Friday, May 24, 2024




Smart Growth, Waterfront Revitalization and Brownfield Redevelopment Funds Available to Spark Community Growth and Development

Programs Promote Equitable, Sustainable and Resilient Development; Help Attract Jobs and Businesses; and Protect and Preserve Natural Resources

The New York Department of State announced $18 million in available funding for three signature community planning, development and infrastructure programs – Smart Growth Community Planning and Zoning Program, Brownfield Opportunity Area Program and Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. These programs, together with the Downtown Revitalization Initiative and NY Forward, form the cornerstone of the State’s economic development and community revitalization efforts. Applications for this funding are being solicited through the State’s Consolidated Funding Application. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, July 31st at 4 p.m.  

“New York State is an unparalleled leader in sustainable community development, and those revitalization efforts start right here at the Department of State,” said New York Secretary of State Walter T. Mosley. “The Department’s suite of planning, development and infrastructure programs continue to play a critical role in reaching the ambitious economic, environmental and housing goals set by Governor Hochul. We encourage communities across the State to learn more about these diverse funding opportunities and apply for any program that could benefit their area.”

These community planning and development programs are funded through the State's Environmental Protection Fund. 

Smart Growth Planning and Zoning Grant Program ($2 Million)

The Smart Growth Planning and Zoning Grant Program is offering $2 million for communities to develop local and county-wide comprehensive plans, targeted area plans and zoning ordinances.  Communities must commit to incorporating the principles of Smart Growth into their planning and zoning. Smart Growth principles include walkable, bikeable, transit-friendly streetscapes; compact, mixed-use community design; vibrant downtowns and other municipal centers; a diversity of housing options for all incomes, ages and abilities; safe, accessible public spaces; ample parks and outdoor recreational opportunities; and clean energy, among others. More information about this funding opportunity is available here.

Brownfield Opportunity Area Program ($2 million)

The Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) program transforms known or suspected brownfield sites from liabilities to community assets, which in turn generate and support new businesses, jobs, housing and public amenities. The program provides grants for BOA plans which, once completed, are submitted to the New York State Secretary of State for approval, or "designation." Such designated BOA plans then entitle projects that are consistent with the plan to priority funding among certain state programs and an additional 5 percent brownfield developer tax credit. The BOA program also provides grants for pre-development activities in State-designated BOAs, such as environmental, housing and economic studies, infrastructure analyses, marketing strategies, public engagement and zoning, countywide brownfield inventories and assessments, phase II environmental site assessments and regulatory updates, among others.  There are currently 74 designated BOAs in New York State. More information about this funding opportunity is available here.

Local Waterfront Revitalization Program ($14 million)

The Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) provides grants to communities to develop  community-driven plan that cultivates a vision for their waterfront, adopts policies and local laws to guide future activities and development, and identifies land and water uses and projects to revitalize their waterfront area, improve resiliency, and establish connections to their downtowns and neighborhoods and Watershed Management Plans to protect and restore specific waterbodies and their watersheds. Once an LWRP is approved by the Secretary of State and adopted by a local community, or is substantially complete, the community can apply for implementation funds for projects that support the plan. There are currently 114 municipalities with approved LWRPs in New York State. More information about this funding opportunity is available here.

These three programs are administered by the DOS Office of Planning, Development and Community Infrastructure, which also administers the Governor’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) and NY Forward program. Many DRI and NY Forward communities have received funding in the past from the BOA, LWRP and/or Smart Growth programs, which in turn has helped them develop and implement their successful DRI applications and Strategic Investment Plans. 

More information on all DOS funding opportunities is available here.

About the Consolidated Funding Application
The Consolidated Funding Application was created to streamline and expedite the grant application process. The CFA process marks a fundamental shift in the way State resources are allocated, ensuring less bureaucracy and greater efficiency to fulfill local economic development needs. The CFA serves as the single-entry point for access to economic development funding, ensuring applicants no longer have to slowly navigate multiple agencies and sources without any mechanism for coordination. Now, economic development projects use the CFA as a support mechanism to access multiple State funding sources through one application, making the process quicker, easier, and more productive. Learn more about the CFA here.

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