the “Tres Amigos” composed of Senators Pedro Espada, Hiram Monserrate, and yours truly visited Gov. Paterson at the Mansion to give him words of encouragement and to pray for him. 
We, now have the news that Governor Andrew Cuomo, like Eliot Spitzer, and David Paterson have resigned.   Cuomo like his predecessors has been left completely alone, without friends, without political support, and nowhere to hide. His fall from grace came after more than eleven (11) women have come forward to accuse him of sexual harassment. 

The accusations against the Governor are so awful that even his “friend”, the State Attorney General Letitia James, released a report of the findings of her investigations which proved to be the last nail on the governor’s coffin.  

Governor Andrew Cuomo is now the news of the day.   His resignation comes because of a barrage of news from newspapers, television, radio commentators, friends, foes, and fellow politicians. They all united their voices to ask the Governor to resign or be impeached.
It doesn’t matter how hard he worked to make same-sex marriage in the state of New York a reality.  No one has come to his defense.
It doesn’t matter how hard he worked to extend abortion rights, up until the ninth month…No one has come to his defense. 
It doesn’t matter how hard he worked with the unions to increase the minimum wage in the state of New York.   No one has come to his defense.  

It doesn’t matter how much he helped and went to the island of Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.   No one has come to his defense. 

It doesn’t matter how hard he has worked to make New York a safe haven for the undocumented immigrants making New York a sanctuary city.   No one has come to his defense.  
We can all just imagine the pain, and scars that Governor Cuomo’s actions have left ingrained in the 11 women he has been accused of victimizing.   His behavior is unacceptable and unforgettable.   In the wake of these accusations, we must not forget the thousands of elderly lives lost in nursing homes because of Cuomo’s mandate during the height of the pandemic.    
However, the solitude, the loss of friends, the immense rejection, and abandonment that happens when someone falls from grace, I don’t wish that on my worst enemy even when if it’s because of one’s own mistakes or conduct. 

This sad, embarrassing, and shameful chapter that Cuomo is living should serve all of us as an example and remind us of the old cliché that says to “Remember that the people you meet on way up, are the same people you meet on your way down.”   

You should also know that the only one we can depend on to receive us with open arms and forgive us, regardless of how atrocious our condition may be, is He who shed His blood for us on the cross at Calvary. 
I am Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz, and this is what you should know.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021



See why Van Cortlandt Park is where NYC hikes when you join Van Cortlandt Park Alliance for Hike-toberfest!

Hike in the park followed by a classic Oktoberfest celebration, complete with local beer, German food, live music, lawn games, and more.


Hikes begin at 2:30, 3:00, 3:30 PM
PARTY! 4:30 PM to 7 PM


All Hikes:

  • Are led by skilled guides;
  • Finish at approximately 4:30pm… please take note of start times;
  • Begin and end at the Van Cortlandt House Museum;
  • Require onsite check-in. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the start time for your hike.



Visit for more details!


Early Bird Ticket Prices Thru September 25th!

Van Cortlandt Park Alliance
80 Van Cortlandt Park, Ste. E1
Bronx, NY 10463



 In response to the announcement from Governor Andrew Cuomo that he will resign, effective in fourteen days, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz has issued the following statement:


“I am relieved that this deeply troubling episode in New York’s history is finally coming to a close, but there is no excuse for it having happened in the first place. The allegations against Governor Cuomo are repugnant and numerous, and it is evident that the ongoing challenges were interfering with his ability to serve the people of New York. My heart aches for the women who suffered at the hands of Governor Cuomo, and it is highly problematic that seemingly the only way for these women to get justice was to relive their trauma in a highly public and extremely drawn-out matter. I look forward to a new chapter in New York under soon-to-be Governor Kathy Hochul and am hopeful that we can hit the ground running in our shared work on behalf of New Yorkers in the Bronx across the state.”

8 Arrested For Around-The-Clock Crack Cocaine Sales In Times Square


 Audrey Strauss, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Peter C. Fitzhugh, Special Agent in Charge of Homeland Security Investigations (“HSI”) in New York, and Dermot Shea, Police Commissioner of the City of New York (“NYPD”), announced the unsealing of an indictment today charging eight individuals with participating in a conspiracy to distribute crack cocaine in the vicinity of Times Square.  JOHNNY PEREZ, a/k/a “Ghost,” AARON STARKS, a/k/a “Duke,” SEKOU SIMPSON, a/k/a “Tre,” FRED JOHNSON, a/k/a “Trinny,” DAVON MIAL, a/k/a “Smooth,” and DONNELL BRUNS, a/k/a “Mac,” were arrested on Monday evening in the New York area, and will be presented today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Barbara Moses. FRAYVON YOUNG, a/k/a “Harlem” and ROBERT MASON remain at large. The case is assigned to United States District Judge Paul A. Engelmayer.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said: “As alleged, the defendants operated a veritable 24-hour open-air bazaar for the sale of crack cocaine in Times Square.  We recall the bad old days of a much seedier Times Square that was unwelcoming, and we are committed to working with our law enforcement partners to ensure that those days remain just a memory.”

HSI Special Agent in Charge Peter C. Fitzhugh said: “This crew gave new meaning to the slogan for New York City as the ‘city that never sleeps,’ by allegedly operating a 24-hour drug distribution ring.  Working in shifts nearly around the clock, they preyed on the addictions and vulnerabilities of others. HSI New York and our partners at the NYPD worked closely with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York to ensure that those arrested today will face the full weight of our justice system and be held accountable for the actions of their criminal enterprise.”  

NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said: “Our officers work night and day to keep every corner of New York free from the scourge of illegal narcotics, including in the crossroads of the world. Today’s federal indictment highlights the continuing commitment our NYPD investigators, prosecutors from the United States Attorney’s Office from the Southern District of New York and law enforcement partners have to that continuing mission.”

As alleged in the Indictment[1] unsealed today in Manhattan federal court and in other court papers and proceedings:

Between at least December 2019 and August 2021, the defendants sold crack cocaine nearly around-the-clock in the vicinity of 43rd Street and 8th Avenue in Manhattan, near Times Square.  One ‘shift’ arrived in the late morning and made sales through the late afternoon, and then other defendants arrived and sold through the evening and nighttime.  Although there was no set composition of defendants for the two shifts, defendant AARON STARKS was often present and overseeing the first shift, and defendant JOHNNY PEREZ was often present and overseeing the second shift.

An undercover law enforcement officer purchased quantities of crack cocaine from the defendants on dozens of occasions, including multiple purchases from each defendant.  Law enforcement surveillance showed nearly continuous sales from the late morning through the nighttime and shift changes.  In addition, surveillance video from the vicinity of 43rd Street and 8th Avenue showed the defendants conducting hundreds of hand-to-hand sales of crack cocaine. For example, during a period of 11 days in March and April 2021, the defendants conducted more than 650 hand-to-hand sales.  In January 2020, law enforcement officers arrested STARKS in the Times Square area and seized from him approximately 312 capsules of crack cocaine and 52 twists of crack cocaine.

PEREZ, 37, of the Bronx, New York, STARKS, 36, of the Bronx, SIMPSON, of Brooklyn, New York, JOHNSON, 43, of Manhattan, MIAL, 32, of the Bronx, YOUNG, 34, of the Bronx, MASON, 39, of the Bronx, and BRUNS, 42, of the Bronx, are each charged with one count of conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute 280 grams and more of mixtures and substances containing a detectable amount of crack cocaine.  That charge carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of life in prison. The maximum potential sentences are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as the sentencing of the defendants will be determined by a judge.

Ms. Strauss praised the outstanding investigative work of HSI and the NYPD.

The charges in the Indictment are merely accusations, and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

[1] As the introductory phrase signifies, the entirety of the text of the Indictment, and the description set forth herein, constitute only allegations, and every fact described should be treated as an allegation. 

Rep. Bowman Statement on Senate Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act August 10, 2021


  Rep. Jamaal Bowman issued the following statement Tuesday after the Senate passed the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act by a vote of 69-30:

“Yesterday, we received a dire warning from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: the future of life on our planet is in danger. We’ve seen our care economy infrastructure burdened immensely in the past year, with the impact and job losses disproportionately falling on Black and brown women. Poverty and inequality has deepened since the start of the pandemic. Millions of families across the country still lack affordable housing.


“The bipartisan bill does not address these crises — not even close. Though it includes important investments in hard infrastructure like our roads and bridges, it vastly underfunds public transit, EV and grid infrastructure, and lead pipe replacement. This is personal to my district — where public transit underserves Black and brown neighborhoods and where fossil fuel infrastructure like the Cross Bronx Expressway cuts through communities and lowers quality of life, including leading to higher asthma rates among children. This bill also stripped the INVEST in America Act of the Member Designated Projects, which included more than $17 million for projects in NY-16. I will be fighting to ensure that funding is added back to the final legislation.


“In order to save millions of lives and have a chance at a thriving future economy, Democrats must take advantage of this moment and pass transformative legislation. A true infrastructure investment must include transforming our economy to handle the climate crisis, supporting care workers, reforming SSI, making child care universal, rebuilding our crumbling public schools, and much more. The $3.5 trillion in the Democrat-led budget resolution making its way through the Senate right now is much closer to what we need, but it still doesn’t go far enough. We must absolutely pass that bill, but I will be doing everything in my power over the coming weeks and months to advance and support other pieces of legislation that reflect the scope and scale of the crises we face.”