Friday, January 29, 2021

Department of Education School Survey


This comes to us via Danielle Filson. Deputy Press Secretary at NYC Department of Education about the annual school survey. 

“We have completely transformed our public school system in the face of the pandemic, and we want to hear from our students, families and teachers about what is working, and what can be improved. The Fall 2020 School Experience Survey will give our schools and staff the real-time updates they need to make swift adjustments and longer-term changes for the spring that will improve the learning experience for everyone within the school community.” 

The Fall 2020 School Experience Survey will capture anonymous feedback from families, students and teachers on their experiences with remote and in-person learning during the 2020-21 school year to-date. The goal of the survey is to provide school leaders with timely, formative and actionable feedback to improve remote and in-person learning experiences as they plan for the spring semester. Topics in the survey include experience with remote learning, communications, technology use, and health and safety. 


To ensure schools can use this survey’s data in a timely manner, live result reports will be available as soon as a minimum number of five survey responses is reached for each survey group. Schools are expected to review the results and share them with School Leadership Teams, teachers, and families to determine ways they can improve. Schools will be able to take swift action depending on their results, and are receiving implementation guidance for how to quickly request support if there is a topic addressed in the survey that needs attention. For example, if families and students report that they are having trouble using the remote learning tools, they will work with borough instructional leads and the directors of teaching and learning to provide assistance.


All students in grades 6–12, along with parents/guardians and teachers of students in grades 3–K through 12, will be able to participate in this anonymous online survey.  We will be getting the word out via an email to all principals, a video from the Chancellor, flyers, a letter to families, Parent University, social media, direct outreach from schools and parent coordinators to members of their school communities, elected officials, 311 and NotifyNYC.


The survey launched last week and will continue until February 5. It can be accessed here. It is available in all nine DOE supported languages and is anonymous and confidential.

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