Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Former NYC Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. - Governor Kathy Hochul's Problems


By Former NYC Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz

You should know that this past Sunday, January 01, 2023, The Honorable Kathy Hocul was officially sworn in, for the first time as New York State Governor.
As you know, Kathy Hochul became Governor, "By Accident." When Governor Andrew Cuomo was forced to resign due to allegations brought by Letitia James, Attorney General of New York State.
It is important for you to know that after being Sworn in as the First Woman to have the Statewide Seat as Governor for New York, this woman begins her Governorship plagued by problems, rejections, and oppositions, coming from the Leadership of her own Democrat Party. These Democrat leaders are in a power struggle, and it appears as though they have decided not to grant Governor Hochul the same luxury of having the same level of power, control, and authority that Andrew Cuomo had over the State Legislature.
The question, within the political community, is why this power struggle? Why is it that these same Democrat Leaders never dared to challenge, or opposed Andrew Cuomo when he was Governor?
Many also try to answer those questions and some say that "This opposition to Kathy Hochul may be due to the perception that she possesses weakness, lacks experience and lacks the will to lead."  Others may say that the Legislative Democrats in leadership had a bad experience with Governor Andrew Cuomo, who tended to micromanage and therefore controlled all their actions. This time they may not want to permit a similar situation to be repeated with Governor Hochul.
Finally, we cannot dismiss those who conveniently use the Gender card, as an excuse to say that " Kathy Hochul is facing these problems because she is a woman, and therefore they do not want to be controlled and told what to do by a woman.  So, the struggle is to nip the problem of Gubernatorial Control from the beginning.  The Democrats want to send a clear message and make apparent who are the ones who rule and are in control in Albany.
We do not know the Reason or Reasons for this Power Struggle that is brewing in Albany.  What is clear is that the Governor’s Leadership and reputation is in the line of fire for the following reasons.
1.She prematurely Approved a $32,000 salary increase for each of the 63 Senators and each of the 150 State Assembly Members without being able to negotiate any of her proposals. No Governor approves salary increases or legislators from $110,000.00 to $142,000.00 without first ensuring approval for the Governors projects.
2. Her first Official act as Governor was to nominate Judge Hector Lasalle for Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals.  This nomination is facing resistance among Members of her own Party. Despite her having approved legislative salary increases of $32,000.00, they do not support her Judicial appointment. In the event the Governor fails to get her nominee through her own party, she will be viewed on a national level as a puppet that is manipulated by the State Legislature.  This would be devastating for her leadership as Governor.
3. Governor Hochul is under pressure from Progressives Democrats to terminate Mr. Jay Jacobs as the Chairman of the State Democratic Party.  Mr. Jacobs is a loyal advocate and ally of Kathy Hochul. Can you  imagine, my dear reader, what would happen if the Governor were to fire her loyal ally as is Mr. Jacob?
You should Know, my dear reader, that for my first column of What You Should Know for the year 2023, I felt it is important to inform you of some of the problems that the first Female Governor of New York State is confronting at the beginning of her leadership as our states number one political figure.
These problems may be resolved in the coming weeks or months. Soon New Yorkers will know who or whom will be calling the shots in Albany.  Is it the Governor, a potentate, or potentates? 
We will soon know if Governor Kathy Hochul, New York’s First Female Governor is up to the challenge before her.  Will she rise in leadership, control, and reputation? Will she rise as a national political figure to be viewed as an example for other women in leadership or will she buckle under the weight of all the pressure? 
I am the Rev. Rubén Diaz, and This is What You Should Know.

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