Thursday, May 30, 2024

Nos Quedamos Inc. - 2024 is the Year for Growth. We’ve Got Amazing News!!


Let's Give a Warm Welcome to our New Deputy Director, Dr. Mark Gonzalez!

With the start of a new year comes opportunities for growth. At Nos Quedamos, we’re setting the tone by growing our team.

A distinguished and visionary non-profit leader, and licensed educator, in his new role Dr. Mark Gonzalez will leverage an impressive career spanning over 30 years of executive-level leadership in education, community, youth, and organizational development. With a focus on serving the needs of low-income communities, Mark’s extensive experience has equipped him with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by these communities, and he has consistently demonstrated a passion for developing innovative solutions that address issues related to racial, economic, and social equity. 

We are thrilled to have him on our team and look forward to keep growing together. 

Please join us in welcoming Mark to the team!

Coming SOON: We are Melrose Street Festival

Yes, you read that right. The We Are Melrose Street Festival is back and better than ever! When you follow us on our social media, you’ll be one of the first to get the inside scoop about this and other upcoming events.

Follow Us on Facebook

We're Looking For Experts Like You!

At Nos Quedamos, we are committed to our collective self-determination, sustainable development, and creating the conditions that maintain our health and culture to empower and transform our community to remain and thrive. That’s why we are looking for passionate and talented professionals who want to make a difference. Will you be one of them? Our team is expanding and we have new job opportunities available for you. Click the link below to check them out.

Come Grow With Us!

We Stay/Nos Quedamos’ 30th Anniversary Campaign

Activating resilency through community partnership, ownership and self-determination.

WE STAY/Nos Quedamos, Inc. 
754 Melrose Avenue | Bronx, NY 10451




$2 Million in Funding Through the Brownfield Opportunity Area Program Aims to Redevelop Vacant & Underutilized Brownfield Sites 

Department Launches New Video to Help Communities Understand and Identify Brownfield Sites in Their Areas

The New York Department of State announced grant funding is now available to help communities identify vacant and underutilized brownfield sites. As part of the Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) program, communities can now apply for funding to assess and identify concentrations of brownfields within counties or multi-municipal areas. Previously, the BOA program only funded planning and development efforts, and this round of $2 million in funding includes assessment as a fundable activity. The Department also launched a new video to help communities understand and identify brownfield sites in their areas.

“The Department of State’s Brownfield Opportunity Area Program offers communities an opportunity to transform vacant and underused sites into vital assets that facilitate investment and improvement,” said Secretary of State Walter T. Mosley. “But before communities can begin to create this plan for redevelopment, the first step is identifying existing Brownfield sites. This $2 million in funding can now be used to assess potential Brownfield sites in a community – making it easier to begin this process and revitalize communities.”

The BOA program transforms brownfield sites from liabilities to community assets, which in turn generate and support new businesses, jobs, housing and public amenities. The program provides grants for BOA plans which, once completed, are submitted to the New York State Secretary of State for approval, or "designation." Such designated BOA plans then entitle projects that are consistent with the plan to priority funding among certain state programs and an additional 5 percent brownfield developer tax credit.

The BOA program also provides grants for pre-development activities in State-designated BOAs, such as environmental, housing and economic studies, infrastructure analyses, marketing strategies, public engagement and zoning, countywide brownfield inventories and assessments, phase II environmental site assessments and regulatory updates, among others. There are currently 74 designated BOAs in New York State.

Applications for BOA funding are being solicited through the State’s Consolidated Funding Application, the single application for State resources which is designed to give project applicants expedited and streamlined access to a combined pool of grant funds and tax credits from dozens of existing programs.

Eligible applicants include municipalities, community-based organizations and New York City community boards to establish or implement strategies for community redevelopment of brownfield affected areas.

More information about this funding opportunity is available here.

About the Consolidated Funding Application
The Consolidated Funding Application was created to streamline and expedite the grant application process. The CFA process marks a fundamental shift in the way State resources are allocated, ensuring less bureaucracy and greater efficiency to fulfill local economic development needs. The CFA serves as the single-entry point for access to economic development funding, ensuring applicants no longer have to slowly navigate multiple agencies and sources without any mechanism for coordination. Now, economic development projects use the CFA as a support mechanism to access multiple State funding sources through one application, making the process quicker, easier, and more productive. Learn more about the CFA here.



$10 Million Commitment Will Create Fund to Support Early-Stage Businesses, With Focus on BIPOC and Women Entrepreneurs Who Lack Access to Traditional Financing

Adams Administration Has Connected Businesses to Over $265 Million in Loans and Grants

City Now Has a Record 183,000 Small Businesses; One in Three Small Businesses in City Formed in Past Two Years; Outer Boroughs Driving Small Business Growth

Effort Builds on Mayor Adams’ “Spring Jobs Sprint” to Advance Opportunities for Thousands of Jobs Over Coming Weeks

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Department of Small Business Services (SBS) Commissioner Kevin D. Kim today closed out “NYC Small Business Month” by announcing the administration’s investment of $10 million to seed the city’s next major small business loan fund, the “NYC Future Fund.” The fund will accelerate the growth of hundreds of new small businesses in New York City by addressing the gap in access to affordable capital faced by small business owners, particularly early-stage businesses, as well as Black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) and women entrepreneurs that otherwise often cannot obtain traditional bank financing.

Mayor Adams and New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) President and CEO Andrew Kimball also today released a new report on small business growth in New York City, showing that New York City currently has more small businesses than ever recorded in its historyAs of 2023, there were 183,000 small businesses across the city — over 1,000 more than pre-pandemic levels. Additionally, the report found that 62,000 small businesses were created in the past two years alone, representing one in three small businesses in the city. While new business formation remains concentrated in central business districts, including Midtown Manhattan, net business growth has been strongest in the outer boroughs. North Brooklyn continues to lead the city’s small business recovery, adding 1,000 small businesses since 2019.

“When we create the conditions for small businesses to succeed, our entire city wins,” said Mayor Adams. “We have reached a record number of small businesses under our administration as a result of being laser focused on three core principles of our vision: protecting public safety, rebuilding our economy, and making our city more livable for working-class New Yorkers. As we conclude ‘NYC Small Business Month’ with our $10 million commitment to create a new fund to help small business owners access capital, we will continue to support the city’s 200,000 small businesses that are the lifeblood of our economy.”

“This $10 million investment will serve as a catalyst for thousands of new businesses, particularly those owned by BIPOC and women entrepreneurs, that often face systemic barriers to traditional financing,” said First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright. “Since the beginning of the Adams Administration, we have helped connect $265 million in grant and loan funding to small businesses, including through our ‘NYC Small Business Opportunity Fund’ launched last year, which was the city’s largest ever public-private partnership fund for small businesses. Today’s announcement reflects our continued commitment to build a more inclusive and resilient economy for all New Yorkers.”  

“I am thrilled that we now have a record number of small businesses in this city,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and Workforce Maria Torres Springer. “This milestone is a testament to this administration’s efforts to make it easier for small businesses to start, grow, and thrive in the city and it is a great way to cap off ‘NYC Small Business Month.’ As the city’s dynamic small business community continues to evolve, we will stay laser focused on both supporting their growth and connecting them to local talent.”

“At SBS, it's our mission to help every small business owner in New York City by connecting them with the resources they need to thrive, and that's exactly what we've done with our first-ever ‘NYC Small Business Expo,’” said SBS Commissioner Kim. “Not only are we helping thousands of current small business owners, but our major investment into the brand-new ‘NYC Future Fund’ will supercharge the next generation of entrepreneurs across all five boroughs. I want to thank Mayor Adams, Deputy Mayor Torres-Springer, Economic Development President Kimball, and the 40+ city, state, and federal agencies and other partners that made this tremendous event possible. By bringing all of these free resources under one roof, we are empowering every New Yorker to find success in a true ‘City of Yes.’”

“With New York City reaching an all-time high number of small businesses, the ‘NYC Future Fund’ will prioritize equity,” said New York City Economic Development President and CEO Andrew Kimball. “NYCEDC looks forward to working with our partners to continue to build a vibrant and inclusive economy for all New Yorkers where small businesses can thrive.”

Today’s announcement was made as the city concluded its second annual “NYC Small Business Month,” a five-borough celebration of local businesses with resource fairs and events led by SBS, local Chambers of Commerce, and Business Improvement Districts citywide. The first-ever city-run “Small Business Month Expo” capped the month’s activities with hundreds of free services, programs from more than 40 city, state, and federal agencies, and other partner resources, all under one roof to support the city’s 200,000 local small businesses.

Under the Adams administration, over $265 million in grant and loan funding has been facilitated or administered to small businesses through SBS. The NYC Future Fund, being developed by SBS, will add another resource in the expanding toolkit of resources that have been announced since the start of the Adams administration to catalyze small business growth, fill vacant storefronts, and revitalize commercial corridors. The fund builds on the success of the landmark $85 million “NYC Small Business Opportunity Fund,” which provided loans of up to $250,000 to over 1,000 businesses, with 69 percent of loans going to BIPOC-owned businesses. Designed to help businesses access both start-up and operating capital, the new fund will employ an innovative revenue-based revolving loan structure with flexible repayment schedules that meet the unique needs of businesses as they grow. SBS will also develop a coalition of private-sector partners this year, including local community financial development organizations, before launching the fund, to supercharge new business formation across all five boroughs.

The announcement comes as a new report from the NYCEDC shows a record-number of small businesses in New York City, demonstrating robust growth in new business formation, especially in the outer boroughs, and across many industries, from restaurants and bars to the technology and professional-services sectors. The report also underscores the need for early-stage financial services, with small business startups citing seed money and affordable, low-interest capital as major barriers to growth.

These efforts, combined with the administration’s “City of Yes for Economic Opportunity,” reflect Mayor Adams’ commitment to growing the city’s economy, promoting new small businesses and job creation, and filling vacant storefronts. Under the Adams administration, one-in-six businesses in New York City have launched, small businesses with fewer than 50 employees account for approximately half of all new jobs created, and storefront vacancy rates in several neighborhoods and boroughs have fallen to pre-pandemic levels.

“During a time when access to credit has been difficult and expensive, the Adams administration has built creative partnerships to help meet the funding needs of small business,” said Kathryn Wylde, president and CEO, Partnership for New York City. “From the ‘NYC Opportunity Fund’ with Goldman Sachs and Mastercard, to the new investment to create an ‘NYC Future Fund,’ this administration’s commitment to public-private partnership will continue to serve small businesses.”

As the city reaches a new private-sector jobs high, with the lowest unemployment since August 2022 and the lowest Black unemployment in half a decade, Mayor Adams has kicked off a “Spring Jobs Sprint” to advance opportunities for thousands of new jobs over the coming weeks. Recently, Mayor Adams was joined by New York Governor Kathy Hochul and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to announce an agreement to transform the Brooklyn Marine Terminal into a modern maritime port and vibrant mixed-use community hub, with the potential to create thousands of jobs. The project also builds on generational and forward-looking projects across all five boroughs that Mayor Adams has advanced over the past two years, including Willets Point in QueensKingsbridge Armory in the Bronx, the Climate Innovation Hub in Brooklyn, the SPARC Kips Bay Life Sciences hub in Manhattan, and the New York Climate Exchange on Governors Island, among others.

Additionally, last month, Mayor Adams launched “Run This Town,” a multi-media advertising campaign to engage diverse New Yorkers and help them apply for thousands of available city government jobs. The announcement followed the launch of “Jobs NYC,” a multi-pronged citywide effort to reduce barriers to economic opportunities and deliver workforce development services directly to communities across the five boroughs that are experiencing high unemployment. Both campaigns are expected to further reduce the unacceptable disparities in employment between Black, Latino, and white communities. The Adams administration continues to host hiring halls to bring both public- and private-sector job opportunities to neighborhoods across the five boroughs on a monthly basis.

Two Bronx Men Sentenced For 2014 Harlem Murder


Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that CARLOS LAUREANO was sentenced on May 23, 2024, to 30 years in prison for the murder of Luis Perez on August 12, 2014, and NNANDI BEN-JOCHANNAN was sentenced to 10 years for his role in the murderLAUREANO and BEN-JOCHANNAN were sentenced by U.S. District Judge Lewis J. LimanLAUREANO previously pled guilty in October 2023 to discharging a firearm in connection with a drug trafficking offense and possessing a firearm in connection with a drug trafficking offenseBEN-JOCHANNAN pled guilty in December 2023 to possessing a firearm in connection with a drug trafficking offense, which was brandished, and aiding and abetting the same.  

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “Carlos Laureano and Nnandi Ben-Jochannan participated in the murder of Luis Perez nearly 10 years ago in connection with a drug debtThanks to the hard work of the DEA, the NYPD, and the career prosecutors of this Office, the defendants have been sentenced for this heinous crimeWe hope that these sentences bring some measure of comfort to the family of Luis Perez and make clear that this Office and our law enforcement partners will continue to be relentless in our pursuit of anyone who takes another person’s life.” 

According to Indictment, the Superseding Informations, other public filings, and statements made in Court:   

On or about August 12, 2014, in the vicinity of 501 West 147th Street in Harlem, New York, LAUREANO shot and killed Perez in connection with a conspiracy to distribute heroin and marijuana.  BEN-JOCHANNAN drove LAUREANO to the scene of the murder, knowing that LAUREANO was armed with a firearm and served as LAUREANO’s getaway driver after the murder.  After successfully fleeing from the police, LAUREANO and BEN-JOCHANNAN cleaned BEN-JOCHANNAN’s car and disposed of evidence linking them to the murder. 

In addition to their prison terms, LAUREANO, 35, and BEN-JOCHANNAN, 30, both of the Bronx, New York, were sentenced to three and five years of supervised release, respectively.

Mr. Williams praised the outstanding investigative work of the New York City Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration.  He also thanked the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office for its assistance.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Attorney General James and Coalition of 13 AGs Call for DOJ Investigation into Murder of Garrett Foster Following Texas Pardon


Garrett Foster Was Protesting Racial Injustice When He Was Shot and Killed by Daniel Perry

New York Attorney General Letitia James and a coalition of 13 attorneys general urged the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to open a civil rights investigation into the July 2020 murder of Garrett Foster, who was protesting racial injustice when he was shot and killed by Daniel Perry in Austin, Texas. A jury found Mr. Perry guilty of murder in April 2023, but earlier this month, Texas Governor Greg Abbott pardoned Mr. Perry, citing Texas’ so-called “Stand Your Ground” law, which provides an incredibly broad self-defense justification for criminal conduct. In a letter to DOJ, Attorney General James and the coalition urge DOJ to open an investigation into Mr. Perry’s killing of Mr. Foster, specifically into whether Mr. Perry violated federal criminal civil rights laws when he murdered Mr. Foster.

“Garrett Foster was exercising his constitutional right to protest when he was murdered by Daniel Perry,” said Attorney General James. “The facts of this case were egregious, and so too is the reality that a state would so blatantly condone hateful, murderous conduct. When states fail to protect their residents from such violations of our civil rights, it’s imperative that DOJ steps in and ensures that justice is served. We urge DOJ to investigate this incident and demonstrate that this will not be tolerated in America.” 

In June 2020, Mr. Foster was participating in a protest against racial injustice in Austin when Mr. Perry drove his car into a crowd of protesters. Mr. Foster approached Mr. Perry’s car in an attempt to protect his fellow protesters, prompting Mr. Perry to open fire, killing Mr. Foster. During his trial, Mr. Perry claimed self-defense. Mr. Foster had been legally carrying a firearm, but Mr. Perry’s activity prior to the shooting indicated an intent to disrupt peaceful protesters. 

Mr. Perry’s internet history included evidence that he knew what he was planning to do was wrong and that he intended to cover up his crime. For example, he searched whether the federal government had the ballistics information of every firearm lawfully sold. He sent multiple texts before he left for the protests, telling friends that he was considering traveling to another city to “shoot looters,” and “might have to kill a few people on [his] way to work.” He googled the locations of local protests and targeted those areas, and also sent and shared racist and Islamophobic messages and memes advocating vigilante murder. A jury of Mr. Perry’s peers found him guilty of murder.

Less than 24 hours after Mr. Perry was convicted in 2023, Governor Abbott announced his intent to pardon him on social media. In the year that followed, multiple other elected officials and political leaders who opposed racial justice protests joined the call for Mr. Perry to be pardoned. The coalition of attorneys general is concerned that in pardoning Mr. Perry, Governor Abbott is signaling that “stand your ground” laws will protect vigilantes who seek out racial justice protests just to shoot and kill protesters. This is particularly troubling given growing evidence that these laws are often associated with increased homicide rates.

Though Mr. Perry has been pardoned in Texas, the law does not shield him from federal prosecution for killing Mr. Foster to prevent him from exercising his constitutional right to peacefully protest. The coalition argues that DOJ has historically used federal civil rights laws to prosecute acts of hate, especially when states refuse or fail to hold people accountable for violating their fellow Americans’ civil rights. 

Joining Attorney General James in sending this letter to DOJ are the attorneys general of Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, and the District of Columbia.

Governor Hochul Unveils New York’s First-Ever Youth Workers Bill of Rights to Help Protect and Empower Young Employees

Student Workshop

Young People In New York State Will Receive Youth Workers Bill of Rights Outlining Minimum Wage, Anti-Discrimination, and Other Protections With Working Papers

Fulfills Governor’s 2024 State of the State Commitment and Builds on Agenda to Protect All New Yorkers – Particularly Young People – in the Workplace

Governor Kathy Hochul unveiled New York’s first-ever Youth Workers Bill of Rights, first announced in her 2024 State of the State address as part of an effort to bolster protections for New York’s youngest workers. Governor Hochul tasked the New York State Department of Labor with developing and distributing the Youth Workers Bill of Rights in partnership with the New York State Education Department and creating a vital resource that details essential rights and protections for every youth worker. The Youth Workers Bill of Rights builds on the Governor’s commitment to addressing last year’s troubling rise in child labor violations and protecting young people in the workplace.

“Every worker in our state deserves a fair, safe work environment, especially our young people,” Governor Hochul said. “My administration is taking action to ensure that our youngest workers feel empowered, protected, and well-informed, and by fulfilling my State of the State commitment to creating our first-ever Youth Workers Bill of Rights, we are continuing to make strides toward making New York the safest and most worker-friendly state in the nation.”

Written in clear and accessible language, the Youth Workers Bill of Rights seeks to educate first time workers as they prepare to enter the labor market by explaining the rights all NY workers enjoy as well as the protections that are specific to workers under 18. The Bill of Rights will be distributed to every young worker upon receiving their working papers. It will be available in various formats, including a print pocket guide available in schools and NYSDOL Career Centers for easy reference a downloadable poster for educators and administrative staff to hang in schools, and online for broad accessibility.

Key protections outlined include the right to:

  • The minimum wage
  • A safe and discrimination-free workplace
  • File a complaint without fear of retaliation

The Youth Workers Bill of Rights is available online at NYSDOL’s new Youth Worker Information Hub. This hub seeks to be an educational resource for young people as they prepare to enter the workforce. The hub includes important information regarding protections for young people including permitted working hours during the school day, how to be sure they are being paid the correct minimum wage, and a full list of prohibited occupations for children under the age of 18.

The Youth Workers Bill of Rights follows the Protect Youth Workers Pledge for businesses, launched in 2023 under direction from Governor Hochul. By taking the pledge, businesses affirm they will always consider the safety and wellbeing of minors, they will report suspected child labor violations to the Child Labor Taskforce, and that they have educated their employees on labor rights and signs of labor trafficking.

Protecting Youth Workers in New York State

In 2023, Governor Hochul announced a series of measures to combat a rise in child labor violations and labor trafficking after a disturbing 68 percent spike in reports of child labor violations in 2022. The measures included the creation of an interagency Child Labor Task Force, the launch of an Employer Pledge program for employers committed to educating their employees on labor rights, and the creation of a new Labor Trafficking Response Unit at NYSDOL to support and protect victims of labor trafficking.

Since 2023, NYSDOL's Labor Standards team has conducted more than 300 targeted inspections at businesses employing youth workers. The inspections were conducted primarily at food service, retail, and seasonal businesses, uncovering numerous violations related to employment certificates, prohibited hours, and posting of hours. The Labor Standards team collaborates with these businesses to ensure compliance and distributes educational materials developed in conjunction with Child Labor Task Force, which remains dedicated to ongoing education and enforcement to combat child labor statewide.

With the summer months approaching, young people are filling out applications and obtaining their working papers to start summer jobs. Increased public awareness about youth worker rights and protections helps keep the state’s newest workers safe. As New York continues to lead in promoting labor rights, the Youth Workers Bill of Rights stands as a testament to the state’s dedication to creating a safe, inclusive, and fair work environment for all. To learn more about the Youth Workers Bill of Rights and related initiatives, visit NYSDOL’s website.

Fifteen Alleged H-Block/Billy’s Gang Members Charged in Conspiracy Indictment That Includes Two Murders and Multiple Shootings


Three Rival Gates Fam and Gotti Gang Members Charged in Separate Indictments;

Defendants Variously Charged with Murder, Attempted Murder, and Conspiracy

 Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez, together with New York City Police Commissioner Edward A. Caban, today announced that 18 alleged members of the H-Block/Billy’s and Gates Fam street gangs are variously charged in three indictments with conspiracy to commit murder, possess weapons and related charges. In addition to the two murders, the defendants are variously charged in connection with 10 shooting incidents that left 10 people injured – including eight innocent bystanders.

 District Attorney Gonzalez said, “This case sends a strong message that shooting guns in our streets cannot and will not be tolerated. It is shocking how young many of the defendants are, and today’s takedown is part of our comprehensive approach to youth violence – holding accountable those who commit shootings and working with other young people to steer them away from street gangs. Senseless gun violence ruins lives and causes damage in our communities and I remain committed to tackling this issue head-on. I thank the NYPD and our prosecutors for their hard work in putting this case together to make our streets safer as we enter the summer season.”

 Commissioner Caban said, “Identifying, investigating, and dismantling gangs and crews, and preventing the senseless violence so often associated with their illegal activities, continue to be among the highest priorities for the NYPD and our law enforcement partners. I commend our NYPD investigators and our colleagues in the office of the Brooklyn district attorney for their ongoing dedication to our shared public safety mission. We remain relentless in our efforts to eradicate gun violence and to improve quality of life for all New Yorkers by precisely targeting the relatively small percentage of people responsible for much of the violence in our city.” 

 New York City Mayor Eric Adams said, “New York City will not tolerate the reckless endangerment of those who choose a path of violence and chaos. Today’s action underscores our unwavering commitment to stopping and holding accountable those who threaten our communities. The safety and well-being of every New Yorker is our top priority, and we will continue to work tirelessly to bring those who break the law to justice. I commend the collaborative efforts of the NYPD, DA Gonzalez, and all law enforcement agencies involved in this critical operation, which will ensure that our streets remain safe and that justice is served for the victims and their families. Let this be a clear message to those who seek to disrupt the peace in our communities: we will find you, we will prosecute you, and we will protect our city.”

 The defendants will be arraigned this afternoon before Brooklyn Supreme Court Justices Danny K. Chun and Craig S. Walker on an 85-count indictment in which they are variously charged with second degree murder, second- and fourth-degree conspiracy, second-degree attempted murder, first- and second-degree criminal possession of a weapon, second-degree assault and related counts. [See defendant addendum,]

 The District Attorney said the indictment is the result of a long-term investigation by the District Attorney’s Violent Criminal Enterprises Bureau and the NYPD’s Gun Violence Suppression Division into violence committed by street gangs operating on the border of Crown Heights and Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn. Fifteen of the defendants are alleged members of the H-Block/Billy’s gang, a territorial alliance between a 59-Brim Bloods set and a 9-Trey/Billy’s Bloods set operating out of Crown Heights. The H-Block Billy’s have several “home bases” that they have frequented over the course of this investigation, including 260-280 Herkimer Street and 1625 Fulton Street.

 The other three defendants are alleged members of the Gates Fam street gang (and Gotti Gang), a subset of the Bloods, whose territory includes the Louis Armstrong Houses and 523 Gates Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant.

 It is alleged, according to the indictment, that the H-Block/Billy’s defendants conspired to murder opposition gang members, boasting about or discussing the conspiracy in social media posts, recorded jail conversations, and on cell phones. The defendants also, it is alleged, variously possessed photos and videos of themselves holding guns, using guns or discussing guns in messages.

 It is alleged that between August 2021 and the date of this indictment, the H-Block/Billy’s defendants, variously committed multiple shootings and acts of violence against rival gang members or within rival gang territory to maintain dominance over their geographical territory and to maintain supremacy over rivals.

 The conspiracy allegedly began in August 2021 with a series of three shootings by the H-Block/Billy’s alliance within a two-hour period. The shootings resulted in the death of Jaquan Gause, a 16-year-old Gates Fam member, and non-fatal injuries to three other individuals, including an innocent person who was mistaken for a gang rival.

 The second homicide charged in the indictment is the June 25, 2022, shooting death of 16-year-old Woo associate Nayshawn Campbell, who was shot in the torso by a single bullet inside the Dr. Green Playground in Brownsville, at approximately 3:14 a.m. He was taken to Brookdale Hospital where he was pronounced dead at approximately 4:12 a.m. H-Block members Nyshaun Perry, Demetri JeanJacques and Isaiah Charles, who were “spinning” (looking for opposition members to shoot) in Woo gang territory, are charged in connection with the homicide.

 It is alleged that H-Block/Billy’s members committed numerous shootings during the course of the conspiracy, including the following:

  •   It is alleged that on April 12, 2022, defendants Malcolm Davis and Shamari Griffith left 260 Herkimer Street and headed to 471 Gates Avenue in Gates Fam territory and, at approximately 4:20 p.m., allegedly opened fire on a group of people. Three innocent people were struck and wounded. A 29-year-old man was shot in the back and suffered a spinal cord injury, a 42-year-old man suffered a graze wound to his right arm, and a 45-year-old man suffered a gunshot wound to his right thigh.
  •   It is alleged that on August 18, 2022, at approximately 1:45 the vicinity of Farragut Place and East 32nd Street, in rival Folk Nation gang territory, defendants Nyshaun Perry and Jamouri Foster allegedly opened fire on a 2022 Dodge Charger, occupied by four individuals. The back window was shattered and there was bullet damage to the front passenger side of the windshield. A bullet also struck a passenger’s headrest, but no one was injured.
  •   It is alleged that on August 21, 2022, at approximately 6:27 p.m., defendants Isaiah Charles and Demitri JeanJacques, and an unidentified individual, were in the vicinity of Washington Avenue and Saint John’s Place when they opened fire on individuals involved in a video shoot of a rapper associated with rival gang Lincoln Fam. The three shooters allegedly opened fire on a crowd of people, striking a then-25-year-old videographer in the leg. Four cars in the vicinity were damaged by gunfire and police recovered 13 shell casings, one fired bullet fragment, and one live cartridge from the scene.
  •   On October 2, 2023, at approximately 10:45 a.m., in the vicinity of Chauncey Street and Stuyvesant Avenue, Gates Fam member David Robinson used his vehicle to allegedly attempt to run over H-Block member Michael Hammond. Robinson then crashed his vehicle into a Citi Bike rack and a Fire Department pole, which was knocked to the ground. Several bicycles were damaged. In response, it is alleged, Hammond fired shots at Robinson’s car and struck him in the shoulder.
The investigation was conducted by New York City Police Department Detective Lena Alexander and Detective Erin Currie, under the supervision of Sergeant Kevin Beasley, Lieutenant William Tergesen, Captain Ryan Gillis, all of the Gun Violence Suppression Division, and Deputy Inspector Craig Edelman, Commanding Officer of the Gun Violence Suppression Division, all under the overall supervision of Assistant Chief Jason Savino, Commanding Officer of the Specialty Enforcement Division, and Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny.

An indictment is merely an accusation and not proof of a defendant’s guilt. 



"I support the Council in their effort to increase oversight, transparency, and accountability by strengthening their role in providing advice and consent.

"This is not about blocking specific appointees or adding bureaucratic processes, but about ensuring a dialogue happens between the people elected to lead our city about the people appointed to run it.

"Our city is currently the outlier here – not only on federal and state levels, but in many municipalities, legislative approval of executive appointees is already the standard. If anything, adding additional leadership positions to this list, including police commissioner and education chancellor, those charged with the protection of our most vulnerable New Yorkers, would be valuable.

"New York has among the strongest mayoralties in the country, and we have seen the problems that system presents across many administrations. A genuine balance of power between the legislative and executive branches will improve government for all New Yorkers."