Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Former NYC Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. - THANKS TO THE SUPREME COURT

By Former NYC Councilman

Rev. Ruben Diaz 

 You should know that the United States Supreme Court, which is composed of nine judges have handed down recent decisions that favor this nation’s people of faith who adhere to Conservative values.

In 1988 I created "The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization of New York."  This organization was created for the purpose of educating the Hispanic Evangelical Christian Community in the political process. Our mission is to inform and educate pastors, and ministers by raising their awareness in social issues that impact our children and families.  Our mission statement has five major issues that are of utmost importance to our churches and community of believers.

 These (5) five issues are as follows:

1. The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization opposes marriage between persons of the same sex. We support and believe preserving the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman as ordained by God as stipulated in (Genesis 1:26-28 and Genesis 2:21-24)
2. The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization opposes abortion on demand. We believe that life begins at Conception as stipulated in (Isaiah 44:2, 49:1-5 and Jeremiah 1:5)
3.   The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization supports bringing back to our public schools, Prayer, Intelligent design, and the reading of the Bible. We believe that ever since prayer and the Bible were banned from our public schools, we have been experiencing the ever-increasing Crime, hatred, violence, death of innocent children, the disrespect for principals, teachers, and fellow students. Our schools are failing our children and our society. These tragic ramifications are now in full display. Where once our schools were considered the safest place for a child, they are now considered among the most dangerous places where metal detectors must be installed. 
4. The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization opposes the distribution of condoms in our schools. We strongly oppose sexual curriculums that border on pornography and age-inappropriate sexual topics that rob our children’s innocence, such as gay marriage, gender identity, and issues that only serve to indoctrinate children beginning in an early age in matters and subjects that their parents deem inappropriate.
5.   The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization opposes the burning of the American Flag or the flag of any other nation.  We believe that a nation’s Flag is a patriotic symbol for which millions of people have fought and shed their blood for their country. Their flag is a symbol of National Pride, blood and sacrifice and therefore should be   respected by all. 
6.   You should Know that President Donald J. Trump appointed (3) three Conservative justices, who will not legislate, but adhere to their oath to defend the Constitution. The Supreme Court’s recent decisions are favored by Conservatives, believers in the Constitution and people of faith.  Among the decisions made by the court in recent     days are as follows:
1. The elimination of “Roe vs. Wade” which was never codified since the Court made this tragic decision in 1973. This Supreme Court decision nationalized abortions making it mandatory among states that opposed it. This decision promoted, financed, and provided taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood to ensure the easy access to abortions in this nation and third world countries. Millions of babies were aborted.  Mostly Black and Brown babies were never born because of “Roe”. Republican-controlled states reject abortions and Democratic-controlled States will sadly continue to kill the unborn through abortions.
2.    The Supreme Court ruled that anyone who has acquired a license for a firearm can carry it in public. In other words, if a person has a permit for a firearm, the question is why prohibit them from carrying it in public? Why then have a license? 
3.   The Supreme Court of the State of New York ruled that granting non- citizens the right to vote violates the Constitution.  According to the Court only U.S. Citizens have the right and privilege to vote and elect this nations representative govern and dictate the laws of this nation.  
4. And finally, the Supreme Court ruled that it is illegal to prohibit citizens from public prayer.  This is a great victory for those people who desire and pray at public events but have been forbidden to do so at risk of losing their jobs.  This is called freedom of Religion and   the free exercise of it.
As you may know my dear reader, all things have their time under the sun. The Bible says that all things work for good.
To all the members, past and present, of The New York Hispanic Clergy Organization, I say Thank you very much for your support, honesty, commitment and fidelity to God and our Organization. But the work is not done. So, I say Pray without ceasing because we still have a long road ahead.......
I am Rev. Ruben Diaz, and this is What You Should Know.


Reverend Diaz states These (5) five issues are as follows:, so why do we see, 6.   You should Know... 

It appears it is Reverend Diaz that needs to go back to school to learn the difference in numbers, or I will give him five dollars while he gives me six dollars back all day long.   

Also with so many cultures in the public now, which prayer does Reverend Diaz think should be heard, only his. 

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