Monday, July 24, 2023

Bronx Chamber of Commerce - The Bronx's #1 Business Networking Event of the Year, 9/21/2023

The Board of Directors and leadership team of The Bronx Chamber of Commerce invite you to the 2023 Bronx Reception - The Bronx is Building on Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 6:30pm at Marina Del Rey, 1 Marina Drive in the Throggs Neck section of the Bronx.

The evening is the Bronx's #1 business networking event of the year and features a two-hour cocktail reception, dinner, live entertainment, dancing, and so much more. All while raising critical funds to support our borough's small businesses, economic recovery and development.

The event, gathering over 600 attendees, highlights the rich history and achievements of the Bronx’s oldest economic development agency and celebrates the contributions of Business of the YearDeveloper of the Year, and Community Organization of the Year as well as the annual Joseph P. Kelleher Award of Excellence.

This year we center our focus on The Bronx Is Building in honor of the major investments being made across The Bronx to support workforce and economic development. From the widespread development of the southern waterfront, affordable housing and public space expansion, deep investments in infrastructure, to the opening of multiple metro stations in the east, significant investment in Hunt's Point and the Sheridan Expressway.

This annual event raises critical funds for borough economic and workforce development. 100% of all contributions support the Bronx Chamber’s business and economic development programs. 

Sponsor, Purchase Tables & Tickets - Click Here

News, updates and more from NYC Council Member Rafael Salamanca, Jr.


I was proud to attend Mayor Eric Adams’ ceremony this morning where Edward Caban became the first Hispanic (and Puerto Rican 🇵🇷) Police Commissioner, and Tania Kinsella became the first woman of color appointed as First-Deputy Commissioner in the NYPD’s 177-year history. 

I applaud Mayor Adams for these historic leadership appointments to our City’s police force, and I look forward to seeing the great work that our new Commissioners will contribute to our communities.


Me enorgulleció asistir a la ceremonia del alcalde Eric Adams esta mañana, donde Edward Caban se convirtió en el primer comisionado de policía hispano (y puertorriqueño 🇵🇷), y Tania Kinsella se convirtió en la primera mujer de color nombrada como primera comisionada adjunta en los 177 años de historia del NYPD.

Aplaudo al alcalde Adams por estos nombramientos históricos de liderazgo en la fuerza policial de nuestra ciudad, y espero ver el gran trabajo que nuestros nuevos comisionados contribuirán a nuestras comunidades.

Celebrating 50 years of Hip-Hop at Crotona Park’s Sumerry Jam Series!



¡Celebrando 50 años de Hip-Hop en Crotona Park Summary Jam Series!

Please join me for my annual event in celebration of Dominican Heritage where I will be honoring members of our community for their impactful contributions.

Free food, beverages, and musical entertainment will be provided.




Acompáñenme en mi evento anual de celebración de la herencia Dominicana, en el que rendiré homenaje a miembros de nuestra comunidad por sus importantes contribuciones.

Habrá comida, bebidas y entretenimiento musical gratis.

*NO ES NECESARIO RESERVAR *Únase a mí para mi evento anual en celebración de la herencia dominicana donde honraré a los miembros de nuestra comunidad por sus contribuciones impactantes.

Se proporcionará comida, bebidas y entretenimiento musical gratis.


Visit our District Office at: 
1070 Southern Boulevard
Bronx, New York 10459
(718) 402-6130



Overhaul of Construction Shed Rules Will Get Them off Sidewalks More Quickly, While Redesigning and Reimagining Them to Improve Public Safety and Quality of Life


Adams Administration Will Partner With Borough President Levine to Increase Penalties as Construction Sheds Occupy Public Space for Too Long


Adams Administration to Lead by Example and Pilot Netting to Replace Blighted Sheds at Queens Courthouse


Plan Delivers on “New” New York Panel Recommendation as Key Part of Midtown and Business District Recovery While Enhancing Public Space in Residential Areas

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) Commissioner Jimmy Oddo today unveiled “Get Sheds Down,” a sweeping overhaul of rules governing sidewalk construction sheds and scaffolding that will remove these eyesores from city streets more quickly while redesigning and reimagining those that are needed. These sheds, sometimes called scaffolding, can be a blight on public spaces and foster illegal activity. The “Get Sheds Down” plan will improve public safety and quality of life by removing them more quickly and replacing them, where possible, with more aesthetic or less intrusive alternatives, like safety netting, that keeps New Yorkers safe without creating blight in public space.


For decades, the rules governing construction sheds have incentivized property owners to leave them up for long periods of time instead of completing critical façade work that is often the reason the shed is up in the first place. As a result, New Yorkers are stuck with approximately 9,000 active, permitted construction sheds with an average age of nearly 500 days and spanning more than 2 million linear feet, or nearly 400 miles, about 3 percent of the city’s sidewalk space. Mayor Adams’ “Get Sheds Down” plan will change that paradigm — incentivizing property owners to expedite façade repairs and remove sheds with expired permits from public sidewalks. At the same time, recognizing the important safety function sheds can play when a building has an unsafe façade, “Get Sheds Down” will make traditional sheds more visually appealing when they are necessary and, where possible, replace them with effective but less intrusive alternatives.


“We have nearly 400 miles of scaffolding in New York City, taking up public space that belongs to New Yorkers and the millions who visit our city every year. Imagine visiting Rome, Tokyo, or Rio and seeing scaffolding everywhere. New Yorkers wouldn’t be happy with these unsightly constructions in other cities, and we shouldn’t be ok with them here at home. For too long, bureaucratic rules have stood in the way of progress, but today, we are turning the page and overhauling these rules from the ground up with our ‘Get Sheds Down’ plan,” said Mayor Adams. “This plan will flip the script so that property owners are incentivized to complete safety work and remove sheds instead of leaving up these eyesores year after year. This is how we reimagine our city, revitalize our business districts, and build a safer, more welcoming city for all.”


“The Adams administration is improving quality of life in every neighborhood, and the ‘Get Sheds Down’ plan will move that forward by unlocking public space all across the city,” said First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. “By removing sidewalk sheds and replacing them with alternatives like netting, we will transform our streetscape and deliver on a new vision for how a city can — and should — look. I am proud to be part of an administration that is moving our city forward and working to ‘Get Sheds Down.’”


“The Adams administration is hard at work as we remove the soulless green and metal structures that turn our beautiful streets into caverns,” said Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi. “A longstanding detractor from our streetscape, we are both going after those who leave scaffolding up for far too long and promulgating new standards that actually work with our streets instead of against them.”


“Today’s announcement, which delivers on the recommendations of the ‘New’ New York panel, builds on the city’s commitment to strengthen New York’s business districts and improve quality of life citywide,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and Workforce Maria Torres-Springer. “New York City is the world’s best place to work, and it’s only getting better as we make our public spaces cleaner, safer, and friendlier to pedestrians.”


“Sidewalk sheds are an important public safety tool to protect New Yorkers from hazardous conditions, but they are no substitute for proper building maintenance,” said DOB Commissioner Oddo. “When owners leave up a gloomy pipe and plywood shed for years, while repair work stagnates, they create a tangible negative impact affecting the whole block. This comprehensive plan will compel building owners to make needed repairs so sheds can be removed more quickly — improving public safety while also transforming how we think about pedestrian protection in our city.”




“Get Sheds Down.” Credit: New York City Mayor’s Office




tweet from Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine from April 5, 2023.


“Get Sheds Down” includes nine concrete strategies to improve public space and public safety, while protecting New Yorkers from the hazards associated with active construction and from buildings that have been allowed to fall into disrepair by their owners.


As part of the plan’s focus on replacing sheds with more appealing and equally safe alternatives, the New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) will pilot the use of safety netting in place of a traditional shed for the ongoing façade work in front of Queens County Supreme Court at 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NY. The shed at this site was first permitted by DOB more than six years ago on April 21, 2017 — meaning it has been in place for nearly 2,500 days. Moving forward, in line with a new DOB bulletin, all city agencies will be required to explore safety netting for any construction project on a building owned by that agency or where they serve as project sponsor or construction manager.


In line with the “New” New York panel’s focus on central business districts, the Adams administration will target the initial expansion of financial penalties and regulatory oversight associated with sheds to one business district in each of the following boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. This strategic approach will spare smaller property owners from additional financial burdens, while realigning the financial incentives of façade work for property owners with more resources — and it will reactivate sidewalks and public space to help drive these neighborhoods and the city’s economic recovery, as outlined in “Making New York Work for Everyone.”


A plurality of sidewalk sheds across New York City are erected in connection with DOB’s Façade Inspection and Safety Program, the city’s program for compliance with Local Law 11 of 1998. Under Local Law 11, owners of properties higher than six stories — of which there are approximately 16,000 across the city — must have exterior walls inspected every five years and file a corresponding technical façade report with DOB. Buildings are then classified as “safe,” “safe with a repair and maintenance program,” or “unsafe.” If a building has a problem or defect that threatens public safety and is designated unsafe, the owner must immediately install pedestrian protection, such as a sidewalk shed. Pedestrian protection measures like sheds are required to remain in place by law wherever an unsafe condition is present that poses a life safety threat to the public. However, when construction projects stall and property owners fail to make needed building repairs in a timely manner, sidewalk sheds can languish in place year after year.


“As the manager of 55 buildings throughout our city, DCAS always prioritizes the safety of New Yorkers in and around our buildings,” said DCAS Commissioner Dawn M. Pinnock. “I am happy to support efforts to explore more appealing alternatives to the traditional sidewalk sheds that will maintain safety standards while improving the quality of life for New Yorkers.”


“DDC is very happy to employ safe alternatives to sidewalk sheds, when possible, in its public buildings projects and to work with DOB and others to reimagine what the standard city sidewalk shed can be,” said New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC) Commissioner Thomas Foley. “This is an issue that has plagued New Yorkers for decades, and it’s important not just for quality of life in our dense urban environment but also for businesses that suffer behind sidewalk sheds that have been in place for too long.”


“HPD welcomes this exciting new era for scaffolding,” said New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Commissioner Adolfo Carrión Jr. “Sidewalk sheds can be a sign of economic progress when it comes to new affordable housing or improvements to current housing in your community, but they can also be an eyesore and hurt small businesses that keep this city vibrant and a fun place to call home.”


“NYCHA is the largest public housing authority in North America, with 335 developments made up of 2,411 buildings, many of which are clearly showing the effects of decades of federal disinvestment,” said New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) CEO Lisa Bova-Hiatt. “The safety of our residents is our top priority, and we support the city’s efforts to explore safe, modernized, and efficient ways of providing the level of safety that sidewalk sheds have in the past in a way that better suits New Yorkers.”


“The SCA thanks Mayor Adams and Commissioner Oddo for providing us with the opportunity to look at fresh alternatives and new designs for sidewalks sheds,” said New York City School Construction Authority (SCA) President and CEO Nina Kubota. “The safety of our children and school personnel will always be our top priority, and I look forward to working with our partners in government and the contracting community to keep our buildings in a state of good repair while limiting the amount of time sheds impact our communities.”


“Sidewalks are an important part of the public space ecosystem. Transforming them to be wider, light-filled, and free from clutter and garbage will help ‘Make New York Work for Everyone,’” said Richard R. Buery, Jr., co-chair, “New” New York panel; and CEO, Robin Hood. “We’re pleased to see the administration take action on shed reform — Initiative 12 in the plan to revitalize and reimagine New York City. Today’s announcement is an important step forward in the effort to make our collective public spaces safer and more vibrant.”


“I am thrilled at today’s announcement,” said Daniel Doctoroff, co-chair, “New” New York panel; and former CEO, Sidewalk Labs. “In the ‘Making New York Work for Everyone’ plan, which was published by the ‘New’ New York panel in December, we recommended action to make reforms to sidewalk sheds. And now here we are, months later, with the city announcing meaningful, uniform policy that will maintain safe building practices, reduce the time that sheds are erected on our sidewalks, and help ensure that the city’s public spaces are clean, safe, dynamic, and inviting.”


Under “Get Sheds Down,” the Adams administration will deliver both a new look for pedestrian protection and realign the incentives of construction work to remove sheds from New York City streets more quickly:


Protecting Pedestrians Without Blight


Expanding the Use of Safety Netting – DOB will post an official agency Buildings Bulletin with specific rules governing the use of safety containment netting as an approved form of pedestrian protection that can, in certain circumstances, be used in place of a traditional sidewalk shed. Façade safety netting is currently allowed in the city but rarely used, in part because of the absence of a standardized design that can be easily replicated. The bulletin will be posted in 2023 and provide clarity to design professionals and building owners around how netting can comply with standard DOB specifications and provide adequate public protection. DOB will proactively engage design professionals and contractors across the industry to encourage broader adoption of netting.


The Adams administration will lead by example. First, DCAS will pilot the use of netting to partially replace a preexisting shed in front of Queens County Supreme Court at 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NY. Once the bulletin is posted, any city agency that owns a building or is sponsoring a construction project requiring pedestrian protection will be required to assess whether netting can be used. Only if netting is ruled out as a viable option will the agency be able to proceed with the implementation of a traditional shed.


Reimagining Sidewalk Sheds – DOB will issue a public request for proposals by the end of summer 2023 to solicit new design ideas from architecture and engineering experts to bring the ubiquitous pipe-and-plywood shed design into the 21st century. The agency will select new, alternative shed, netting, and carbon fiber wrap designs that are less obtrusive, more visually appealing, and still affordable for property owners to improve the pedestrian experience, while simultaneously offering critical overhead protection from any potential hazards.


Designs selected through the request for proposals process will be incorporated into the city’s Construction Codes — providing building owners and design professionals a range of more attractive pedestrian protection measures to choose from and replacing the plywood and pipe sheds currently seen across the city. DOB will aim to select, review, and implement these new designs by the end of 2024.


Redesigning Existing Sidewalk Sheds – As the request for proposals process plays out to redesign the sidewalk shed, the Adams administration will partner with other city leaders to make immediate, interim changes to the existing plywood and pipe sidewalk shed design. Aesthetic enhancements will require increased lighting under existing sheds, allow art to be installed on shed panels, and unlock more color choices for sheds beyond the hunter green color currently mandated under the city’s Construction Code.


Removing Unsightly Sheds More Quickly


Paying New Yorkers for Occupying Public Space – The Adams administration will partner with Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine to push legislation implementing new monthly financial penalties to building owners for most sidewalk sheds located in the public right of way that are not directly related to new construction or demolition projects. These recurring penalties would start 90 days after a shed is first permitted and issued monthly to the property until the shed is removed.


Under the current rules, many building owners can indefinitely delay needed building repairs and keep construction sheds on city sidewalks for years without incurring even $1 in financial penalties from the city. Today, smaller buildings not subject to Local Law 11 can simply renew their shed permits every year and keep the structure in place forever. Similarly, taller buildings subject to Local Law 11 can file for repeated extensions, allowing them to draw out the length of façade repairs and still avoid penalties.


This new proposed enforcement strategy targeting sheds occupying public space will plug the holes in the city’s existing enforcement rules by automatically imposing up to thousands of dollars per month in penalties for use of New Yorkers’ space. Under this proposal, the specific penalties will be assessed to the length of a shed at a given point in time, accounting for phased compliance and allowing for reduced monthly penalties as repair work progresses and sheds are removed piece by piece. Penalties would be capped at $6,000 per month, and to encourage property owners to complete repair work and expedite shed removals, penalties would be waived if property owners take the action necessary to remove the shed within an allotted time. One- and two-family homes, and buildings employing safety netting instead of traditional sheds, would be exempt from these new penalties.


Doubling Down on Central Business Districts – The Adams administration will work to impose additional financial penalties on building owners located in select business districts when they fail to meet key milestones on required façade repairs related to the Façade Inspection and Safety Program or Local Law 11. Under this proposal, property owners could be assessed a $10,000 penalty when a shed is in place due to an unsafe façade and the property owner fails to meet any of the following deadlines during the repair process: filing a repair application within three months, obtaining required work permits within six months, and fully completing repairs within 24 months. These three milestones would supplement existing monthly penalties issued by DOB when owners fail to make progress on façade repairs required under the Façade Inspection and Safety Program.


The program will begin in Midtown Manhattan; Long Island City, Queens; Downtown Brooklyn; and Grand Concourse in the Bronx.


Strengthening Oversight of Shed Permits – The Adams administration and the City Council will implement new fees for each renewal of a sidewalk shed permit and increase penalties for sidewalk sheds that remain in place when the relevant permit has expired. DOB will also move to reduce the duration of a shed permit from 12 months to 90 days, requiring property owners to renew permits four times per year to keep their sheds properly permitted. Additionally, DOB will no longer grant penalty waivers for expired shed permit violations, further encouraging property owners to keep shed permits up to date with the more frequent renewal schedule.


These more regular interactions with DOB require virtually no agency staff time while creating another financial incentive for property owners to complete façade repair work and allowing the agency to better track the progress of repair jobs across the city.


Targeting Longstanding Sidewalk Sheds – To address the scourge of sidewalk sheds languishing on city streets year after year, DOB will expand its Long Standing Shed program, which targets property owners with sheds that have been up for longer than five years and deploys additional oversight tools to compel them to complete overdue façade repair work. Properties in the Long Standing Shed program receive additional DOB scrutiny, which can range from regular site visits from enforcement inspectors to potential criminal court actions or affirmative litigation if they continue to disregard orders to make repairs to their buildings. DOB will expand the program to include properties with sheds that have been in place longer than three years — adding over 500 sheds to the universe and more than doubling the number of properties that will see earlier, targeted enforcement actions with the goal of reducing the amount of time these structures remain in place.


Properties in the Longstanding Shed program are also eligible for penalty waivers if work is completed and a shed is removed within an allotted timeframe.


Empowering Struggling Property Owners – The Adams administration will partner with Borough President Levine to explore the creation of a low-interest loan program to provide financial support for struggling, small property owners who lack the financial resources to complete necessary façade repair work. The program would be modeled after Mayor Adams’ Small Business Opportunity Fund, a $75 million fund administered by the New York City Department of Small Business Services that offers loans to eligible small businesses, with a focus on minority- and women-owned businesses and businesses in low- to moderate-income communities.


Reevaluating Local Law 11 Inspections – DOB will conduct a study to review the frequency of inspections under Local Law 11 and the Façade Inspection and Safety Program, and determine whether New York City can employ less frequent and/or less onerous inspections without jeopardizing pedestrian safety.


“The Times Square Alliance applauds Mayor Adams and the Department of Buildings for this overhaul of construction shed rules, as it is more important than ever to keep our public spaces clear and open for public use, and it will improve quality of life issues throughout the city,” said Tom Harris, president, Times Square Alliance. “In Times Square, we are seeing over 300,000 people a day come through, and these sheds create congestion and can create areas that don’t feel safe — this effort will help make people’s Times Square experiences much better.”


“As we continue to encourage people to return to their offices, I am very pleased that Mayor Adams and Commissioner Oddo are responding to longstanding community concerns about the blight of sidewalk sheds and the impact they have on small businesses and residents citywide,” said Fred Cerullo, president and CEO, Grand Central Partnership. “These new measures will establish design criteria to enhance the appearance of these structures and create disincentives so that sidewalk sheds aren’t up for any longer than they need to be.”


“One of New Yorkers’ perennial complaints is the ubiquitous and seemingly eternal life span of scaffolding on our streets,” said Jessica Lappin, president, Alliance for Downtown New York. “These measures to shorten their hold on our sidewalks and improve their appearance will lift spirits and brighten our streetscape.”


“Downtown Brooklyn, like much of New York City, is beset by sidewalk sheds that have far outstayed their welcome — creating dark, dirty, and unsafe spaces that pedestrians actively avoid and that are disastrous for our businesses,” said Regina Myer, president, Downtown Brooklyn Partnership. “Rethinking the sidewalk shed program will help revitalize the public realm and neighborhood environment across the five boroughs. We applaud the Adams administration for their leadership on this issue.”


“Street safety, especially when it comes to our city’s buildings, is a priority in promoting healthy and vibrant neighborhoods,” said Lisa Sorin, president, Bronx Chamber of Commerce. “The ‘Get Sheds Down’ program modernizes our approach to building safety and balances street life, business needs, and the ability to address quality-of-life matters. This moves us beyond the pandemic and toward a bright future for our city, its businesses, and its public spaces and sidewalks.”


“When ugly scaffolding goes up above a restaurant and it’s left up for months or years unnecessarily, their sales drop because customers are turned off by the unsightly conditions it creates, harming small businesses and putting jobs on the chopping block,” said Andrew Rigie, executive director, New York City Hospitality Alliance. “That’s why we commend Mayor Adams and Commissioner Oddo for unveiling a plan that will redesign the scaffolding eyesores and get them down faster.”

“The professional engineering community applauds the initiative of the mayor and Commissioner Oddo to reform sidewalk shed regulations,” said John Evers, president and CEO, American Council of Engineering Companies of New York. “First and foremost, these sheds need to protect the public from loose materials. But they should not intrude on the sidewalk experience and not more or longer than necessary. We look forward to working with the administration to solve this issue and to preserving the vibrancy of our streets.”


“Sidewalk sheds protect the public from hazards that can occur on aging buildings, but building code changes are needed to ensure much-needed façade restoration work is completed in a timely fashion so sheds can be removed,” said Veronika Sikorski, president, New York City Special Riggers Association. “We applaud Mayor Adams and Commissioner Oddo for presenting this plan, and we look forward to continuing to work with them and the City Council to make common-sense changes that enhance safety and improve the overall aesthetics of these vital structures.”


State Senator Jamaal Bailey 7th Annual Community Barbecue

Saturday July 21t was the 7th Annual State Senator Jamaal Bailey Community Barbecue. Elected official from the state legislature and city council were on hand along with hundreds of people from the senate district. 

State Senators who were on hand included State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, John Liu from Queens, Rozanne Persaud and Zellnor Myrie from Brooklyn, Michelle Hinchey from Kingston, and Nathalia Fernandez, Jose Serrano Jr., and Lui Sepulveda from the Bronx. Assembly members included Speaker Carl Heastie, Yudelka Tapia, and John Zaccaro Jr. City Council member Amanda Farias, Kevin Riley, Rafael Salamanca, and Marjorie Velazquez, and Judge Yahdira Gonzalez Taylor. The NYPD Ceremonial Unit presented arms and Officer Aponte ang the National Anthem, while Minister Elston Henry sang the Black National Anthem.

The NYPD  Ceremonial Unit with Officer Aponte singing the National Anthem.

State Senator Jamaal Bailey mentions some of his guests for his barbecue from Albany and the city council.

His mentor and Speaker of the State Assembly Carl Heastie was first to speak.

Of course State Senate Majority leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins was called up to speak.

Local Councilman Kevin Riley was also asked to say a few words.

After the speeches were over Queens State Senator (and former City Comptroller) John Liu and Bronx State Senator Joe Serrano Jr. posed for this photo. 

State Senator Nathalia Fernandez New Throggs Neck Office Opening


New 34th District East Side State Senator Nathalia Fernandez had to spend her first five months in office in Riverdale until the lease on the previous state senators office ran out. Redistricting had changed the 34th State Senate District from an East Side/West Side district to a East side district with the addition of Parkchester, Castle Hill, and parts of New Rochelle. 

Senator Fernandez found an office at 3853 East Tremont Avenue, and had it set up for a State Senate office with the official grand opening for Saturday July 22nd with a health fair next to the office. Elected officials on hand for the grand opening included Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson, Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark, Councilwoman Marjorie Velazquez, State Senator Jamaal Bailey, and Assembly members Michael Benedetto and John Zaccaro Jr along with hundreds of people including former councilman Mark Gjonaj. 

(L - R) 80th Assemblyman John Zaccaro Jr., State Senator Nathalia Fernandez, Bronx DA Darcel Clark, 82nd Assemblyman Michael Benedetto behind DA Clark, State Senator Jamaal Bailey, Parkchester community leader Mohammed Mujumder, and Chief of staff Justin Sanchez.

The ribbon is cut to officially open the new office of 34th State Senator Nathalia Fernandez. Councilwoman Marjorie Velazquez is on the far right.

Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson joins State Senator Fernandez and DA Clark for a Bronx X under the sign of th enew 34th State Senate office of Senator Fernandez.

Senator Fernandez stand with the Prime Example Dancers who would perform at the Health Fair.

Throggs Neck BID Executive Director Robert Jaen with Senator Fernandez introduces the Prime Example Dancers.

The Prime Example Dancers.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

NYPD Announces New Rules Concerning Unmanned Aircraft


Applications for Unmanned Aircraft (UA) take-off/landing permits area now being accepted

As of July 21, 2023, new rules are in place governing the take-off and landing of unmanned aircraft, including drones, in New York City. In collaboration with the New York City Department of Transportation (DOT), the New York City Police Department (NYPD) is now accepting applications for Unmanned Aircraft (UA) Take-off/Landing permits. The permit process considers the requirements of federal, state, and local laws, and balances the ever-present safety and privacy concerns inherent in widespread use of drones against the important benefits this modern technology offers. Prior to launching or landing a drone within the City, operators must have applied for and been granted a permit.

Previously, drone take-offs and landings were limited to locations designated by DOT and to model aircraft fields designated by the Department of Parks and Recreation. In June 2023, the City of New York proposed changes to The Rules of the City of New York (38 RCNY Ch. 24) that would allow the public to request other locations within the City be temporarily designated for the take-off or landing of unmanned aircraft. The proposed rules were available for public comment online and by email as of June 6, 2023, and a public comment hearing was held on July 7, 2023 at the 1 Police Plaza.

Under the new permitting process, applicants are required to submit applications to take-off or land unmanned aircraft within the five boroughs through the NYPD Online Services Portal website: Each application must contain proof that each proposed operator is licensed to fly unmanned aircraft by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Except in limited circumstances, applications must be submitted 30 days in advance of the earliest proposed take-off or landing. Applicants will receive an email notification when their applications have been processed, and permits will be made available to approved applicants electronically, forty-eight (48) hours before a scheduled/approved flight.

When flying a drone in New York City with a permit, operators are required to have the necessary documentation readily available and to present this documentation for inspection upon request by law enforcement, including:

  • The City-issued UA Take-Off/Landing permit
  • A copy of their insurance policy
  • Documentation of FAA authorization to operate a drone
  • A copy of the FAA registration certificate for the drone(s) being flown

The operator must abide by all FAA, city, state, and federal regulations.

At any time, the City of New York may alter, postpone, or cancel flights as necessary. All attempts will be made to appropriately notify operators in a timely manner in the event of a cancellation. It is the responsibility of the operators to check the status of their permits prior to launching or landing flights within New York City.

If a drone operator operates a drone without a permit, operates the drone in a reckless or dangerous manner, or uses the drone in the commission of a crime, the operator may be issued a summons or subject to arrest, and the drone may be seized. Members of the public can call 911 if a drone is operated in a manner that is deemed harassing or reckless, or if the drone causes an injury to a person or property damage.

Applicants who have had an application denied and want to submit an appeal application can find the instructions for filing an appeal on the NYPD Online Services Portal.

The NYPD has provided an email address for the public to contact with questions about drone permits.

Notice of Adoption of Final Rule for Unmanned Aircraft

Governor Hochul Announces Federal Approval of Major Disaster Declaration to Unlock Federal Assistance for Communities Impacted by Devastating Flooding

Governor Hochul provides an update on flooding.

Declaration Provides Critical Funding for Local Governments Recovering from Devastating Flooding Caused by Recent Heavy Rainstorms

Public Assistance Available for Local Governments in Clinton, Dutchess, Essex, Hamilton, Ontario, Orange, Putnam, and Rockland Counties

Further Assistance to Individuals and Additional Counties Remains Under Federal Review

 Governor Kathy Hochul today announced that President Biden approved her request for a Major Disaster Declaration to provide federal assistance to communities impacted by flooding from heavy rainstorms across much of Upstate New York. The declaration releases critical federal assistance to support recovery and reconstruction efforts in Clinton, Dutchess, Essex, Hamilton, Ontario, Orange, Putnam and Rockland counties. These counties now have access to financial support for debris removal, emergency protective measures and repairs to public buildings and infrastructure. New York has also engaged with the U.S. Small Business Administration to pursue low-interest recovery loans for impacted businesses. Further assistance to individuals and additional counties across the state still remains under federal review at this time.

"After devastating floods caused extreme damage across Upstate New York this month, I'm thankful President Biden has approved my request for a Major Disaster Declaration," Governor Hochul said. "My administration will work directly with FEMA in the coming weeks to ensure our local government partners receive the critical funding they need to begin the recovery and rebuilding process."

A Major Disaster Declaration secures financial assistance from the federal government, primarily through FEMA's Public Assistance Program, to provide funding to local governments, tribes and eligible non-profits for debris removal, protective measures, and repairs to buildings and infrastructure, including roads, bridges, water and wastewater treatment facilities, critical infrastructure sites, schools, parks and other facilities.

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Commissioner Jackie Bray said, "This declaration unlocks federal funding critical to the recovery of the communities devastated by this month's catastrophic flooding. Thanks to the leadership of Governor Hochul and the support of President Biden and our federal partners, these communities can now begin to plan their long-term recovery and New York will remain at their side to help however we can."

From July 9 - July 10, more than eight inches of rain was reported in parts of the Mid-Hudson Region and more than five inches of rain in Ontario County, in the Finger Lakes Region. From July 10 - July 11, parts of the North Country saw several inches of rain in a short period of time, which caused devastating flooding, closing roadways and damaging infrastructure across impacted regions.

In advance of the storm, Governor Hochul directed State agencies to prepare emergency response assets and stay in constant communication with local governments to monitor weather impacts and respond to requests for assistance. As the storms moved across the state, the Governor continued to deploy disaster resources to impacted areas, including additional Department of Transportation staff, who worked to get State highways and bridges open as quickly as possible.