Saturday, April 16, 2022


Over 800,000 New York City Families to Benefit From Enhancement


City to Invest $250 Million Annually and Receive One-Time State Payment Estimated at $100 Million

New York City Mayor Eric Adams today was joined by elected officials and community leaders to celebrate the enhancement of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in the state budget. The EITC enhancement was part of a campaign pledge from the administration to bolster the social safety net and expand services for working families in New York City. At today’s event, Mayor Adams announced over 800,000 families will benefit from the enhancement. Additionally, the city committed to investing $250 million annually to EITC and will receive a one-time state payment estimated at $100 million. 

“Earlier this year, I told New Yorkers I would fight for them by expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit. Today, we say to New Yorkers: promises made and promises kept,” said Mayor Adams. “The additional $250 million annually in EITC reaches 800,000 New Yorkers  putting money back in their pockets for food, bills, and rent. Too many working families suffered because of COVID-19, losing wages and falling through our social safety net. With this critical expansion, we are making sure no one falls through the gaps again.”


“The Earned Income Tax Credit enhancement is this administration’s continued commitment to work on behalf of working families,” said Deputy Mayor for Strategic Initiatives Sheena Wright. “We will continue to fight for New York City families to have access to the social services needed to thrive and survive  from EITC to child care. We thank our colleagues in Albany for their partnership and commitment to rebuilding our social safety net.”


“For our city to move forward with an equitable recovery, we must invest in our working families and, thanks to Mayor Adams’ leadership and partnership with lawmakers in Albany, New York City is doing just that,” said Department of Consumer and Worker Protection Commissioner Vilda Vera Mayuga. “By increasing the amount of the Earned Income Tax Credit to be in line with the reality of today’s cost of living, we are putting money in the pockets of hardworking New Yorkers. Each year, NYC Free Tax Prep helps families file for the EITC, and we see the relief this credit brings to families as they pay bills, find childcare, and buy groceries. I thank Mayor Adams for being a champion of this effort!”


The state and city match to EITC had not previously been increased in almost 20 years. Under the city’s expansion of the EITC, a single parent with one child with an income of $14,750 will see their benefit increase from $181 to $905  a 400 percent increase. A married couple with two children and an income of $25,000 will see their New York City benefit increase from $299 to $897 under the city payment  a 200 percent increase. The expansion of EITC will help the 800,000 New Yorkers who qualify to better afford essential items like food, rent, and utilities, and will supercharge New York City’s economic recovery.





Report Finds Greener Operations Continue Benefiting New York's Environment and Economy

Three New Green Purchasing Specifications Issued, 15 Others Tentatively Approved to Help Protect New Yorkers from Hazardous Substances and Fight Climate Change

The GreenNY Council today issued the tenth annual Greening New York State Report for 2020-21, documenting the continued progress made by New York State to reduce the environmental footprint of State operations. Highlights of this year's report include a record $300 million invested in green products and services, 4.4 trillion BTUs of energy saving projects completed or underway as part of the BuildSmart 2025 program, and a record 94 percent recycling rate.

The GreenNY Council, co-chaired by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), New York Power Authority (NYPA), Office of General Services (OGS), and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), issued the report detailing progress on a wide range of sustainability initiatives, many of which save State resources and make operations more resilient. The full report is available online on the State's GreenNY website (, along with more details about New York's efforts to green State purchasing and operations.

"The Greening New York State Report is documenting New York State’s sustainable actions and investments to reduce the environmental footprint of State agencies," DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos said. "We're proud of what we’ve achieved, but recognize there is more work to do. I commend the Interagency Committee for approving the three new green purchasing specifications that will fight climate change, reduce waste, and protect New Yorkers from hazardous substances."

OGS Commissioner Jeanette Moy said, “For more than a decade, OGS and our partners in State government have been leading by example and making great strides toward a cleaner, more sustainable New York. We have made it our priority to procure green products and technology and advance energy-saving projects at public facilities. We are especially excited about what comes next as we begin work to implement Governor Hochul’s ambitious plans to electrify the State’s passenger vehicle fleet by 2035.”

Doreen M. Harris, President and CEO, NYSERDA said, “New York’s agencies and authorities are leading by example when it comes to tackling greenhouse gas emission reductions and combatting climate change. Our new green purchasing specifications will build on our collaborative success to date and further expand our progress within new areas of state government, helping to lower costs and use cleaner and more resilient technologies.”

NYPA Interim President and CEO Justin E. Driscoll said, “Whether it’s enrolling more New York State agencies in our New York Energy Manager to help them monitor their energy use, upgrading transmission infrastructure to integrate more renewable energy into the grid, or employing sustainable land management techniques at our statewide clean energy projects, the New York Power Authority is fully engaged with our state partners and is privileged to help lead the way to a shared sustainable, clean energy future that will have tangible, lasting benefits for all New Yorkers.”

Executive Order 4 directs State agencies and authorities to implement a Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship Program and assign an employee to serve as Sustainability and Green Procurement Coordinator. In addition to releasing the report, the Executive Order 4 Interagency Committee gave final approval to three new green purchasing specifications and tentative approval to 15 additional specifications. These specifications will lower the environmental impact of goods and services purchased and used by New York State government, with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions ?and reducing exposure to hazardous substances. Approved specifications are:

  • Lower Carbon Concrete;
  • Menstrual Products; and
  • Product Packaging

Specifications given tentative approval include:

  • Heating and Cooling Equipment (Heat Pumps);
  • Green Cleaning Products (specifications for 13 different types of equipment); and
  • Passenger Vehicles.

Specifications that received tentative approval will be posted for a 90-day public comment period before the Interagency Committee considers them for final approval at their next meeting. Today's actions bring the total number of final green purchasing specifications to 79. All green purchasing specifications can be found on the GreenNY website.

In addition to the Executive Order referenced above, other laws, executive orders, and policies have created a strong framework to support New York State government as it works to advance the State's ambitious climate goals, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and adopt sustainable practices. The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), for example, is the most ambitious and comprehensive climate and clean energy law in the country, mandating that the State's power system be 100 percent zero carbon by 2040, and that the state reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, and 85 percent by 2050, while ensuring that at least 35 percent with a goal of 40 percent of the benefits of clean energy investments to disadvantaged communities.  Executive Order 88 requires state agencies and authorities to reduce source energy use in State-owned and managed buildings 20,000 square feet or greater; Executive Order 18 directs New York State executive agencies to eliminate the expenditure of State funds for the purchase of bottled water. And the "New Efficiency: New York" initiative, supported by the Public Service Commission Order of December 2018, establishes a reduction of State agency site energy use of 11 trillion BTUs by 2025 (from the baseline year of 2015) through energy efficiency measures.

New York State's Nation-Leading Climate Act

New York State's nation-leading climate agenda is the most aggressive climate and clean energy initiative in the nation, calling for an orderly and just transition to clean energy that creates jobs and continues fostering a green economy as New York State recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic. Enshrined into law through the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, New York is on a path to achieve its mandated goal of a zero-emission electricity sector by 2040, including 70 percent renewable energy generation by 2030, and to reach economy-wide carbon neutrality. It builds on New York's unprecedented investments to ramp-up clean energy including over $33 billion in 102 large-scale renewable and transmission projects across the state, $6.8 billion to reduce buildings emissions, $1.8 billion to scale up solar, more than $1 billion for clean transportation initiatives, and over $1.6 billion in NY Green Bank commitments. Combined, these investments are supporting nearly 158,000 jobs in New York's clean energy sector in 2020, a 2,100 percent growth in the distributed solar sector since 2011 and a commitment to develop 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2035. Under the Climate Act, New York will build on this progress and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 85 percent from 1990 levels by 2050, while ensuring that at least 35 percent with a goal of 40 percent of the benefits of clean energy investments are directed to disadvantaged communities, and advance progress towards the state's 2025 energy efficiency target of reducing on-site energy consumption by 185 trillion BTUs of end-use energy savings.

Governor Hochul, Mayor Patterson-Howard, and County Executive Latimer Announce Historic Partnership to Address Longstanding Water Infrastructure Challenges in City of Mount Vernon

 Governor Hochul signs a $150 million three-way agreement for water infrastructure.

State to Direct $150 Million to Replace Aging Water and Sewer Infrastructure, Improve Quality of Life and Protect Public Health  

Governor Directs $7 Million to Immediately Launch Engineering, Design, and Construction of 'Third Street' Sewer Project

$8 Million Assistance Package to Fund Emergency Repairs and Jump Start Long-Term Planning for Lead Pipe Replacement    

$3 Million Awarded for Housing Remediation and Resiliency Pilot Program

 Governor Kathy Hochul today announced a historic $150 million investment and a precedent-setting three-way partnership with Mount Vernon Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard and Westchester County Executive George Latimer to immediately advance work to address longstanding water infrastructure and related public health challenges that have plagued the city of Mount Vernon for decades. At an event at Mount Vernon's City Hall, the Governor also announced the immediate launch of the $7 million 'Third Street Sewer Project,' that, when complete, will ensure reliable wastewater service for 500 nearby households currently served by temporary pumps and a makeshift system staged in the street to ensure adequate wastewater collection.

"In too many communities of color like Mount Vernon, critical water infrastructure has been left to fall into disrepair, but today we are setting an example for the nation by advancing environmental justice, improving quality of life for residents, and addressing decades of disinvestment," Governor Hochul said. "When I met with Mayor Patterson-Howard and heard about the seriousness of this crisis in her city, I immediately directed my administration to coordinate with the city and the county and right this systemic wrong. I am so proud of our collective and collaborative efforts to deliver this transformative environmental justice victory."

In December, the Governor announced a $10 million Water Quality Improvement Project (WQIP) program grant award from DEC to Mount Vernon that will improve water quality in the Hutchinson River by upgrading one portion of the city's municipal wastewater outfalls to prevent the discharge of raw sewage. This grant advances work required by the Federal Consent Decree. DEC also awarded a $75,000 Non-Point Planning Grant to support the mapping of Mount Vernon's municipal separate storm sewer systems to prevent polluted runoff from affecting local communities and the environment. In addition, EFC provided two Engineering Planning Grants totaling $200,000 in 2021. Additional State investments to help address Mount Vernon's wastewater infrastructure challenges include a $1.6 million WQIP grant awarded in 2016.

The Fiscal Year 2023 Enacted Budget builds upon New York State's commitments by including more than half a billion dollars in direct investment into clean water initiatives, including:

  • $500 million in clean water infrastructure funding, bringing the State's total clean water investment to $4.5 billion since 2017;
  • $400 million - a record level of funding - for the Environmental Protection Fund to support critical projects that work to mitigate the effects of climate change, improve agricultural resources, protect water sources, advance conservation efforts and provide recreational opportunities;
  • $4.2 billion for the landmark Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act. If approved by voters this fall, this historic initiative will provide the support New York State needs to protect and improve our water resources, restore critical environmental habitats, reduce flood risks, conserve additional lands and open spaces, and invest in climate change mitigation projects that will reduce pollution and lower carbon emissions; and
  • Additional water quality protections with essential improvements to the State's wetlands protection program, safeguarding an estimated one million additional acres of unprotected wetlands habitat and helping New York adapt to increased flooding and severe storms fueled by climate change.

The Easter Bunny Hops Along Allerton Avenue


The day before Easter Sunday, the Easter Bunny was spotted hopping along Allerton Avenue. Officers from the 49th precinct in the area on patrol, stopped to make sure this was the real Easter Bunny hopping along on Allerton Avenue. 

The Easter Bunny met children to have his picture taken with them, and gave out colorful Easter eggs to the children. The  Easter Bunny then stopped in a few of the stores on Allerton Avenue to greet some of the people in them, and have his picture taken with them.

The Easter Bunny was standing outside the Sanz on Allerton Avenue Saturday morning.

Police officers from the 49th Precinct checked out a giant bunny on Allerton Avenue.

Above and below, the Easter Bunny was handing out Easter Eggs to the children from his basket of eggs. 

The Easter Bunny then hopped down the street to greet some of the people in the stores. While the sign said no dogs, it did not say no Easter Bunnies.

At the Hair Studio the Easter Bunny posed with the ladies.

Here the Easter Bunny waits for an egg sandwich with these ladies in the restaurant. 

At the cleaners the Easter Bunny was put to work pressing clothes.

Then it was back outside to meet some more children and give them some Easter eggs.

Peekskill Man Who Identifies As An “Incel” Or “Involuntary Celibate” Is Sentenced To 30 Months In Prison For Stalking, Threatening, And Harassing Multiple Victims


 Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that DAVID KAUFMAN, a/k/a “David Khalifa,” a/k/a “John Morray,” a/k/a “Big Man,” a self-identified “Incel,” was sentenced to 30 months in prison, after pleading guilty to stalking multiple victims between October 2019 and August 2020.  U.S. District Judge Nelson S. Román imposed today’s sentence. 

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “David Kaufman, a self-described ‘Incel,’ or ‘Involuntary Celibate,’ expressed his hatred of women by terrorizing and harassing his victims though threats of violence.  The Court’s sentence sends a clear message to the public that perpetrators of violence against women will be held accountable for their crimes.”

According to the Complaint, Indictment, other documents in the public record, as well as statements made in public court proceedings:

KAUFMAN self-identifies as an “Incel” or “Involuntary Celibate,” which refers to a group of domestic extremists who adhere to a violent and misogynist ideology of male supremacy.  Incels believe they are entitled to sex with women and to women’s bodies, and they blame women for refusing to have sex with them.  Incels have an active online community and over the last eight years, Incels also have committed acts of violence against women around the world, including in the United States.  For example, in 2014, a self-proclaimed Incel named Elliot Rodger declared a “War on Women” and killed six people and injured fourteen others near a college campus in California.  Prior to these attacks, Rodger posted a video manifesto online, in which he explained that he planned his attack to punish women for rejecting him and for depriving him of sex, and to punish sexually active men because he envied them.

In or about 2019 and 2020, KAUFMAN harassed, threatened, and stalked numerous victims.  In or about February 2019, KAUFMAN sent a bomb, rape, and death threat to a female victim.  A few months later, beginning in or about October 2019, KAUFMAN sent two victims (“Victim-1” and “Victim-2”), among others, violent and threatening messages using over 50 social media accounts.  In these messages, KAUFMAN self-identified as an Incel, expressed his hatred of women, and threatened to commit acts of violence.  For example:

  • On or about June 24, 2020, KAUFMAN sent the following message to Victim-1:  “Hey wanna hear a joke?  What’s worse than 10 Stacy’s nailed to one tree?  One Stacy nailed to ten trees [laughing crying face emoji].”  “Stacy” is an Incel term that refers to an attractive female who rejects or refuses to have sex with an Incel, is hated by Incels, and is targeted by Incels for harassment, vitriol, humiliation, and violence.
  • On or about June 29, 2020, KAUFMAN sent a series of messages to Victim-2.  These messages included an image of one of Elliot Rodger’s victims, a deceased female who had been stabbed to death, accompanied by the following message:  “This is what happened when a woman said ‘no’ to Elliot Rodger . . . . Hopefully [Victim-1] never said no to someone just like Elliot Rodger.” 
  • In or about July 2020, KAUFMAN posted the following messages:  “Don’t piss off BIG MAN” and “When [Victim-1] and I are dead, we’ll be in heaven together forever.”
  • On or about July 11, 2020, KAUFMAN sent the following message to Victim-1:  “Women have done nothing but spit in my face.  Soon I’ll be getting a gun.”
  • On or about July 12, 2020, KAUFMAN posted the following messages:  “A beautiful environment is the darkest hell, if you have to experience it all alone . . . –Elliot Rodger” and “I don’t think [Victim-1] will be laughing too much later on."

KAUFMAN also created social media accounts using the first and last names of Victim-1 and Victim-2, respectively, and impersonated Victim-1 and Victim-2 online.

In the summer of 2020, law enforcement officers approached KAUFMAN and told him to stop harassing Victim-1 and Victim-2.  On or about July 14, 2020, KAUFMAN was arrested on state criminal charges and an order of protection was issued in Westchester County prohibiting KAUFMAN from, among other things, communicating or contacting Victim-1 or Victim-2. 

Notwithstanding the court order of protection, state charges, and multiple warnings by law enforcement, KAUFMAN continued to harass, threaten, and stalk Victim-1 and Victim-2 until he was federally charged and arrested in August 2020.  KAUFMAN also conducted online surveillance of Victim-1’s residence and researched how to illegally purchase a gun and assemble a semi-automatic rifle.

In addition to the prison sentence, KAUFMAN, 28, of Peekskill, New York, was sentenced to 3 years supervised release, with first six months of home detention, the conditions of which include orders of protection prohibiting KAUFMAN from, among other things, contacting certain victims and their family members.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s New York Joint Terrorism Task Force.  Mr. Williams also thanked the New York State Police, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, the Cortlandt County Police Department, the Stamford Police Department, the Peekskill Police Department, the Mt. Pleasant Police Department, and the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office for their assistance and cooperation.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Did you save the date? 1 Bronx Pride - Sunday June 19th.

1 Bronx Pride Celebration - The Fight Continues 
Third Avenue Business Improvement District and Clearview Festivals are pleased to present the 2022 Bronx Pride calendar of events and programs.  The culmination of year-long planning based on a platform of equity for the LGBTQ community in the Bronx has resulted in a multi-faceted policy and program agenda that will be celebrated during the 1 Bronx Pride Festival on Sunday, June 19, 2022 in the heart of the downtown Bronx Civic Center at 149th Street and Third Avenue.

For June 2022 1 Bronx Pride information, please click here
1 Bronx Pride Guide
Sponsor Opportunities

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Governor Hochul Announces Major Advancements in LGBTQ+ Equity as Part of FY 2023 State Budget

Includes Historic $13.5 Million in LGBTQ+ Health and Human Services Funding  

Creates a Process for Name or Gender Designation Changes on Marriage Certificates  

National Leader in Requiring All State Agencies to Make Available to the Public 'X' Gender Designation on State Forms   

 Governor Kathy Hochul tonight spoke at the LGBT Community Center 2022 Dinner and announced major advancements in equity initiatives for the LGBTQ+ community as part of the enacted FY 2023 State Budget. The Budget includes $13.5 million for the Department of Health to support the LGBTQ+ community and more than doubles annual LGBTQ+ Health and Human Services funding. It also requires all state agencies that collect information about a person's gender to provide an option for people to mark their gender as 'X' on state forms and include that information in data collection. The budget also enables transgender New Yorkers to change their names or gender designations on marriage certificates without leaving their dead names on them. 

"The work of The LGBT Center is essential in providing a space of value, love and belonging for members of the LGBTQ community, especially queer and trans people of color," Governor Hochul said. "The past two years have been hard for us all, but especially hard for LGBTQ+ New Yorkers who have always been forced to deal with levels of isolation due to homophobia and transphobia. That's why it's so important that our newly enacted budget presses forward in the fight for equality with historic levels of state funding and initiatives for LGBTQ+ equity."

The FY 2023 Budget includes $13.5 million for the Department of Health - an increase of $8 million over the prior fiscal year - to support the LGBTQ+ community and network of providers, with direct health services, cultural competency education and training, organizational capacity building and transgender wellness initiatives. This increase acknowledges the lifesaving work of organizations that serve LGBTQ+ New Yorkers, as well as the additional challenges faced by transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary community members.    

Even after the passage of the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) in 2019, advocates have come forward to speak about the obstacles transgender individuals have faced trying to get a complete name change on their existing marriage certificates. The options available to this community have been to leave the dead name crossed out on the certificate or to get divorced and remarried.  In the Governor's first budget, she enacted legislation to rectify this issue and create an appropriate and affirming way for transgender individuals to change their names or gender designations on their marriage licenses.  

In addition, the Budget included legislation requiring state agencies to provide an option for individuals to mark their gender or sex as a non-binary "X" on all state forms that collect gender or sex information beginning on January 1, 2023. The Department of Labor, Office of Children and Family Services, Office of Temporary Disability Assistance and Division of Criminal Justice Services will have until January 1, 2024. Agencies that are unable to meet the deadline will have to be transparent about their efforts to comply with this policy by posting a public report. With the enactment of this bill and the marriage certificate name change, New York remains a national leader  in ensuring that state records and identification documents truly reflect an individual's identity.     

The Budget also invests $12.5 million — an increase of $3.7 million over the prior fiscal year — to support the Division of Human Rights' efforts in protecting New Yorkers, including the LGBTQ+ community, from unlawful discrimination based on who they are. The Division of Human Rights uses investigation, prosecution, and education to enforce and promote the Human Rights Law, which prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, age, race, national origin, disability, and other specified classes.  

Protecting the LGBTQ+ Community  

The FY 2023 State Budget also directs $25 million for Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes (SCAHC) grants. Additionally, benefits will be expanded for victims of hate crimes, who will now be able to obtain up to $2,500 in reimbursement - an increase of $2,000 from past years. 

The Division of Human Rights will create a Hate and Bias Prevention Unit, first announced in Governor Hochul's State of the State Address, to provide a coordinated, rapid, and community-focused response to hate and bias incidents. The unit's general charge will include leading efforts around public education and outreach, serving as an early warning detection system in local communities, and rapidly mobilizing to areas and communities in which a bias incident or incidents have occurred.  

The New York State Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health & Human Services Network (The Network) is a coalition founded in 1994 and administered by The Center, consisting of 71 LGBT-specific and LGBT-supportive nonprofit organizations that provide care to LGBT New Yorkers and our families.    

Network members support and learn from each other, help build capacity and increase their ability to foster a safer and more supportive state for all LGBT people. For example, recognizing that many transgender clients have varied life experiences—many of which involve a combination of racism, classism and trans- or homophobia—The Network works to improve the quality of resources and care that each organization can offer to this community.       



Grants will Enhance River Access, Education, and Natural Resources Protection

 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos today announced $1.14 million in competitive grant funding is now available to help communities in the Hudson River Estuary watershed increase resiliency to flooding, protect water quality, fish, and wildlife habitat, and improve recreational access and education for all, including people with disabilities and New Yorkers living in communities historically and disproportionately overburdened by environmental pollution.  

“New York continues to make significant investments to improve community resiliency, conserve natural resources, and protect water quality across the state, and the grants announced today will provide a further boost to Hudson River watershed communities,” said Commissioner Seggos. These grants support Governor Hochul’s ongoing efforts to improve and expand Hudson River recreation opportunities for people of all abilities, and will increase access to New York’s treasured natural resources along the Hudson River Valley.”

Three types of grant opportunities are available through three Requests for Applications (RFAs): Local Stewardship Planning; River Access; and River Education. The deadline for all applications is June 1, 2022, at 3 p.m. These RFAs are only available online through the NYS Grants Gateway. The Grants Gateway is a web-based grant management system that streamlines how grants are administered by the State.

Hudson River Estuary Access

Approximately $300,000 is available for projects to improve resiliency to flooding and sea-level rise and improve accessibility for people with disabilities at sites for boating, fishing, swimming, and/or wildlife-dependent recreation along the shores of the Hudson River Estuary, including the tidal portion of its tributaries. This funding may be used to develop plans or designs or to purchase equipment, and/or support the construction of physical improvements. The minimum grant award is $10,500, and the maximum grant amount is $75,000. 

River Education

Approximately $240,000 is available to support projects to enhance education about the estuary along the tidal waters of the Hudson and to make opportunities to learn about the Hudson River Estuary more accessible. Funding may be used to design, equip, and/or construct educational facilities, as well as improve programs, materials, and visitor experiences. Funding may also be used to deliver environmental science and conservation education programs to support a paid environmental science research program for high school students, college students, and young adults focused on the Hudson River Estuary ecosystem. The goal is to provide an opportunity for people that may have barriers to otherwise accessing intensive research opportunities and help develop their skills in science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM). The minimum grant award is $10,500, and the maximum grant amount is $75,000. Additional points are given to projects in in communities historically and disproportionately overburdened by environmental pollution, known as Environmental Justice areasand projects that support regional economic development strategies.  


Local Stewardship Planning

Approximately $600,000 is available for four categories of local projects and programs to support planning for:  

  • Creating climate vulnerability assessments, adaptation plans, and strategies for waterfront communities in the Hudson River estuary watershed to adapt to climate risks like flooding, sea-level rise, heat, and drought, including using natural and nature-based solutions and considering social equity;
  • Engineering plans/designs to make water infrastructure more resilient to flooding and/or sea-level rise;
  • Planning for conservation of natural resources by creating a natural resources inventory, open space inventory/index, open space plan, conservation overlay zone, open space funding feasibility study, or connectivity plan; and
  • Water quality monitoring, watershed characterization, and water quality improvement planning and design.

The minimum grant award is $10,500 and the maximum award is $50,000. Additional points are given to projects in Environmental Justice areas and projects that support regional economic development strategies.  

Grants are administered by DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program and funded by the State's Environmental Protection Fund (EPF). Among the many environmental victories in the 2022-23 State Budget, Governor Kathy Hochul succeeded in enacting an increase in the EPF from $300 to $400 million, the highest-ever level of funding in the program's history. The EPF supports climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, improves agricultural resources to promote sustainable agriculture, protects our water sources, advances conservation efforts, and provides recreational opportunities for New Yorkers.

All grant applicants, including government agencies and not-for-profit corporations, must be registered in the NYS Grants Gateway to be eligible to apply for any State grant opportunity. Not-for-profit applicants are required to “prequalify” in the Grants Gateway system. For more information about Grants Gateway, please visit the Grants Management website or contact the Grants Gateway Team at:

General information about these grants is also available on DEC’s website at Completed grant applications must be submitted online through the Grants Gateway by 3 p.m. on June 1, 2022. General questions about the Hudson River Estuary grants application process may be directed to Susan Pepe, Estuary Grants Manager, NYSDEC, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-3506;

Now in its 20th year, the Estuary Grants Program implements priorities outlined in DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Action Agenda 2021-2025. To date, the Hudson River Estuary Program has awarded 594 grants totaling $25.5 million. To view the Action Agenda and for complete details about the new grant funding, visit on the DEC website.