Wednesday, May 17, 2023



All New Yorkers 11 and older can now vote on how to spend $5 million of “The People’s Money”

New York City Civic Engagement Commission (CEC) Chair and Executive Director Dr. Sarah Sayeed today announced the launch of “The People’s Money” voting phase. “The People’s Money” is New York City’s first-ever citywide participatory budgeting process. Until June 25th, all New York City residents ages 11 and older, regardless of immigration status, will be able to vote on how to spend $5 million of mayoral expense funding to address community needs.


New Yorkers living in any one of the five boroughs will be able to vote on a ballot for their borough, while those living in one of 33 equity neighborhoods will also be able to vote on a ballot for their neighborhood. Residents can vote online by inputting their zip codes. Paper ballots will also be available citywide at sites listed here. After June 25th, ballots will be tabulated, winning projects will be announced, and then be implemented starting in 2024.


The CEC will be co-hosting five flagship events, one in each borough featuring The People’s Bus, a retired Department of Corrections vehicle transformed into a mobile community center, where residents will also be able to vote. The events are:

  • Bronx Week Culture Festival: Grand Concourse (from 168 to 161) – May 21st
  • Queens Night Market: Flushing Meadows Park – June 3rd
  • Family & Fatherhood Fun Day: Clove Lakes Park – June 10th
  • Museum Mile Festival: Museum of the City of New York – June 13th
  • BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! Festival: Prospect Park Bandshell – June 15th


“As we work towards a more equitable city, the launch of 'The People's Money' represents a significant step towards inclusiveness," said New York City Mayor Eric Adams. "By allowing all New York City residents to vote on how to spend $5 million of mayoral expense funding, we are empowering communities to have a direct say in addressing their needs. I encourage all eligible residents to participate in this historic participatory budgeting process and help shape the future of our great city.”


“The city budget is, in fact, the people’s money. This year, for the first time ever, New Yorkers across the city have the opportunity to weigh in directly and specifically on how your money is spent,” said NYC Chief Engagement Officer Betsy MacLean. “Big ups to the Civic Engagement Commission — leading the direct democracy charge in our city with an abiding emphasis on equity, inclusion, creativity, and joy.  Please join us in this transformative effort and vote! Together we can send a powerful message that New Yorkers want, need, and love participatory budgeting!”


“Throughout The People’s Money process, the CEC has been focused on manifesting community power and meeting New Yorkers where they are at. During this voting phase we will continue our robust efforts to engage equitably with residents across the five boroughs,” said Dr. Sarah Sayeed, Chair and Executive Director, NYC Civic Engagement Commission. “Participatory budgeting is a pathway into civic engagement that enables communities to move their voice into action on decisions that impact their lives.”


On September 14th, 2022, Mayor Adams and the CEC announced the launch of The People’s Money. From September through November of 2022, the CEC invited New Yorkers to virtual and in-person workshops to learn about the city budget cycle, identify community needs, and brainstorm ideas for expense projects through interactive activities and discussion. Residents were also able to propose ideas and projects online directly on this platform. Prior to launching, the CEC led a robust engagement process to solicit proposals from community-based organizations and other groups to host Idea Generations Sessions across the five boroughs. The CEC received 220 applications and selected 82 partners.


The CEC and 82 partners facilitated 523 Idea Generation sessions across the city through which we engaged 12,344 New Yorkers. In addition to sessions facilitated by partner organizations, the CEC also collaborated with the offices of Borough Presidents to host five borough-based Idea Generation Sessions. New Yorkers submitted 2,023 ideas for our boroughs and 2,116 ideas for our equity neighborhoods.


From December 2022 through February 2023, randomly selected resident committees evaluated submitted ideas against equity and feasibility criteria and developed and selected the final project proposals to be placed on the ballots.


Throughout the month of March, the CEC held 13 strategy sessions open to the public to elicit input on how to perform ‘Get Out the Vote’ outreach most effectively. 33 contracted organizational partners will engage in targeted outreach in Equity Neighborhoods to ensure an inclusive and equitable process.


“Citywide participatory budgeting will give New Yorkers a voice on how our city spends public dollars for their community,” said New York City Comptroller Brad Lander. “As one of the first city council members to kick-off participatory budgeting in my district, I have witnessed firsthand how a community-driven budgeting process can empower our neighbors. I’m extremely excited it is being implemented citywide and cannot wait to see what policies and programs New Yorkers choose to prioritize across the five boroughs.”

The People’s Money Background:

In November 2018, one million New Yorkers voted and approved three ballot initiatives proposed by the 2018 Charter Revision Commission. This established the NYC CEC and included a mandate for the CEC to implement a citywide participatory budgeting (PB) process. Prior to receiving funding to run a citywide program, the CEC ran two localized PB processes, beginning with “It’s Our Money” in 2019 and “The People’s Money” in 2021:

  • “It’s Our Money,” (2019) funded five $20,000 youth-focused projects and engaged over 3,000 young people citywide. This process was designed by youth, for youth, with the goal of empowering young people to voice their priorities and needs to determine which project ideas should be funded. Youth organizations were invited to submit project proposals that targeted young people’s specific needs and interests. 
  • In 2021, the CEC launched “The People’s Money,” a $1.3 million PB process in the 33 neighborhoods hardest hit by COVID-19, as part of the Taskforce for Racial Inclusion and Equity (TRIE) Neighborhood Initiative and in partnership with YMI (the Young Men’s Initiative). Residents decided how to spend over $40,000 in expense funding in programs & services for their neighborhood.

Traditionally, participatory budgeting in New York City has only been accessible to residents whose council members have opted to run a process in their district, primarily through discretionary capital funding for projects that can take years to materialize. However, a process utilizing expense funding provides residents with the flexibility to submit creative ideas that may include projects, services, or events, and to see the projects that receive the majority vote implemented within the following year.

All projects for this cycle must be completed by June of 2024. The CEC will report back the results of the projects upon completion, including metrics such as the number of residents served, outcomes, highlights, successes, and challenges.

Implementation of citywide PB strengthens and expands what is currently the largest PB process in the nation, while deepening civic trust and engaging communities in a process grounded in the principle of collective determination. Citywide PB will showcase a new and unique collaboration between City Hall and its agencies, Borough Presidents, City Council, community boards, CBOs, New Yorkers, and particularly those who have been historically underrepresented. 


It is the opinion of this the editor of this blog that an elected official should know the problems of what area they represent and where money needs to be allocated, or they should not be in office. 

Comptrollers DiNapoli, Lander Urge Netflix Investors to Support Workers' Rights


Shareholder Proposal Asks Company to Adopt Public Commitment to Protect Freedom of Association, Collective Bargaining

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli and New York City Comptroller Brad Lander today announced that they have called on Netflix shareholders to support their joint proposal urging the streaming service to uphold its employees’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Their shareholder proposal will be subject to a vote at the company’s annual meeting on June 1, 2023.

“Workers have fundamental rights, including the right to join a union and collectively bargain for better pay and workplace conditions,” DiNapoli said. “While Netflix says it’s now a leader in the highly unionized entertainment industry, it’s lagging when it comes to ensuring the rights of its employees. Failure to uphold workers’ rights can damage the company and its investors.”

“Netflix can and must do better to improve their commitment to upholding worker rights if they want to remain a leader in the entertainment industry. They have thus far failed to adopt and disclose a clear policy on freedom of association and collective bargaining exposing it to human capital management risks that could harm long-term shareholder value. As investors, we are concerned when the behavior of a portfolio company stands in contrast with fair treatment of its workforce,” said New York City Comptroller Brad Lander.

The shareholder proposal at Netflix asks the board “to adopt and publicly disclose a policy on their commitment to respect their employees’ rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining.” It notes that employees’ discontent with management has resulted in walkouts and demands for change in company culture. Many of the working conditions at the heart of the Writer’s Guild of America strike reflect issues that would appropriately be addressed by a comprehensive human rights policy.

Netflix should have a publicly disclosed policy to enable investors to assess whether the company is sufficiently addressing labor risks and their potential effect on stockholder value.

DiNapoli and Lander’s Netflix proposal was part of a broader 2023 initiative to encourage companies to adopt better workers' rights policies and practices. This included co- filing shareholder proposals at CVS Pharmacy Inc., DoorDash Inc. and  Walmart Inc., and separately at Gannett Co. Shareholders are expected to vote on the proposal at CVS’s annual meeting on May 18, 2023.

Link to exempt solicitation encouraging Netflix shareholders to support their proposal:




Public Cautioned Against Disturbing Fawns and Other Young Wildlife

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos today reminded New Yorkers to appreciate wildlife from a safe distance and resist the urge to touch or pick up newborn fawns and other young wildlife. Human contact with wildlife can result in unintended consequences detrimental to the animals people intend to help.


“This is the time of year New Yorkers are more likely to see young or newborn animals in their yards and mistakenly think these animals need help,” Commissioner Seggos said. "The recently fledged birds or baby rabbits in your yard likely have parents hiding nearby keeping an eye on their offspring. Please resist the urge to touch these wild animals and instead enjoy the encounter from a safe distance. Remember - if you care, leave it there."


During spring months, animal sightings and encounters are common. Young wildlife quickly venture into the world on wobbly legs or are unable to fly on their own. While most young wildlife learn survival skills from one or both parents, some receive little or no care. Often, wild animals stay away from their young, especially when people or pets are present. For these young animals, the perils of survival are a natural part of life in the wild. Unfortunately, well-intentioned individuals may attempt to care for young wild animals they believe to be abandoned or in need of assistance. These human interactions typically do more harm than good.


For example, white-tailed deer fawns are born during late May and early June. Although fawns can walk shortly after birth, they spend most of their first several days lying still in tall grass, leaf litter, or sometimes relatively unconcealed. During this period, a fawn is usually left alone by the adult female (doe), except when nursing. People occasionally find a lone fawn and mistakenly assume it has been abandoned, which is rare. Fawns should be left alone. Take a picture, but don’t take the fawn or attempt to feed it. If human presence is detected by the doe, the doe may delay its next visit to nurse. A fawn's best chance to survive is to be raised by the adult doe. Fawns nurse three to four times a day, usually for less than 30 minutes at a time, but otherwise the doe keeps her distance, which helps reduce the chance a predator will follow her to the fawn. A fawn's protective coloration and ability to remain motionless help it avoid detection by predators and people. By the end of its second week of a fawn's life, it begins to move about and spend more time with the doe. It also begins to eat grass and leaves. At about 10 weeks of age, fawns are no longer dependent on milk, although they continue to nurse occasionally into the fall.


DEC also reminds the public that young wildlife are not pets. Keeping wildlife in captivity is illegal and harmful to the animal. Wild animals are not well-suited for life in captivity and may carry diseases that can be transferred to humans. Anyone who observes wildlife that appear to be sick or behaving abnormally should contact their DEC regional wildlife office.


Anyone that encounters a young wild animal that is obviously injured or orphaned should call a wildlife rehabilitator. Wildlife rehabilitators are trained volunteers licensed by DEC. They are the only people legally allowed to receive and treat distressed wildlife. They have the experience, expertise, and facilities to successfully treat and release wild animals.


DEC advises to keep pets indoors when young animals are present. Many fledgling birds cannot fly when they first leave the nest and are easy prey for a house cat.


For more information and answers to frequently asked questions about young wildlife, visit DEC's website.



Plan Includes Prevention and Intervention Efforts, Enhanced Enforcement to Stem Increase in Shoplifting


Report Follows December Summit with NYPD, Attorney General, Five DAs, Small Businesses, National Retailers, Union Leaders, Local BIDs, Chambers of Commerce, and More

New York City Mayor Eric Adams today announced the release a comprehensive plan to combat retail theft across New York City’s five boroughs. With the exception of 2020, the total number of citywide shoplifting complaints has increased year over year since 2018, with the largest increase — 44 percent — taking place from 2021 to 2022. The increase in retail theft has had a particularly significant impact on retailers that are still recovering from the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Retail Theft Report — created through a collaborative effort between retailers, law enforcement, and other stakeholders that came together through a summit hosted by Mayor Adams at Gracie Mansion — includes both upstream, program-oriented solutions and enhanced enforcement efforts, as well as information on existing efforts across New York City agencies to combat retail theft.


“Shoplifters and organized crime rings prey on businesses that have already taken a hit due to COVID-19, but, with this comprehensive plan, we’re going to beat back on retail theft through a combination of law enforcement, prevention, and intervention,” said Mayor Adams. “Last year alone, 327 repeat offenders were responsible for 30 percent of the more than 22,000 retail thefts across our city. This hurt our businesses, our workers, our customers, and our city. This plan will help us invest in diversion programs and in underlying factors leading to retail theft, works upstream to stop some of the factors leading to a crime before one takes place, trains retail workers in de-escalation tactics and security best practices, and takes numerous actions to increase necessary enforcement against repeat shoplifters and deter organized crime rings perpetrating these thefts. Most importantly, this plan aims to reassure our store owners that we know they are essential to our city, and we have their backs. I want to thank the nearly 100 stakeholders from the public and private sectors who participated in our summit last year and who contributed to drafting this report for bringing forward their innovative solutions to tackle this critical issue.”


“Retail theft doesn’t just strike at the heart of our economy; it strikes at the hearts and livelihoods of New Yorkers themselves,” said Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Philip Banks III. “It affects every one of us, and it is going to take all of us to solve it — law enforcement, government, retailers, and the public. This plan is our roadmap forward, and we will continue to work together to protect our stores.”


“Rising retail theft has been a principal concern among many small businesses and a hindrance to our continued economic growth,” said Deputy Mayor for Economic and Workforce Development Maria Torres-Springer. “The plan we’re announcing today is balanced, clear-eyed, impactful, and will provide real support to our small business owners and commercial corridors, making our city safer and stronger.”


“As with everything we do in our city, our efforts to combat retail theft require the continued, unwavering commitment and partnership of everyone — every single stakeholder,” said New York City Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Keechant L. Sewell. “Collectively, we have identified a problem and we’re working together to prevent it from enduring. This is how the NYPD is making New York City safer for all: By working in close collaboration with all of our law enforcement partners and, most importantly, alongside the people we serve.”


“Public safety and prosperity go hand-in-hand, and this administration is protecting both,” said New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) Commissioner Kevin D. Kim. “This plan sends a clear signal that small businesses must continue to be allowed to lead our city’s economic recovery. SBS is eager to work with our partners in the business and public safety community, respectively, to ensure that the recommendations from this report are implemented."


“Across the country, cities are struggling to address the challenge of rising retail theft,” said Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice Director Deanna Logan.  “Today, Mayor Adams leads New York in meeting this challenge with a plan that strikes the right balance between enforcement that promotes accountability and the interventions needed to support healthy neighborhoods resulting in safety, rehabilitation, and continued economic prosperity for all New Yorkers.”


Last December, Mayor Adams convened a summit comprised of more than 70 stakeholders to collaborate on policy and find creative solutions to address retail theft across New York City. The summit brought together law enforcement officials, government stakeholders, small business representatives, large retail groups, union leaders, business improvement districts, chambers of commerce, and diversion providers to discuss a variety of topics, including physical security measures, new diversion programs, leveraging technology to protect businesses and improve citywide responses, and enhancing existing partnerships among private, government, and non-profit sectors. The Adams administration then analyzed the information shared by the attendees at the summit, conducted independent research and data analyses, and consulted with law enforcement and retail business management to produce the recommendations in the report released today.


The plan comprises targeted solutions to reduce retail theft perpetrated by individual shoplifters, as well as organized crime rings, including a combination of increased law enforcement efforts and enhanced social service programming and resources to prevent shoplifting, particularly by individuals struggling with substance use disorders, serious mental illness, homelessness, or poverty.


Among the prevention and intervention strategies included in the plan, the administration will:

  • Establish two new diversion programs — “Second Chance” and Re-Engaging Store Theft Offenders and Retail Establishments (RESTORE) — to allow non-violent offenders to avoid prosecution or incarceration by meaningfully engaging with services to help address underlying factors that lead to shoplifting.
  • Install resource kiosks in stores to connect individuals in need to critical government resources and social services.
  • Launch an employee support program to train retail workers in de-escalation tactics, anti-theft tools, and security best practices to help keep them safe in the event of an emergency and to support employees who have been impacted by thefts.

To increase necessary enforcement against repeat shoplifters and deter organized crime rings perpetrating these thefts, the administration will:

  • Create a Precision Repeat Offender Program (PROP) in which retailers can submit dedicated security incident reports to the NYPD to better identify and track repeat offenders and facilitate stronger prosecutions by the five District Attorneys’ Offices.
  • Establish a neighborhood retail watch for businesses in close proximity to one another to share real-time intelligence with each other and with law enforcement in the event of a theft. This program builds upon the NYPD’s Operation Safe Shopper initiative created under Mayor Adams’ leadership as Brooklyn borough president to expand video surveillance camera usage among participants.
  • Advocate at the state and federal level for additional online sale authentication procedures to prevent the resale of stolen goods to build upon the federal Integrity, Notification, and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces (INFORM) for Consumers Act, which goes into effect in June 2023.
  • Establish a New York City Organized Retail Theft Task Force, comprised of retailers, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders to collaborate and respond to retail theft trends.

“Retail theft continues to harm New Yorkers, threaten businesses, and threaten the safety of our communities,” said New York Attorney General Letitia James. “We know inflation is cutting into paychecks and forcing tough conversations around kitchen tables, but stealing from small businesses that are already struggling with high costs and low profit margins is not the answer. I am proud to have worked together with Mayor Adams, our District Attorneys, and the NYPD to address this problem, and I look forward to continuing our partnership and combating retail theft so New Yorkers can feel safe in their neighborhoods.”


“Manhattan is the retail capital of the country, and we need our business community to thrive,” said Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. “Retail theft has increased city-wide and nation-wide since the pandemic, and we must continue to work together to drive down shoplifting. However, there is encouraging news – for the first time since the pandemic, retail theft has begun to decline in Manhattan. Year to date, petit larcenies are down 8 percent and robberies are down 5 percent, and comparing the first quarter of 2023 to 2022, retail theft complaints are down 11 percent. While we have more work to do, we believe our partnership with the NYPD and mayor's office, and 5-point plan developed with the Small Business Alliance, is beginning to turn the tide.”


“The mayor’s plan to combat retail theft offers concrete measures to get this scourge under control by holding accountable organized or violent thieves, and addressing the needs of people who shoplift because of mental health or other issues,” said Bronx District Attorney Darcel D. Clark said. “The only way we are going to solve this major public safety and economic issue is to work together to support mom-and-pop bodegas to big box stores and everything in between, because they are the backbone of our communities.”


“Retail theft complaints more than doubled in Queens from 2018 through 2022,” said Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz. “In response to this surge and the resulting requests for help, I launched the Merchants Business Improvement Program in a variety of business districts in the borough.  Retailers have said the program has made a difference, but clearly more is needed, not just in Queens, but across the city.  I applaud the mayor for his leadership on this critical issue. We can never lose sight of the fact that communities thrive when local businesses thrive.”


“Retail theft can cause devastating financial losses for businesses, and it also compromises the feeling of safety and security that store employees, shoppers, and residents deserve,” said Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez. “I commend Mayor Adams for his comprehensive plan to combat retail theft, which includes both prevention and intervention efforts to address the needs of the vulnerable, as well as enhanced enforcement to tackle this issue head-on. By working together and taking a multi-faceted problem-solving approach, we can create a safer and more vibrant city for all.”


“Opening and operating a retail business in New York City has always been a daunting yet immensely rewarding professional calling,” said Staten Island District Attorney Michael McMahon. “These vital New Yorkers and their countless thousands of employees have known this long before the headwinds caused by the pandemic, inflation, and a shortage in the labor market in just the past few years alone. That is why the rise in retail theft and the decline in the employee and customer experience in our retail stores is so deeply alarming and in need of immediate, forceful attention from law enforcement and all levels of government. I am encouraged by the forthcoming actions from the Adams administration that will focus first on increased accountability for those who steal from our stores and provide support for safety measures for our small businesses, while also creating opportunities for those who steal because of mental illness or substance use issues to heal themselves and the underlying reasons for their criminal behavior. Our incredible business community and the families they support deserve our full commitment to creating an environment where they can not only survive, but thrive and continue to serve the needs and wants of our neighbors across Staten Island and the entire city.”

U.S. Attorney Announces Conviction Of Iranian Large-Scale Heroin Trafficker


Malek Mohammad Balouchzehi Conspired to Sell Ton Quantities of Heroin for Distribution in New York

 As reflected in the Indictment, public filings, and the evidence presented at trial:

BALOUCHZEHI is an Iran-based drug trafficker.  In or about September 2019, BALOUCHZEHI and an Iranian drug trafficking partner began communicating with individuals whom BALOUCHZEHI believed were heroin traffickers interested in large quantities of heroin for importation into the United States, as well as methamphetamine for distribution in Australia.  Those individuals were, in fact, a confidential source working at the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (“DEA”) direction and an undercover DEA agent posing as a New York-based heroin distributor.  In December 2019, BALOUCHZEHI sent a courier in Mozambique to deliver a sample of approximately two kilograms of heroin, with the understanding that those drugs would be transported to the United States for testing and sale in New York City.  Following this sample heroin shipment, BALOUCHZEHI planned to supply thousands of kilograms of heroin for importation to and distribution within the United States.  In meetings in Nairobi, Kenya, in October 2021, BALOUCHZEHI agreed to distribute ton quantities of heroin for importation to New York and to provide the heroin via maritime routes, using a fishing company to conceal his narcotics activities, in order to make millions of dollars in profits.  During these meetings in Nairobi, BALOUCHZEHI also described his prior international drug trafficking activities over the last decade, including his loads of thousands of kilograms of heroin, and showed photographs evidencing his large-scale trafficking operation.

BALOUCHZEHI, 39, of Iran, was convicted of one count of conspiring to import heroin into the United States, and one count of distributing heroin for importation into the United States, each of which carry a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of life in prison.

The statutory minimum and maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by Judge Furman.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding efforts of the DEA’s Special Operations Division, Bilateral Investigations Unit and New York Field Division; the DEA’s Nairobi, Maputo, Pretoria, Bucharest, and Jakarta Country Offices; the Kenyan National Police; the Mozambique National Criminal Investigation Services; and the Western Australia Police Force.  Mr. Williams also thanked the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of International Affairs for its assistance.Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that a jury returned a guilty verdict against MALEK BALOUCHZEHI, a/k/a “Malek Khan,” on charges of conspiring to import heroin into the United States and distributing heroin for importation into the United States.  U.S. District Judge Jesse M. Furman presided over the one-week trial.  BALOUCHZEHI is scheduled to be sentenced September 12, 2023.

Attorney General James Leads Multistate Coalition to Urge U.S. Supreme Court to Preserve Consumer Protection Watchdog


Coalition of 24 Attorneys General Stress that the CFPB Provides Essential Protections for Millions of Americans

 New York Attorney General Letitia James led a multistate coalition in submitting an amicus brief to the Supreme Court, urging the Court to overturn a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit that threatens the future operation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the viability of more than ten years of the agency’s regulatory and enforcement actions. The CFPB was set up to create nationwide consumer protection standards and to work with, and supplement, individual state agencies. In Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association of America, Ltd., the Fifth Circuit concluded that the agency’s operations violate the U.S. Constitution’s Appropriations Clause because it does not receive an annual appropriation from Congress and is instead funded through the Federal Reserve, and ordered that a payday lending regulation created by the agency be vacated. Attorney General James and the coalition of 24 attorneys general urge the Supreme Court to reverse the decision by the Fifth Circuit because it jeopardizes the beneficial consumer protection and regulatory actions taken by the CFPB. 

“The CFPB has proven that it is able to stand up for consumers and help states, including New York, to ensure that our residents are protected,” said Attorney General James. “That is why opponents are attacking the agency, and that is why I am proud to push back on these brazenly anti-consumer protection efforts. I will continue to work with my fellow attorneys general to defend the CFPB and ensure it is able to work with our respective states to help protect consumers throughout the country.”

In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Congress established the CFPB to play a critical role in the stability of key sectors of the financial market and protect consumers against unfair and abusive business practices. Since its establishment, the CFPB has created and enforced nationwide consumer financial standards in areas ranging from mortgage lending requirements to debt-collection practices. Additionally, many CFPB regulations target financial sectors where individual states may face challenges in regulating fraudulent and abusive practices.

Attorney General James and the coalition note that if the appellate court decision takes effect, it could drastically restrict consumer protection efforts in their states, and would harm millions of Americans. The Fifth Circuit had invalidated a prior regulation issued by the CFPB, after concluding that the CFPB’s funding was unconstitutional. Attorney General James and the coalition caution that this approach, if adopted by the Supreme Court, could result in the invalidation of numerous CFPB rules and other regulatory actions. That result would harm millions of consumers around the country, while destabilizing the consumer financial sector. The amicus brief argues that this result is not mandated by the U.S. Constitution.

Leading this coalition of 24 attorneys general is part of Attorney General James’ ongoing efforts to protect consumers. As part of the Office of the Attorney General, Attorney General James oversees the Consumer Frauds and Protection Bureau, which prosecutes businesses and individuals engaged in fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, or illegal trade practices and helps mediate thousands of complaints each year from individual consumers. Attorney General James regularly issues important alerts regarding potential scams and efforts to harm New York consumers, and has also worked closely with the CFPB. In January, Attorney General James and the CFPB sued Credit Acceptance Corporation (CAC), one of the nation’s largest subprime auto lenders, for deceiving thousands of low-income New Yorkers into taking out high-interest car loans. In May 2022, Attorney General James and the CFPB shut down a predatory debt collection operation that used deceptive and abusive tactics to illegally collect millions of dollars from hundreds of thousands of consumers. In April 2022, Attorney General James and the CFPB filed a lawsuit against MoneyGram International, Inc. and MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. (MoneyGram) — for repeatedly violating consumer protection laws.

Joining Attorney General James in filing today’s amicus brief are the attorneys general of Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaiʻi, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia.

Interior Renderings Revealed For Estela At 414-445 Gerard Avenue In Mott Haven, The Bronx


Rendering of Estela - Courtesy of VUW

The Domain Companies has shared a collection of interior renderings for Estela, a two-building rental property at 414 and 445 Gerard Avenue in the Mott Haven section of The Bronx. Designed by S9 Architecture, the development contains a mix of 380 market-rate apartments, 164 affordable housing units, and around 9,000 square feet of ground-floor retail space. The property is located near the Harlem River between East 144th and 146th Streets.

Residents will have access to 35,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor amenities including a large roof deck, a screening lounge, game rooms, coworking spaces, a children’s playroom, and a gym with double-height ceilings and a dedicated yoga room. Additional services include a 24/7 concierge, building-wide internet access, pet grooming stations, and a dog run.

Rendering of the Estela rooftop - Courtesy of VUW

Rendering of the Estela rooftop – Courtesy of VUW

Rendering of the Estela coworking suite - Courtesy of VUW

Rendering of the Estela coworking suite – Courtesy of VUW

Rendering of the Estela gym - Courtesy of VUW

Rendering of the Estela gym – Courtesy of VUW

Rendering of the Estela clubroom - Courtesy of VUW

Rendering of the Estela clubroom – Courtesy of VUW

New Orleans-based interior design studio Farouki Farouki outfitted each home with wide-plank flooring, designer appliances and fixtures, open chef’s kitchens, and in-unit washer-dryers.

The residences at Estela range from studios to two-bedroom apartments, with market-rate rents ranging from the mid $2,000s up to the mid $4,000s. The Domain Companies opened an in-house leasing office this month at 445 Gerard Avenue.

Rendering of model apartment at Estela - Courtesy of VUW
Rendering of model apartment at Estela - Courtesy of VUW
Rendering of the Estela Lobby - Courtesy of VUW

Rendering of the Estela lobby – Courtesy of VUW

The buildings were designed to meet LEED Platinum certification standards through energy-efficient building systems, façade components, ventilation systems, and light fixtures.

Mayor Adams suspends the Land Use Process in Emergency Executive Order 406


WHEREAS, over the past several months, thousands of asylum seekers have been arriving in New York City, from the Southern border, without having any immediate plans for shelter; and

WHEREAS, the City now faces an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that requires it to take extraordinary measures to meet the immediate needs of the asylum seekers while continuing to serve the tens of thousands of people who are currently using the DHS Shelter System; and

WHEREAS, additional reasons for requiring the measures continued in this Order are set forth in Emergency Executive Order No. 224, dated October 7, 2022; and

WHEREAS, the state of emergency based on the arrival of thousands of individuals and families seeking asylum, first declared in Emergency Executive Order No. 224, dated October 7, 2022, and extended most recently by Emergency Executive Order No. 398, dated May 5, 2023, remains in effect;

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the powers vested in me by the laws of the State of New York and the City of New York, including but not limited to the New York Executive Law, the New York City Charter and the Administrative Code of the City of New York, and the common law authority to protect the public in the event of an emergency:

Section 1. I hereby order that sections 1 and 2 of Emergency Executive Order No. 402, dated May 10, 2023, are extended for five (5) days.

  • 2. I hereby direct that section 4(a) of Emergency Executive Order No. 224, dated October 7, 2022, is amended to read as follows:

I hereby direct that the following laws and rules related to the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure, and other procedures applicable to the City planning and land use review processes, to the extent they would apply to the siting, leasing, construction and operations of facilities, including homeless shelters, created and/or expanded for use in response to the asylum emergency, require the holding of public hearings, the certification of applications, the submission of recommendations, any required or necessary voting, the taking of final actions, and the issuance of determinations, are suspended for the duration of the State of Emergency: sections 195, 197-d, 203, and 3020, subdivisions (b) through (h) of section 197-c, and subdivision (a) of section 824 of the Charter, sections 21-309, 21-312, 25-303, 25-306, 25-308, 25-309, 25-310 and 25-313 of the Administrative Code, and sections 1-05.5 and 1-07.5 of Title 2 and sections 2-02 through 2-07 of Title 62 of the Rules of the City of New York.

  • 3. This Emergency Executive Order shall take effect immediately and shall remain in effect for five (5) days unless it is terminated or modified at an earlier date whichever occurs first.
  • 4. The provisions of this Order are subject to applicable State laws and rules, and emergency orders issued by the Governor.

Eric Adams