Saturday, June 1, 2024

The New York City Charter Revision Commission - NOTICE OF PUBLIC INPUT SESSION


CRC Logo 3

Queens Public Input Session




Wednesday, June 5, 10:00 am

Queens Borough Hall

120-78 Queens Blvd, Kew Gardens, NY  11415


Virtual location:  Zoom meeting link will be posted at on Monday June 3.




The New York City Charter Revision Commission (“CRC”) will host a Public Input Session in Queens on structural changes to the New York City Charter. 


What is this Public Input Session about?

The New York City Charter (“Charter”) provides the structure of city government and key powers of city elected officials and agencies. The CRC is empowered to review the entire Charter to ensure that city government works efficiently and remains responsive to all New Yorkers. The public is invited to testify about any matter of importance to city government.  You can find out more about the New York City Charter Revision by visiting us at our website:


Who can give input?

This meeting is open to the public, and the public will have the opportunity to testify before members of the Commission.  Any member of the public may testify for up to three (3) minutes. A group, organization, or institution wishing to testify shall select a single designated representative. New Yorkers from any of the five boroughs may testify. The CRC will attempt to accommodate everyone who wishes to speak at this hearing, but if time does not permit, the public is encouraged to utilize other opportunities to testify at subsequent public input sessions of the CRC or by submitting written testimony to note that the Input Session is for accepting oral testimony but is not held in a “Question and Answer” format.


Is there a deadline to submit written testimony?

The public may submit written testimony to instead of or in addition to testifying live at a hearing. Written testimony must be received by 5:00 pm on Friday, July 12.


When and where is the hearing?

Doors open to the public, and the Input Session may be accessed virtually via the Zoom link posted to, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, June 5 at the following location: 

Queens Borough Hall

120-78 Queens Blvd, Kew Gardens, NY  11415


What if I need assistance to observe or testify at the meeting?

American Sign Language and Spanish interpretation will be provided online and on-site. Please make language interpretation and/or other accessibility requests by 10:00 am on Tuesday, June 4 by emailing or by calling 212-748-0205 and leaving a voicemail. All requests will be accommodated to the extent possible.


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