Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Team AOC - 2022 Wrapped: 3 big climate wins

2022 Year in Review

As 2022 winds down, we’re looking back on our incredible work together this year. Today we’re excited to share three big accomplishments this year for climate justice and a Green New Deal.

We passed a historic climate bill in Congress

In August, Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) — the largest ever investment in fighting climate change with $369 billion! This funding is expected to create 9 million new jobs in renewable energy and lower annual energy bills by $1,000 per household.

It’s estimated that this bill will reduce greenhouse gases by 40% by 2030 and it dedicates $60 billion for environmental justice in communities hardest hit by climate change and fossil fuels.

We launched our first Green New Deal Projects

Working with other House Members, we secured $100 million for 60 community projects, spanning from Hawaii to Vermont. These projects will create green jobs, increase renewable energy, and strengthen our weather resiliency.

With our Green New Deal project in NY-14, we are funding training for 300 students at SUNY Maritime for good-paying, union jobs in wind energy.

We defeated a fracked-gas power plant and replaced it with wind

After years of organizing, last fall, New York officially denied the permit for the Astoria NRG fracked-gas power plant citing inconsistency with New York’s climate laws. It was a huge victory — but the fight wasn’t over yet, because NRG appealed the decision.

But then, this past September, NRG filed a petition seeking approval to transfer the land’s ownership to Beacon Wind to build clean, wind energy infrastructure!1 Rather than a fossil fuel plant, Beacon Wind will bring jobs and renewable energy to NY-14.

This is a tremendous win for the community organizers who stepped up in the fight for environmental justice and put the ideals of the Green New Deal into place.

Ending the era of fossil fuels is imperative for our future. Doing so is no easy task. The fossil fuel industry has billions of dollars at its disposal. Your support helps make the fight a little fairer.

Together, we will continue to hold Big Oil accountable and fight for the rapid transition to renewable energy we need. There’s so much more that needs to be done, but when our movement comes together, there’s nothing we cannot achieve.

Thank you for being a part of our movement,

Team AOC 

1 - Earthjustice