Monday, March 15, 2021

Assemblymember Pichardo: Fighting for a budget that will protect and look out for Bronx communities


  “As the pandemic passes the one-year mark, it’s time for us to reflect on all that’s occurred in the last 12 months – the loved ones we’ve lost, the damage done to the economy and how our communities have been damaged and forever changed. In response, my Assembly colleagues and I have been hard at work crafting the 2021-22 Assembly budget proposal, recognizing that now, more than ever, we need a budget that works for the people.  That’s why I am fighting for a budget that includes funding increases, rejects cuts and protects those hit hardest by the pandemic while also investing in our future.

    “To help communities continue on the road to recovery, the Assembly plan increases funding for after-school and higher education programs, invests in affordable housing and protects critical legal services. Specifically, the one-house budget proposal allocates $2.5 million for the CUNY Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) and increases funding for college opportunity programs by $30 million. The Assembly plan also prioritizes stable housing for New Yorkers by continuing to fund the state’s five-year, $2.2 billion affordable housing plan, including $750 million for the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA). Now more than ever, our legislative bodies must work together to enact a state budget that prioritizes the safety and security of the people and increases opportunities for all.” 

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