Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Alessandra Biaggi, Why I'm supporting Scott Stringer for mayor - With My Answer to Senator Biaggi and Photo Why


Robert Press —

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a donation to Scott Stringer’s campaign to become the next mayor of New York City. But first, I want to explain why I endorsed Scott, and why this request is so important:

New York City is the greatest city in the world, but one in dire need of new leadership. We need a mayor who is not only progressive, but also competent. A mayor unafraid to speak the truth and who has the emotional intelligence needed to communicate and lead our people during this difficult time. That is Scott Stringer.

We need a competent mayor who's ready to run the city, with a proven record of reform, who won’t shy away from the tough fights. That is Scott Stringer.

As many of you know, standing up for survivors rights and those who have faced sexual abuse and harassment is something I fight for every day. We deserve a leader who does the same, and has been doing so since before the Me Too movement. That is Scott Stringer.

I could not be more excited or proud to share my support for Scott. I truly believe he is the mayor New York City needs to lead us out of this COVID crisis and into the next chapter of our city’s great history.

Thank you,

All my best,

Alessandra Biaggi

Senator Alessandra Biaggi,

I tried to ask you a question about the two proposed homeless shelters in Community Board 11 (in your district) this past Saturday at an event in Riverdale, when you said "No I did not say No comment, call my office to schedule an appointment".

I have called twice and once again as I write this and left a third message on your voicemail twice to your media person and once to your scheduler to request to talk to you as you instructed me. 

I took the donation and join you to support parts out of your letter Senator Biaggi, and here is a photo of the reason you are endorsing Scott Stringer.

Robert Press.

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